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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 14

27 Aug 2024  #1

Russian woman's killer released for second time to fight in Ukraine

A Russian murderer who was released from prison to fight in the war in Ukraine, only to then kill an elderly woman, has been released a second time to return to the front, according to relatives of the woman.


As a credit to Velund who wouldn't buy our freedom of speech a while back

Russia is currently engaged in a 2 1/2 year full scale war, which has by conservative estimates claimed more than 150k lifes. Yet even calling this a war - which is simply an objective description of what is going on - can send one to jail.

27 Aug 2024  #2

All this sounds shocking, however in a way, it's good for Ukraine and bad for r*SSia. Having someone like that in an army isn't going to be very good for cameraderie, morale or efficient fighting.

Did you see the prisoners in the recent prisoner exchange? The r*SSian ones who had been prisoners in Ukraine were all well-fed and healthy looking. The Ukrainian ones who has been prisoners in r*SSia looked starving, thin and ill.

Apparently Ukraine took about 600 orcs prisoner today, and have taken about 100 villages off the orcs. Well done!

27 Aug 2024  #3

Did you see the prisoners in the recent prisoner exchange?

Looks like you was there and can witness that something that shown in brief propaganda video it is real prisoners.. ;)

27 Aug 2024  #4


You need to face up to facts.Russia is losing this war and from what I have heard today, things are about to turn massively in favour of Ukraine....... watch your news..... but not the Russian news!

27 Aug 2024  #5

You need to face up to facts.

For now I can say that facts is that AFU is retreating in Donbass and suffer massive losses in Kursk region. Zelensky flushed their most battle ready units down the drain in Kursk area, and continue to replace battle hardened units from other places, replacing them with a unprepared recruits freshly taken on the streets, to flush more in a Kursk area.

Looks like everything will turn with just the same thing as during Soviet-Finnish war, when long row of a victory relations in finnish newspapers suddenly ended with a brief message that Finland signed capitulation act in Helsinki...

27 Aug 2024  #6

ussia is losing this war

They know they can never win and that things for them will only get worse and worse.

All the silly bluster from the orcs troll here is just copium and usual Moscow lies.

28 Aug 2024  #7

Russia is losing this war

That's what Adolph said to Eva in March 1945.

johnny reb
28 Aug 2024  #8

You need to face up to facts.Russia is losing this war and from what I have heard today,

This is what I heard today.

Putin "is coming for" the UK and the country must be prepared "for the inevitable", Ben Wallace has cautioned. The ex-Defence Secretary stated that the despot blames the UK, "not the US", for being "at the heart of Russia's failures".

I'm thinking that if Putin does vaporize London that it will be the start of WW3.
Hopefully Trump will be able to talk Putin out of doing that.

28 Aug 2024  #9

I'm thinking that if Putin does vaporize London ...

...Brits would be ecstatic...All these damn Mosques and Muslims...poof...gone...
Did you see Hiroshima lately? What a beautiful city...

28 Aug 2024  #10

This is what I heard today

I read the original article. It's still up there online and is all about ow r*SSia is bound to lose.

cms neuf
28 Aug 2024  #11

North Nigeria does not have the means to vaporize London

In any case Britain have their own nukes - they don't need the US to dissuade Putler

They might hate London but most of the North Nigerian thieves keep their money and their families there (and their mistresses and wine cellars in Paris) - as far away from their murdering boss as possible.

And Trump won't be in charge of anything more than a tacky hotel and a golf course

28 Aug 2024  #12

They might hate London

They do, however there's tens of thousands of r*SSian kids at private schools there and even more at university. Most/all of them belonging to the elite who can afford the fees.

Like a human shield without having to take hostages.

This is a link to the original article; it's a bit exaggerated since he's making a political point but it's very worth reading. The article isn't behind a paywall.

For those who can't open links, here's an interesting quote:
As I left I remember commenting to General Gerasimov that I was struck by how his military doctrine had "swapped mass for readiness and mobilisation". At that moment another General leaned over to add: "and ruthless intimidation". The mask had slipped.."


28 Aug 2024  #13

there's tens of thousands of r*SSian kids at private schools ..... belonging to the elite

It is de facto not our elite anymore, and kids indoctrinated in private british schools better to stay there, if was not returned timely.

Those who will follow "envelope" orders based on russian nuclear doctrine is not part of that "elite" with kids in private schools and funds in british banks.

28 Aug 2024  #14

kids indoctrinated in private british schools better to stay there, if was not returned timely.

AmaSSing you hate Russia so much. In this way you will be left only with stupid Russian slaves. Torq`s dream of Russia becoming a decent rich civilised country one day is futile. I knew it!!!

28 Aug 2024  #15

you will be left only with stupid Russian slaves

Those who indoctrinated to pray on british elite, follow orders from them without any thoughts, and treat ordinary Russians as slaves, should meet same fate as that "god equal" british elite.

28 Aug 2024  #16

North Nigeria does not have the means to vaporize London

They already vaporized your brain.

28 Aug 2024  #17

russian nuclear doctrine

You should worry more about the nuclear doctrine in the three countries in the free world who a put all your cities under two metres of glass should you ever try to use any of yours.

Mind you, some of them in r*SSia are so poorly maintained that they can't even be approached to dust them, never mind prime them.

"god equal" british elite

Copium and sour grapes because you know you can never win the war you started.

Plenty of good news from the front today, and of course Ukraine now has its own long range missiles developed there and made there.

Nowhere is safe for orcs.

28 Aug 2024  #18

the war you started.

We are not started any real war yet.

28 Aug 2024  #19

You can't win with these morons.

If Russia goes easy to save civilian lives, Russia is weak and incompetent.

If Russia goes full-on to make it short and save civilian lives, Russians are Nazis and Putin is Hitler.

In either case, NATO is cute and cuddly and the US bases all over the globe are just theatrical decorations. Like the one in Syria - by self-invitation.

johnny reb
28 Aug 2024  #20

Poland can transfer its MiG-29 aircraft to Ukraine only after receiving new fighters ordered from its allies, stated Polish Defense Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz.
The Minister noted that Poland has provided Ukraine with all the military aid it could. According to the official, Warsaw makes all decisions through the lens of the country's security.
We are not started any real war yet.

Arrogant jon does not understand that.
He thinks turning Moscow and St. Petersburg into glass would be the end of Russia.
Veland, how many Russian stealth nuclear subs are sitting off Europe's coastlines right now capable of turning every major city in Europe and their nuclear installations into glass ?
No, don't answer that as I don't want to wreck jon's fantasy world.

28 Aug 2024  #21

BBC journalist, Leonid Ragozin, posted the below on Twitter. Since then, RU forces have also entered Selidove. Things are happening incredibly quickly.

Like Hemingway said about bankruptcy, "At first gradual, and then sudden".

  • IMG_3283.jpeg

  • IMG_3284.jpeg

cms neuf
28 Aug 2024  #22

He is not BBC any more.

28 Aug 2024  #23

"At first gradual, and then sudden".

It works with people who want to live.

Not so well with fanatics. See the last days of Germany and Japan.

Congratulations on your progress in liberating Donbas. I trust that Russia will win by protecting its land and people.

When they voted to join you, they placed their fate in your hands. Don't let them down...

Did I mention that I hate NATO and the risks that the US will one day be in a shooting war with Russia over bullshlt known as the Baltics?

28 Aug 2024  #24

Someone on this forum mentioned back in 2010 that Ukraine should be divided to accommodate the Russian-Ukrainian people predominant in some areas to avoid the war. A decade later the war happened. Maybe that was one of the reasons. If the country has two dominant nations (Russian-Ukrainians, Russians, and Ukrainians) then a little spark may evoke a big conflict. Some strategic moves are required in advance to avoid big troubles.

johnny reb
28 Aug 2024  #25

The U.K. supports the idea of authorizing Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with British-supplied Storm Shadow missiles but does not publicly promote it, fearing the deterioration of their relations with the United States.
In particular, UK Prime Minister Starmer is taking a "consultative approach" to negotiations with the US on the relevant authorization.

cms neuf
28 Aug 2024  #26

But the Russian-Ukrainians have no desire to join North Nigeria any more.

No surprise - it's a corrupt backwater with falling living standards and are no prospects for their kids

Most of them now want to be Ukrainian Ukrainians.

28 Aug 2024  #27

Anyone thinking the US would nuke Russia if any European city is nuked is a moron. The US is not nuking Russia and Russia is not nuking the US. Neither are a threat to the other and both know it. So, each can have their own proxy wars or influence wars where they want. I dont see Russia nuking the UK, but frankly, they should either nuke a small Ukraine city or stfu about nukes and red lines.

28 Aug 2024  #28

Some strategic moves are required in advance to avoid big troubles.

Self-determination was good for Kosovo, It was about "freedom and democracy".

Self-determination in Ukraine is very bad...

... for the Western warmongers. Over 1 million Ukrainians were not executed by the Russians.

WTF? That was not in the script!

Instead, they were given Russian IDs...Those Russian bastards...refusing to play along... what a shame...

28 Aug 2024  #29

Most of them now want to be Ukrainian Ukrainians.

They are free to leave Russia, join the UA, get blown up by Russian gliding bombs, and be disposed of in Russia before they start stinking up the area.

A circle is a funny object...

28 Aug 2024  #30

We are not started any real war yet

You did, and you are out of your league. You started a war you can never win.

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