And I said nothing about Trump.
He knows that and just wants to stir the pot with his pointless condescending Liberal remarks to agitate.
We have asked him several times what his desirable solution would be besides bankrupting America which would just thrill him to no end.
He, like all the rest of the Liberals that want to destroy America, is scared to death that Trump will get re elected to destroy their agenda and make America Great Again.
Remember PolAm, Liberals suck and destroy everything they are involved in.
Biden needs to get some balls or die.
Trump tried by building a Wall which was very effective with these surges and what does oatmeal brain joey do but order the halt to the construction of it, order the barb wire removed and open the gates to let these welfare leeches in to suck our countries pocketbook dry.
This will all come to an end when the Liberal Elites have to start feeding off themselves to survive and we are very close to that.