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How fascist are you?

15 Dec 2019  #1

Since people on PF use this term not only as a slurr but also as an argument. It would be befencial if they would find out what facistm is all about first hand.

Nice quiz:
I'm 36% fascist. The other I dare you to take this test. No cheating please.

"Someone who sees value in some of the immediate societal changes that fascism would bring about, but *not* someone who is an actual fascist. Your ultimate political goal lies elsewhere."

Rich Mazur
15 Dec 2019  #2

The perfect fascist - a person who:
1. is against armed populace
2. is against free speech for those who oppose him
3. is for the government monopoly on information, banks, schools, guns, and all attributes of power
4. is loyal to his party ahead of his country
5. trusts and never questions the government
6. would like his party to be the only party
7. is for democracy until Item 6 is a reality. Then, he is not for democracy.
8. believes that his ends justify all means
9. demands blind obedience to his dogmas

15 Dec 2019  #3

You've just described our President to a T, congratulations!

Bratwurst Boy
15 Dec 2019  #4

After this test I believe most people would be partly fascist....

15 Dec 2019  #5

hmmm what is your score BB?

Bratwurst Boy
15 Dec 2019  #6

I would rather not tell...

15 Dec 2019  #7


Removed - for obvious reasons. Took the personality test - ENFP.

Bratwurst Boy
15 Dec 2019  #8


15 Dec 2019  #9

I would rather not tell...

chicken! it was 60% fascist wasn't it? lol

Took the personality test -

I can tell you without that test - a grump.

Removed - for obvious reasons.

sure, we all know you are 99% fascist in your views, no surprised there.

Rich Mazur
15 Dec 2019  #10

I took that test. It's just stupid.

Fascism is a totalitarian system - just like communism. The first step is to disarm the citizens. The second - stifle them. Third - setting the objectives all must support and sacrifice for. Forth - punish the disobedient.

None of that was present in those idiotic questions.

15 Dec 2019  #11

It's just stupid.

No, it is not.
1. Nowadays people are being called fascists for saying obvious things. So it allows to establish same kind of groundwork ridiculing indirectly those slurs.
2. Any System, totalitarian or not is based/ build on ideas. So it let you know how your views and ideas corresponds with the real historical fascist ideology.

Nothing stupid about it. Nobody is a monolith or just a one thing but a mix of various ideas and opinions.
3. It is only a quiz. Only douche backs who take themselves too seriously are offended.

Rich Mazur
16 Dec 2019  #12

BS. I am not offended but I do take fascists and other such thugs seriously. This is how we got WW2.

It took me only 10 minutes to Post #2 which is by far better as a test of fascistic tendencies and inclinations. The author of the other test was all over the floor and missed the four critical elements I included in Post #10.

Compared to him or her, I am a genius because my test is simple yes-no type, to the point, non-verbose, and can be done in less than a minute.

16 Dec 2019  #13

Nice quiz:

Not found

Rich Mazur
16 Dec 2019  #14

It's there. Once you see "Not Found", click "Tests", and scroll down until you see "Fascism Test" in the 7th row.

That test was designed by a leftist "progressive". How do I know that? I know because the "progressives" are fascists in disguise. To impose their sick utopian ideas against the will of the masses, they need them disarmed. That is why all the American "Democrats", to the last man and woman, are against guns and for the government goons to have gun monopoly.

To shut the masses up and to deny them access to the information needed to organize, the "progressive" fascists want monopoly on "free speech" and that is why they scream and disrupt the opposition presentations at universities and will not debate "global warming" scam, for example.

To assert their control, the modern-day fascists invented "hate speech". The Western Europe countries bought in and happily implemented the laws necessary to punish those who didn't get the memo.

That is why the author of that idiotic test, as a progressive fascist himself, didn't touch anything that has to do with the 1st and 2nd Amendments - free speech and civilian guns.

16 Dec 2019  #15

The first step is to disarm the citizens

1st step: find a common enemy (Jews, Mexicans, Democrats, liberals, globalists) and invent some conspiracy theories
2nd step: get your own propaganda outlets (FOX News, Breitbart et al) and discredit all other news sources
3rd step: undermine the executive (fill courts with your own cronies, control the Department of Justice with your own sycophant)
4th step: begin threatening political opponents with violence (Bikers for Trump, the military is behind me, far right militias)
5th step: start a war
6th step: claim that the elections are rigged (coming to a town near you in 2020)
7th step: create a dynasty like in North Korea (Don Jr., Ivanka) and rule for decades

That's how it works. Right out of the playbook of Adolf.

16 Dec 2019  #16

Once you see "Not Found", click "Tests", and scroll down until you see "Fascism Test" in the 7th row.

Didn't work but I used the search function. 37% fascist.

3. It is only a quiz. Only douche backs who take themselves too seriously are offended.

I agree with you here. It's just a bit of harmless fun.

Rich Mazur
16 Dec 2019  #17

Fascists are a lot more harmful than rapists and child molesters. A rapist test would not be harmless fun or would it?

16 Dec 2019  #18

That's right, TheOther!
But how can people learn from history when they've never studied it in the first place?

Bratwurst Boy
16 Dec 2019  #19

But how

Because many people see it as something coming from the right only?

All communist countries worked similiar (, besides...when people say Adolf = Fascist they tend to ignore that he was mainly a national SOCIALIST, with alot stuff in his program which would make even modern lefties smile and nod.

So there are alot of misunderstandings in that "history" and many don't know WHAT lesson to learn exactly in the first place.

1st step: find a common enemy (jewish banker, firm owners, exploiters, everybody not poor) and invent some conspiracy theories
2nd step: get your own propaganda outlets (Pravda, Neues Deutschland et al) and discredit all other news sources
3rd step: undermine the executive
4th step: begin threatening political opponents with violence
5th step: claim that the elections are rigged
6th step: start a civil war (to kill and jail opponents)
7th step: create a dynasty (or the next best party leader)

16 Dec 2019  #20

Once again, we're describing Donald Trump to a T!!
Why do difficult for the Right to admit?

Bratwurst Boy
16 Dec 2019  #21

Trump promises to take it from the rich and empower the poor masses? Really? ;)

16 Dec 2019  #22

Because you have it backwards. It perfectly describes the Dem/Socislists and the fake news media.

Rich Mazur
16 Dec 2019  #23

The mental primates here still push this nonsense that communists are the extreme left and the conservatives together with the fascists are far right. That mental disorder has no cure.

16 Dec 2019  #24

Depends on which side of the fence you happen to be sitting, Joker.

16 Dec 2019  #25

Adolf = Fascist they tend to ignore that he was mainly a national SOCIALIST,

Hitler was certainly not socialist, he even purged his party in 1934 from those who saw the "socialist" in Nationalsocialist as more than a marketing tool. Hitler was just smart enough to understand that he could gain the loyalty of low-class Germans with some social benefit programs. By the same logic, Bismarck was a socialist too.

Hitler never cared about social policies. All he wanted was to get the Germans and the economy ready for war. For that he let the government interfere into the market to make it more appealing for the wealthy buisnessmen who supported him to invest into rearming programs, but otherwise he let them conduct their own buisness.

16 Dec 2019  #26

Although Bismarck was a true socialist, as his widely imitated, if statistically/mathematically flawed, Social Security clearly indicates! He also
was an advocate of trade unions.
To be sure, Hitler certainly was no "fan" of The Iron Chancellor, save for purely iconic PR value ("Iron Makes a Nation Strong, Butter
Makes the People Fat" - Field Marshall GoeringLOL), and from my studies of history, he was definitely priming Germany up for a
war-time economy.

Bismarck was also light years more clever than Hitler:-)

16 Dec 2019  #27

Hitler was certainly not socialist

I think he was.
He married Socialism of the day with Nationalism.

BB, I think you are on target.

Bratwurst Boy
16 Dec 2019  #28

Hitler was just smart enough to understand that he could gain the loyalty of low-class Germans with some social benefit programs.

And that marketing tool is still used today...*cough SPD/LINKE cough*

He married Socialism of the day with Nationalism.

I think that policy is making it's comeback...

Bismarck was also light years more clever than Hitler:-)

Another Bismarck fanboy! :)

Bratwurst Boy
16 Dec 2019  #29

Just some infos about how social Hitlers nationalist Reich was....I think one of the reasons why most Germans had been so loyal till the end...


....The NSV operated 8,000 day-nurseries by 1939 and funded holiday homes for mothers, distributed additional food for large families and was involved with a wide variety of other facilities.[7]

One of the NSV's premier activities was the Winter Relief of the German People, which coordinated an annual drive to collect charity for the poor under the slogan: "None shall starve or freeze". These social welfare programs represented a Hitlerian endeavor to lift the community above the individual while promoting the wellbeing of all bona fide citizens. As Hitler told a reporter in 1934, he was determined to give Germans "the highest possible standard of living".[11] ....

16 Dec 2019  #30

And that marketing tool is still used today...*cough SPD/LINKE cough*

Yes, but those are actually socialist in their goals. Particulary the Left party wants to change the society profoundly according to socialist ideology. Hitler never believed e.g. that the rich should lose their wealth. He only wanted to placate both the poor and the rich in order to get Germany ready for war. He publically condemned communism and painted himself as the man who could protect Europe against Bolshevik Communism. He in fact was perfectly happy to let rich industrialists run the economy as long as they delivered what he wanted and only interfered when he deemed it necessary.

Hitler was many things. But certainly not a socialist.

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