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USA News and Poland - part 8

26 Dec 2023  #151

What is wrong with US diplomacy who are unable to negotiate a good deal with Mexico to stop migrants?

And they should turn to you for advice on that?The one that calls Israeli's Nazis?


You are worse than pathetic!

johnny reb
27 Dec 2023  #152

What about inciting and orchestrating anarchy at the Congress?

As an American, that was his duty to save our country from the Leftist scum that stole the election.

Biden has another one of his migrant caravans headed to our border. All will be welfare recipients.

All by design supported by the NGO's and Muslim obama.

27 Dec 2023  #153


And there goes the USD. Total new federal debt be $36 Trillion.
According to the latest monthly statement from the Treasury Department, the total budget deficit for the 2024 fiscal year (which began October 1) has already risen above $380 billion.

The new total, which includes the months of October and November, puts the US on track for a total annual deficit of more than $2 trillion by the end of the fiscal year. That would be an increase of more than 25 percent over 2023 fiscal year, which was itself a 23 percent increase over 2022.

A 2024 annual deficit of $2 trillion would make 2024's deficit the third-largest deficit ever, behind only 2020 and 2021 during which federal spending on covid-related social benefits were seemingly unlimited.

This is how a great country dies - when its worst enemy is the government.

johnny reb
27 Dec 2023  #154

- you don`t know the master plan for the USA by your elites

Wanna bet !
And here is our response to the SWAMP !
Break the Cycle: In 2024, Say No to the Government's Cruelty, Brutality and Abuse


TRUMP 24' !

27 Dec 2023  #155

@johnny reb
All supported by Mexico not controlling their borders in the first place. The US should pull everything out of Mexico if they do not stop the illegals from entering Mexico first. Fvck the Mexican president who wants more assistance from the US. The US is not responsible for Mexico, its people, or the illegal aliens it lets into their country. Close the border and let Mexico deal with all of those illegals. They cant and wont deal with them, they will be forced to close their border. This bull$hit belongs to Mexico. There should be zero diplomacy at this point, just action.

27 Dec 2023  #156

There should be zero diplomacy at this point, just action.

Neither Trump nor Biden were able to force desired solutions on Mexico. Nothing will change when Trump is elected again.

27 Dec 2023  #157

And I said nothing about Trump. Biden needs to get some balls or die. You close the border and keep all the South American illegals in Mexico and Mexico will have no choice but to send them back or close their southern border. Pull big factory work out of Mexico and they have no choice but to comply, and thats easily done by throwing a huge tax on any auto parts made in Mexico and imported to the US. This isnt some game about being nice and helping people, this illegal immigration is destroying the US, and its holding up aid to Ukraine. Close the borders and Ukraine gets their money immediately. Simple. The world can no longer have their cake and eat it while US citizens are getting fvcked.

johnny reb
27 Dec 2023  #158

And I said nothing about Trump.

He knows that and just wants to stir the pot with his pointless condescending Liberal remarks to agitate.
We have asked him several times what his desirable solution would be besides bankrupting America which would just thrill him to no end.
He, like all the rest of the Liberals that want to destroy America, is scared to death that Trump will get re elected to destroy their agenda and make America Great Again.

Remember PolAm, Liberals suck and destroy everything they are involved in.

Biden needs to get some balls or die.

Trump tried by building a Wall which was very effective with these surges and what does oatmeal brain joey do but order the halt to the construction of it, order the barb wire removed and open the gates to let these welfare leeches in to suck our countries pocketbook dry.

This will all come to an end when the Liberal Elites have to start feeding off themselves to survive and we are very close to that.


27 Dec 2023  #159

And I said nothing about Trump

Yes, but your Am buddies here hope Trump will clean the mess. He didn`t when he was in power. He needed illegals for his enterprises. Also Am business needed illegals for cheap labour so they pressed on Trump to close an eye.

Are you sure he should get a second chance???? :):):)

aid to Ukraine.

And I said nothing about Ukraine. hahahaha

27 Dec 2023  #160

Mexico is not responsible for the invasion. The criminals who are responsible are in DC.

Biden needs to get some balls or die.

If one person can destroy a country, that country is a joke and its citizens are co-conspirators. 80 million of them liked that person so much that they made him president.

Blaming Mexico is ridiculous.

Trump and RINOs had the WH and Congress in 2017 and 2018 and did sh*it.

Actually, 47 miles - according to Ann Coulter.

Last point...A wall means nothing if that wall has a big door that's open wide...

johnny reb
27 Dec 2023  #161

If America would cut off all the welfare to these people, they would quit coming.
And while they are at it, cut off all the welfare that the E.U. is sucking out of America.
Thats how you cure the problem to make America great again. Simple

27 Dec 2023  #162

Trump and RINOs had the WH and Congress in 2017 and 2018 and did sh*it.

Exactly. That`s what I repeat but your Am buddies don`t listen and still wrongly believe Trump is their Saviour.While there can only be one Saviour - Mr Tusk!!!!

johnny reb
27 Dec 2023  #163

Face it.
Tusk would get Poland blown up if it weren't for their big brother (THE U.S.A.) to hide behind.
Trump asked for $8 billion to build a Wall and was rejected by the Liberals to do it saying it cost to much.
So far we have paid over $800 Billion in welfare on them alone with no end in sight.
Liberals suck and f-up everything they touch.

27 Dec 2023  #164

Mr Tusk

He's also Donald.

27 Dec 2023  #165

Its obvious you dont know much about Trump. Living in NY you would know he wasnt someone who used illegals. He uses small companies and then either doesn't pay them completely, or gets them to discout the work after its done. This is standard procedure for DT, anyone from NY or NYC would know and tell you this. Trump, was not my guy, largely because he was not presidential in my opinion. Neither is Biden. The US was in much better shape under Trump and so was the world. Whether I like him or not, thats just a fact. There were no wars being started while he was in office because he was completely unpredictable and no one would risk it. For the first time in how many decades, the US was not starting or continuing a war? Trump was irritating, but more irritating to US enemies. You didnt have to mention Ukraine, I did because it is tied to the border now.

I Blame Mexico first, Biden second. Fvck Mexico and the relationship with them. Close the border and tax TF out of auto parts coming into the US, and the burrito congress will make something happen or there would be riots. Tax TF out of all cheap fruit imports and things will happen. Make them pay for the illegals one way or another.

27 Dec 2023  #166

Living in NY you would know he wasnt someone who used illegals.

False. Actually, he did use Polish guest workers in early 1980s when he was building his Trump Tower. And he had a direct contact with them.


One Polish worker even went to Trump's office to ask him for money in person, according to sworn testimony and a deposition filed under oath in a court case.

Ha!!!!!!!!!!! I got you. hahahaha

27 Dec 2023  #167


Once again you twist facts. Trump hired a contractor and the contractor used illegal Poles. And you use a situation from almost 40 years ago? This is not how he operated in those times. The 80's were his heyday, and very few would even fvck with him even if he was breaking laws. Not that I agree, but the guy was virtually untouchable. The mafia wouldnt even get in his way in those days.

27 Dec 2023  #168

twist facts Trump hired a contractor the contractor used illegal Poles. .

YOU are twisting, manipulating and lying in defence of Trump now.

Enough is enough. Please, don`t lie in such blatant manner when talking to me. I always call out all liars in the forum.

Kept for more than a decade in 13 boxes in a federal judiciary storage unit in Missouri, the documents contain testimony that Trump sought out the Polish workers when he saw them on another job, instigated the creation of the company that paid them and negotiated the hours they would work. The papers contain testimony that Trump repeatedly toured the site where the men were working, directly addressed them about pay problems and even promised to pay them himself, which he eventually did.

Ha!!! I got you the second time.
Will you try again? I am ready. hahahahaha

27 Dec 2023  #169

40 years ago, and please let me know if he was convicted or charged with hiring those illegals. I dont think he was, and if he was paying illegals, then he should have been charged. Why wasnt he? He instigated the creation of another company? Who owned that company? If he didnt own it, then him paying the Poles was not illegal, he was being nice to people who worked on a project of his. I am not in any way defending Trump for anything, all I am saying is that if there was any real proof of these people testimony, it would have resulted in charges and convictions. Testimony is nothing without documentation. And I am willing to bet a large sum that Trump did not own the company that emplyed them. Ha!!! Really? Is this third grade?

27 Dec 2023  #170

Its obvious you dont know much about Trump

This TDS inflicted moron only parrots leftard talking points from sources like "the view" and "huffpo". He has never posted a credible link, ever.

I cant wait for his forthcoming meltdown in November:):)

johnny reb
27 Dec 2023  #171

YOU are twisting, manipulating and lying in defence of Trump now.

Wrong, it was you who twisted the fact about Trump inciting and orchestrarating anarchy.

What about inciting and orchestrating anarchy at the Congress?

What about it, Trump was acquitted on those charges making them meaningless as bad as you want to twist it to insinuate that he was found guilty.

You are a clever little British Lefty, there is no doubt about that, Luke.

27 Dec 2023  #172

I Blame Mexico first, Biden second. Fvck Mexico and the relationship with them

Legally, Mexico cannot stop people from leaving. The days of the Berlin Wall are over.
It's ironic that the US would rely on a third-world craphole to protect its borders. There is a shorter way to this objective: drop this asylum nonsense and close the border.

To the best of my knowledge, Poland did just that and didn't rely on Belarus to stop the invasion.

27 Dec 2023  #173

40 years ago, .

How does it matter? You said clearly

PolAmKrakow] Living in NY you would know he wasnt someone who used illegals.

I proved you were wrong. It is amasing how you are trying to wiggle out of it now.

he should have been charged. Why wasnt he?

Still amasing how you ask questions which you answered before:

PolAmKrakow]the guy was virtually untouchable. The mafia wouldnt even get in his way in those days.

he was being nice to people who worked on a project of his

At last you stated sth true! hahahaha Thanks.

But hiring illegals took place and you can`t deny it. Ha!!!

27 Dec 2023  #174

Horrifying moment teenage boy covers himself in gasoline and sets himself on FIRE before doing a backflip into river
The bad news is that he didn't die and is likely to do something just as stupid later in his moronic life.

27 Dec 2023  #175

Horrifying moment teenage boy covers himself

Is he white?? Yes. What happened to his white high IQ ????????

28 Dec 2023  #176

As caravans of invaders come across our southern border and the middle east is on fire.. Guess were China Joe is at??

In the Caribbean on another vacation without a care in the world.

I guess, this is one way to hide him from the reporters questions.


Wrong, it was you who twisted the fact about Trump inciting and orchestrarating anarchy.

Trump was never charged even by the one sided faux Jan 6th committee..lol

johnny reb
28 Dec 2023  #177

Michigan's Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that former President Donald Trump can remain on the ballot for the state's Republican primary.
The decision came a week after the Colorado Supreme Court ordered the former president be removed from its state's primary ballot.
This will force the United Sates Supreme Court to decide.
That vote better be 9-0 in Trumps favor if they don't want to see another Boston Tea Party.

28 Dec 2023  #178

Legally, Mexico can stop people from entering Mexico, but they do not. This is the first part of the problem. If Mexico enfored their border rights, the US could make some simple measures. This is not happening though, because the President of Mexico wants the US to provide more relief to these people once they get in Mexico. In short, the President of Mexico wants the US to form a Mexican welfare program to keep these illegals in Mexico, rather than spending money closing the Mexican border. Its all a scam on the US taxpayer.

johnny reb
28 Dec 2023  #179

And Mexico's drug and human traffickers are getting very rich.
The Cartels are very powerful politically in Mexico.

28 Dec 2023  #180

closing the Mexican border.

As you make your bed, so you must sleep in it with Mexico!! Ha!

As caravans of invaders come across our southern border

Show some solidarity - they are all Americans like you. You need to help them. Poland is helping European refugees extensively. Follow our example, stop squeezing this illegal cash in yuor pocket, Pimpek!

Poland`s aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 8 [2410]Random Chat 5 [1130]

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