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USA News and Poland - Part 7

1 Mar 2023  #121

and leftist

If we are so Leftist, how come all of your favorite candidates pick up 99.99% of their contributions within our zip codes?

1 Mar 2023  #122

No, you don't. They exist only in your mind or they had no choice.

Not my fault that you have extremely limited horizons. Btw, a lesbian can have a kid and a four bedroom house without the husband part.

Cargo pants
1 Mar 2023  #123

- New Jersey (Bergen County).

Most people in the city making 250 to 4/500k tend to move there to grow a family and save money,and can be in the city in 7 minutes,but its a shi.thole of a county just like a generic NYC.Very less move to CT because of distance.Driving from there is cpl of hrs and even from Bergen county will be an hr depending on the time..

extremely congested, expensive, and leftist.

Yes to all 3,but I found a benefit that I can be in your motherland in 8 hrs:)
@Homo#2 consider moving to Brighton Beach,you will feel at home

1 Mar 2023  #124

Even in so-called "straight" households, here in the US at any rate, the role of the man aka husband has become marginalized for years now!

Wonder whether that older movie "Mr. Mom" w/Michael Keaton from the '80's was popular in Poland:-)

1 Mar 2023  #125

the role of the man aka husband has become marginalized for years now!

That is why our US rightists are so pissed off when they talk about women. :):):) Women haters with a cause, sort of. :):):)

1 Mar 2023  #126

Well Pawian, people such as Trump, the Conservative Christian Right etc. basically hate women! They like 'em around to make meals, have sex etc., but services for women in the US are nearly non-existent, particularly in the middle of the country.

1 Mar 2023  #127

basically hate women! They like 'em around to make meals, have sex etc.

Your description fits johhny and his pack perfectly.

1 Mar 2023  #128

but services for women in the US are nearly non-existent, particularly in the middle of the country.

You clearly have never been to the interior and particularly the midwest then. Not every place is screwed up like NY, NJ and LA. Guess what they all have in common? Thats right! They are totally controlled by Black Leftard Democrats. But hey, you get what you vote for... Do you support Bidumb as well?

You've heard of BLM before.. It should really be named BLD

1 Mar 2023  #129

They are totally controlled by Black

It is called karma.

Cargo pants
1 Mar 2023  #130

It should really be named BLD

Some of my friends call it BLDM


1 Mar 2023  #131

Some of my friends call it BLDM

Your friends are very clever.

1 Mar 2023  #132

It is called karma.

F off!
You are a narrow minded bigot!

1 Mar 2023  #133

the role of the man aka husband has become marginalized for years now!

...aided and abetted by the woke media and their smart-wife-dumb-husband ads.
Also, things got a lot more complicated and beyond man's ability to fix. All he or she can do is "call the man" or buy a new gizmo.

The final straw: she makes more than he does. That's why women dislike marrying down.

1 Mar 2023  #134

how come all of your favorite candidates pick up 99.99% of their contributions within our zip codes?

The same reason why bank robbers rob banks...because that's where the money is.

2 Mar 2023  #135

In my wildest dreams I never thought that a Western "democracy" would ever make the USSR and now China look normal and reasonable. The American woke imbeciles make this happen every single day. Quoting:

EXCLUSIVE: New book reveals how Politico staff were warned the word MOTHER could be offensive and the reporter was told she needed 'sensitivity readers' in a row over transgender coverage

A transgender story in 2021 triggered an internal inquiry at the news website, Politico
Author Amber Athey writes reporter was threatened with 'sensitivity readers'
A new style guide encouraged staff to avoid the term 'pregnant women'

Hey, Vlad, come over here when you are done and we will make you president. We know how to create fake birth certificates.

2 Mar 2023  #136

Florida International University adopts radical DEI program that condemns the US as a system of 'white supremacy' while also separating students by race and trains them in 'violent' left-wing protests

Change "white supremacy" to "white superiority" and everything is cool and factually correct.

Also, no training is needed to be a left-wing protester. It goes like this...Pick up brick. Throw brick. Simple.

Or talk your enemies to death with woke bull***** and watch them run.

2 Mar 2023  #137

Moment Florida university student-athlete tells cops her coach told her 'go kill yourself' and called her 'fat' and 'retarded'... just a month before she committed suicide

If somebody drove to suicide, I would take him with me.

2 Mar 2023  #138

If somebody drove me...

johnny reb
2 Mar 2023  #139

Have you read the front page news today Novi,
Hunter Biden's Associate Comes Forward with Evidence of President biden's Ties to Chinese Energy Company
The biden crime family stands to make $Billions$
He will die of old age before they get to convict him.
biden makes Trump look like a Saint.

2 Mar 2023  #140

biden makes Trump look like a Saint.

You just gave the maggot his second heart attack. Not sure about PAK. He seems less insane.

The biden crime family stands to make $Billions$

That's just one case. When you lift a stone you see those disgusting things - crawling trying to hide. That's governments - cesspools of useless parasites, if not indictable criminals. Their objectives:

1. Get rich quickly buying today what they will vote on tomorrow
2. Get nice jobs for the family
3. Vote to get a nice job later
4. Pass laws that make 1 through 3 legal.

That's why of all the PF types the most disgusting are the Civics 101 bootlickers. The only mitigating factor: they are that way to pi*ss me off.

But I understand why they are that stupid...With Santa debunked, one has to believe in something - like "my legal representative".

2 Mar 2023  #141

Now, children, I will explain why our borders are and will remain open...

1. One corrupt party needs voters
2. The other corrupt party needs "cheap" labor
3. DEA wants all the illegal drugs smugglers can manage to smuggle to justify its existence
4. The Wall is just a theatrical prop to make the RINO voters happy
5. Closing the border would be "inhumane"
6. Refugees are "good for the economy"
7. US is not inclusive enough
8. MS-13 are "human beings"

Did I miss anything?

johnny reb
2 Mar 2023  #142

The head of FBI counterintelligence refused to say whether 50 former intelligence officials signing the letter baselessly alleging Russian involvement in the Hunter biden laptop stories in October 2020 harms the trust the public has for the U.S. intelligence community.

When the public is being denied of what all is on that laptop for over two years now, how could anyone suggest that it would harm the publics trust. LMFAO !

2 Mar 2023  #143


I take the subway probably three times on an average day, for about 16 years now. The worst thing that happened to me, was probably a crazy hobo threatening me after he thought I was recording him when reading on my phone (privacy is a big deal in NY).

When you have an annual ridership of 1.3 billion people, in the western hemisphere's busiest subway network, a couple stabbings a year doesn't really matter. Sure, the NY Post and Breitbart will have a field day talking about the horrors of the subway, but all of us will dutifully trudge back into the underground soon as it hits 6 PM on the clock.

Where else can you see an investment banker that earlier that day negotiated a $60M fee, and a tired plumber, sitting side by side with a vacant look on their face?

2 Mar 2023  #144

I would still avoid standing close to the tracks with a black guy behind me.

2 Mar 2023  #145

Just don't look the crazies in the eye, like the stupid tourists do, because that's what gets them agitated.

It's always hilarious for me to see a MidWestern family pile into a subway car, and then see the mom clutch her family like an anxious hen. It's acting like a victim that prompts the locals to try to troll these visitors.

A trained New Yorker knows how to throw such a look of disgust and derision that even the most hardened delinquent will pause.

2 Mar 2023  #146

How about "go ahead, make my day, a-hole" Goetz look? They don't know if you are armed, a nut, or undercover.

A Midwestern couple that would take their kids to a NY subway should be stripped of their parental rights without a hearing. When I am with my gds, I don't take Dan Ryan expressway.

Not enough white people.

2 Mar 2023  #147

They don't know if you are armed, a nut, or undercover.

Another factor to consider, yes.

This is not my story, but a story that happened to a recent immigrant from Kyrgyzstan with whom I was familiar. While living in Kyrgyzstan he had been number two in the republic in judo. He came to the States for some exhibition matches, and ran away from his hotel at night while the coach was asleep. He then worked a series of construction jobs in the metro area for a few years, bulking up further in the process. However, he never really advanced much in his command of the English language.

One night he was riding the train back from Manhattan to his distant stop in Queens. A bunch of black teenagers approached him, seeing that he was drunk, and started hassling him. He struggled to understand their demands. End result: one person paralyzed from the neck down, two that did long term stints in the ICU, and another whose family sued my acquaintance for assault.


2 Mar 2023  #148

I would still avoid standing close to the tracks with a black guy behind me.

Don`t be silly. He won`t fekk you. You are too old.

2 Mar 2023  #149

BLM here in the US is rather analogous to "Let's make ALL Germans feel eternally guilty for the Shoah"!
Sadly, innocent while Americans, not White Supremacists, but simply rank-and-file, well-meaning, enlightened Caucasians such as I, are currently paying for some three-hundred-fifty years of fellow whites viciously oppressing Americans of color and others of color within out midst.

It's certainly not all our fault, however, it certainly IS our collective responsibility. What a pity that folks like Lori Lightfoot and Eric Addams, the swagger man with no plan, are paying the price.

I think Addams is a freakin' disgrace, yet in America often the pendulum swings in the other direction and so we've gone from certain white Americans were guilty of unspeakable crimes to every white American is therefore a symbol of those transgressions, and so the rest of all have to suffer.

2 Mar 2023  #150

End result: one person paralyzed from the neck down,

I love this story a lot. Still, Bernard Goetz is my all-time hero with his Dirty Harry line before he pulled the trigger.
The moral of his case is to never ask a skinny white man if he has five on him. He had six.

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