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Poland`s aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 10

22 Mar 2024  #61

Udmurtians and Chinese vetoed a Gaza ceasefire demand at the UN

You failed to mention that the US vetoed the previous three ceasefire resolutions, which we supported.

Today, America claims our veto was a "transparent attempt to isolate the United States".

The truth is, you baked a bunch of things we cannot agree with, into your ceasefire resolution.

cms neuf
22 Mar 2024  #62

How exactly are the Udmurtians going to "roll into Kiev" ?

Their own country is on fire - refineries, border incursions, terrorism right in Moscow.

22 Mar 2024  #63

You failed to mention that the US vetoed the previous three ceasefire resolutions,

Polish Russia-hating azholes never do any such things...
I am so proud not to be one of them...from the start...without hesitation...

Hey, keyboard azholes, do you remember me, "the surrender boy"? That was a million dead men earlier...FU!

22 Mar 2024  #64

do you remember me, "the surrender boy"?

I remember.

It's been 800 days since.

Now everybody feels quite a bit different.

22 Mar 2024  #65

Now everybody feels quite a bit different.

Not good enough. I want them to STFU.

22 Mar 2024  #66

I want them to STFU.

The least you can ask, really, of a person who cheered on a conflict which has to-date claimed almost a million people, dead and maimed.

Not just any million, but a million of the best people.

22 Mar 2024  #67

Preliminary, one of the suspects in the terrorist attack in Krasnogorsk detained.

22 Mar 2024  #68

Wonderful news.

22 Mar 2024  #69

Preliminary, one of the suspects in the terrorist attack

Putin had this attack organised by his services. Just like decades ago during Chechen wars. It wasn`t the question if but when such an attack will be conducted.

Those terrorists are some crazy Russian extremists who, e.g, hate LGBT and other minorities. During the trial, they will admit they did it on Ukraine`s orders. Simple.

Putin needs it to make Russians believe full mobilisation is a must.

22 Mar 2024  #70

As local experts say, highly likely (tm), terrorists was chechens from "emirate ichkeria" that was stationed in ukraine, supplier of everything necessary was ukrainian GUR, and everything was orchestrated by MI6.

cms neuf
22 Mar 2024  #71

Right, James Bond himself was involved ? With a cigarette lighter that contained high explosives?

22 Mar 2024  #72

highly likely (tm), terrorists was chechens from "emirate ichkeria" that was stationed in ukraine, supplier of everything necessary was ukrainian GUR

Not out of the realm of the possible.

If these guys kill philosopher's daughters, and journalists, and experience orgasms from hitting apartment complexes in Donetsk - then this is not beneath them.

More reason to put Zelensky and Budanov in a jail cell, and not let them out until they get eaten by maggots.

22 Mar 2024  #73

everything was orchestrated by MI6.

Tusk is to blame as always. hahahaha

ukrainian GUR

Wow! Putin is fast! hahaha

22 Mar 2024  #74


Russian mothers and children getting gunned down in cold blood, while visiting a shopping mall, is of course "hahahaha".

I will remember this.

22 Mar 2024  #75

Right, James Bond himself was involved ?

No, he's not combat-ready yet. Complications after surgery to install prosthetic testicles that was torn off by Russian special forces during an excursion to the front line on the Ukrainian side.

22 Mar 2024  #76

@cms neuf
How will Russia roll into Kiev? Simple. They will breakthrough the current line of contact and roll in just like they were doing before the "peace talks" that Boris the coxucker put an end to. Remember, Ukraine did not keep Russia out, Russia backed out because peace talks were going to take place and that was a condition. So then Boris comes in and $hits all over the deal that was nearly done that would have seen Ukraine only lose Crimea. Now, Ukraine is going to lose much more.

How can so many people not see the obvious? It doesnt take more than ten minutes to digest where things are now and where they are heading. One breakthrough, and Russian generals are sitting in Kiev. Hey, anyone know where those million rounds of ammunition are that the EU promised?

22 Mar 2024  #77

I will remember this.

Primarily you should remember our motto: DFY and your stalinist grandpas, too. Ha!!!

They will breakthrough the current line of contact and roll in just like they were doing before

This prophecy is equally worthless as the one you made last year about Ukrainian offensive which would smash Russians. Why are you so unstable, moving from one extreme into another ???

Hey, anyone know where those million rounds of ammunition are that the EU promised?

Being slowly delivered right now. Why?

22 Mar 2024  #78


Probably supplier was short in money for fuel, and used gravity assist orbit around Mars to reach destinatiion. Slowly, but surely. Couple of years is nothing on a galactic time scale, didn't it.

cms neuf
22 Mar 2024  #79

Those Brits are certainly causing some chaos - Boris detonating the peace talks, MI6 setting fire to Moscow

In next weeks episode David Beckham and Elton John sabotage an Udmurtian spaceship

22 Mar 2024  #80

Primarily you should remember our motto: DFY and your stalinist grandpas, too. Ha!!!

I remember everything you say.

As they say in Kipling's book, "An elephant never forgets."

One day, inshallah, I will have a chance to remind you.

22 Mar 2024  #81

Russian mothers and children getting gunned down in cold blood, while visiting a shopping mall, is of course "hahahaha".

There was a lot of Russians cheering when Ukrainians got killed in Bucha for eg.

They cheered it, denied that it happened and blamed people for resisting or trying to move out at the same time. Surreal.

nd everything was orchestrated by MI6.

This terrorist attack gives no benefit for Ukraine. If the terrorist attack targeted the railroad network, refineries or anything more crucial to RU economy, this could be of UA's SBU meddling.

Can also be a independent actor. For example, if someone lost his family thanks to a RU attack and lost everything that he has, that person can have nothing to lose and wanna to inflict as much pain as possible against RU. TBH considering how much pain and suffering RU inflicted against its neighbors, I'm surprised that RU is not getting suicide truck bomb attacks in EVERY major refinery.

22 Mar 2024  #82

They cheered it, denied that it happened and blamed people for resisting or trying to move out at the same time. Surreal

Key word "denied".

Who will deny what happened tonight?

22 Mar 2024  #83

Putin had this attack organised by his services.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, the brutal attack on a concert hall near Moscow is a "deliberate provocation of Putin's special services." - This is how the Kremlin tyrant started his career, and he wants to end it with the same crimes against his own citizens - said intelligence representative Andriy Yusov. The White House also commented on the tragic shooting. "There is no indication at this time that Ukraine was involved," said John Kirby, spokesman for the US National Security Council.

22 Mar 2024  #84

I must go now, but just for history's sake...

When innocents were murdered by beasts in Moscow:

1) Pawian said "hahahaha"
2) Korvinus said "surreal"

22 Mar 2024  #85

Pawian said "hahahaha"

No, you stalinist liar, I didn`t say hahaha to comment on victims. I used it to comment on the stupid remark uttered by that other imperial RuSSian scum Velund:

supplier of everything necessary was ukrainian GUR,

All in all, both imperial Russian kurwas: Bobko and Velund, DFY!!!

22 Mar 2024  #86

All in all, both imperial Russian kurwas: Bobko and Velund, DFY!!!

The feeling is mutual, dearest baboon.

22 Mar 2024  #87

The feeling is mutual,

I hope so. :):):) If you liked me as you do Novi or other Russian ass lickers, I would feel really uneasy. To avoid that uneasiness, I prefer to call you suitable names now. hahahaha

22 Mar 2024  #88

and everything was orchestrated by MI6.

lol! Do you mean by James Bond? Thanks for laugh.
Putin has a history of staging such things for his own gain.

I am so proud

I do not give a F! You are such a mental case russian poison dude that nobody cares what you think and most wish you would just STFU. You are spam for me, nothing new or wise to learn.


I remember everything you say.

I still think that Russia should lost that war but seems to me that the US doesn't want to go that far and Ukrainians are not doing it right.

22 Mar 2024  #89

a person who cheered on a conflict

The only ones who have 'cheered on' the russian invasion of Ukraine are on russia's side.

Supporting those who defend against an unprovoked invasion is not 'cheering on' a conflict.

russia's got its own domestic problems maybe stop interfering in other countries.

22 Mar 2024  #90

US doesn't want to go that far and Ukrainians are not doing it right.

So sad, so very, very sad.

I will send flowers next week.

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