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14 Jan 2024  #1111

not that I read any of her outbursts

Those are not "outbursts", but honest, reasonable and logical responses to your comments.
If that's too much reading for you, you can read just the beginning part of this post:


And this one:


...since those are the main points I wanted to get across. If there's some human decency left in you then read at least this.

the volume of the posts suggests

It suggests that I want to finish this once and for all.

That is the essence of her life, with nothing to do and too much time on her hands.

The thing is that I never had much time and will to waste my time on thoroughly explaining that situation and debunking your delusional lies about me before. But I've decided that enough is enough and that I will thoroughly dissect and deal with your lies and manipulations this time :)))

14 Jan 2024  #1112

I will thoroughly dissect and deal with your lies and manipulations this time :)))

Well, you have a noble goal in your life now. Don't exhaust yourself though.

14 Jan 2024  #1113

ranting maniac

When will you contain your maniacal aggression against decent posters??

14 Jan 2024  #1114

Well, you have a noble goal in your life now. Don't exhaust yourself though.

Well, I already wrote what I had to say, so I'm done. The rest is up to Ptak.

14 Jan 2024  #1115

Can you PM what happened?

What happened, my friend was my stubborn Polish trait took over, resulting in not listening to good advice from you; I stepped in the dodo pile and am now paying the price. One good shower a day is beneficial , and multiple scolding baths are of questionable benefits. But please, share your opinion on the peculiar silence from the global warming crowd in the time the US is experiencing the most brutal winter conditions in recent memory,

Iowa, in the grips of the harshest temperatures in recorded history, all this and total silence from liberal crazies. Care to comment?

14 Jan 2024  #1116

Everything what you said about and to Ptak is valid 100%.

Well, Pawian, you are unique in your head condition, so I am compelled to issue a correction, really a form of apology, for accusing you of cruelty, basically torturing cats in your youth. You see, criminal life must have a starting point, so I jump to a pre-empt conclusion: you obviously love cats, judging by the photograph of the well-taken care of beautiful Black Pearl. So I am sorry, my apology, you probably started your criminal career, by torturing the puppies

or other random animals . I hope you accept my sincere apology :::)))

14 Jan 2024  #1117


But Alien, his pantaloons are smoked beyond the accepted boundaries. Originally pink, today dark brown.

johnny reb
14 Jan 2024  #1118

and that would be interpreted automatically by probably everyone as physical abuse.

Probably ? lol You are projecting your opinion again as a fact......Hoot !
Not true (who is everyone ?) but then again English is not your primary language.

It's taking advantage of another person, but not "abuse".

Again, taking advantage of someone is abuse in the English language.
But English is not your primary language so we will over look your lie.

My mother was simply disappointed with my father's laziness and selfishness.

So now instead of using the word depressed you changed it to 'disappointed'. (Clever)

You did lie.

Actually it was YOU who lied and I reddened your face AGAIN by pointing out with evidence from your prior posts just how you lied.

I did the same thing to you yesterday when I caught you in another lie and your answer was golden that English was not your primary language, so you "misused" the phrase. lol

I'm not a native speaker of English, but I thought that a sentence "I already thought I knew" wouldn't sound well, so I wrote "I already knew".

You are pis sing on my leg and telling me it is raining. That is just a flat out lie by you.


You can't cover your lies when they are recorded in a post like these are.
It would be a lot easier to admit you are wrong for once than to keep lying about it like you continue to do.

Johnny, not that I read any of her outbursts, judging, just guessing the volume of the posts suggests that the gigantic gas bubble accumulated in her gut

Exactly, her outburst come when she is proven to be a manipulative habitual liar to try saving her face.

Well, I already wrote what I had to say, so I'm done.


14 Jan 2024  #1119

for accusing you of cruelty, basically torturing cats in your youth.

You did??? I don`t remember. :):):)

No, I didn`t torture cats. I tortured flies. That was horrible what I did. I still have nightmares.

14 Jan 2024  #1120

Weekends here are pure torture... faggot and maggot...

14 Jan 2024  #1121

Weekends here are pure torture

What?? You put me off Ignore again???? hahahaha

You are really amaSSing. So unstable mentally and emotionally. hahahahaha

That is what America is doing to Poles and {Polesses.

If I had stayed longer, I would be the same crazy as Novi.

14 Jan 2024  #1122

If I had stayed longer, I would be the same crazy as Novi.

You do yourself a massive injustice.

You are miles more crazy than Novichok!

Don't put yourself down so much!!!

14 Jan 2024  #1123

Mongrel, I noticed you only come to the forum to vent your frustrations by attacking decent people. What is wrong with you and what adversities were you afflicted with in your lousy mongrel`s life that you are so frustrated???? Tell us. hahahaha

14 Jan 2024  #1124

I don't always like what he's doing (like calling Miloslaw "a mongrel", for example)

I will call him a mongrel as long as he behaves like one. Ha!!!!
Remember, all forum azholes, all the shyt you attempt to throw at me will return to you with double impact. Am I pawian for naught???? :):):)

14 Jan 2024  #1125

Mongrel, I noticed you only

Your chance of being a mongrel is far greater than Milos. His Polish parents, defendants of freedom, refugees in the land, prejudice and unfriendliness towards the outsiders, even defenders who shed blood for them, and yet instead hiding Polish identity behind the English-sounding name, as a real patriotic

Poles chose the beautiful Polish name Miloslaw so no one would mistake their son for just that fact alone; his Polishness is established, beyond any doubt, unlike yours, where potential Mongol might be lurking just around the corner.

14 Jan 2024  #1126

real patriotic Poles chose the beautiful Polish name Miloslaw so no one would mistake their son

Don`t be stupid. Milosław is a nick he adopted for the forum, not his real name. hahahaha

his Polishness is established,

No, it is established only in your sick mind coz he doesn`t speak Polish. His "patriotic" parents decided it was better if he didn`t. HA!!!!

Lousy attempt, Ptak. Try harder. :):):)

14 Jan 2024  #1127

as a real patriotic Poles chose the beautiful Polish name Miloslaw

Similarly, your patriotic parents chose the name of Flying Bird for you. hahahaha buhahahahaha

14 Jan 2024  #1128

Lousy attempt, Ptak. Try harder. :):):)

OK, what is the matter with your simian's appearance and manners?:?::)))So, do you approve of an improved attempt?

15 Jan 2024  #1129

They were beheaded at night while sleeping in tents in the mountains

Sounds like we need to shout Paulina a holiday there, lol. I'm sure she will be able to educate the ISIS goat f*ckers up there about her enlightened polish feminist ways.

Don't worry Paulina me and Iron can afford it, it's only 50 pounds on Wizzair!

15 Jan 2024  #1130


Just don't provoke her or we will have another 200-page long drama about nothing.
She said she was done with one subject. Let us enjoy the peace and do not give her a pretax for another long serial.

USA News and Poland - part 8 [1844]Poland`s aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 7 [4474]

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