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Joke of the Day

14 Jan 2024  #1

Let's have a few laughs:) I'll start.

Have you ever tried googling 'lost medieval servant boy' - you'll get 'this page not found'.

14 Jan 2024  #2

Ooooh, corny.

Did you hear about the guy who said to his wife, "Grab your coat I'm going to the pub."

She asks, "Oh, are you taking me with you?"

"No, I'm turning the heating off......."

14 Jan 2024  #3

this page not found

No wonder, there was no internet in the Middle Ages.

14 Jan 2024  #4

My mother-in-law fell down a wishing well yesterday.

I was amazed, I never knew they worked.

14 Jan 2024  #5


Why don't vampires bet on horses?

They can't handle the stakes.

14 Jan 2024  #6

Let's have a few laughs:)...'lost medieval servant boy'

A misandrist joke about a missing little boy.

That's hardly a laughing matter in any era and for any reason.

Did you base your "joke" on the documented tragedy of Simon of Trent?


Would you like to share some jokes about the convicted perpetrators or do they get a free pass?

14 Jan 2024  #7

I went to the zoo the other day, there was only one dog in it, it was a shitzu.

14 Jan 2024  #8

That's hardly a laughing matter in any era and for any reason.

Lighten up man, it was only a joke.

Today I asked my dog, what is two minus two... he said nothing.

14 Jan 2024  #9

Today I asked my dog,


You reminded me of this one.

I found a penguin and reported it to the police. One officer told me to take it to the zoo. So I did.
However, on the next day , the same officer saw me walking with the penguin. He asked: Didn`t I tell you to take it to the zoo?? I replied: Of course, Sir, and I did! Now we are going to the cinema!!

hahahaha buihahahaha
ja piedrole ale kawał hihihihihihi

14 Jan 2024  #10

14 Jan 2024  #11

Polo, you are lying with that mem. In Poland, allspice is called English herb.

14 Jan 2024  #12

14 Jan 2024  #13

Yaaawn. Stupid joke. Try harder.

14 Jan 2024  #14

14 Jan 2024  #15

Yaaawn. You are putting me to sleep with those stupid memes.
Goodnight, everybody.

14 Jan 2024  #16

johnny reb
15 Jan 2024  #17

I don't care how nice the hand soap smells, you should never come out of the restroom smelling your finger.

15 Jan 2024  #18

@ Poloniusz, what is 'St Patty's Day' ??

What sort of a name is Sean, never heard of it in Ireland. You need to be initiated into the mysteries of the 'sineadh fada'. The name is Seán.

15 Jan 2024  #19

What do incels and Excel have in common?

Both incorrectly assume things are dates.

15 Jan 2024  #20

How do you know if you're at a gay barbecue?

The hotdogs taste like $hit!

15 Jan 2024  #21


15 Jan 2024  #22


I thought everyone wore hot dogs in the front at waist level.

15 Jan 2024  #23

hot dogs in the front at waist level

Some of us would need a kielbasa Krakowska hanging at the front for it to be an accurate representation.

15 Jan 2024  #24

Well, while capitalism is screwing the working class, the government is sound asleep, the people are being ignored and the future is in deep sh1t".

Nothing new in the West.

johnny reb
15 Jan 2024  #25

No copy paste.


15 Jan 2024  #26

"They're Carols

They're Carol's🤫

15 Jan 2024  #27

About a month before he died, my uncle had his back covered in lard. After that, he went downhill fast.

15 Jan 2024  #28


Russian joke:

A policeman is walking past a playground, and notices a little girl sitting in a sandbox and making some kind of figurine out of sh*t.

He approaches her and starts to question her:

- Little girl, what are you doing?
- Why, I'm making a figure of a policeman!
- Why are you using sh*t? Why don't you use something else?

Confused, the girl gets up and leaves. The policeman carries on with the rest of his day. A week later he sees the same girl sitting in a sandbox, and making a figurine out of sand.

- Little girl, what are you making?
- Why, I'm working on a figure of a fireman!
- And why not use sh*t instead of sand?
- If I use sh*t it will be a policeman.

15 Jan 2024  #29

Why do policemen in Poland go around in threes?

One to read, one to write, and one to watch the two intellectuals...

15 Jan 2024  #30

Faggot and maggot walk into the bar...

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