War is war you and your retarded brother Crow are really the two dumbest people here. No one GAF about your support of Russia. Both of you are traitors to democracy. Neither of you deserve to live in the society you live in.
Dead babies, and dead civilian parents. Raped women, little girls, and little boys. Mass graves, attempts to cover up crimes. Conscription of non educated, non trained mongoloids. Conscription of Ukraine's against their will to fight against their own country. Mass deportation of Ukraine people to Russia against their will.
Russia is no better than the Nazi's. They use similar tactics. The only thing missing is camps, and for all we know they have those in Russia. The lowest of the low only attract those who are just as low. Scum. Maybe you should place a big Z on your car window and see how the world responds to you.
I read everything here to gain an understanding of how people think. To get information even from some of the least intelligent in the world is still valuable to help form my opinions. As for an election, like Putin, I don't need one.
You feel insulted? Imagine how your stupidity insults those of us who actually appreciate democracy. You are insulting to every American simply by existing in the country and being a traitor. You insult every Pole by breathing and supporting Russia who oppressed Poland for decades.
So, when can your neighbors expect to see a big Z on your car window?