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Deepak cargo pants

21 Jun 2024  #1

Hi guys

I am back with some news. Deepak is still in hospital but he is now in new hospital. There was a fight with phone, i do not know what happened, but deepak was injured and his shoulder is in very bad condition. They have taken him to a new hospital where he is safety

He wants to tell his polishforums friends that he is ok and he misses them. Please write to him at

Deepak Malhotra
Oddział terapii uzależnienia od alkoholu
Wojewódzki Szpital Psychiatryczny w Andrychowie
ul. Dąbrowskiego 19
34-120 Andrychów POLSKA

He is reading all your letters but he cannot write as his hand and shoulder are now brolen. Maybe deepak will lost his arm we do not know.

21 Jun 2024  #2


Pass on our thoughts.

I was wondering if there was any update so I put his name (first name and surname individually) into the search function here and the strangest thing happened. The screen went totally blank. That doesn't happen for any other words, even the most obscene ones. Hopefully that's not an omen.

22 Jun 2024  #3


Go back and practice somewhere else before attempting to troll on PF. You are way out of your league......

johnny reb
22 Jun 2024  #4

This troll smells like and is definitely a Brit.
And since it is always jon that starts these fictious threads one can only surmise that EwaNic is jon.
Just like his fictitious "Jim" character.
jon is the owner of this forum and has all of our ip:'s and personal information so he can play these games.
Why would Cargo's wife contact jon when Cargo hated jon and Cargo has my e-mail addy and phone number.
What hospital denies a patient a phone or visitors ?
Only prisons do that.
jon, game over as you suck more than just one way.

22 Jun 2024  #5

And since it is always jon that starts these fictious threads

It isn't, and I don't think it's 'fictitious'. It fits with what I hear in Warsaw from expats who know him.

Why would Cargo's wife contact jon

She hasn't.

What hospital denies a patient a phone or visitors ?

A psychiatric hospital for involuntary patients who are drying out.

johnny reb
22 Jun 2024  #6

It isn't,

It is and we don't believe you jon.

A psychiatric hospital

For a broken shoulder ?
Sure jon, we believe you...,

22 Jun 2024  #7


Who's 'we'?

don't believe

You don't need to. If you're a doubting Thomas though, feel free to PM him. He won't reply.

For a broken shoulder ?

If you'd read his wife's earlier post and paid attention, you'd see that the problem is bigger than that.

johnny reb
22 Jun 2024  #8

Who's 'we'?

Pawian, Novi, myself and others, not to mention names, that think that you are disgusting liar.

feel free to PM him. He won't reply.

I have called him and he could give a flying fvck about this forum.

you'd see that the problem is bigger than that.

Of course jon, your drama of them amputating his arm got my attention.
All I can do is pray for him now.
You are in Poland so maybe you, as a sport, could get the hospitals phone number so "we" could call to confirm that he is a patient there. 😲

cms neuf
22 Jun 2024  #9

I am going to take it at face value - am down in Warsaw later this week and will ask around

Hope for better news soon - I will write to him on Monday

22 Jun 2024  #10

Pawian, Novi

An imbiber and a troll.

call to confirm that he is a patient there

I doubt they would tell a stranger and in any case, you can put the hospital's name in to Google as easily as anyone else if you want the number.

your drama of them amputating his arm


am down in Warsaw later this week and will ask around

That would be good. I won't be home for a few weeks and can't ask myself. The last update I heard was at least a month ago and was second hand news.

22 Jun 2024  #11

Poor guy. Idiot though he is - no one deserves this.

22 Jun 2024  #12


I said prophetic words about jon in another thread: if you lie so blatantly in the simple mustard thread, what lies will you spread in more serious threads???

22 Jun 2024  #13

no one deserves this

That's my feeling too.

He's not in any sense a good person, however alcoholism can make people like that. It's certainly an illness.

Interesting that Mrs D mentions this forum,

22 Jun 2024  #14

This troll smells like and is definitely a Brit.

Hey Jim, your American inferiority complex is showing again......

jon is the owner of this forum and has all of our ip:'s and personal information so he can play these games.

Are you a paranoid schizophrenic?

As it happens, I think that EwaNic is a troll too, but it ain't Jon.......

johnny reb
23 Jun 2024  #15

It's certainly an illness.

No, it is not an illness, it is a weakness.

Hey Jim,

Every time I see, "Hey Jim" a strong toxic vomit inducing British smell follows it.

23 Jun 2024  #16

No, it is not an illness, it is a weakness.


If it was an illness, somebody would be working on a cure. Nobody is. I know because I called AMA a while back.

Nobody is working on a pill for gambling, either...

There is no cure for stupid.

johnny reb
23 Jun 2024  #17

Cargo's account is more than just suspended.

His account has been permanently closed


I think that EwaNic is a troll too, but it ain't Jon.......

I agree, this smells more like a vindictive Harry/Lazarus style even though jon may be in on it too.

I said prophetic words

You don't live far from this hospital Pawian, how about you drive over there and ask them if you can visit Deepak Malhotra ?

23 Jun 2024  #18

No, it is not an illness, it is a weakness.

Alcoholism is an illness.

His account has been permanently closed

Why would they do that?

johnny reb
23 Jun 2024  #19

Alcoholism is an illness.

No it is not, it is a weakness.
You have been dumbed down to believe that it is an illness.

Why would they do that?

Ask your uncle Thomas and find out straight from the horse's mouth and let us all know

23 Jun 2024  #20

No it is not, it is a weakness

It's certainly an illness and causes neurological and physical change.


No, I'm not that interested. Anyway, whatever happened, happened in January when I wasn't posting here.

He probably deserved it, given his antics .

johnny reb
23 Jun 2024  #21

It's certainly an illness

No jon, no it is not, it is a weakness.
I don't want to have to tell you again.

No, I'm not that interested.

Good and if you are serious about that there is no need for you to be posting in this thread anymore to keep the drama and gossip going is there. 🥴

He probably deserved it, given his antics .

I will admit that his last three or four posts that have been deleted where unacceptable drunken rants.
There is no doubt he went off the deep end on them.
I was even shocked when I read them.
Lets everyone send him our prayers to get better and have this gossipy thread CLOSED.

23 Jun 2024  #22


Stop trying to pointlessly argue. It's a serious enough matter and alcoholism is an illness.

drama and gossip

I don't see any of that. Despite him being a foul individual who has tried to cause problems for people from here in real life, the messages here which appear to come from his wife as well as what people are saying on the ground are a cause for genuine concern.

There is no doubt he went off the deep end on them.
I was even shocked when I read them.

I didn't see any however given his usual stuff, they must have been bad.

johnny reb
23 Jun 2024  #23

Stop trying to pointlessly argue.

You are posting false information and I will not allow that.
Alcoholism is a medical condition (weakness) AUD (alcohol use disorder - Google it jon) however it is not an illness.
I don't want to tell you again (Liberals can never admit when they are wrong)

a foul individual who has tried to cause problems for people from here in real life,

Those people called the F.B.I. on him BEFORE he retaliated as in, "you British fvcks want to sling mud then lets sling mud".

You threatened to sue him, you threatened him with the law, you ganged up on him and attacked him with some fictitious story that he messed himself in public, you ask for it and you got it.

He kicked your assess fair and square.

the messages here which appear to come from his wife

Appear is the key word there creative jon boy

what people are saying on the ground

Oh that is golden jon, what people ? lol .....more of your fictitious characters you meet while talking to yourself ?

they must have been bad.

They were, trust me.

Again Mod., please close this gossipy thread about someone that can't defend themselves here..

23 Jun 2024  #24

Alcoholism is a medical condition

Exactly, an illness.

This is no time for meltdowns. This is a thread about a long term PF poster who is currently in trouble. Don't be a twat.

You threatened to sue him, you threatened him with the law, you ganged up on him and attacked him

Nobody did. Stop ranting.

fictitious story that he messed himself in public

Not fictitious. All too true

If you don't like a thread, don't post in it instead of behaving like a menopausal Karen. Now behave yourself and try to show some dignity for once.

23 Jun 2024  #25

Alcoholism is an illness.

But gayness is not?

It's a serious enough matter and alcoholism is an illness.

What's the cure?

Simple. Just stop drinking.

Just like cutting. Just like gambling. Just stop and the "illness" is gone. What a moron...

Try that with AIDS...hahahahahahahahahaha...Or cancer...

Liberals can never admit when they are wrong

Liberals can never admit that the victim brought it upon himself because the victim was an idiot.

If some moron jumps and drowns it's society's fault. Or the bridge...

23 Jun 2024  #26

Just stop drinking.

If it were as simple as that, there'd be no drying out clinics, no AA meetings and a lot less misery in the world.

23 Jun 2024  #27

Yes, it's that simple.

Ill people see doctors, not other alcoholics.

23 Jun 2024  #28

Ill people see doctors

Who regard it as an illness.

Deepak is currently under their care.

23 Jun 2024  #29

Who regard it as an illness.

No, they don't. They tell you to stop drinking.

Deepak is currently under their care.

Leave Deepak alone.

Specifically, what do doctors do when dealing with alcoholics?

23 Jun 2024  #30

Leave Deepak alone.

I have his real email address. Want me to find out?

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Off-Topic / Deepak cargo pantstop