Yes, foolish perhaps...
You know what's really foolish? The really foolish thing is that, even on this board, otherwise perfectly normal people - from every walk of life really - are willing to hate each other, slander and dehumanise each other and eventually even go and kill each other because rich c*nts who rule this world and those who are pulling their strings decided that it's time for another war, to boost their business or hidden agendas, that they can watch from afar in the safety of their superyachts with golden bidets.
And it's really foolish that people are willing to swallow all those lies and watch thousands of their fellow countrymen die, just for the same crooks to be able to keep stealing from them and sh*tting into their golden toilet bowls.
One rule should be introduced worldwide: if there is a war, only the richest 1-2% of the belligerent countries' population can be drafted into the army and fight on the frontlines. I bet we would then witness an era of universal peace between nations.
Of course, the same is true in Russia.
Yes, Poles were always the villains in popular Russian imagination. With current propaganda your people must think that we're some sort of Russian-eating cannibals.
how well it is tailored to people's experience and subsurface fears.