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USA News and Poland - Part 7

22 Nov 2023  #2461


The Boomers roll out, with their TikTok attacks against young people...

Let me tell you, your generation is to blame for every single thing happening to us.

22 Nov 2023  #2462

your generation is to blame for every single thing happening to us.

On this we agree. It's even more noticeable in part of Europe, and they were largely to blame for brexquit.

No accident that those older than them once called them the "Me Generation".

22 Nov 2023  #2463

Brexit? Really? Brexit has been a boon for the UK. Brilliant move on their part. Children born in the 90's and later are the socialist $hit bags that are destroying the US. If you support Biden and any of the leftard policies you deserve the absolute $hit life you have or will have.

You of all people here on PF should never support these leftist POS. You are watching NYC be destroyed by their policies. Even the Mayor says it cannot recover. Dont blame the boomers, blame their children.

22 Nov 2023  #2464

No, it's brought no benefits at all.

Fortunately the Conservative Party will be out at the next election.

23 Nov 2023  #2465

Dont blame the boomers, blame their children.

...and the reqs to be a voter: 18 plus a pulse. In Chicago, a pulse is often not required.

23 Nov 2023  #2466

In Chicago, in 2022:

Jefferson Park - 0.2 murders per 1000 residents.
Harrison- 10 murders per 1000 residents.

For 200 dollars, which area is white and which one is black?
Conclusion: Rename Harrison to Harrison Park and all will be nice and peaceful.

23 Nov 2023  #2467

Anybody wants proof that women are idiots? Here we go...

21-Year-Old Turns Misdemeanor into Felony

23 Nov 2023  #2468

Funny how you have to have valid ID to get on a plane but you dont need any ID to vote isnt it?

The world needs more plus size models, body positive bull$hit, inclusiveness officers in corporations, and affirmative action as much as the US needs to keep letting illegals in the country without consequence. Socialist left wing bull$hit is ruining the world.

23 Nov 2023  #2469

Funny how you have to have valid ID to get on a plane but you dont need any ID to vote isnt it?

...even if it's given for free.
Demanding a photo ID to vote is racist. To enter a Democrat convention is not. I got it...

23 Nov 2023  #2470

You of all people here on PF should never support these leftist POS

Who said I support them? I think you don't have a feel yet for how I write. Novi seems to get me, even though he tells me I should stop writing like this.

23 Nov 2023  #2471

I need more FY a-holes from you. This way I will not feel so bad about mine.

23 Nov 2023  #2472

Maybe I dont have a feel for your writing.

The number of PF leftists is small, but they are all Karens. Barking loudly, talking as though they are all knowing and all powerful. Just irritating when these people get to spout off. Everything is good when I call Russians coxuckers, until the real coxuckers get offended.

23 Nov 2023  #2473

Maybe I dont have a feel for your writing.

To your credit, you go easy on sarcasm, metaphors, and subtleties. That makes it easy to read and comprehend.

23 Nov 2023  #2474

Let me tell you, your generation is to blame for every single thing happening to us.
@ Bobko

What a typical snowflake response. Always blaming others because your generation will achieve nothing at all. Most of your brethren cant read past the 5th grade level and your math skills rank among the lowest in the world. Your woke leftard generation has been dumbed down and indoctrinated by marxist. Stupid people are easier for the Democrats to control and now they have become woke activists instead of contributing to society. Nobody wants to hire these blue haired freaks anymore.

Most of them are only capable of being professional coffee makers at Starbucks..

1/3 of your generation gets it news from from Chinese propaganda Tic Tok. A bunch of phone zombified morons. The chinks play you hook, line and sinker.

A worthless generation. Most of them will be on welfare their entire lives.

Happy Thanksgiving! If you know what this means.

  • 403804632_8711715077.jpg

23 Nov 2023  #2475

1/3 of your generation gets it news from from Chinese propaganda Tic Tok

While your generation, Pimpek, gets their news from Russian outlets. Check Novi`s sources, for example.

Balance in nature - ever heard of it, critical Pimpek??? So, don`t critizise others for your own sins.

A worthless generation

Novi and Pimpek! You are so right!!! hahahaha buhahahaha

23 Nov 2023  #2476

you go easy on sarcasm, metaphors, and subtleties. That makes it easy to read and comprehend.

American education. :):):)

Most of your brethren cant read past the 5th grade level and your math skills rank among the lowest in the world.

American education. :):):)

It makes morons both of rightists and leftists.

What about centrists?????


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