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5 Apr 2024  #91

Isreal army killed Polish civilian, nobody cares?

Sadly most don't and never will.

I mentioned in a different post that this is largely a generational problem. Many have been so thoroughly brainwashed by Zionism they now fanatically believe that only Jewish lives matter regardless of the crimes, racism and atrocities they commit against others.

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5 Apr 2024  #92

Maybe because that person was bringing aid to a conflict area. And maybe because Israelis army admitted it was their mistake?

It's not like Israelis did a strike on a Polish civilian on purpose. Or even worse on Polish soil.

5 Apr 2024  #93

It's not like Israelis did a strike on a Polish civilian on purpose.

So your Jewish idols had absolutely no clue that a Polish civilian was conducting charity work in an area completely controlled by racist Zionists?

Sure, sure.

5 Apr 2024  #94

Yeah, it makes much more sense that they targeted a group of aid workers in the hope of killing one Polish civilian...

5 Apr 2024  #95

they targeted a group of aid workers in the hope of killing one Polish civilian

Absolutely, after all so far they murdered over 30,000 Palestinian civilians and killed only 6,000 out of 30,000 Hamas fighters.

There is precedent too of deadly Zionist violence carried out against civilian charity workers.

Rachel Corrie verdict highlights impunity for Israeli Military

"Amnesty International condemns an Israeli court's verdict that the government of Israel bears no responsibility in the death of Rachel Corrie, saying the verdict continues the pattern of impunity for Israeli military violations against civilians and human rights defenders in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT)."


5 Apr 2024  #96

30,000 Palestinian civilians and killed only 6,000 out of 30,000 Hamas fighters.

Normally, I agree with you. In this case, I have a problem with causation.

After 2005, with Hamas in control, Hamas was giving and Israelis were taking the incoming. Consider the consequences of:

1. Israel stops shooting
2. Hamas stops shooting


1. Israel surrenders to Hamas
2. Hamas surrenders to Israel

We already had a preview of what happened when Israelis surrendered to Hamas on 10/7. It was not pretty...

5 Apr 2024  #97

and this time he apologized.

Did he? I doubt it.

is largely a generational problem.

What do you mean? What generation is like that?
Sure Ben Shapiro is a Great Disappointment.

t's not like Israelis did a strike on a Polish civilian on purpose

Do You want to bet?

5 Apr 2024  #98

Normally, I agree with you. In this case, I have a problem with causation.

The cause goes all the way back to the Balfour declaration.

The whole notion of the Jews needing their own ethno-state (which they would decry if any Western country wanted that) is a complete farce since millions of them still prefer to live outside of Israel while bribing and blackmailing politicians in their host countries to prop-up basket case Israel.

What do you mean? What generation is like that?

5 Apr 2024  #99

Do You want to bet?

Sure. But I need a proof besides your and Poloniusz dislike of Jews.

5 Apr 2024  #100

dislike of Jews.

What makes you think that I dislike Jews? I hate cyklists they shouldn't be on the roads bloody nuisance.

I did know that I'm Gen X. lol! Call me general Xio ping.

5 Apr 2024  #101

Sure Ben Shapiro is a Great Disappointment.

Shapiro has ALWAYS been a shameless two-faced Zionist shill.

Again, it's generational.

5 Apr 2024  #102

Shapiro has ALWAYS been a shameless two-faced Zionist shill.

I will take a shameless, yarmulka-wearing Zionist shill who does it openly over a POS that opens the border and lies that it is secure.

To his credit, Shapiro is correct on all other issues, including abortion and LGBT freaks. That's good enough for me.
He speaks too fast.

As far as the Jewish lobby advocating for Israel, there is a point where I blame the idiots who give more than those who take.

5 Apr 2024  #103

over a POS that opens the border

Benny Boy doesn't care. He said so himself. Literally.


5 Apr 2024  #104

Benny Boy doesn't care. He said so himself. Literally.

Thanks for posting this. I didn't know he was an open-border azhole.
I am disappointed but not surprised...Dual loyalists are on my shyt list and always have been.

5 Apr 2024  #105

Benny Boy doesn't care.

He should propagate this color does not matter stance in his homeland then. See how well it is received there.

5 Apr 2024  #106

See how well it is received there.

There have been many protests in Israel over non-Jewish migrants where they are called "infiltrators" and successive governments have done everything to prevent them from settling or having any rights.

You will NEVER find an article or post from the likes of Shapiro saying he doesn't give a good damn about the browning of Israel. That's because he knows Israel will do everything to prevent that from happening.

The understood position is that it is always diversity for thee but not for me.

Indeed, Shapiro is originally from very liberal state of California but moved in 2020 to the very conservative state of Tennessee.

He was quoted at the time saying he was moving because "Terrible governance has consequences," Shapiro said on Twitter of California's leadership."

Ben Shapiro is moving to Nashville, and he's bringing The Daily Wire with him


One might think this has to do with policies like state-level taxation since California has some of the highest rates in the United States while Tennessee has none.

Another obvious but unspoken fact is demographics.

California is now 35% White where as Tennessee is still 73% White.



5 Apr 2024  #107

Posts from 33 to 51 do not belong here but to Israel War thread.
Ironside, it was you who started this mess. Do you know why I never call you a wise guy???

5 Apr 2024  #108

California is now 35%

This is what untreatable cancer looks like. We are fvcked.

5 Apr 2024  #109

Thank you, dear mod. You are an intelligent and reasonable person, whoever you are.

I don`t regret selling the forum. It is still in good hands. :):):):)

5 Apr 2024  #110

I see we have a new mod or was it sniching pawian in action.

Anyway we won't talk about Polish aid worker killed by the IDF, nor about brazen Isreali ambassador in Poland. Well, Screw you baboon.

5 Apr 2024  #111

Anyway we won't talk about Polish aid worker killed by the IDF

You can talk about it in Israel thread. Why is thinking such a huge problem for you???

Screw you baboon.

Exactly!!! hahahaha

sniching pawian in action.

I proudly admit I snitched on my own thread. And an extremely reasonable mod understood my intentions perfectly. After so many years. I feel like crying now. ):):):)

5 Apr 2024  #112

Although I have have huge sympathy and support for the Jews in Israel. I am feeling less and less sympathy for Netenyahu....


5 Apr 2024  #113


He's a psychotic war criminal.

the Jews in Israel

They keep electing that psychotic war criminal.

5 Apr 2024  #114


Agreed,they are bonkers as we say in the UK.

johnny reb
6 Apr 2024  #115

.Pawian is an insulting troll and uses foul language

It is you who still uses it! That is why no forum woman will ever go on a date with you.

Come on Pawian, don't deflate potty mouths ego, let him give it his best shot.

Forget it. You are wasting time. Ha!!!!

You never know with a sweet talking Stud like Milo, she might just cave in a vulnerable moment.
Ugly plump women get horny too.

Hank Willians Honky Tonk Blues is my kind of music.
It don't git any better than this with a few beers


6 Apr 2024  #116

Northern Michigan, who keeps records on posters on here, stalks them and sometimes interferes with their real lives.

His is currently PMing photos and personal info of who he thinks Jon357 and his husband are.

Jim Werdon was not johnny reb you had egg all over your faces.

But you already admitted beforehand that you were him then backtracked...lol

Adrians funeral Rich,

How many times did you watch the funeral video? Talk about being obsessed about other people lives to watch a funeral video over and over then claim the people that were attending were my wife and I. Too bad for you Rich and I only went to the wake, no wives. What a dirtbag loser you are! I now believe, Delpdomine when he caught you looking at his school video over a hundred times.

Youre the kind of person that judges ban from the internet.

6 Apr 2024  #117

Jimmys theme song...HooT HooT!😂😆😂😆😂

johnny reb
6 Apr 2024  #118

How many times did you watch the funeral video?

What video ? There were no cameras there. You said so yourself. HOOT HOOT !
Smoke some more weed.......liar.

looking at his school video

You mean the one you sent me ?
No, I don't watch kiddie p0rn.
Where did you get that video anyways ?

6 Apr 2024  #119

There were no cameras there. You said so yourself. HOOT HOOT !

Once again, lying idiot! You claimed my wife and I were in the funeral video, but I only went to the awake.

I saw you and your wife in Adrain's funeral memorial video.
Who's your barber ? lmfao !

OOPS! You might need a chisel to get all that egg of your fat lying face..Hahaha

You mean the one you sent me ?

More BS. Youre the only one that circulates fictitious stories about other posters via PMs.

Can I post that link you PMed me about Jon357 last week?

6 Apr 2024  #120

Sure. But I need a proof besides your and Poloniusz dislike of Jews.

How about a quote from the talmud which is considered as judaism's "holiest" book and which the rabbis elevate even above the torah and are taught to strictly adhere to its laws?

Abodah Zara 26b: "Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed."


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