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Deepak cargo pants

26 Jun 2024  #91

This is a serious matter.

If it were true, it would be a serious matter. However, coming from you, the serial, repetitive liar, it is what it is: immature, juvenile tantrums. You are like a little snotty, confused boy with a limited amount of faulty, broken toys. Your unvaried string of deceitful, devious lies, the echo has less appeal than an old stale bread forgotten for a year in the pantry. Cargo Pants, Pedophile Jim, Marine Life, and never-ending fascination with the deprived and filthy.

johnny reb
26 Jun 2024  #92

Nothing to do with me,

If bullshit was music, you would be a brass band.
You and Harry have been called out yet for another of your sick humor at another's expense.
It's no wonder why Cargo hated you two so much.

26 Jun 2024  #93

it would be a serious matter

It is serious. Even, sad to say, deadly serious,


I've not been in contact with him for a long time. I'm busy in real life to do much more online than come here and to read the Daily Telegraph, and he's probably busy too. I don't know whether he's aware of Deepak's current situation or not.

26 Jun 2024  #94

If bullshit was music, you would be a brass band.

Now that was funny...
...still laughing...

26 Jun 2024  #95

...still laughing...

26 Jun 2024  #96

...sick humor at another's expense

You are really the last one who has a right to complain! Remember when you and your sick buddy told people here that I had died, and were giggling about it? Karma ...

26 Jun 2024  #97

here that I had died,

I am sorry you hadn't.
Having been referred to as grave dodger by the PF ass fvcker made me less sensitive than I normally am.

26 Jun 2024  #98

I am sorry you hadn't.

SHOCK, HORROR! Try again.

johnny reb
26 Jun 2024  #99

I'm busy in real life to do much more online than come here

Yeah but you are only here 18 hours a day.
Remember when you and your sick buddy told people here that I had died, and were giggling about it?

No but it wouldn't surprise me one bit. Hoot !

26 Jun 2024  #100

Yeah but you are only here 18 hours a day.

Making love - 4, eating and crapping - 2 ... and the day is gone...Nice life...
Can they make love and crap at the same time?

johnny reb
26 Jun 2024  #101

You know.........If the Mods were to unsuspend Cargo after one of the longest suspensions in the Forums history........our old Buddy would post himself and tell us what he wanted to instead of all of the rumors and projections by the Brits.
In fact, it might just be good therapy for him to get well.

26 Jun 2024  #102

Yeah but you are only here 18 hours a day.

Unlike you, very on and off. Perhaps you haven't noticed that my posts tend to come in bursts.

If the Mods were to unsuspend Cargo after one of the longest suspensions in the Forums history

He's been banned before under half a dozen user names and just kept setting up new ones, that and posting as a guest. Why would his current ban stop him from doing what he always does?

The clue is in the posts here about his current problems.

26 Jun 2024  #103

He's been banned before under half a dozen user names and just kept setting up new ones, that and posting as a guest. Why would his current ban stop him from doing what he always does?

Exactly, there is clearly something very wrong with Deepak and his supposed "friends" on here are offering him no support at all!
With "friends" like that, who needs enemies?

26 Jun 2024  #104

here are offering him no support at all!

Not true. I wished him well and told this forum to fvck off.

26 Jun 2024  #105

I am not sure that I would call you one of his "friends", I was thinking more of JR Jim.
I hate the guy, but he is a human being after all!

26 Jun 2024  #106

No but it wouldn't surprise me one bit. Hoot !

See, and this is why I will dance (or worse) on your grave before I welcome you into my really hot and fiery home. LOL!

26 Jun 2024  #107

I hate the guy, but he is a human being after all

Quite. He's clearly got problems (remember some of his posts here) and now it all seems to have come to a head, we should at least show some mercy to him when he's at his lowest point.

Some of the gossipier members of the long-term expat community in Warsaw are saying all sorts of fairly shocking things which I'll not repeat since it's not my story to tell, however we should at least show some dignity while commenting about it. It must be hard for his wife and family who are innocent in all this.

26 Jun 2024  #108

all of the rumors and projections by the Brits.

Yet again, you show your inferiority complex....... yes, I know Brits have history and you don't, yes,I know you speak our language(Kind of!) and that Britain acihieved much in it's history outside of Britain and America achieved little in this sphere.
But America is the powerhouse of capitalism and military strength.You are also the only country in the world to have sent men to the moon!

Be proud to be American!Stop feeling inferior!

johnny reb
27 Jun 2024  #109

Oh and our little rag tag militia made up of civilian farmers who sent your Lord Cornwallis and his stained white knickers and trained soldiers packin' back to your little island called the British empire.
Don't forget that one as that is how America won our independence and that is why you have such a huge inferiority complex.😝
Cargo should be getting my letter next week and see if his wife posts the words ****** ***

27 Jun 2024  #110

Milo, here is the difference between US and Euro posters:

We hate our ruling swamp and rip it to shreds almost daily. Euros don't.

I know Brits have history

I would rather live in a country that was formed a week ago and has the First and the Second Amendments.

Your freedom of speech is a joke. 3000 arrests a year for offensive posts. Really?

27 Jun 2024  #111

our little rag tag militia

That and France who Britain was at war against at the time.

Cargo should be getting my letter next week

Since you haven't written one, we doubt that.

johnny reb
27 Jun 2024  #112

That and France who Britain was at war against at the time.

Regardless, the Americans, French and Indigenous send your overwhelming military home humiliated.
Since you haven't written one,

You are getting nervous that your sock puppet is going to be smoked out aren't you
we doubt that.

Who is "we", you got fleas again ?

27 Jun 2024  #113

your overwhelming

Hardly any of the military who were more occupied by the French wars than what some fellow Britons of a more liberal outlook than most were up to in a wasteland less profitable than the other colonies.

Jim, stop the nonsense about 'sock puppets' whatever that means and move on.

Try to show some dignity for the first time in your life.

johnny reb
27 Jun 2024  #114

Hardly any of the military who were more occupied by the French wars

Oh bullshit, the British navy was huge and it was supplying their army while the French and Indians and Americans had no supply routes.
You got your asses kicked out of America never to come back and demand taxes from us so get lost Pal.
Jim, stop the nonsense

As soon as you stop your Rinse & Repeats.
We will soon know if you and Harry are not behind the "EwaNic" sock puppet name.
And as far as you using your same ip: # well we all know how Harry likes to sit in free Wi-Fi bars and post evil to stir the pot to diminish and shame other members while you egg him on from the side line.
And we will soon know when EwaNic posts her next post if she puts the magic word that I sent her to put in it.
If it is there she is real, if it is not or she never posts again, you will have G.U.I.L.T.Y. T.R.O.L.L. written on your forehead. 😮

27 Jun 2024  #115

Who is "we", you got fleas again ?

King syndrome.

27 Jun 2024  #116

See, and this is why I will dance (or worse) on your grave

Are you suggesting that a clump of cells can dance? Even an old and stale clump of cells? It is not too late for a violent abortion; 45 cal would quickly correct the evolutionary mistake, to the applause of the majority of the PF correspondents

27 Jun 2024  #117

quote=jon357]least show some mercy to him when he's at his lowest point.
I show mercy to you, and it is not entirely your fault. Might God have mercy on your soul

27 Jun 2024  #118

'll not repeat since it's not my story to tell, however we should at least show some dignity while commenting a

Come on, you unrepented hypocrite. You spend years, with the eye glued to the nut hole in the crappy outhouse, watching Cargo in the moment of defecation, and
reporting every detail of your sick fantasy.

27 Jun 2024  #119

Try to show some dignity for the first time in your life.

Are you sure you are not abusing the word dignity? Keep forgetting the knot hole and Cargo Pants? out of kilt with dignity.

27 Jun 2024  #120

I am on my way home to the US. I do not have good news but we want Deepak home.

Because many people asked I will explain what happened. Deepak was finded on the floor of our studio apartment unconscious with badly broken shoulder. We do not know what happened but he was drinking big amount of alcohol. He was taken to hospital and doctors diagnose alcoholizm. He have had two operations on shoulder and then he must go to alcoholizm hospital.

There was a fight in hospital because Deepak want phone and his hand is also broken. They take deepak to new hospital in very difficult condition. Deepak must not drink alcohol and they give special medicine to make sick if he drink alcohol. Deepak is not ok to talk only to see family.

Deepak also have problems with money and alcohol: he spend big money in casinos in Warsaw, we do not know what he was doing. Maybe poker maybe slots, do not know.

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Off-Topic / Deepak cargo pantstop