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Deepak cargo pants

27 Jun 2024  #121

and that is why you have such a huge inferiority complex.

It is not Brits or Euros that have an inferiority complex but it is Yanks..... and yet I don't understand why.....America has achieved so much!
What is it with some Yanks that they still feel so inferior?
I have met many Yanks while travelling across Europe, they are all very friendly, some too much so(You know their life story in 30 minutes) but they are all in awe of European history.Yes, history is one thing you Yanks lack, but you have plenty more to be proud of.

We hate our ruling swamp and rip it to shreds almost daily. Euros don't.

Not true.We respect our ruling swamp, but just watch what happens in European elections over the next year or so.....you will change your opinion.

27 Jun 2024  #122

It is not Brits or Euros that have an inferiority complex but it is Yanks


I see there's an update about Deepak. Shoulder injuries can be very serious. I had one and the pain never goes away; you just have to live with it.

28 Jun 2024  #123

I see there's an update about Deepak.

Your chest must be swelling with pride, shadowboxing with an absent opponent. Cargo was a grass mower, and you were the lawn.

28 Jun 2024  #124

He was a crazy. Going out of his way to try (fortunately always failing) to make trouble for people off forum.

Talking of which, I heard a bit more about it today from Warsaw. As mentioned, there's all sorts of gossip which doesn't belong here, however the sad things I heard suggest that the situation is more difficult and serious than has been said here.

Keep him in your prayers. Whatever sort of person he is, he does deserve mercy and compassion.

28 Jun 2024  #125

he does deserve mercy and compassion.

That's why I forgave him all his posts about my immigrant white socks...

28 Jun 2024  #126

Please keep him in your prayers.

Regardless of the kind of person he is, he deserves mercy and compassion. Why does insincere empathy come to mind? I hope I am mistaken, but ...

johnny reb
28 Jun 2024  #127

I heard a bit more about it today from Warsaw.

Oh the fvck you did lying Aunt jon.
Who in Warsaw would be talking about Cargo besides you and Harry.
Cargo worked his ass off all his life and made more money than any other member here with his sacrifices.
His kids are all very successful in life and financially sound more so than any of yours.
He was a workaholic and it took a toll on him along with alcohol and career burnout stress.
Now for the sake of human decency leave the guy alone, JON !
Mods.....shut this M.F.ing thread down.......would ya !

28 Jun 2024  #128

Who in Warsaw would be talking about Cargo

It's clear that you don't know much about expat circles. It is like a village, with them all going to the same bars, the same restaurants and meeting at the same clubs, social activities, voluntary work organisations and business networking events. The same faces every time, year in, year out. Some have known each other for decades and gossip is endemic. A certain amount of gossip is about me due to exaggerated ideas about income/and jealousy because I speak Polish better than all of them and have little to do with those circles apart from showing up to things two or three times a year if there's something good on.

A lot of those people are "stayed too long" types with a great future behind them. Expat life (which I personally tend to avoid but am in almost daily contact with people who don't) can sometimes be like a goldfish bowl.

Deepak in real life is very much like his extreme and rather odd posts here and therefore stands out a lot and is the cause of quite a few colourful stories, a couple of which have been repeated here.

made more money than any other member here

He inherited it.

You don't get to choose what we do or don't talk about.

johnny reb
28 Jun 2024  #129

and gossip is endemic.

And you are the president of the class.
He inherited it.

He worked 90 hours a week dillweed so he could give his children and wife what he was denied in life so quit being so evil with your jealous envy.
Now one more time penis breath, mind your own business and quit gossiping about Cargo's personal life.
Why the owner of this forum refuses to shut down this thread only makes sense if jon is the owner.
Mods.....shut this M.F.ing thread down.......would ya !

28 Jun 2024  #130

How would you know how many hours he worked in the corner shop he inherited and ran into the ground?

You don't get to decide which threads in off topic are closed or open.

If you don't like it, don't read it or engage with the thread.

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Off-Topic / Deepak cargo pantstop