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Serbia etc. thread 2

7 Oct 2022  #1801

We all have our failures and traitors.

Serbs have more experience of this than Poles so I bow to your superior knowledge of failures and traitors.

7 Oct 2022  #1802

Yes @Crow, you all have your failures and traitors.

8 Oct 2022  #1803

Serbs have more experience of this than Poles so I bow to your superior knowledge of failures and traitors.

Yes we have.

You can`t even imagine how much you are right. Take a map and look how much is Serbia geographically closer to the Rome, then Poland is. Then also to Constantinople that we Serbs knows also as Tzarigrad that later became Istanbul.

Competition here was always fiercer.

9 Oct 2022  #1804

Take a map and look how much is Serbia geographically closer to the Rome, then Poland is.

Ok, so what?

Still, Serbia aint $hit!

Well, theyre stronger the Biden..... OK you win:(

9 Oct 2022  #1805

Rome gave us more then gave to Poland. You Poles are lucky we took it on ourselves. Rome took most of Catholic Serbs and turned them into Croats and gave them to the Germans. Now they serve the dark side.

9 Oct 2022  #1806

Rome took most of Catholic Serbs and turned them into Croats and gave them to the Germans. Now they serve the dark side.

Poor old bitter Crow......just a pathetic old man that can't come to accept reality.
Dream on old man, your world died decades ago!
Grow up.

9 Oct 2022  #1807

Dream on old man, your world died decades ago!

So did this silly thread. Nobody reads it, just a bunch of gibberish.

9 Oct 2022  #1808

Justice is truly a rare thing in the galaxy but, its not impossible thing.

9 Oct 2022  #1809

May the force be with you........

10 Oct 2022  #1810

US Air Force?

10 Oct 2022  #1811

Hes the Han Solo of PF

10 Oct 2022  #1812

I follow the path of Yoda.

10 Oct 2022  #1813

Han Solo had no Force, but he did have looks.

10 Oct 2022  #1814

Perhaps, he's a Serbian Wookiee that shaved himself down?

10 Oct 2022  #1815

Crowbacca Wookiee from planet Serbia.

10 Oct 2022  #1816


Planet Serbia must be from outside of our solar system, because these aliens, called Serbs or Serbians have absolutely no understanding of humans.

11 Oct 2022  #1817

You people show your human face only in thread about Serbia. What is the conclusion? We need more of these threads.

11 Oct 2022  #1818

Nobody cares about Serbia.
Only Serbs.

johnny reb
12 Oct 2022  #1819

Then why do you come to this thread every day and repeat that line to troll Crow with your nasty ass comments ?
You're not Serbian, you are British.
Maybe it be best if you have nothing constructive to add about Serbia besides your Off - Topic diminishing remarks towards Crow that you ignore this thread. Simple

Just saying......... ;-)

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