....astounding, for one so young, isn't it!
Who graduated from Yale Law School and comes from a region of a state that produces the finest human beings on God's green Earth.
Being young is a consideration but the social mobility achieved by Vance is a bigger accomplishment. Many political commentators say his rags to riches story rather than his age is why he was selected to be the Vice President for the Republican ticket in 2024.
Although most Americans are aspirational and want to climb the social ladder too most can't relate to hillbillies like Vance and don't want to be associated with them.
Hillbilly is a term of abuse for inter-generationally poor people who are long-term unemployed (due to low intelligence, substance abuse or both), rely on welfare, and barely exist in very remote areas of America.
It's very doubtful most hillbillies know of Vance outside his own immediate family since they are lucky if they can afford let alone have access to electricity (and running water for that matter). Ownership of information devices like televisions, radios, telephones and computers are luxury items for hillbillies and are simply out of reach for them.
Hillbillies are usually illiterate so most wouldn't be able to read Vance's book anyway. They wouldn't buy it even if they could afford it since they would rather buy alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and junk food with any money that falls through their fingers.
There is an ethnic component to being a hillbilly as well as shown in the following image from a study on the subject.

Indeed, available information online says J.D. Vance's heritage is Scots-Irish but many Americans are not and this is increasingly so.
Also, as shown in the image above, the kissing cousins of hillbillies are rednecks.
Rednecks live in mainly rural but accessible areas and fall into the category of the working poor. They work low wage, low skill jobs and are dependent on being employed by others (especially when their welfare payments are cut off and they are forced back into the workforce).
Rednecks are by and large not self-sufficient and certainly don't have the same work ethic as other rural communities like the Amish (German heritage) or Mennonites (Swiss and German heritage).
Rednecks will likely vote for Trump/Vance and Trump/Vance will certainly depend on their vote since they have a larger population than hillbillies.
But rednecks won't decide the election since overall they too are a minority group in America even if they are spread out over many states.
Redneck and hillbilly votes for Trump/Vance won't be mutually beneficial either.
The plight of hillbillies won't improve (it never has) and most rednecks will eventually dwindle in numbers and become hillbillies themselves as they are replaced by cheaper immigrant labor and automation. A Trump/Vance agenda will not only ensure that but accelerate it and rednecks will retreat to the hills in search of substance abuse to cope with their predicament and hope to get long-term disability payments from the next liberal government to support their habit.