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USA News and Poland - part 8

johnny reb
3 Jun 2024  #1801


Trump is a felon, period! He was found guilty on all counts
and should serve jail time.

biden and obama are felons along with Crooked Hillary and Bill Clinton also and should all go to prison so what's your point ?
Remember Bill Clintons 28 trips to Ebstein's pedophile island or his infamous b.j. in the oval office ?
Remember Crooked Hillary and Benghazi and her subpoenaed e-mails.?
Remember obama giving guns to the Cartel in Mexico that killed Americans ?
Remember biden (the big man) in taking bribes to pay to play and influence peddaling ?
And remember Trump that paid off a hooker that had nothing to do with our countries safety.
Until you address each and every one of those issue first, please don't bore us with Trumps hush money to a hooker.
Are you really so lame ?
Trump will never serve jail time as the country would not stand for it.

4 Jun 2024  #1802

@johnny reb
Spot on post

4 Jun 2024  #1803

Spot on post

...and that's why Satan will drink Holy water before Lyzko will respond to JR's points.

Are you really so lame ?

Lame and annoying...

Hey, Lyzko, what is a woman?

johnny reb
4 Jun 2024  #1804

Some of the Supreme Court Justices are very upset the way the judge ran his courtroom to get a conviction on Trump.
Trump has now asked the Supreme Court to overrule the court's decision on the guilty verdict.
It looks like the Supreme Court could find Trump 'Not Guilty' !
I would laugh myself silly knowing Lyzko and jon5 had to eat worms.

4 Jun 2024  #1805

@Johnny, you and Rich and certain other PF members merely label those with whom you violently disagree
"felons" regardless of whether they are or not!

The term "felon" simply means somebody who is not merely criminal,
but who has been deemed so by a jury of their peers in a democracy
rather than some puny banana republic in some out of the way spot
in the world.

Obama, Hillary along with others you mentioned are not felons,
but free thinking men and women who are exercising their rights
as citizens.

4 Jun 2024  #1806

Go away.

4 Jun 2024  #1807

Talk about a extreme case of TDS. He is totally blinded by his leftist ideology and fails to notice any facts that doesnt fit his worldview.

Lyzko is the guy who uses bias NPR as his credible news source and has posted links many times on here of leftist nonsense! LOLOL

WASHINGTON - Former National Public Radio (NPR) Senior Editor Uri Berliner announced his resignation after an article was published in the Free Press, accounting the network's record of biased reporting and losing the trust of the public.

I've Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here's How We Lost America's Trust.

Uri Berliner, a veteran at the public radio institution, says the network lost its way when it started telling listeners how to think.

In recent years, however, that has changed. Today, those who listen to NPR or read its coverage online find something different: the distilled worldview of a very small segment of the U.S. population.


The NY Times is another libtard piece of trash, not worth reading or believing as well.

4 Jun 2024  #1808

The NY Times is another libtard piece of trash

And there are many others across Europe too.In the UK, the worst is the BBC, our national broadcaster, which we pay for by licence fees......not to watch or listen to their BS but to watch or listen to ANY TV or radio station!How stupid is that!!!!

4 Jun 2024  #1809

What's the bloody difference between public or social media telling listeners to think
Left vs. Breitbart News imploring those same listeners to think Right?

Same darn thing.

When Reagan became President, oh, way back in '81, folks who bemoaned Reaganomics,
the slow death of the New Deal, got freaked out by Ayn Rand along with that Werner Erhard
chap etc. Those people were simply told, with brazen nonchalance, "Yo, kids! That was then,
this is now, so GET USED TO IT!!" Without the Reagan counter- or anti-revolution, a Trump victory
eight years ago wouldn't have been remotely possible.

Funny though, that similar rhetoric was once heard, as William Shirer and other commentators
of the time wrote, when Hitler came to power back in '33. A minority of older people also bemoaned
the death of democracy and humanism, Spengler taking over Goethe and Schiller, the persecution
of their Jewish friends and neighbors, a new scary streak of cruelty and brutality taking over the country,
a fever over the land. They were told as well, "This is the new order....get used to it OR ELSE!!"

Gives one pause, I think.

4 Jun 2024  #1810

What's the bloody difference between public or social media telling listeners to think
Left vs. Breitbart News imploring those same listeners to think Right?

The difference is that there are many more left wing outlets of news than right wing ones across the western world.

Ayn Rand

An incredibly intelligent genius....as was Milton Friedman,like Ayn Rand another Jew.What makes you think that you are cleverer than these super intelligent Jews?

Gives one pause, I think.

No, false comparisons.

4 Jun 2024  #1811

Same darn thing.

No, you dumb ass...

Rightists welcome opposing views. Leftists hate opposing views
Rightists welcome questions. Leftists hate questions.
Rightists conserve our culture. Leftists destroy our culture.
Rightists protect families. Leftists destroy families.
Rightists love the First and Second. Leftists hate the First and Second.

Want more, moron?

5 Jun 2024  #1812

Companies Are Increasingly Rejecting Women's Job Applications: Report 2024

Men discuss and work well with other men. Women gossip and hate other women.

5 Jun 2024  #1813

Companies Are Increasingly Rejecting Women's Job Applications: Report 2024

In Germany, the 50/50 rule often applies, and a certain pool of disabled people must also be employed.

5 Jun 2024  #1814

a certain pool of disabled people must also be employed.

We had that for larger companies until the b1tch Thatcher abolished it. It should certainly return.

johnny reb
5 Jun 2024  #1815

. Women gossip and hate other women.

the b1tch Thatcher abolished it. It should certainly return.

You do have a point there, Novi

5 Jun 2024  #1816

In Germany, the 50/50 rule often applies,

...except for oil rigs, coal mines, fishing boats, underwater welding, climbing up to remove a senior from a building on fire...shlt like this...

Then the 50/50 rule is suspended...

Europe is sicker than I thought...

5 Jun 2024  #1817

Then the 50/50 rule is suspended

Also in hospitals among nurses, in the care of the elderly, in all stores with cashiers, etc.

5 Jun 2024  #1818

A statement that women make 77 cents on a dollar is as relevant and true as the statement that 90-year-olds make less than 45-year-olds.

A statement that business owners would hire only women if women could do what men can for less is true.

As we all know so very well, business owners are tyrannical, greedy, blood-sucking mother fvckers that would never pay a penny more to a human being just because that human being has a pair of balls and a dick.

Maybe faggots would but not normal men.

About that "equality"...Ask any twenty-something woman if she wants equality in the military draft or sharing in dating expenses...and you get that dear-in-the-headlights face...

5 Jun 2024  #1819

Leftists will listen to ANY views so long as they are intelligent! Take a hint??

@Milo, if you've read "The Fountainhead" or seen the 1947 movie version with
Gary Cooper, Kent Smith, and Patricia Neal, you'd realize the dodgy philosophy she espoused.
In that famous scene in which Cooper and Kent Smith are talking and the latter reminds
the Howard Roark character that Roark only has some twenty-odd dollars in his bank acc't.,
to which Roark reduced the amount by nearly half. At that point, Smith offers Cooper a modest
loan, which he rejects with the words, "I never ask for help or give it!"

In essence, Ayn Rand not only openly admired greed, blind ambition, and selfishness, she was
a dogmatic atheist who felt that G-d was more a hindrance than a help, not acknowledging the
need for mankind to admit to a higher moral structure, all not too dissimilar both to the Communists
along with the Nazis.

In short, her thinking had dangerous tendencies, like any ideology if remaining unchecked.

5 Jun 2024  #1820

Ayn Rand not only openly admired greed, blind ambition, and selfishness, she was
a dogmatic atheist who felt that G-d was more a hindrance than a help

Yes, because she was intelligent enough to understand how it can benefit society.

Milton Friedman had no problem with greed either.....

not too dissimilar both to the Communists
along with the Nazis.

What?They had nothing in common with the Communists and Fascists who wanted the state to control EVERYTHING!!!

It is such a shame that you are too ignorant to understand and respect your fellow Jews, who were obviously far too intelligent for you to comprehend.

5 Jun 2024  #1821

Leftists will listen to ANY views so long as they are intelligent! Take a hint??

No, idiot. Who screams when a conservative speaker visits Berkely to speak? Why do conservative speakers need armed protection?

It is such a shame that you are too ignorant to understand and respect your fellow Jews,

Every village needs its idiot. We have ours.

6 Jun 2024  #1822

Gary Cooper, Kent Smith, and Patricia Neal

You live in a yesteryear fantasyland.. Youre like a guy that was in the 1930s and never came out. Im waiting for you to bring up FDR again as always..

Leftists will listen to ANY views so long as they are intelligent!

You woke leftards are the most closed minded people in the country....

Who screams when a conservative speaker visits Berkely to speak?

They shout down everyone that doesnt follow their ideology.

Lyzko is a just another useful idiot for the radical left.

6 Jun 2024  #1823

Any company forced to hire people based on anything other than performance is a company that will eventually fail. If there are two applicants, and the male applicant has more and better experience, yet a female gets the job with less experience, then that is the definition of incompetent hiring practice.

6 Jun 2024  #1824

Any company forced to hire people based on anything other than performance

...can simply ask male applicants to self-identify as women. Bingo! Problem solved.

I did it here so PF always has at least one woman on duty.

6 Jun 2024  #1825

I dont believe companies should endorse or reinforce mental disease in the workplace.

6 Jun 2024  #1826

You are correct but if they are about to be found in violation of the DEI rules, my solution is better than brilliant.

6 Jun 2024  #1827

@Milo, Gordon Gecko also thought "Greed is good", as does Trump, as did the late Ivan Bosky, Bernie Madoff,
along with a whole bunch of other misguided souls. That doesn't make it right, does it?
My analogy with the Nazis was apt because even if their philosophy of government differed substantially from
Ayn Rand, they dismissed the importance of spirituality as the necessary salvation of humanity, without which
bullying takes over and human beings (only higher animals, after all!) feel they can run roughshod over the weak
or defenseless.

@Joker, if it ain't broke (pre-Reaganism), don't fix it. Sure, there was plenty wrong with our society before the 1960's
and the so-called "Woodstock Revolution". However, there was also plenty that was good, wholesome, and sound,
among which was a standard to professions, among them doctor and lawyer, until Reagan turned them from the
proud practice they once were into a monkey business which hoodwinks the layman and then wonders why people
commit crimes.

Everyone wants to make money and live comfortably in a free, capitalist environment. Certainly I do. However, such needn't
be done exclusively off the backs of those who make our prosperous lifestyle possible. Being a billionaire ought to be a choice
in life rather than a commandment.

6 Jun 2024  #1828

other misguided souls.

Madoff was a Jewish thief. Nobody gave a fvck about his Jewish soul - especially the feds.

6 Jun 2024  #1829

Not sure how that relates to my post, but obviously Madoff wasn't a thief solely because
he was Jewish!

A common anti-Semitic trope, practically as old as the hills, is that the Talmud teaches Jews
to disrespect all gentiles, what's more teaches Jews to be tricky and deceptive through
argumentation techniques which seek to take intellectual advantage of others, especially non-Jews.

This is baseless, false, and just plain bigoted. For every Bernie Madoff, there was an Aaron Feuerstein,
once head of Hathaway Shirts in North America. During the '90's, his company went bankrupt and he was
forced to shed workers, in fact, to downsize his whole company.

Instead, Feuerstein chose of his own accord to pay every worker half their salary until they got back on their
feet instead of merely laying everyone off and raking in the profits for himself.

Here we see the danger of your kind of wanton prejudice.

6 Jun 2024  #1830

Not sure how that relates to my post, but obviously Madoff wasn't a thief solely because he was Jewish!

His many Jewish victims trusted him BECAUSE he was Jewish. Duh!

Being greedy, stupid, and trusting made his theft easy.

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