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USA News and Poland - part 8

16 Dec 2023  #91

. I will predict Biden will not be President in 2025.

I hope you are correct, but if the Repubs rest on their laurels and expect to win simply because people have had enough of Biden--they will lose...the WH and both chambers of Congress, IMO. They must get their heads out of their a$$es and get with the times. They must build local ground games from sea to shining sea to get the reluctant repub or Biden hater to actually put a ballot in the box. The Repubs aren't losing because dems have a better platform, they are losing because dems have a better election ground game.

he is simply the worst President in US history for American people.

True, but he isn't running the show, IMO. Barry's calling it in, Jill is corrdinating, and the neo-Marxist minions in the admin are executing...yeah, it's a conspiracy theory, but a very viable and sensible one, methinks.

Most Americans would love it if you would

I don't mind having Bobkjo Bobkovich here. I just wish he'd fall in love with the place--not that we're actually doing anything to make others swoon over us. We're in the midst of a period of self-hatred and self-flagellation...an infestation of neo-Marxism in our public institutions.

16 Dec 2023  #92

.yeah, it's a conspiracy theory, but a very viable and sensible one, methinks.

Sounds about right...

Hes the most corrupt President in history as well.

It will be good riddance of the Dems in 2024

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16 Dec 2023  #93

It will be good riddance of the Dems in 2024

Not if the repubs don't get their act together and start campaigning differently.

Failure and unpopularity of the opposition isn't enough, because the dems have a formidable ground game. They get the lukewarm folks ballots in the box-not to mention a little cheating here and there in the urban areas. Repubs must put together strong local ground games.

Dems should have lost big in 2022, repubs should've done better last month in special elections, but didn't because of bad campaign mechanics. It has nothing to do with political issues, it has everything to do with campaigning.

16 Dec 2023  #94


Paulie is the America I know and love. 👍🏻💪

16 Dec 2023  #95


Loved the video!

17 Dec 2023  #96

There is a special place in hell for women criminals for at least three reasons.
1. Women rarely murder strangers. It's almost always their kids and husbands who trust them.
2. Women murder their victims slowly, with cold premeditation, and extreme cruelty.
3. Women are not capable of admitting fault to themselves and others.

This case proves the above....

Michigan law clerk Shanda Vander Ark VOMITS in court as she is showed horrifying photos of her emaciated disabled son, 15, who she murdered after only feeding him bread soaked in hot sauce and forcing him into ice baths as punishment

Shanda Vander Ark, 44, was on trial for the murder and torture of Timothy Ferguson, 15, who died at their home on July 6, 2022 weighing just 69 pounds

As opposed to the idiots in Europe, we don't rehabilitate these monsters. We execute them and lock them up for life without any chance of parole. Michigan is one these states.

17 Dec 2023  #97

" Where I am the last few days, fast food places are paying $20 and hour to start. 80 zl an hour in a town the size of Zakopane. Plus free meals, plus vacation, plus supplements paid toward daycare if needed. And people are not taking the jobs because they have more money in their pocket by not working and sucking off the tite of the government."

I wish Poland was like this I had barely any benefits after remotely working for w company for two yrs like 1000 per month zloty for crying out loud not even enough to pay rent if I had any and lucky I don't because my family in USA bought w place after my deportation here for me in Lodz. And I heard how old people or retirees in Poland live or have hardly anything coming in. I mean what benefits? Poland doesn't even give you any I imagine beside free healthcare unless you really need it like are mentally disabled or a single parent and then you might just get a free place to live but still have to pay czynsz. Horrible country.

Not only that but as a writer or artist I can't even get any work in Poland because it freaking requires you to set up a company or have w działalność gospodarczą. In USA you simply can get hired for individual jobs or w contract without such bullshet or some special way to make invoices. Every job on LinkedIn for like writers journalists or artists is taken over by so or they want you to have działalność gospodarcza.

17 Dec 2023  #98

In USA they don't have some super duper special invoice method or number you need you can just make your own invoice or use a basic PayPal template. Talk about red tape which Poland is and their obsessions making everyone pay taxes and set up some bulkshet company just to work. In USA you just work and later do a w9 or 1020 easy or something don't need tos et up some działalność just to get freaking work on LinkedIn because I had to be fukin deported to filing pollackistan.

17 Dec 2023  #99

Why would I pay every month w crapload of money have Roś er up my health care on top of hire an accountant just to get work when I'm not starting any company simply being hired as a writer or artist which I had no trouble my whole life in USA getting such jobs? it's retarded like Poland and its red tape how it is here in this backward country.

17 Dec 2023  #100

This is the reason I am like chronically unemployed since my deportation to Poland besides the remote writing gig I had for two yrs in umowa o pracę there literally is no such work left on li Kreon it's all b2b.

17 Dec 2023  #101

its like these companies in poland dont even give ou a contract for a fixed term its like 4 months not even 6 and they expect you to have some dzialalnsoc set up waiting for them already in place before applying on linkedin. reidiculous. backward thinking.

17 Dec 2023  #102

why do you guys think germany will evend efend poland or care about it and not sell it to russia or do a deal similar to molotov ribbentrop?

17 Dec 2023  #103

" The entitlement system set up by labor is breaking the governments who have had to bail out labor time and again."

id much rather have an entitlement system than one with so much red tape for any creatives or artistic types like me that exists in poland.

17 Dec 2023  #104

"Like those democrats GAF anout the poor? And it is those same freakshow supporting democrats who are blocking aid to Ukraine when the Republicans are simply making reasonable demands to secure America before securing Ukraine. No different than Poland any any other country with a brain."

you mean those scum or retarded truckers ukrainian call according to a polish youtube channel "bydlo" who are making ukrainian families starve and not able feed their kids by shipping grain during a wartorn economy due to their egoism and self interests? during a time of frekaing war in a neighbouring country?

17 Dec 2023  #105

lol at niggasinspace:


admit it. the US military has no answer how to stop russians from fighting and winning this SMO.

despite all their effort to "help" ukraine the entire US military establishment has failed in their objective and are awestruck by russian performance in this episode.

no NATO forces, not even the US itself is prepared to deal with russians on the battlefield, sea or sky.

the tragedy is just a coincidence."

17 Dec 2023  #106

And as a Polish citizen and EU citizen you can easily move out of Poland to another country with a more friendly business environment. Stop complaining about Poland when you do nothing to leave it. That said, yes, Poland due to PiS practices, ZUS and government red tape, is a disaster for new business owners.

17 Dec 2023  #107

is all europe like this or just poland with the red tape for contractors and freelancers so its not a europe vs usa thinbg the invoices having to be official and poalnd is the main issue?

17 Dec 2023  #108

I definitely need to leave poland for the uk or some english speaking place like malta. I cant go back to the usa due to being imprisoned literally for being innocent or fighting a guy defending myselkf against a guy who attacked me whose a gypsy with over 10 kids and a freeloader living off the govt exactly as youd escribed krakowamI named raphael luciano who also had a large cirinal record. but i need to brush up on m german or spanish to move to where i really want to move to coutries like germany or spain portugal. those places all have 14 s the age of consent :) and friendly people like in the usa who say hi when walking by not mean mug you like in poland.

17 Dec 2023  #109

Other countries are much easier to get started in. Poland is simply a mess for business unless you are a sole proprietor, and then you have a mountin of risk.

17 Dec 2023  #110

im not really trying to start a bussiness yet although i was thinking of doing something like this for translation (any language to enlgish using gogole translate or ai then simply edit or use my editing skills and ap style journalism to make it flow and read smoothly), writing website copy, blogging, graphic design, ,multimedia, maybe basic website design without code and such. i had such a service set up on my site and facebook store page but didnt advertise it and had little to no buyers out of poland as most companies dont even believe or trust someone who claims to be a native speaker but still living in poland and only hire people to translate or write from another language to polish or in polish . but i am more thinking of getting freelance jobs or contracts and msotly just use linkedin which is all that is available now - ahrdly any umowa o prace left maybe in it yes but creatives i mean. I also have a hard time getting a job on linkedin in other countries from poland because they ask a question "where are you currently residing" even if its a rmeot eposition to avoid i believe paying a lot like in euros someone living in a coutry cheaply or with a cheap living standard like poland. who knows though. maybe i should lie and say im currently residing in berlin before even getting hried or making the trip. also msot of the applicaitons ar ein german or require also egrman.

17 Dec 2023  #111

Washington serial killer suspect 'lured victims with promises of buried GOLD - before brutally killing them in wooded area and stealing their possessions'

Mr. Darwin, I love you...

17 Dec 2023  #112

Washington serial killer suspect 'lured victims with promises of buried GOLD

I have a bridge to sell you... These are the same type of idiots the believes Bloomberg News is real.. And he wanted to be President! LOLOLOL

  • makeupyoudmind.jp.jpg

17 Dec 2023  #113

About Bloomcrap:

Left: Depopulate Earth and leave climate change to vulcanos and farting cows.
Right: Quit killing the unborn and you won't need "immigrants".

17 Dec 2023  #114

Who is worse Al Gore or Greta?

  • skychange.jpg

17 Dec 2023  #115

I can beat that...

Season change...Can you imagine that! First the spring...then summer...followed by the falll...and winter...Terrible...

We should immediately pass a law to fight seasons...

Who is worse Al Gore or Greta?

He is prettier...

17 Dec 2023  #116

ELI STEELE: You're RACIST, Mayor Wu! A 'No Whites' party is against everything my heroic white grandmother and black grandfather fought for. How dare you drag us back to segregation

I would rather vote for a rabid dog than this Chinese cvnt...


17 Dec 2023  #117

I would rather vote for a rabid dog than this Chinese cvnt..

Have to agree with you on this one Rich! She is an out and out racist!

18 Dec 2023  #118

Hey, Milo, you don't even know how much I appreciate the Daily Mail for reporting stories that our presstitutes refuse.

18 Dec 2023  #119


You ought to read some of Eli Steele's dad, Shelby Steele, writings. That guy is excellent.

18 Dec 2023  #120

You're RACIST, Mayor Wu! A 'No Whites' party is

And her husband is white. How ironic. He should divorce this racist chink!

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Poland`s aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 8 [2410]Random Chat 5 [1130]

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