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Poland`s aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 7

7 Aug 2023  #31

Mr Mychajło Podolak, president Zelensky's advisor: "Ukraine will consider Poland to be a close friend until the end of the war, then there will be rivalry between the two countries"...


... thank you very much for your honesty, Mr Podolak, but taking into account Ukraine's actions regarding grain exports or poultry ban, I'd say the rivalry has already started. What I like best in Podolak's statement is the lightly veiled suggestion that Ukraine won't consider Poland to be a close friend after the end of the war. I wish all the best to the idiots who say that "it is not the good time to press Ukraine for exhumations now, we'll talk about it after the war". :)

Or maybe Podolak meant the rivalry for "Zakerzons'kyi krai"...




I think that maybe (just maybe) there is a distant possibility that the Russian "Mongols" were right again: we gave Ukrainians our hearts, weapons, money, social benefits etc. and they will give us a knife in our backs in return. That would be sooooo surprising, so amazingly and staggeringly unexpected. :):):)

7 Aug 2023  #32

Ukraine will consider Poland to be a close friend until the end of the war, then there will be rivalry between the two countries

I'm sure this idiot had imagined that this is a completely innocent thing to say. Ukrainian politicians, have a very primitive view of how things work around the world. It also doesn't help, that the West confirmed many of their misguided assumptions about how things work, without the Ukrainians really being any wiser to the fact that this was nothing more than a happy coincidence.

Comedians, producers, small-time businessmen, and family friends - most of whom never spoke a word of Ukrainian in their life - now are teaching us about the nuances of geopolitics, and that Russland delenda est.

I'm so happy that 2022 - the year of Zelensky as Churchill is finally over.

7 Aug 2023  #33

Alex in one part of the beautiful city St. Petersburg 😎


F16 english problem. Russian economy, biggest in Europe. Oil tanker drone strike in Black Sea.

7 Aug 2023  #34

Russland delenda est

Now, you just gave some people here a nice idea for a t-shirt slogan. :)

Coming back to our Ukrainian ultrafriends and superneighbours:

When the war ends, you might want to take a trip - organised by Lwiv authorities - to "ethnically Ukrainian lands, currently belonging to Poland"...


Meanwhile, you can join a lovely Facebook group "Zakerzonia - it is Ukrainian land"...


the nuances of geopolitics

I was taught at school, but it was a long time ago and the teacher was an elderly man so maybe what he taught is no longer valid, that in geopolitics it is usually a good idea to be friendly with countries that don't have any territorial claims on you and not so friendly with those who do. We all liked the professor. He had this aura of wisdom about him. But apparently his teachings are outdated these days.

7 Aug 2023  #35


7 Aug 2023  #36

Kagan-Nuland: Total War

to the last Neo-Nazi


7 Aug 2023  #37

Ukrainian politicians, have a very primitive view of how things work around the world.

Zbigniew Parafianowicz (a journalist, politologist and writer) said that "Ukrainians are a turbonation that conducts foreign turbopolitics in which there is no place for any sentiments, debts of gratitude or moral obligations". This is a very accurrate observation.

However, if today Ukrainians think that they can conduct ruthless politics towards Poland, then I wonder what will happen after the war, when they will bask in the glory of "Russia slayers" and America starts pumping Marshall-Plan level funds into them. :-/

7 Aug 2023  #38



7 Aug 2023  #39

then there will be rivalry between the two countries"...

Bad translation.... (not sure what he said in Ukrainian but the Polish translation 'konkurencja' is better translated as 'competition'....

Germany and France are simultaneously allies and competitors (or even rivals if you want).

Britain and the UK are simultaneously allies and rivals.....

But go ahead, keep trusting russians .... look how well that worked out for Germany!

7 Aug 2023  #40

Now, the level of kurewstwo in some circles is worryingly increasing...


... Polish Press Agency (PAP) impudently altered the relation of Wola Massacre survivor whose child was shot by a Ukrainian, Wanda Lurie, changing "Ukrainians" to "Germans" and "Ukrainian" to "torturer/assasin".

This is nothing short of falsification of history.

'konkurencja' is better translated as 'competition'

Perhaps. However, what Parafianowicz said (see no.38) remains true and Ukraine's recent diplomatic actions and attitude towards the exhumation of Volyn victims only confirm this. I would like to be wrong about this but when you connect the dots, the picture we get is not a nice one.

Pawian's thread about apologising to Ukrainians first was very useful to me - it did two things: stabbed me in the heart and opened my eyes.

7 Aug 2023  #41

However, if today Ukrainians think that they can conduct ruthless politics towards Poland

Of course they think they can.

Zelensky said "Macron has something wrong with his head, if he thinks it's important 'not to humiliate Russia'".

At the NATO summit in Vilnius he called Germany and America's hesitance to provide Ukraine with a path to NATO as "disgusting and absurd".

When Ben Wallace, British Minister of Defense, decided to show a little bit of irritation with Zelensky, he said the following: "Whether we like it or not, people want to see a bit of gratitude." Zelensky promptly reacted with this: "I just do not know what he means, how else we are supposed to express our gratitude. He can text me to explain it... We can wake up every morning and personally thank the minister."

So just because Poland is many times wealthier than Ukraine, and plays a much more important role in pretty much anything that matters, doesn't mean Ukraine has to respect you. They twist the arms of superpowers, not just Poland. Ukraine eats Poland-sized snacks for breakfast. It really is a turbo nation.

I just hope they don't find themselves in some uncomfortable situation at some point, due to insufficient tact in dealing with people. But so far - everything is working perfectly for them - and it's the rest of us that look like idiots.

7 Aug 2023  #42

But so far - everything is working perfectly for them - and it's the rest of us that look like idiots.

How I would like to have a time machine, or at least a future-viewing device or something, to fast-forward three years or so and see how it all ends. :-/

7 Aug 2023  #43

see how it all ends

If America views Ukraine as a convenient proxy to bludgeon Russia with - then one could argue it doesn't matter how outrageously they behave themselves. If America was helping Ukraine out of the pure altruism of its heart, perhaps it would have been offended by this point by a lack of appreciation. So then there must be some other calculus, which Zelensky's retarded behavior cannot affect.

In general, Western people are very nice people, and typically with pretty short attention spans. As soon as they grasp some narrative which makes sense to them, they sink their teeth into it and run with it. In this case: Ukraine as innocent victim of barbarous aggression, with a leader at its helm that reminds us of our own George Washington.

7 Aug 2023  #44

If America views Ukraine as a convenient proxy to bludgeon Russia with

After russia's colossal own goal of deciding to invade.... I'd say it's more a matter of convenience than some grand plan.

Had russia not invaded then a lot of things would be different now... but it did and almost all russians strongly support the idea of killing all/most/very many Ukrainians so russia sewed the wind and is reaping a whirlwind... only has its own self to blame but since russians don't understand ideas like 'responsibility' they'll just cry about being victims... boo hoo, b(tches

7 Aug 2023  #45


... Polish Press Agency (PAP) impudently altered the relation of Wola Massacre survivor whose child was shot by a Ukrainian, Wanda Lurie, changing "Ukrainians" to "Germans" and "Ukrainian" to "torturer/assasin".

It looks like this is fake news. I've found this article:


...and what Wanda Lurie said wasn't altered in that PAP article:

"I was begging the Ukrainians who were surrounding us to save the children and me."

"At one point the Ukrainian who was standing behind us shot my older son in the back of the head"

7 Aug 2023  #46

Zelensky on Endless Billions in Aid: "Nothing is Enough"


Jew Overload in the Ukraine: Jew Overlord "Changes Date of Christmas" as Revenge Against Russia



7 Aug 2023  #47

... thank you very much for your honesty, Mr Podolak

Your translation is sh*t. Even RT correctly said it was competitors, just like France and Germany as Maf correctly stated.

to "ethnically Ukrainian lands, currently belonging to Poland"...

Once again your translation is sh*t, I ran it through two of the popular translaters and the correct phrase is "ethnic Ukrainian lands that now belong to Poland", but that is from the polish article, we need the original ukranian source of the tour to judge. I've been offered to go on a tour of Polish sites in western ukraine, ie polish land.

to "join a lovely Facebook group "Zakerzonia - it is Ukrainian land"..."...

Hopefully there are no Ukrainians as dumb as you that look at fb groups that talk about western Ukraine being Polish land and shout "look at those bastard poles, I told you, you can't trust them!

7 Aug 2023  #48


Thanks. Apparently the PAP link is fake news (the worst kind of fake news - very plausible :-/).

Your translation is sh*t

Competitors - rivals, ethnically-ethnic, currently belonging - that now belong; nitpicking much?

It doesn't change the overall tone and attitude of our "turbo friends" one bit.

7 Aug 2023  #49


invade their infinitely poorer neighbor of Yemen,

The situation in Yemen is more complicated than that. Besides acting against SA would mean siding with Iran, not to mention that the actual odds of success are dubious at best.

The Russian invasion has provided the West to make an actual difference for good in the world. Rarely has the moral dimension been so clear-cut, everybody knows who the villains are. Even the political leaders reflect this. On the one side you have a younger, more energetic Churchill-like figure, with his adversary being a bloated autocrat who is too scared to his bunker.

7 Aug 2023  #50

It doesn't change the overall tone and attitude of our "turbo friends" one bit.

So no different to Israel then?, seems like a successful strategy, maybe we should be more like Ukraine and turbo up a bit.

In fact since our foreign minister said we only help Ukraine when it's in our national interest to do so, we are a "turbo nation" as well. Don't see any romantic sentimentality or 'best friends' in that statement.

Anyway, let me post some of the vibe the Ukrainian Community of Queensland has been posting, it might chill you out a bit. (like popping two Valiums)

Celebrations of Pan-Slavism also detract from the reality of modern nations, which are multi-ethnic and multicultural. Ukraine does not only consist of "ethnic Ukrainians" but also Crimean Tatars, Hebrews, and dozens of other Slavic and non-Slavic cultural identities.

The Ukrainian ethnic groups also exist in lands that historically were considered Ukraine, such as Lemkos in eastern Poland, and Kuban Cossacks in Russia. In this regard, Ukraine has no designs on the reincorporation of these territories or populations.


7 Aug 2023  #51

Ukraine has no designs on the reincorporation of these territories or populations.

Oh, they're too kind. :D

However, if you like to nitpick linguistically, then you might want to point out to them that for a country to "REincorporate" an area would mean that it had to be incorporated into it first some time before. Perhaps they would like to explain when "Peremyshel" or "Cholm" were a part of a Ukrainian state?

7 Aug 2023  #52

when "Peremyshel" or "Cholm" were a part of a Ukrainian state?

... it just occurred to me: seeing as Ukrainians are a turbo nation, they probably have some turbo definition of "ethnic Ukrainian lands". That would explain it. :D

7 Aug 2023  #53

Rarely has the moral dimension been so clear-cut, everybody knows who the villains are.

It's the greedy, the naive, and the Western mindless bootlickers.

The number one villain is the US and its MIC. If the US minded its own fu*cking business that war would never be or would end in weeks.

Russia is in it because it sees NATO as an existential threat. You can stand on your stupid Western head and nothing will change that perception. Killing to survive is moral.

Killing for a principle - real or a lie like "democracy" - is criminal. The real war criminals are all West of Ukraine. They kill and help kill with nothing at stake other than feeling noble for a moment. That's worse than what Nazi Germany did way back.

cms neuf
7 Aug 2023  #54

Udmurtia is in it to steal fridges - nothing to do with NATO. Most of the big eared farm boys you sent to the front have never even heard of NATO

7 Aug 2023  #55

Russia is in it because it sees NATO as an existential threat

Sure, losing its best army units without even scratching NATO borders seems like a great goal. And when NATO politely told Russia to go eat a bag of dicks, Russia chimped out and invaded an unaligned state.

NATO could not hope for a better advertisement.

The only reason why we have war is: Russia invaded.

No amount of sophistry will change this fact.

7 Aug 2023  #56

Interesting vid by Peter Zeihan.....

takeaways: Ukraine has gotten much better and sophisticated at making naval drones (roughly a motorboat loaded with explosives) and have hit not only the bridge but even Novorossijsk (a warship and an oil tanker used to supply russian misadventures in Syria).

He's clearly skeptical that they can get the drones from Odesa to Novorossijsk on their own and thinks they're getting help.... quite possibly from Turkey which sees a chance to do away with russia as a black sea power....

It's very bad for russia and their might be a bit of escalation on the Black Sea leading to a shutdown of commercial traffic there....


7 Aug 2023  #57


Russia is in it because it sees NATO as an existential threat

Which is why Russia went ahead with invading Ukraine even after the West took any prospect of NATO membership off the table and continues to ruin its' own armies fighting a Non-NATO enemy.


possibly from Turkey

Makes sense. Who has not tried to take advantage of Russia's folly? Azerbaijan, China, Kazakhstan, probably more and that is just the non-Western list.

7 Aug 2023  #58

invaded an unaligned state.

... to prevent it from becoming aligned and NATO from taking over the Sevastopol base.

What Zhole and Merkel said clearly doesn't matter to you because it ruins the story you tell your kids at bedtime. Right?

My advice: read C3's posts before dumping more Polish idiocies in this thread. My guess: You don't read what he posts to keep your naive, Civics 101 brain virgin and pure.

even after the West took any prospect of NATO membership off the table

There are better ways to insult me than with this kind of garbage. At least it is consistent with the views of a typical Western bootlicker.

My suggestion: talk to Z or Merkel. You will be amazed how much wiser you will be in no time...

7 Aug 2023  #59

You don't read what he posts

cause he repeatedly posts crap from a literal nazi (not make-belive-russians-call-it-nazi) sight... daily stormer

prevent it from becoming aligned and NATO from taking over the Sevastopol base.

how's that working out for ya? russia has already moved almost all its ships from Sevastopol because of waterborne drone attacks....

and nato is bigger and more united than at any time in the last 33 years and will probably get bigger soon (w/ Sverige) so....... not such a great idear

7 Aug 2023  #60

... to prevent it from becoming aligned and NATO from taking over the Sevastopol base.

Now you're being dumb on purpose. NATO reached Russia's doorstep in 1999/2004. 20 years passed and somehow the Alliance did not invade Russia. So cut the bullshit about pre-emptive wars, it's embarassing.

"I want to invade you" is a very different statement than "I will not let you get away with invading others". The latter is what deterrence means. You also get a war when one side becomes overconfident, aggressive and tries to impose its will to the extent that is unacceptable for the weaker side - the demands are simply beyond any acceptable compromise. Russia has a long tradition of such wars - waged against Finland or Ukraine. Which could have been avoided if Russia acknowledged the sovereignty of other countries and their security concerns.

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