Oh yes, you are!
No, I'm not. I'm a centrist.
are very oft deviants or some kind of predators who take advantage of women.
And now you are the one who's making a far-fetched, baseless accusation.
However, seems to me that it is your forté and pawian to make it personal in such a nasty way.
Mine?? LOL You must be kidding. You're either blind or very biased if you think this way.
It's never been my forté to make things personal on this forum. It doesn't mean that I never do that - I may call someone an idiot or a psycho, but those are usually very "special" cases who really deserved it and it's usually posters who call other people names, etc.
Personal attacks are actually your forté, Iron, and some of other men on this forum. Johnny_reb and Cargo_pants are the worst in this regard on PF, not me.
As for pawian - I'm not responsible for what he's doing and I don't always like what he's doing (like calling Miloslaw "a mongrel", for example), but he usually attacks people who attacked him first.
I don't recall anyone doing it besides Cargo
You must have really bad memory then o_O
You were asking, and you were doing it before I asked you anything about your father or family members
Now you're simply lying. It was you who was first fishing publicly (usually in some nasty, provocative manner) on the forum for info about my romantic life and later making nasty comments about it and about me. You gave me some info about your private life some years ago in private messages, but it was your choice to share it (and I haven't used that info against you on the forum so far, despite your attacks and nasty comments about me).
If you have a poor memory
It's pretty clear by now that it is you who has very bad memory. Or you remember only what you want to remember.
I might asked you about your martial status that was the only thing, I asked. That is not what I'm talking about!
What are you talking about then? Asking about marital status and making nasty comments about it is "making it personal". I asked about your family only once - very recently. For all those years I've never attacked your family.
Bo-ho! Don't choke on it!
What a "mature" response :)))
I'm just stating a fact. I've been receiving all kinds of low blows from really nasty people over the years on this forum and I didn't really respond in kind. Recently I've decided that it may change a bit.
Rather than sound so pitifully out of place maybe you should take your advice to heart?
What advice? I don't comment on people's personal lives unless they do it to me first.