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Poland`s aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 10

cms neuf
23 Mar 2024  #181

Even though 87 percent of Udmurtians are loyal supporters, I think Putler might hesitate to let them have guns LOL

23 Mar 2024  #182

There would be also no benefit to Ukraine to organize such an attack

The benefit would be huge.
Terrorized people are scared and weak. Remember the Boston bombing? The city stopped moving for three days because two azholes killed five. "Boston brave..." my ass...

23 Mar 2024  #183

Terrorized people are scared and weak

The Ukrainians may have assisted, but I really doubt a US role in this.

Together, we represent the two countries most damaged by Islamists. We have the most experience in erasing them and their ilk.

Even France and the UK, are not as useful to the United States as Russia when it comes to counter terrorism.

It's a space where we have cooperated for 25 years plus.

23 Mar 2024  #184

Putin clearly threatened: They will pay!

Good line but useless, They are not afraid of anything - death included.
The only thing that works is the Gestapo model - currently tested in El Salvador. So far, the results are amazing.

23 Mar 2024  #185

russia supporters being very credible....

shot: some idiot posts a fake Ukrainian ID with the picture of an American comedian without a shirt and hundreds of pro-russian trolls repost it....

chaser: it had already been used over a year and a half ago about the Kerch bridge


23 Mar 2024  #186

Why Poland should aid Urainie if major western powers are doing not much else but selling stuff to Russia, this time using Kyrgyzstan as a middle country, Germans are pushing their stuff to anyone its pitful.

23 Mar 2024  #187

Why Poland should aid


western powers are doing not much else but selling stuff to Russia


23 Mar 2024  #188

The Ukrainians may have assisted, but I really doubt a US role in this.

I would like to believe this. Knowing Western duplicity, I have my doubts about it.
"Plausible deniability" was invented for just such occasions. My natural cynicism helps, too.

BTW, your 187 is beyond brilliant. That's all these azholes deserve.

23 Mar 2024  #189

Knowing Western duplicity, I have my doubts about it.

Burn us, when 100+ of our kids and women were killed, and never get help again when someone targets New York or Chicago.

Worth it?

Doubt it.

23 Mar 2024  #190

America is unhappy with them every single day, through their foolish actions.

They are desperate.

They could do something like this to stir trouble in Russia

I think that's very, very unlikely... That would turn not only the US society against Ukraine, but also other countries. And to what benefit? There were terrorist attacks in RuSSia before and what did they accomplish? Nothing... It makes no sense (unless for jihadists, I guess, but they're not right in the head...).

Btw, if Putin will claim Ukraine is responsible for this attack I don't think anyone sane will believe it... So I'm guessing that such propaganda ploy is going to be directed mainly at the RuSSian society. I wonder how many people would buy it there...

Terrorized people are scared and weak. Remember the Boston bombing? The city stopped moving for three days

We're talking about RuSSia here though lol Firstly, RuSSians are more scared of their own authorities and, secondly, terror attacks aren't anything new for RuSSia, especially for Moscow.

23 Mar 2024  #191



23 Mar 2024  #192

You give money for free. Through your governments. Through concerned people.

The people who sell to Russia - SELL. They feed their employees, they make profits, they live and put bread on the family table.

It's very hard to stop such people, or explain to them why they should stop.

Russians pay their bills. Russians don't ask for help.

23 Mar 2024  #193

and never get help again when someone targets New York or Chicago.

You FSB, to their credit and glory, warned our FBI about the Tsarnaev brothers.
So what did the FBI, a DEI agency, do? Instead of immediately deporting the scum, they "interviewed" them and happily closed the case. Then came another Boston Marathon...

23 Mar 2024  #194

Didn't expect this from you, Lena.

You should have.

Can you tell us why we should mourn those people if you are indifferent to your army killing Ukrainians?

I won't rejoice at what happened but I can understand people not being sad about it.

23 Mar 2024  #195

You FSB, to their credit and glory, warned our FBI about the Tsarnaev brothers

We did our best to avert the bombing. In the end, it's up to you to stop it.

I'm angry at my government that they could not protect our people, even after American spooks came to warn them.

23 Mar 2024  #196

were trying


Excuses, excuses. r*SSia is to blame for every death in the war they started. And they've been killing civilians pretty well daily for the last couple of years.

Next you'll be trying to pretend that they weren't behind the murder of Litvinienko or the Salisbury novichok poisonings.

Yesterday's attack in Moscow will doubtless be the first of many. All of them a convenient excuse for Putler to be even more repressive.

hundreds of pro-russian trolls repost it....

Whatever the r*SSians claim is almost certainly the opposite of the truth.

23 Mar 2024  #197

russian values in a nutshell from a survivor of the attack

"Cars did not stop on the Moscow Ring Road, no one was ready to give a lift to the crowd fleeing the terrorist attack"

"I was in line at Alexei's funeral, there was a policeman there for everyone, there wasn't a single law enforcement officer here."


even after American spooks came to warn them.

The rule is: Never try to help a narcissist, they will just hate you more.

putain publicly mocked the warning... anyone who believes his stories now is an idiot on purpose.

23 Mar 2024  #198

Next you'll be trying to pretend that they weren't behind the murder of Litvinienko or the Salisbury novichok poisonings.

Yes those were state sanctioned murders of traitors that thought they could live out the rest of their life in Mayfair.

And may yesterday's attack in a Moscow be the first of many.


Don't say things you will regret.

23 Mar 2024  #199

Don't invade Ukraine. It isn't yours.

Why are you even here? What is your connection to Poland?

23 Mar 2024  #200

Excuses, excuses. r*SSia is to blame for every death in the war they started.

Russia has a reason. Why do faggots kill civilians by passing AIDS? The problem is so bad that many states made passing AIDS a felony.

Don't invade Ukraine. It isn't yours.

CDL is Russia. The invading army is from Ukraine.
Look up "self-determination" if you have problems reading the Russian constitution.

23 Mar 2024  #201

Why are you even here? What is your connection to Poland?

I wrote about it many times. I love Poland. I came here long before the war.

Because of Adam Mickiewicz, and Barbara Brylska :)

23 Mar 2024  #202

United in pain in front of the Russian embassy: Belgraders expressed their condolences to the families...

As a sign of solidarity with the families of the victims and the citizens of Moscow, the citizens of Belgrade light candles, leave flowers and toys in front of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Serbia

23 Mar 2024  #203

Don't say things you will regret.

Don't make veiled threats.

At least there are now fewer r*SSians to kill people in Ukraine or either give comfort to or otherwise enable those who do.


You're obsessed.

I wrote about it many times. I love Poland

Bull sh1t.

23 Mar 2024  #204

United in pain in front of the Russian embassy

Another reason I will never be too hard on our resident Montenegrin.

He's a good person, with a good heart.

Bull sh1t.

Do you see the contents of my heart?

23 Mar 2024  #205

I wrote about it many times. I love Poland. I came here long before the war.

You are a better man. I came here because Poland and Poles pis*ed me off during my last visit. I didn't like them even before that. And that terrible language...God was not kind when he was designing Poles - all feelings, not logic or reason. See the Warsaw Uprising.

You're obsessed.

As obsessed as faggots are with spelling Russia the faggot way.

23 Mar 2024  #206

Do you see the contents of my heart?

No, because it is as empty as Medvedev's vodka glass.

23 Mar 2024  #207

I came here because Poland and Poles pis*ed me off during my last visit.

No, darling, you had joined the forum before your visit to Poland. You came here to hate minorities and immigrants. HA!!!

God was not kind when he was

She, darling. :):):)

23 Mar 2024  #208

God was not kind when he was designing Poles - all feelings, not logic or reason. See the Warsaw Uprising.

I understand your particular perspective.

At the same time, this is the reason I love Poles.

It may be more difficult to digest for a Pole, especially one that was born in and around those events. So I don't dare to correct you.

But they have this same animal bravery which us Russians and Ukrainians have.

Poles are tough motherf*ckers.

It doesn't hurt that they write well, and make good music.

Maybe all the orc haters are right - we only respect strength.

23 Mar 2024  #209

Don't get me wrong. I am capable of feelings, too.
I have my cringe list when men die for sh*it. Number 1 position - Americans. Number 2 - Russians. The rest I don't give a damn about.

In my dream, I am in Moscow with the US flag pin on my jacket. Some inner voice tells me it ain't gonna happen in my lifetime...

23 Mar 2024  #210

I am capable of feelings,

Yes, a feeling of hatred, primary capability of yours. hahahaha

Some inner voice tells me it ain't gonna happen in my lifetime...

Don`t worry. You will still go to Russia as a demon called Evil Dead! hahaha

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