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Random Chat 5

5 Dec 2023  #151

You just love guys.

I hope you will die soon.

Cargo pants
5 Dec 2023  #152

Oh please no,i dont wish him death,I want him to have a long lingering painful death with AIDS with medical tubes inserted in all of his body holes except the hole he would enjoy the most lol his arsehole lol.

And those two female ex mods who use to sniff can have open access now lol.

6 Dec 2023  #153

I had all kinds of nose-to-nose here with many posters. This clown is in a league of its own..and makes my skin crawl. I can't explain why ...

6 Dec 2023  #154


Getting rid of muslims in Poland

I have seen and infux of muslim pigs in Poland especially in Zakopany. Are there any plans of restricting their entry to Poland? These are smelly bastards that smell like goat shet.

7 Dec 2023  #155

I have seen and infux of muslim pigs in Poland especially in Zakopany.

Looks like you and I will be friends. Just be careful with the Western bootlickers here...WIth that language, you will give them a heart attack...

7 Dec 2023  #156

Another reason why I love Russia...

A draft law forbidding parents from giving male names to newborn girls and female names to boys has been prepared in the State Duma, Russia's parliament, the deputy head of the legislature's Commission on Family, Women and Children, Tatyana Butskaya, has said.

What a radical idea...Russia wants to protect Russian kids from woke parents.

I guess Russia noticed that parents eventually die and leave behind gender-confused pussified idiots and their stupid pronouns.

7 Dec 2023  #157

A draft law forbidding

Please note that all diminutives of russian male names are feminine anyway.

7 Dec 2023  #158

The purpose of the proposed law is to prevent a situation where a drill sergeant will have to refer to a 250-pound pussified guy as Mary.

Also to lower the probability that "Mary" will one day want to "transition" into a woman.

7 Dec 2023  #159

guy as Mary.

Mary used to be a common name for boys at one time.

7 Dec 2023  #160

Later, to become Barneys and jons

7 Dec 2023  #161

Mary used to be a common name for boys at one time.

We has quite a serious PM candidate at one point called Jan Maria Rokita

7 Dec 2023  #162

Did Maria have a dick or vagina?

7 Dec 2023  #163

I know you'd love to check for yourself so just google it

7 Dec 2023  #164

Or was Rokita a non-binary a-hole, whatever it means...
Do you know what non-binary means? They don't know or won't say?

7 Dec 2023  #165

I don't know if I should laugh or cry........ pathetic!

7 Dec 2023  #166

Only a fool would actually listen to her. I thought we are supposed to be dead already...lol

Oh wait! Thats AOC the brick with lipstick... We still have like 5 more years left..whew!

8 Dec 2023  #167

Mary used to be a common name for boys

And of course there's no shortage of Polish men called Marian and Karol...

8 Dec 2023  #168

Those are not however female names

8 Dec 2023  #169

They are in most of the world, and can sound amusing to people whose first language is English.

8 Dec 2023  #170

Still not female name. Name sounding as a female name in a different language weren't the topic

8 Dec 2023  #171

Close enough to it to sound amusing. A big hairy bloke saying "Hello, I'm Carol" to new colleagues on a building site or in a factory will get a response.

Topic? Is there one in random chat?

8 Dec 2023  #172

This didn't start in random - that's one.
You'd expect an answer relating to the conversation even in random - that's two.

8 Dec 2023  #173

This didn't start in random

It is now.

You'd expect an answer


8 Dec 2023  #174

They are in most of the world, and can sound amusing to people whose first language is English.
@ jon357

"It is a common misconception that what works for the goose will also work for the gander. Lenka is correct in stating that Polish names, particularly male ones, are vastly different from English ones and cannot always be translated accurately. For instance, names such as Mscislaw, Jaroslaw, and Miroslaw have no equivalent in English. Unless you are looking for an argument, it is clear that Lenka's point was that these names are not typically used for females. It is important to remember that different cultures have different naming conventions, and English is not the only language in the world."

8 Dec 2023  #175

English is not the only language in the world

It is however the language we're reading in and writing in now.

And a bloke called Carol is funny in English.

8 Dec 2023  #176

Those are not however female names

Marian actually is a form of Mary as indeed is Marius.

8 Dec 2023  #177

But not a female name.
Józefina is derived from Jozef and still not a male name.

8 Dec 2023  #178

But not a female name

It is in English.

It depends on the country too. In America, Robyn is a women's name.

8 Dec 2023  #179

Józefina is derived from Jozef

But Marian and Marius are male names derived from the female Mary

8 Dec 2023  #180

Yes, we know. You used the Polish names, meaning male names.
Shall I start now how Carol and Marianne are really male names?

But Marian and Marius are male names derived from the female Mary

That was my point...

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