I do not advocate for the destruction of Russia in any form .... don't need to live under the boot of any tyrant
Nuclear power of such magnitude can`t even be destroyed. If they feel the end is near they would unleash nuclear war. That is why the Soviet Union had USA support in the time of transition into Russia.
Sure they need to reform to live like decent people. Plus, we need them to share with us Siberian resources. Then also we need Russia to exist for counter-balance to western Europe and also China.
Seems like what problems you have with the Vatican isn't Rome or with the bishop of Rome, but with Cleegy in Croatia
Look, Catholic clergy in Croatia was used as a network for spreading mass genocide ideas, as cells to organize mobilization of killers and then Catholic priests massively led the killing. By German sources near 1 mil. Serbs were killed.
Pope Francis made progress and steps to correct things when stooped beatification of Cardinal Stepinac (Pope even thanked Serbian Patriarch for giving insight) and pointed at fact that wonder didn't happen in Medjugorje (actual exact site of ritual murder of complete Orthodox monk brotherhood) but political fraud as a prelude to mobilize Catholic extremists before started dissolution of Yugoslavia.
But, brate Grunwalde, it still negate the fact of the Vatican being behind the project. The Vatican with Germany and Italy.
Spot >>> Official Serbia`s documentary movie where speak experts and Serbian Patriarch about events >>>
Sons of Herod (genocide in the independent state of Croatia WWII) >>> youtube.com/watch?v=5r1JNnFjgag