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13 Jan 2024  #1021

Yes, darling, you started it by deriding the death of 2 women murdered by rabid Islamists in Morocco.

Everybody knows that a truthful comment about the widely discussed death of two naive, gullible white European women looking for adventure in the land of barbarians is a response deserving the virtual rape of a daughter. I hope that Bobko, the man I really like and respect (most of the time), reads,

the comment, Pawian confession admitting, in the above quotation, to the warped judgment and mental instability.No question that a good man, but a little confused Bobko needs to bring balance to his perception of right and wrong, protective father, and crazed miscreant, by never mistaking one with the other.

13 Jan 2024  #1022

Then Paulina mentioned your daughter and you went crazy and abused her (Paulina).

I think Paulina is aware of the mistake; she realizes that my comment about the beheading of two white European women and my deceased daughter had nothing in common. If her latest post is any indication, she is coming around and beginning to realize the rot contained in your sick posts.

Besides, the remaining Paulina, who brought my daughter to a disagreement between her and me when locking class, was not too abusive.

13 Jan 2024  #1023

[quote=pawian]Next, I had enough of your abusing and made a nasty comment on you.

My head is spinning, trying to make sense of your mental confusion. Tell me again, what was the reason for your maniacal rage? Me abusing you, me abusing Paulina, or me abusing two beheaded white, stupid European women?

13 Jan 2024  #1024

I hope that Bobko, reads

Yeah. I see.

It's not right, I agree. I'm sorry for your loss.

13 Jan 2024  #1025

We all know that too much time spent online is bad for you, but Pawian really changed (and not in a good way). I have known him (online) for 15 years, and he didn't use to be like that.

The best thing, Ptak, is to take nothing personally, even though it's difficult sometimes. We are merely online monikers. People venting their frustration on the internet and saying things we would never say in the real life.

13 Jan 2024  #1026

We are merely online monikers.

Yet, some of us somehow manage to stay much more civil than others.

Who you are in life, it comes through even over the Internet.

13 Jan 2024  #1027

Who you are in life, it comes through even over the Internet.

I suppose it does. Some of the things I saw people say online, however, I simply can't imagine them saying in the real life (that includes me telling people to f*ck off every 5 minutes *rolls eyes*).

13 Jan 2024  #1028

simply can't imagine them saying in the real life


Pawian's behavior is certainly concerning :)

I think pain is something that is outside of "Left-Right". If you were a caveman born in Neolithic times, or a space explorer living in the 40th century.

It is not correct to tell people that you "f*ck their dead grandfathers". It's not correct to insinuate that a person raped their dead daughter.

This tells me Pawian has either never experienced loss, or he is a f*cking autist.

F*ck you Pawian!


Some good old wisdom from the Greeks:

Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget
falls drop by drop upon the heart
until, in our own despair, against our will,
comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.

13 Jan 2024  #1029

It is not correct to tell people that you "f*ck their dead grandfathers". It's not correct to insinuate that a person raped their dead daughter.

"Not correct" is putting it very mildly.

This tells me Pawian has either never experienced loss, or he is a f*cking autist.

Or he went too far once but instead of reflecting upon it and saying "sorry, guys, I was a horrible arsehole - please, forgive me", he decided not to admit his mistake and just continue in the same manner, and - as it happens in such cases - it only went downhill from there.

One way or another: Pawian, get a f*cking grip of yourself; you're a Polish patriot (a misguided one but still), stop behaving like a monkey.

johnny reb
13 Jan 2024  #1030

No way should he be allowed around young children.
Can you imagine what the parents of his student would do if they knew such a sick person was in contact with their children.
Someone there in Krakow area should notify his school and enlighten them about their staff members mental wellbeing for the sake of safety to the children.

He'll be signing in here soon (within the hour) so let him rattle in denial like always.

13 Jan 2024  #1031

or me abusing two beheaded white, stupid European women?

Stop lying and twisting. I didn`t say you abused them. You ridiculed their death and then Paulina asked you if you would do the same if it was your daughter.

13 Jan 2024  #1032

I think Paulina is aware of the mistake; she realizes that my comment about the beheading of two white European women and my deceased daughter had nothing in common.

There was no "mistake" on my part. You made a mistake by deriding those two young women and ridiculing their death without knowing anything about them. What you did was wrong, cruel and disgusting. That's why back then I pointed out to you that those young women were someone's daughters and I asked you how you would feel if this happened to your daughter and someone was deriding her on an internet forum. At that time I didn't know how on point I was, because I didn't know about your daughter's death. You flew off the handle like some psycho - you attacked me and abused me and that was when pawian stepped in and informed you that I didn't know about your daughter's death.

It's not correct to insinuate that a person raped their dead daughter.

I agree. I wouldn't do it myself (simply because it's below my level and not because Ptak doesn't deserve it) and I don't like the fact that pawian is doing it - I wish he wasn't stooping to such level. But Ptak isn't some innocent victim here. Ptak is actually a disgusting hypocrite and his comments about those women were worse than what pawian is subjecting him to, because those women didn't do anything to him and he didn't know anything about them. So he had no right to make such comments insinuating stuff about them and ridiculing the death of two innocent women was simply evil. On the other hand pawian was attacked by Ptak many times and pawian is attacking him and not his daughter.

two beheaded white, stupid European women?

Ptak is doing it even now. He can't just shut his dirty mouth about somebody else's daughters, but at the same time he thinks he should be untouchable. Well, he got a nasty surprise, that's for sure.

13 Jan 2024  #1033

He can't just shut his dirty mouth about

Don't you think you are exaggerating here? What are you some self-proclaimed defender of downtrodden females of the world? Don't kid yourself you can't do a squat, the only real defense of females in the real world not on chat and gossip columns is their male family members.

Secondly, what is wrong with expressing an opinion to the large extent true that young women from Europe or the US are often naive and going alone to those Arab countries to roam about asking for trouble, seems stupid?

I don't see anything wrong in expressing such an opinion so that others would learn from their mistake.


he went too far

Je suis outré par son attiude provocante!

13 Jan 2024  #1034

Don't you think you are exaggerating here?


What are you some self-proclaimed defender of downtrodden females of the world?


the only real defense of females in the real world not on chat and gossip columns is their male family members.

Oh, that depends. Many men can't even defend themselves, let alone other people.

Secondly, what is wrong with expressing an opinion to the large extent true that young women from Europe or the US are often naive

Ptak wasn't only commenting on whether their trip was wise, but also about the reasons behind the trip. And he was ridiculing their death. He didn't just write that going there "wasn't smart". The manner in which he was writing shocked me.

I don't see anything wrong in expressing such an opinion so that others would learn from their mistake.

Well, then you should also see nothing wrong in pawian's expressing an opinion about the cause of death of Ptak's daughter. Ptak didn't reveal her cause of death, which I find strange, because parents who lost their children usually have no problem with that. So it seems like it might be something "embarrassing" for Ptak as a parent.

going alone to those Arab countries to roam about asking for trouble, seems stupid?

If by going "alone" you mean going there without men, then I'm afraid male company wouldn't help in their case. They were beheaded at night while sleeping in tents in the mountains. If there were men with them, they would be beheaded first. So, they simply got unlucky.

13 Jan 2024  #1035

Btw, Morocco is in the top 10 tourist destinations for a winter break for Poles:


1. Egypt
2. Spain
3. Malta
4. The United Arab Emirates
5. Cyprys
6. Tanzania
7. Italy
8. Turkey
9. Thailand
10. Morocco

13 Jan 2024  #1036

10 tourist destinations

Going to a Hotel is rather different from going to the real countryside and roaming free without a care in the world.


You are a Bolshevik blockhead! lol! well, it's not funny but it's funny to me as I pegged you right a long time ago.


Oh, that depends. Many men can't even defend themselves, let alone other people.

Don't be grasping at straws, statically speaking there is a better chance of deterrence or defense when you have men at hand.

Well, then you should also see nothing wrong in pawian's expressing an opinion about the cause of death of Ptak's daughter.

I see everything wrong with it. I don't see why you people are so keen to go after people's families. (you - I mean lefties) Is that because you all have some unresolved family issues and should rather see to that first than try to cure all the ills of the world?

Nevertheless, I find it detestable how easily you go personal into family issues of posters and into making all kinds of remarks on the matter that I consider a logical fallacy and a low blow.

It is not your F business what my wife, my mother, my son, or whoever from my family is doing, what are relations between us, and so on.

So no, I see plenty wrong with you going that way, either because it is easy or you don't know any better.. that is wrong, and you deserve all the abuse and flack you go for it.


They were beheaded at night while sleeping in tents in the mountains.

Exactly, what were they thinking???
By the way you called me a psychopath here it goes: lol!


posted in random I-S

13 Jan 2024  #1037

Going to a Hotel is rather different from going to the real countryside and roaming free without a care in the world.

You could say the same about any country really. But even that depends:


"The UK Foreign Office does not currently advise against travelling to any part of Morocco. However, it does state that terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks, particularly in crowded areas, against government buildings, transport networks, and businesses with Western interests, and in areas where foreign nationals and tourists are known to gather."

So, it looks like your hotel or some tourist hot spot could be unsafe too, in theory. And yet - people are going anyway. Are they stupid too?

And here you have The UK Foreign Office stating that it "does not currently advise against travelling to any part of Morocco."

And more:

"Morocco is generally considered safe for female travellers, especially in holiday resorts.

However, if you're travelling alone, you may receive unwanted attention from men. The Foreign Office advises wearing loose-fitting clothing that covers the arms, legs and chest."

And that's it. It doesn't say: "If you go to Atlas Mountains you may get beheaded."

Furthermore, people often rely on what their friends and family are saying about the tourist destinations they visited. And that may give people false sense of safety, because it may depend on who is going and to what part of country - then experiences may bary.

For example, when we were discussing about rapes in India on the forum Dirk_diggler commented that he felt safe in India, etc. But he was a guy writing from a man's perspective.

You are a Bolshevik blockhead!

Why? You and other men defend men on this forum too. Does that make you "a Bolshevik blockhead", you hypocrite?

13 Jan 2024  #1038

Don't be grasping at straws, statically speaking there is a better chance of deterrence or defense when you have men at hand.

I don't claim that it isn't better to go to some places with an adult (and trusted) male companion. That would be my preferred choice. But even that often doesn't guarantee stress-free holidays for women. In some countries, like Turkey for example, a white woman or girl may get harassed even if she's walking down the street with her husband or father.

And if there are a few attackers the company of one man won't help you at all.

Exactly, what were they thinking???

Do you remember that case?:


As you can see - the fact that she was with her husband didn't help. She was brutally gang raped and beaten up in... Italy.

13 Jan 2024  #1039

I see everything wrong with it.

Why? Pawian is just "expressing his opinion" about Ptak, just like Ptak was "expressing his opinion" about women he didn't even know.

I don't see why you people are so keen to go after people's families. (you - I mean lefties)

Firstly, I'm not a leftist.
Secondly, I don't go after people's families.

I find it detestable how easily you go personal into family issues of posters and into making all kinds of remarks on the matter that I consider a logical fallacy and a low blow.

Now this is rich, not only coming from you but also from you as a PF rightist.
There's a number of people who have been writing horrible comments about the family and first and foremost - daughters - of PF members and majority of those people making such comments have been for quite a while rightwing men. I mean johnny_reb, Cargo_pants, Miloslaw and Joker. Did you somehow miss their numerous nasty wars taking place on this forum?

It is not your F business what my wife, my mother, my son, or whoever from my family is doing, what are relations between us, and so on.

Oh, Mr Innocent has spoken! :D Again - the pot calling the kettle black! You and some of other rightwing men on this forum have repeatedly inquired and commented in a nasty way about my personal life even though I wasn't asking or commenting about your family or your romantic relationships. So, don't forget - what goes around comes around eventually.

13 Jan 2024  #1040

And this concerns you so much..... WHY ?

I wanted to find out if you're lying or not. It looks like you are lying, so my job is done :)

It is NONE of your business.

You made it everybody's business by writing about it on a public forum. If you didn't want to be called out as a liar, then you could've simply write a private message to Ptak or send him an e-mail message instead of publicly announcing that you have pawian's personal info.

Learn to mind your own business for once.

The pot calling the kettle black! You do everything but minding your own business on this forum. You're literally the male version of Karen lol

How is pawian's name and surname or his looks your business, for example? Was he sharing his name and surname on PF? No, he wasn't. Was he asking or trying to find out what is your name and surname or what you look like? Nope.

She hates men

No, I don't hate men. But I do despise psychos like you.

Of course not, we are all psychotics

Not "all". Only some men on this forum are psychos or toxic a$$holes.

She brings it all on herself

I wasn't attacking Ironside, so I didn't "bring anything on myself".

13 Jan 2024  #1041

Firstly, I'm not a leftist.

Oh yes, you are!

Why? Pawian is just "expressing his opinion"

he a slime, creep, and a moron, albeit quite intelligent, and you don't see that because you don't wnat to see it. Those men are so-called champions of so-called women's rights and are very oft deviants or some kind of predators who take advantage of women.


There's a number of people who have been writing horrible comments

I condemn all those who are doing it. However, seems to me that it is your forté and pawian to make it personal in such a nasty way.

Anyway, I don't recall anyone doing it besides Cargo and that is one of the reasons I don't like that creep!

mmented in a nasty way about my personal life

You were asking, and you were doing it before I asked you anything about your father or family members, If you have a poor memory and the onset of paranoia you shouldn't make it so apparent!

I might asked you about your martial status that was the only thing, I asked. That is not what I'm talking about!

what goes around comes around

Bo-ho! Don't choke on it!
Rather than sound so pitifully out of place maybe you should take your advice to heart?

13 Jan 2024  #1042

Oh yes, you are!

No, I'm not. I'm a centrist.

are very oft deviants or some kind of predators who take advantage of women.

And now you are the one who's making a far-fetched, baseless accusation.

However, seems to me that it is your forté and pawian to make it personal in such a nasty way.

Mine?? LOL You must be kidding. You're either blind or very biased if you think this way.
It's never been my forté to make things personal on this forum. It doesn't mean that I never do that - I may call someone an idiot or a psycho, but those are usually very "special" cases who really deserved it and it's usually posters who call other people names, etc.

Personal attacks are actually your forté, Iron, and some of other men on this forum. Johnny_reb and Cargo_pants are the worst in this regard on PF, not me.

As for pawian - I'm not responsible for what he's doing and I don't always like what he's doing (like calling Miloslaw "a mongrel", for example), but he usually attacks people who attacked him first.

I don't recall anyone doing it besides Cargo

You must have really bad memory then o_O

You were asking, and you were doing it before I asked you anything about your father or family members

Now you're simply lying. It was you who was first fishing publicly (usually in some nasty, provocative manner) on the forum for info about my romantic life and later making nasty comments about it and about me. You gave me some info about your private life some years ago in private messages, but it was your choice to share it (and I haven't used that info against you on the forum so far, despite your attacks and nasty comments about me).

If you have a poor memory

It's pretty clear by now that it is you who has very bad memory. Or you remember only what you want to remember.

I might asked you about your martial status that was the only thing, I asked. That is not what I'm talking about!

What are you talking about then? Asking about marital status and making nasty comments about it is "making it personal". I asked about your family only once - very recently. For all those years I've never attacked your family.

Bo-ho! Don't choke on it!

What a "mature" response :)))
I'm just stating a fact. I've been receiving all kinds of low blows from really nasty people over the years on this forum and I didn't really respond in kind. Recently I've decided that it may change a bit.

Rather than sound so pitifully out of place maybe you should take your advice to heart?

What advice? I don't comment on people's personal lives unless they do it to me first.

johnny reb
13 Jan 2024  #1043

There was no "mistake" on my part.

There never is Miss Innocence WHO, ME !

You are a Bolshevik blockhead!

One of the most stubborn thick headed that I have ever run across

you all have some unresolved family issues and should rather see to that first

She said her dad was a lazy drunk and abused her mother

Firstly, I'm not a leftist.

Oh yes you are, and a liar.

13 Jan 2024  #1044

There never is Miss Innocence WHO, ME !

I don't claim that I never make mistakes or that I'm always right (like some rightist men like to claim on this forum). I only wrote that I didn't make a mistake when I reminded Ptak that those two young women were someone's daughters, etc.

One of the most stubborn thick headed that I have ever run across

No different than you then :)))

and abused her mother

I wonder why do you have to always come up with some lie? I never wrote that my father abused my mother. I even wrote on the forum that he never did, after you lied about it.

Oh yes you are, and a liar.

No, I'm a centrist and you are the liar, not me, as we can see.

johnny reb
13 Jan 2024  #1045

You are a liar of the worst kind Paulina.

I wanted to find out if you're lying or not.

And when you found out I knew his name and wasn't lying and you didn't the cat had your tongue when I ask you to send me his initials and you couldn't do it because you were lying. Ha !

You made it everybody's business by writing about it on a public forum.

You made it everyone's business when you banged on for six hours straight trying to pump me for his name and couldn't get it.

How is pawian's name and surname or his looks your business, for example?

You were the one that wanted to know so bad, I already knew.
I am so glad you ask.

No, I don't hate men.

Of course you do, especially any man that you can't brow beat, which is all American men.

Only some men on this forum are psychos or toxic a$$holes.

Yes, the ones that you can't brow beat and intimidate with your feminist demands.
Suck on that.

It looks like you are lying, so my job is done

Yet another of your lies because you have no self-control and will right back with another one of your Karen melt downs before the day is over arguing with someone.

I see today it is I.S. instead of me.
Are there any men, excluding the Fem men, here that tolerate your daily b.s. rants ?
NO is the correct answer.
Do you know where your kids are, Paulina ?

13 Jan 2024  #1046

You are a liar of the worst kind Paulina.

Of course not. You are projecting heavily :)))

And when you found out I knew his name and wasn't lying

You're lying again. I didn't find out that you know his name and I think you're lying about knowing it.

the cat had your tongue when I ask you to send me his initials and you couldn't do it because you were lying. Ha !

No, I wasn't lying. I think I know who he is, but why would I send his initials to such a stalking psycho like you? lol

You made it everyone's business

Nope, you did it by bragging publicly that you know his name and that you have his photo :)

You were the one that wanted to know so bad

No, I didn't - I already knew. I just wanted to know if you're lying or not. And since I'm probably one of two people on this forum who may know who he is, I've decided to check it.

And why did you even try to find out who pawian is in the first place? Nosy much? :)))

Of course you do, especially any man that you can't brow beat, which is all American men.

I don't hate men in general and I don't hate American men in particular either lol

Yes, the ones that you can't brow beat and intimidate with your feminist demands.

No, as I wrote - only psychos and toxic a$$holes :)

I see today it is I.S. instead of me.

It was Ironside who (again) started today with me and not the other way around, so stop lying.

Do you know where your kids are, Paulina ?

Do you know where yours kids are, johnny_reb? :)))

13 Jan 2024  #1047

And now you are the one who's making a far-fetched, baseless accusation.

Not at all. This is very often the case. Those men can operate for years and now and then sometimes after their death, those issues came to light.

I'm not saying that all of them, I'm not even saying that Pawian is one of those, but he may be, given his attitude on this forum and the fact he has no barriers, standards, or class. It makes him a suspect, not guilty. But if you like to have your male friend on this form by all means cozy to him as much as you like but don't say you weren't warned about him.

johnny reb
13 Jan 2024  #1048

It was Ironside who (again) started today with me

Well of course, it is never your fault. WHO, ME !
Boo Hoo Hoo, you sound just like a ten year old brat.

Of course not.

Well of course not, WHO, ME ?

No, I wasn't lying. I think I know who he is, but why would I send his initials

So I would know that you are not lying. o/O
Oh, so now it is you "think" you know but really don't.

No, I didn't - I already knew.

Oh, so now you do know.......lol
You can't have it both ways, Pinocchio

I think you're lying about knowing it.

Is that why you keep calling me a liar because you want me to confirm what Milo and Alien posted ?
Remember, you ask if that was his first name or last name trying to play dumb or maybe you weren't playing. o/O

you know his name and that you have his photo

I do but you just can't seem to prove that I don't. lol
All you know is what you "think" and project your lies from that.

I think you're lying about knowing it. I think I know who he is

You are just a little "thinker" aren't you. HooT !

And why did you even try to find out who pawian is in the first place?

I've decided to check it.

Why are you going to even try and check to find out who pawian is, Miss Hypocrite
I thought you said you knew who he was and now you have to go 'check'.
Just listen to your confused self.
If you are going to be a good liar you have to have a good memory which you don't have which makes you a bad liar.

You don't know if you have been punched or bored by the Reb.
You are the lying Psyco if anyone is, Miss Innocence WHO ? ME !
Go bake a cake or make your mommy a nice dinner because you are boring us here.

13 Jan 2024  #1049

Well of course, it is never your fault.

I just stated a fact. Ironside commented first today on my post addressed to Ptak. So he started today's exchange with me:



YES, YOU :)))

Oh, so now it is you "think" you know but really don't.

That's what I was writing from the beginning.

Oh, so now you do know.......lol
You can't have it both ways, Pinocchio

I'm not a native speaker of English, but I thought that a sentence "I already thought I knew" wouldn't sound well, so I wrote "I already knew". So, for future reference - if I happen to write again "I know who pawian is" it means "I think I know who pawian is". Unless something changes and I will write something like "Now I'm 100% sure who pawian is" :))

but really don't.

You don't know that though :)))

because you want me to confirm what Milo and Alien posted ?

You clearly are unable to confirm it or deny it, so that's yet another sign that you're lying :)

I do but you just can't seem to prove that I don't. lol

I can't prove it, obviously, but you didn't prove that you know his name and have his photo either :) So it's all just talk on your part :)))

I thought you said you knew who he was and now you have to go 'check'.

I wrote that I decided to check whether you're lying or not. And I've come to a conclusion that you must be lying :)

If you are going to be a good liar you have to have a good memory which you don't have which makes you a bad liar.

This is hilarious, because it's SO ABOUT YOU! LOL :D

13 Jan 2024  #1050

calling me a liar

Coz you are one. Liar and manipulator. Also a scoundrel and rascal Villain and thug. Psycho black sheep, simply speaking. hahahaha.

By the way you called me a psychopath

And she was right coz you are one. Like johhny and Ptak and other rightists here.

Decent normal people consider all of you utter psychos coz you cross all boundaries of morality being fully aware of it and enjoying it.

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