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Coronavirus in Poland

28 Jul 2023  #10531

It's all about depopulation people

Classic Russian disinformation, they've had a major success with this conspiracy theory, it caught fire beyond their wildest dreams, let it go mate, it's not doing anybody any good apart from Putin.

johnny reb
28 Jul 2023  #10532

Classic Russian disinformation,

I didn't know that Bill Gates and his cronies were Russian.
Maybe you could supply us with some of your sources that state otherwise.

28 Jul 2023  #10533

I didn't know that Bill Gates and his cronies

More Russian disinformation...It's all a load of shite the whole lot

johnny reb
28 Jul 2023  #10534

Maybe you could supply us with some of your sources

Tick Tock

28 Jul 2023  #10535

It's all about depopulation people.

A few less yanks isn't necessarily a bad thing.

johnny reb
28 Jul 2023  #10536

Unfortunately it will be world wide again, only worse this time.
Last week on Friday, July 21, the biden administration quietly announced the creation of a new permanent office within the White House called the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, or OPPR.

biden has named a military man, retired Air Force Maj. General Paul Friedrichs, to head up the new office.
Why now ?
I thought Covid was over.
biden said months ago Covid was over, totally conquered.
Do you bootlickers pay any attention at all of what is going on around you ?

28 Jul 2023  #10537

This seems like one of the better moves from the Biden administration considering the devastating impact the coronavirus panic had on the economy.

As for proof of Russian interference I have none, but ask yourself who does it benefit most if vast swathes of the US population lose trust in their government? And also ask yourself what do you stand to gain if you are right in your assumptions?? Absolutely nothing. You are putting yourself in the position of somebody betting their life savings on the end of the world. So what's the point, it is a lose-lose position so why not get behind and support the US government instead?

28 Jul 2023  #10538

They often show up as some NGOs or nicely sounding organizations. What you don't know is what these scumbags are hiding under the rock.

There was a time when we had "investigative reporters". Long gone... Now we have establishment lapdogs who understand how the game is rigged. And grant scientists...Wrong conclusion = no new grant. Got it?

Covid was a very good example of it. The opposing views could only be found on YouTube and other "rightwing" outlets. MSM never had any debates where unapproved views could be presented. Like, why it was necessary to close schools. Or Ma and Pa stores but not Home Depot and Walmart. Or why we couldn't play tennis out in the open...Where was that science and data? Nowhere to be found and replaced by an edict from one a-hole who just happened to be governor.

Never forget that even in a "democracy", the top dog has a little Hitler ready to come out.

28 Jul 2023  #10539

Quoting WSJ:

Facebook Bowed to White House Pressure, Removed Covid Posts
Internal Meta emails say pressure from Washington was behind a decision to take down posts attributing pandemic to man-made virus

That's why I don't trust these bastards...

They didn't know if it was man-made or not but they knew that "man-made" would offend China. Can't do that...Fu*ck that it could be true...

28 Jul 2023  #10540

A few weeks ago I noticed a title of an online article :Coronavirus has gone. I didn`t read it.

johnny reb
28 Jul 2023  #10541

Classic Russian disinformation, they've had a major success with this conspiracy theory,

More Russian disinformation...

So I ask you for your source and your reply is:

As for proof of Russian interference I have none,

Which proves you are basing your frivolous claims on your personal opinion as being the truth of the matter. lol
Go away !

28 Jul 2023  #10542

The virus is gone but not the bastards who lied about it and wreaked havoc with the economy and human lives because they "had to do something".

johnny reb
28 Jul 2023  #10543

A few weeks ago I noticed a title of an online article :Coronavirus has gone. I didn`t read it.

That was biden who claimed that in one of his incoherent mumblings.
Ignore him please
Remember Trump saying, (two years ago) that Covid will go away as fast as it came ?

why not get behind and support the US government instead?

Because they are liars and almost killed me with Covid by holding back critical information about it from the very get go.
They lied to me about the vaccines.
They lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq to start a war.
They lied about N. Vietnam attacking the U.S.S.Maddox in the gulf of Tonkin in 1964 to start a war.
Thet paid to have the Covid virus developed that almost killed me.
Need I go on ?
The difference between you and I is that you are a young Brit bootlicker and haven't figured it out yet and I am an old Yank that has lived it, read the book, saw the movie and bought the T-shirt.

You are still young and naive to it all.
You'll catch on when they turn loose the next round of nasty to not only depopulate the U.S. but the world including you Brits.

The elites want the earth for themselves is my opinion. (DEPOPULATION !)


28 Jul 2023  #10544

human lives

Millions have died of covid. In Poland alone more than 100.000.
You were lucky you weren`t one of those victims. Did you thank the Lordess for allowing you to enjoy your stay here a little longer???

johnny reb
28 Jul 2023  #10545

Millions have died of covid. In Poland

And many more are still dying not only from Covid but from the vaccines that are suppose to prevent you from dying.
We haven't begun to see the long term effects from it all.

You were lucky you weren`t one of those victims.

No, I was blessed not to have died as I was very close to it.
The Lord obviously still has purpose for me here on earth.
What do you think the next C.I.A. pandemic will be/include ?

28 Jul 2023  #10546

Millions have died of covid. In Poland alone more than 100.000.

No. CDC estimated 6% died of covid. The rest died with covid.
As of today, 1800 kids 0-18 died with covid. So you can assume that only very few died of covid.

There was no need to close schools since 37,000 die annually for all causes.
Their natural immunity was known to the lock-them-up bastards but they did it anyway. And those idiotic masks that made mommy and everybody else look like monsters poor infants didn't know if they are smiling or frowning...

28 Jul 2023  #10547

CDC estimated 6% died of covid. The rest died with covid

I understand that these 6% are those who died of SARS - Covid. Others have died of other Covid-related illnesses. Covid increases blood clotting and can lead to sudden death, e.g. in sleep (like Adrian). For you it's a heart attack and for me it's Covid complications.

28 Jul 2023  #10548

Governments have this ability to pervert data when hospitals are reimbursed more when a person dies from covid vs natural causes or accidents.
It was almost like a bad joke...a guy falls off the ladder, they check for covid, find it, and, bingo, the guy died of covid, not because he fell head-first on a concrete sidewalk.

28 Jul 2023  #10549

My prediction: The ruling mob will not even try to bs us into another virus drama. We will need a good dose of common sense and a lot of Darwin.

29 Jul 2023  #10550

My prediction

My prediction: It was nothing, the next plague will surely come and kill 500 million or even 1 billion people.

Cargo pants
29 Jul 2023  #10551

bingo, the guy died of covid,

I know a person who had heart attack in czestochowa and died before getting to the hospital and the doctors found he was covid positive,so the reason was covid.The family I heard got some money for funeral expense.

29 Jul 2023  #10552

@Cargo pants
Heart attack this is a typical complication of Corona and also ev. corona vaccines. However, usually these people have coronary artery disease and Corona only accelerates it.

johnny reb
29 Jul 2023  #10553

usually these people have coronary artery disease and Corona only accelerates it.

How about blood clots in the lungs ?
Does the Covid vaccine accelerate that or cause that, Dr. Alien ?

29 Jul 2023  #10554

Does the Covid vaccine accelerate that or cause that, Dr. Alien ?

Dr. Alien read that yes, which is obvious, and it applies not only to pulmonary embolism but also to venous thrombosis, e.g. in the legs. But as I wrote, Corona does the same and even more. Viruses do exist and they are bigger aliens than me.

johnny reb
31 Jul 2023  #10555

Viruses do exist and they are bigger aliens than me.

You ain't whistling Dixie on that.
An illegal and secret Chinese COVID-19 biolab has been discovered in California.
The lab conducted experiments on 900 genetically engineered mice, specifically designed to contract and carry COVID-19.
Very disturbing.

johnny reb
1 Aug 2023  #10556

It just keeps getting better.
White House/US Surgeon General Pressured FB to Censor True Vaccine Harms


USA tried to steal German vaccine against Corona Virus [437]Merkels power crumbles rapidly [496]

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