Russians ARE trying to kill as many people as possible.
But are failing.
Now it's my turn to tell you that sometimes I'm bewildered by how thick you can be.
Here, I'll do your job for you:
1) Russians are evil, and specifically target civilians. However, in the 8 decades that passed since WW2, weapons have become more precise - even in Mordor. Therefore, Kania, you will never see civilian casualties on the scale of WW2 because less munitions are used, and of a smaller caliber.
2) Alternatively... though they possess the means, the Russians are simply too primitive in their Asiatische Ubermenschen brain to properly organize and structure an effective killing process.
If someone argues against, and says, "But Milo! They killed 27,000 Poles quietly in the night" - you tell them:
A) This is during times of Soviet Union when they had Jews and Georgians helping them run things. In modern day Orc land such efficiency would be impossible.
B) They are still using maps of Kharkov published in 1969. Hahahaha stupid Orcs. If only they had access to modern maps they could have killed as many people as they planned, but too bad - stupid orcs.
This is the way brother. This is full send. Full autism.
You're welcome.