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USA News and Poland - part 9

15 Jul 2024  #1021

If it turns out that it was an actual foiled attempt

Hey, stupid, that attempt was not foiled, thwarted, or prevented by anyone...Duh!

It was a FAILED attempt...Duh!

15 Jul 2024  #1022

The pimply azhole's parents must be relieved...No legal fees...

No burial expenses, either. The US will sell this POS for parts to China to reduce the trade deficit.

15 Jul 2024  #1023

What's the PF verdict from our USian experts? (Never heard of him before)....

He is a hillbilly and wrote a book about it.

Bratwurst Boy
15 Jul 2024  #1024

....astounding, for one so young, isn't it!

(the book writing!:)

A bestseller at that....

16 Jul 2024  #1025

Trump shooter was 'spotted on roof 26 MINUTES before assassination attempt' as pressure mounts on how Secret Service allowed gunman to open fire at rally
Here is my explanation...
The SS knew that he would shoot Trump and were annoyed that the POS was dragging his ass. As soon as he fires, he dies to eliminate the most critical witness.

Bratwurst Boy
16 Jul 2024  #1026

....could it be that the security for a presidential candidate is really that bad? I wonder....

16 Jul 2024  #1027

He is a hillbilly

Who graduated from Yale Law School and comes from a region of a state that produces the finest human beings on God's green Earth.

....could it be that the security for a presidential candidate is really that bad?

It could be that bad, but it shouldn't be that bad. Heads need to roll and an overhaul needs to take place.

16 Jul 2024  #1028


The level of incompetence was too high to accept the idea that he acted alone.

16 Jul 2024  #1029

I have mo idea if he acted alone or not. Neither he being a lone wolf or part of some network would surprise me.

The incompetence can be that high, Novi. I'm talking both SS and local cops. I just hope some good comes out of this: Trump wins bigly and EDI dies a sudden death.

16 Jul 2024  #1030

....astounding, for one so young, isn't it!

Who graduated from Yale Law School and comes from a region of a state that produces the finest human beings on God's green Earth.

Being young is a consideration but the social mobility achieved by Vance is a bigger accomplishment. Many political commentators say his rags to riches story rather than his age is why he was selected to be the Vice President for the Republican ticket in 2024.

Although most Americans are aspirational and want to climb the social ladder too most can't relate to hillbillies like Vance and don't want to be associated with them.

Hillbilly is a term of abuse for inter-generationally poor people who are long-term unemployed (due to low intelligence, substance abuse or both), rely on welfare, and barely exist in very remote areas of America.

It's very doubtful most hillbillies know of Vance outside his own immediate family since they are lucky if they can afford let alone have access to electricity (and running water for that matter). Ownership of information devices like televisions, radios, telephones and computers are luxury items for hillbillies and are simply out of reach for them.

Hillbillies are usually illiterate so most wouldn't be able to read Vance's book anyway. They wouldn't buy it even if they could afford it since they would rather buy alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and junk food with any money that falls through their fingers.

There is an ethnic component to being a hillbilly as well as shown in the following image from a study on the subject.

Indeed, available information online says J.D. Vance's heritage is Scots-Irish but many Americans are not and this is increasingly so.

Also, as shown in the image above, the kissing cousins of hillbillies are rednecks.

Rednecks live in mainly rural but accessible areas and fall into the category of the working poor. They work low wage, low skill jobs and are dependent on being employed by others (especially when their welfare payments are cut off and they are forced back into the workforce).

Rednecks are by and large not self-sufficient and certainly don't have the same work ethic as other rural communities like the Amish (German heritage) or Mennonites (Swiss and German heritage).

Rednecks will likely vote for Trump/Vance and Trump/Vance will certainly depend on their vote since they have a larger population than hillbillies.

But rednecks won't decide the election since overall they too are a minority group in America even if they are spread out over many states.

Redneck and hillbilly votes for Trump/Vance won't be mutually beneficial either.

The plight of hillbillies won't improve (it never has) and most rednecks will eventually dwindle in numbers and become hillbillies themselves as they are replaced by cheaper immigrant labor and automation. A Trump/Vance agenda will not only ensure that but accelerate it and rednecks will retreat to the hills in search of substance abuse to cope with their predicament and hope to get long-term disability payments from the next liberal government to support their habit.

16 Jul 2024  #1031


Memo to my American friends: Watch this short video. You will love Trump even more...

16 Jul 2024  #1032


Here is another one to make you feel better...

16 Jul 2024  #1033

Hey, Joe, I have a couple of ideas for you how to continue as president...(1) If Trump wins, self-identify as president. It works so well for transgender freaks. (2) Follow yor buddy Z, declare a state of national emergency after that botched attempt to assassinate Trump, suspend all elections, and make yourself president for life.

Chicago has been Bolshevik for almost a century so it can be done...

16 Jul 2024  #1034

I have never said Trump is innocent. I have said the convictions will be over turned, and there was no crime. Like many other legal experts are saying. If you dont understand what leftist socialist globalists are, then you may want to use google, its a new thing that really helps people research. Freedom of spech is for everyone, even those who want things that are simply so far out of social norms that most of society doesnt support their views.

JD Vance. Excellent pick. Compare him to Kamala fvcktard and there is no comparison. There is nothing Democrats can do now other than beg Kennedy to take Joe's place.

Vesko Vukovic
16 Jul 2024  #1035


Vesko Vukovic
16 Jul 2024  #1036


Vesko Vukovic
16 Jul 2024  #1037

Clear Signs This Was A Set Up!

16 Jul 2024  #1038

Those are videos all these leftist freaks dont want on main stream media. And this is why people have had enough of the left. I cannot wait to see plane loads of illegals heading to South America, and all the government spending cuts that Trump can get through in his first 2 years with a majority in the Senate. There may be a change in congress as well and then, all the leftists will lose their minds.

Bratwurst Boy
16 Jul 2024  #1039

the kissing cousins of hillbillies are rednecks.

...thanks for that background insight into USian peculiarities....now that was interesting!

16 Jul 2024  #1040

If you dont understand what leftist socialist globalists are,

He does. He is one of the LSGs.

Years ago, I asked the idiot how many illegals would be too many. I am still waiting for his answer.

The reason why LSGs never answer this question is simple...By saying N, they would be admitting that the next illegal POS is bad for the US.

This leads to the question of how to stop that N+1. Their line is that it's impossible.

If you read what Fagot, Monkey, and Kangaroo say on this subject, fatalism and inevitability are their religion. In some sick sense, they are right if you look at Europe.

Memo to morons: You can't have a welfare state and open borders.

JD Vance. Excellent pick.

President in 2029.

16 Jul 2024  #1041

President in 2029.

This man will dominate politics for many years being only 39 yrs old.

Go woke go broke. Cant wait to see the US end all these insane LSG policies. All the rainbow warriors, BLM, and climate protestors fighting in the streets among themselves pointing the finger of blame at each other.

Notice, Republican shot and no violent or destrucive protests from Republicans anywhere. It is the LSG scum that ruins the world we want to peacefully live in.

16 Jul 2024  #1042

Notice, Republican shot and no violent or destructive protests from Republicans anywhere.

..and no White Lives Matter signs, either...
...both terms mean essentially the same, period.

No, English Professor...

The act of foiling needs two - the foiler and the foiled. Failure needs only one - the one that failed.

For example: Lyzko is so dense that he fails to see the difference between foiled and failed. Duh!

16 Jul 2024  #1043

A "foiled" attempt is necessarily a "failed " attempt
as the attempt didn't succeed, dumbell!

16 Jul 2024  #1044

Van Jones basically explained the democrat strategy of the past 20 years when commenting on Amber Rose's speech at RNC convention:

"And she's way more famous than any of us up here - I'm going to tell you that - way more famous. And so to the extent that these guys are trying to bust up our coalition, that was a bunker buster right there," Jones, a CNN commentator, said.

The bunker buster was Rose saying:

"I realized Donald Trump and his supporters don't care if you're Black, white, gay or straight, it's all love," Rose said. "And that's when it hit me: These are my people. This is where I belong."
"So, I let go of my fear of judgment, of being misunderstood, of getting attacked by the left, and I put the red hat on too," she added.


The democrats have employed a strategy of divide and conquer. They have told minority groups and those of guilty conscience that America has been inherently hostile to their groups and that democrats are their protectors and champions. Amber Rose has called them on their BS. Van Jones is right to be worried-without the engineered division, the dems are only left with their ideas.

johnny reb
16 Jul 2024  #1045

I can't wait for the Vice Presidential debate with Trumps vice president pick J.D. Vance against our giggling V.P. Harris.
He will shred her comedic one liners to ribbons.
Two bowls of popcorn and a cold six pack is in order to watch it.
By the time J.D. is done with Harris she won't know if she has been punched or bored.
And Lyzko, you won't be able to use the excuse that she had a cold for the reason of her poor performance because biden has already used that one. Hoot !

16 Jul 2024  #1046

A "foiled" attempt is necessarily a "failed " attempt
as the attempt didn't succeed, dumbell!

Not really. To foil something is to prevent something from even taking place. In the case of Trump's would-be assassin, if foiled, the assassin would have been prevented from firing the shot.

To fail is to not succeed in something, in this case the would-be assassin failed, because he fired the shot (ergo, not foiled) but did not succeed in killing Trump.

16 Jul 2024  #1047

It just gets crazier by the day here in USia.

Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez found guilty on all counts in corruption charges

Menendez is from New Jersey...think Sopranos.


johnny reb
16 Jul 2024  #1048

In the case of Trump's would-be assassin,

Hey Novi,
I'll bet a dollar to a doughnut this kid is LGBTQ
Deranged and easily misled.

JD Vance will Blow Joker Kamala out of the water.
She has no retention for facts, this will be interesting for sure.

16 Jul 2024  #1049

If you dont understand what leftist socialist globalists are, then you may want to use google

Don't try to weasel out, dude. It's you who has no clue, that's why I keep asking you to explain those big words you are throwing around. I'm pretty sure you also don't know the difference between social democracy, Marxism, communism and socialism - like all MAGAs. You people would've been such easy prey for McCarthy back in the day.

Freedom of spech is for everyone

Yes, freedom of speech is for everyone, but I'm not so sure you understand its definition in the Constitution. The First Amendment only prevents government restrictions on speech.

I'll bet a dollar to a doughnut this kid is LGBTQ

Registered Republican.

16 Jul 2024  #1050

GFYS I am not MAGA, never voted for Trump. If the 1st amendment protects freedom of speech, why is Biden having social media censored. Get a fvcking clue. Dont you have a rainbow flag to waive somehwere?

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Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9top