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Hybrid war with German ***** has just started - Danger from the West!

5 Jun 2024  #1

In January 2024 those fakwits Germans shited 3500 illegal immigrants from who the fak knows where over our border . The info was kept silent until now. We have new unwanted , illegal , guests from most likely Middle East. Thank you Tusk and other cants who let this happen, Unfortunatelly, Polish public will pay the highest social , economic and moral price for this.

Bratwurst Boy
5 Jun 2024  #2

Do you have a link?

5 Jun 2024  #3

He probably alludes to the migrants that were caught at the Polish-German border and were sent back to Poland.

Bratwurst Boy
5 Jun 2024  #4

Mostly Ukrainians and Belorussians then....

5 Jun 2024  #5

3500 illegal immigrants from who the fak knows where over our border

I already provided that info a few months ago - Germans started sending us back the immigrants who had illegally entered their country through Polish German border. It is a normal procedure.

Thank you Tusk

Kneel down when you utter that holy name. He excellently protects our eastern border against Russian agents who pretend migrants.

that were caught at the Polish-German border

In all Germany.

Bratwurst Boy
5 Jun 2024  #6

I already provided that info a few months ago -

....oh that!

wslipach did sound as if some mean, unheard of attack just had begun....

5 Jun 2024  #7

The Germans are sending unwanted migrants to Poland.Whatever happened to the open borders of the EU?As usual, it is one rule for the Germans and French(Who really control the EU) and another rule for everyone else.

This is what Pawian posted concerning Tusk.

Kneel down when you utter that holy name.

If he can't see that Tusk is more for the EU than for Poland then Poland is £ucked!

5 Jun 2024  #8

No one in Britain is saying vote for us we brought you Brexit and they are having an election.

Bratwurst Boy
5 Jun 2024  #9

As if the Brexit had been about border control....the latest vids coming from London and other UK cities don't make that impression! More immigrants than ever before, especially muslims, so it seems!

5 Jun 2024  #10

This is what Pawian posted concerning Tusk: Kneel down when you utter that holy name.

Yes, I did and am so proud of it. :):):)

Poland is £ucked!

Certainly not as £ucked as Britain after brexit. :):):)

5 Jun 2024  #11

@Bratwurst Boy
Immigration was the battering ram to bring about Brexit and it has been a disaster.

5 Jun 2024  #12


  • idxmkwks7za81.jpg

5 Jun 2024  #13

Certainly not as £ucked as Britain after brexit.

Immigration was the battering ram to bring about Brexit and it has been a disaster.
@ Barney


I find it absolutely hilarious that you old socialists STILL bang on about Brexit and STILL praise the EU and traitors like Tusk!

Brexit has made little difference to Britain, it can be argued that we have not taken full advantage of it yet, but the UK is doing better than the EU average at the moment......

5 Jun 2024  #14

ermans started sending us back the immigrants who had illegally entered their country through Polish Polish-German border. It is a normal procedure.

Really? Why they haven't applied it before? Why they do not apply it to all those idiots pouring from the south thanks to German NGO money??

Kneel down

that is your routine do you also s his d?

No one in Britain is saying vote for us we brought you Brexit

Beosue aside Breix there were no major changes in any policies that people liked to see changed. Woke BS got even bigger.

5 Jun 2024  #15

In Britain they changed PM and policies. They appointed her on the basis of an extreme right platform that lots of people here advocate. When appointed, Truss crashed their economy and among many things almost destroyed the pension system, she had to be removed. Now she continues her nonsense and also uses the term woke.

Brexit was a disaster for Britain and they were a net contributor. Poland would be screwed if they left the EU.

PS Truss was outlasted by a lettuce

6 Jun 2024  #16

Do you have a link?

Yeah my dick is a link

I already provided that info a few months ago - Germans started sending us back the immigrants who had illegally entered their country through Polish German border. It is a normal procedure.

And I just made it better. Btw, it is not a normal procedure , only cant tusk illegally let it happen , we have a german faking rat as our prime minister. For something like that to happen you need international agreement which there is none of between Germany and Poland. This is a breach of rules and a hybrid war on Poland

Bratwurst Boy
6 Jun 2024  #17

Yeah my dick is a link

Pawi's was definitely more convincing....

6 Jun 2024  #18

Why they haven't applied it before?

Because legal procedures take a long time. Besides, the migrant hybrid war against Poland was started by Russia only about 2 years ago. Simple.

Why they do not apply it

Prove it they don`t.

it is not a normal procedure , you need international agreement

It is normal and there are such agreements.

a hybrid war on Poland

Is waged on Poland by Russia. However, you prefer to keep silent on it and attack Germany and Holy Prime Minister Reverend Tusk instead. In none of your posts so far have you ever mentioned true enemies of Poland: Russia or Putin. To me, you are acting like a Kremlin agent of influence. You remind me our forum imperial Russians now.

6 Jun 2024  #19


Here is my link - I wrote about it last December.


Actually, Iron is right now. Sorry, Torq! :):):):) It is alread happening - Germans are returning our illegals to Poland. The first batch is said to amount to about 3000. I told you about it a few months ago but you scorned and laughed.

It was my comment on Torq`s flippant approach to the migrant war.


While Iron, who pretends holy surprise today, said this:

They will be stopped on the Geemrna border or sent back to Poland later or Poland will have to pay for their upkeep - those are the new rules.

6 Jun 2024  #20

Immigration was the battering ram to bring about Brexit

Propaganda (which r*SSia was behind) as much as that. Plus Tories and their tame media wanting to make a fast buck on the markets.

Brexit has made little difference to Britain

This is true.

the UK is doing better than the EU average at the moment......

Wait until after June. Things will get even better.

He probably alludes to the migrants that were caught at the Polish-German border and were sent back to Poland.

If they entered the Schengen zone in Poland, that is where they will stay.

6 Jun 2024  #21


In Britain they changed PM and policies.

They changed some policies. I'm talking about those policies they couldn't have changed while still in the EU. Those policies that public opinion expected to change.

Mainly immigration, they haven't done much. Instead of eastern Europeans, they have an increased number of Indians and Pakistanis and on top of it a large number of illegal immigrants swim across the changes and there is nothing they can do about it. They can't send them back to France or elsewhere due to woke policies they are indeed in the British elites.

You confuse left and right wing with a welfare state and social policies but that is not a small part of it.
Tories had been stealing votes from the labor for years talking the talk and capitalization on Tony Blair opening Britain to the new EU members.

If you listen to the talk they sound fine but the policies belie their words it is only to gaslight the working class.
The majority of British elites are woke as they come. That fact alone tells you that it is not a good ideology for common people.


Prove it they don`t.

Prove they do. Tusk's dick is not proof enough.

6 Jun 2024  #22

Kneel down when you utter that holy name. He excellently protects our eastern border against Russian agents who pretend migrants.

He does indeed, he screemed all the while PiS party was in government that the wall on the Polish-Belourussian border is redundant, that those poor migrants are just looking for a warm place on this earth, he urged activists to go to the border to spit on POlish soldiers, to break down the barriers and lefty activists did just that, some PO politicians even faken ran to the border with bags of food , all to create an image of POland as a brutal country , opressing poor immigrants. In the meantime hundrends of attempts have been made every faking day to cross our border and now during Tusk government rule Polish soldiers ended up in hospital , one fighting for his life. So fak off with that cant Tusk.

Same awaits on Polish-German border , we should guard it , otherwise we will be getting illegal rejects from faken godsforsaken Germany

6 Jun 2024  #23

an increased number of Indians and Pakistanis a

Not that many, however those groups do have ahigher than average birthrate. That mainly affects certain urban areas.

Tories had been stealing votes from Labour for years

By relentless media propaganda and lies. People have seen through it now.

6 Jun 2024  #24

Mainly immigration

All member states have control over their own immigration policies. There is nothing the UK government can do today that they couldnt do while still a member.

6 Jun 2024  #25

All member states have control over their own immigration policies

You are a genius...Illinois and Indiana should have their own immigration policies, too...

BTW, sending ships to fish for migrants is not a policy. It's idiocy...

Hey, Barney, what about that 10/7 love fest...Do you have a comment or are you still too scared like all other bootlicking weasels...

6 Jun 2024  #26

All member states have control over their own immigration policies. There is nothing the UK government can do today that they couldn't do while still a member.

You are misleading people here Barney.
They could have done many things about immigration while still in the EU that is true enough. They lied about being unable to do any simple thing hiding behind the EU regulation. That is true enough.

However, they couldn't do as much as they could theoretically outside the EU, not limited by the EU laws and expectations.
I mean we already know that has transpired and we can say they did less than nothing in that regard aside from stopping people from EU countries moving in.

You can't deny however that without the benefits of high-sight people couldn't have known it.
The crux of the matter lies not in Brexit but in what followed. Incompetence, neglect, disregard for promises made, and general shambles of lying Tories politicians. Add to the mixture a strong woke ingredient and here you are.

The fact they can't stop illegals from crossing the channel tells it all. What more Services that are supposed to prevent those acts from happening are acting as chaperons and guardians and shipping those miscreants in.

Why would they drown all those Germans trying to visit during WWII? Seems like discrimination...
Jokes aside if they are so concerned about the lives of those criminals why they are not equally concerned about unborn children? They kill one and go out of the way just to save the other. Something is not right here.


Hey, Barney

Hey, Novichok gets your racist ass and your toxic homosexuality somewhere else, adults are talking.

6 Jun 2024  #27

You misleading people Barney.
They could have done many things immigration while still in the EU that is true enough. They lied about being unable to do any thing hiding behind the EU regulation. That true enough.

All countries can do more, your border your business, what will faken germans do if Poland says big faking no? Nothing , if germs say pay a fine for disobedience , then Polish can say fak you it is not within European convention , but then germs and other slaves will press and go around the convention, as they often do these days. Still, Poland can stand up to them and say that it will never pay any fines and that it will not take faking illegal immigrants. What will EU do then? Nothing! Not pay EU funds? Who gives a fak, they behave like it is German money and Germans are kindly "giving" (actually its a loan) us Polish the money out of the goodness of their heart or as a price for good behaviour , fak, it is not German money. So Poland can safely stand up to them and say fak you and noone will do **** to Poland.

Bratwurst Boy
6 Jun 2024  #28

Are you drunk???

You KNOW Germany is all powerful and rules everything and everybody....you have no chance!

6 Jun 2024  #29

Another poor illegal German migrant hoping to cross Polish border - do you have passport?

Bratwurst Boy
6 Jun 2024  #30

....nope, but a mighty dick! You seem to love them....

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Off-Topic / Hybrid war with German ***** has just started - Danger from the West!top