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75 Years of Israel and the War

9 Oct 2023  #151

🇮🇱🇵🇸 Videos of killed Israeli soldiers continue to appear on the Internet. Judging by the track marks on the ground, a passing Israeli convoy was ambushed. Where exactly the incident occurred and why this became possible is a question with an asterisk.

#Israel #Palestine



Breaking News Israel: What appears to be #IDF forces trapped within a compound on the Lebanon border that previously came under #Hezbollah Rocket attack. Soldiers are barricaded inside.

Exact location cannot be verified at this time.

Developing situation.


London doctor tells me his teenage son witnessed harrowing attack at a nature party near Kibbutz Re'im in South Israel. Gunmen strike, injuring many. He and his friends ran to safety as others shot dead in front of their eyes.#Israel [Video]👉 "


I was surprised that the Israelis were caught with their pants down so much.

9 Oct 2023  #152

👎 Rupert Murdoch's Zionist propaganda machine

This 'conservative' Aussie bimbo presenter starts crying over the dead jews


9 Oct 2023  #153

Jews Declare Total War on Arabia


9 Oct 2023  #154

Drop a million Palestinians and in 50 years you will have a no-go slum or a million sets of dried-out bones.

But seriously now, did you know that the Palestinians founded the oldest city in the world, Jericho, 10,000 years ago? You probably didn't know that, because what can these people do, animals as others like to call them.

9 Oct 2023  #155

@Alien, Jericho may be Palestinian now, but how do you know who founded it? lol It was mentioned quite a few times in the Bible, it's that old...

A fragment from Wikipedia:

"Archaeologists have unearthed the remains of more than 20 successive settlements in Jericho, the first of which dates back 11,000 years (to 9000 BCE), almost to the very beginning of the Holocene epoch of the Earth's history. Copious springs in and around the city have attracted human habitation for thousands of years. Jericho is described in the Bible as the "city of palm trees"."

because what can these people do, animals as others like to call them.

I don't know about others, but I didn't call "animals" Palestinians in general, only Hamas for what they did and are doing to civillians. But I retract that after what I found out today. Calling them "animals" isn't fair to animals. They're monsters:


At that music festival they were raping women next to the dead bodies of their friends. After that they killed some of them and they kidnapped the rest. I'm guessing that they'll continue to rape them in captivity.

Also, the majority of Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas are young women. You can imagine what they're probably going to do to them.

the diplomat denounced Hamas as "a genocidal Islamist terror organization," comparing it to Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) and al-Qaeda.

It would be difficult to disagree with him now.

As of Saturday Hamas and that other group are not only terrorists, but also war criminals.

9 Oct 2023  #156

the same people who like to blame Russians in general (not only putinist government) for the war in Ukraine, fail to see the responsibility of the Arab population for their continuous and unwavering support of Hamas.

If you didn't put me on your mute list you would read my comment and you would know that I wrote that in my opinion there's been mistakes and failings on both sides, Israeli and Palestinian. Among those mistakes and failings on the Palestinian side I include their support for Hamas and terrorist tactics in general.

9 Oct 2023  #157

Jews Declare Total War on Arabia

You got it in reverse. It is the Arabs that have been waging Total War on Israel since its creation.
I know why they hate Israel but I don't understand why they don't understand that Israel will not be defeated. Somehow it's still not registering among Palestinians.

My best explanation for this mental block is that, to Hamas and other terrorists, Israel, like Russia is to NATO, is a reason to exist. Giving up the "struggle" would mean unemployment.

9 Oct 2023  #158

founded the oldest city in the world, Jericho,

10,000 years ago, a city was a dozen caves - and a prototype of modern no-go zones Western Europe is so proud of
I do appreciate your attempt at humor, though...

Bratwurst Boy
9 Oct 2023  #159

The entire savage German nation

Oh I wish....

We have become such pussies....we are letting these **** dance on our streets.....I want a bit of this savagery back, they wouldn't dare!

9 Oct 2023  #160

I want a bit of this savagery back, they wouldn't dare!

That's BB I can relate to. Call me when you are ready to pounce.

9 Oct 2023  #161

I want a bit of this savagery back

Big talk, what you gonna do, enlist your entire willing population to try and exterminate another people?

Bratwurst Boy
9 Oct 2023  #162

German internet users have been able to identify one of Hamas men who murdered the 22-year-old German-Israeli Shani Louk (the woman whose body was seen on a pick-up truck)

His name is Mahmoud Abourjila


Go get him Israel!

Mahmoud Abourjila was identified thanks to having uploaded a number of pictures to his Google phone account which shows him wearing the same polo-shirt, pants and sandals as he is wearing in the infamous video with him holding Shani's hair on top of the pick-up truck


No mercy!

9 Oct 2023  #163

enlist your entire willing population to try and exterminate another people?

No, just those who didn't read this memo:

Hey, a-holes, Israelis are Jewish, not Jews. Don't fu*ck with them or you will be as sorry as you were in 1967 and 1973, morons.

Bratwurst Boy
9 Oct 2023  #164

enlist your entire willing population to try and exterminate another people?

ouch....now that hurt! Heh:)

But I'm sure the Israelis don't need our help with that....they are no pu***ies!

9 Oct 2023  #165

What a steaming pile of self justifying racist crap

Thank you for your insightful opinion and substantive criticism of my arguments. I wouldn't expect anything else from a supporter of palestinian Arabs. One doesn't really have to argue with your ilk; all we have to do is let you talk and watch you ridicule yourselves.

Am Yisrael Chai! :)


9 Oct 2023  #166

posters were ganging up on BB.

What??? It was BB who agressed posters who tried to remain neutral and saw two sides of the conflict. He tried to impose his partisan views on them and even screamed at them! Can you imagine???


yes, he screamed at children! Barbaric aggressor.

Bratwurst Boy
9 Oct 2023  #167

It was BB

did not!

9 Oct 2023  #168

like the nazis treated the jews
Really.....including starvation ghettoes and gas chambers!

Almost like Nazis. You are close with this starving ghetto - Israelis took 2 million Palestinian hostages by cutting the supply of water, electricity and food to Gaza. It is called group responsibility and was widely used by Nazi Germans in Poland during WW2 - a successful attack of Polish underground against 1 German resulted in the execution of 100 hostages.

there should be no Arabs in the West Bank and no Arabs in Gaza today. Just as Hitler

But there are millions of them. Any attempt at removing them from their land will result in massacre like Warsaw Rising. It is really amaSSing you support such radical solutions.

Bratwurst Boy
9 Oct 2023  #169

Almost like Nazis.

Nah....that is more a Hamas thing....going from door to door selecting the children and elderly....humiliating, torturing and killing them for being Jews....that's pure Nazi!

The arabs have always had lotsa sympathy for the Third Reich anyhow....that's why so many of them are in Germany in the first place....

9 Oct 2023  #170

And the supporting lefties are losing election after election....

You mean SPD? I thought they are still ruling Germany or am I mistaken???

If you didn't put me on your mute list

No, he didn`t. He still reads your posts but refuses to comment on them. A little boycote to avoid inconventient exchanges with you. :):):)

Bratwurst Boy
9 Oct 2023  #171

I thought they are still ruling Germany or am I mistaken???

We are a federation....you can lose one state election after the other and still rule in Berlin (till the next big federal election in two years).....

9 Oct 2023  #172

killing them for being Jews....that's pure Nazi!

Yes. And now Israelis are going to do exactly the same things to Palestinians.
That is why Israel has lost this war. They are stuck in a lose-lose situation now. Arabs can sacrifice thousands if not millions of their lives. But not for free - Israel will also pay with blood. One day they will realise that answering with similar violence leads to nowhere.

Bratwurst Boy
9 Oct 2023  #173

That is why Israel has lost this war.

Have they now.....

They are stuck in a lose-lose situation now

Only if they leave Gaza again to Hamas as so often in the last years.....trusting there will be peace!

That's why they need to destroy that hellhole once and for all!

Arabs can sacrifice thousands if not millions of their lives.

Na ja....the Arabs in Gaza number about 2 million....not endless I would say....and how supportive the rest of the arab world is should be known by now....not very much but big speeches!

9 Oct 2023  #174

That's why they need to destroy that hellhole once and for all!

Good luck with that. :):):) Germans couldn`t suppress the Warsaw Rising for two months. Arabs are better armed than Warsaw insurgents and will receive aid from muslim countries.

Have they now...

Yes, because if they decide to invade and capture Gaza, it will result in thousands of deaths on both sides. Besides, how long will the world passively witness how Israelis massacre civilian Palestinians???? Especially, the Arab world??

9 Oct 2023  #175

10,000 years ago, a city was a dozen caves - a

Did you expect them to already have the Internet?

Bratwurst Boy
9 Oct 2023  #176

it will result in thousands of deaths on both sides.

There is that german saying:

"Lieber ein Ende mit Schrecken als ein Schrecken ohne Ende!"

(Better an end with horror than a horror without end)

I guess the Israelis just have enough from that neverending threat next door....that needs to end now!

Germans couldn`t suppress the Warsaw Rising for two months.

You think the arabs are like Poles?

how long will the world passively witness how Israelis massacre civilian Palestinians

Well.....if I were Israeli I would give a flying ****....my allies will stand with me anyhow, the rest....well....were where they as I needed them!

9 Oct 2023  #177

You think the arabs are like Poles?

Poles after 5 years of German occupation were like furious hornets. I suppose that Israelis will have to fight for each house in Gaza Strip coz the resistance will be the widest possible, including women and children. If I was a Palestinian working in Gaza as a teacher, I would quit the job and join fighters to repel the invaders.

if I were Israeli I would give a flying ****

If they prefer to act the same as their terrorist enemies or like demons from the past aka Nazi Germans, it will be their wrong choice which will cause their complete moral demise.

Bratwurst Boy
9 Oct 2023  #178

Poles after 5 years of German occupation

Maybe the arabs would be better off under israeli occupation.....but they have trusted these arabs, they wanted peace and have left Gaza...ERROR!

If they prefer to act the same

What I was saying....they have been to nice! That needs to change if they want real peace!

Being nice and human is a weakness to exploit in the eyes of Hamas...

9 Oct 2023  #179

have left Gaza..

Because they didn`t need Gaza wasteland, having the West Bank where they have been developing Jewish settlements like crazy against good advice and warnings not to.

That needs to change if they want real peace!

Turn into Nazis who use collective responsibility, starvation and massacre methods. :):):)

9 Oct 2023  #180

At that music festival they were raping women next to the dead bodies of their friends.

We must hope that Israel will identify and eliminate them, but for now it prefers to kill women and children in the Gaza zone.

Things we hate [420]European News and Poland Thread 3 [1302]

Off-Topic / 75 Years of Israel and the Wartop