I see you are hypnotized by same media and circles venerable Trump deal with.
Not only do you insult the feelings of Orthodox Christians and Catholics
Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople never said word on Greak genocide on 800 000 Serbs commited after WWI in what is now Northern Greece. Not a single word of empathy from suppose to be head of Orthodox Church, counterpaet to what is Pope to Catholics. Greaks never were condemned.
I take it quite personally. So I don't care for Constantinople. I love our Serbian Orthodox Church as peoples Church that preserved our Slava within Christianity.
As for Rome and Vatican, it organized and took part in genicide of 1 mil. Orthodox Serbs in WWI. Vatican is a monstrous and thats it. And, as you see Constantinople isn't much better.
It all sending message, hunt on Serbs is legal.
Jebo te Tito, što te tako vaspito.
You mistaken about me. I speak truth. Not selective truth but only truth. Jebo Tita. I serve to my ancestors and true Christ, God of love that is betrayed by Vatican and Constabtinople.