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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 17

cms neuf
28 Dec 2024  #1081

I don't know about dollars but the parents of dead farm boys get some tea towels and a big bag of pelmeni.

But often their sons are simply listed as missing, to save on these costs

28 Dec 2024  #1082

Still I do not support Russia, and a continue to support Ukraine

AmaSSing. Coz in the forum you lash at other Ukraine supporters and allign with Kremlin Stooges aka Novi.
What is wrong??? ):):)

Russia did honor

BS. Stop trolling like Joker or Novi.

28 Dec 2024  #1083


Russia was no more guilty of undermining the Minsk agreements than Ukraine was.

Not true. Again, I suggest you read up on Russia's conduct during and after the negotiations. Russia never had any interest in making Minsk II work under the conditions that had been agreed upon, because that would have left Ukraine mostly intact and capable of pursuing its' own path. Instead Putin wanted to install his proxies in Luhansk and Donbass and through them sabotage the rest of Ukraine. Something that was both against Minsk II and obviously not going to be accepted by Ukraine.

Ukraine has some responsibility for drawing Russia in

No they do not. Because Russia was not "drawn in." Russia acted on their own each step on the way. There was no pressing need for Russia to invade Ukraine in 2014, nor in 2022. Russia had been offered a sweet deal with Minsk II and later with assurances from Western leaders that Ukraine would not join NATO. Putin could have easily taken those concessions as a big win, but that was never enough for him.

That something had to "offered" to Russia in order to them stop meddling with and invading another country, despite having signed several treaties promising to not do precisely that, is telling in itself.

28 Dec 2024  #1084

Did North Nigerian Nazis honor those Minsk agreements?

Did the Ukranians?

Ready to delve into the weeds of which paragraph of Minsk II regarding federalisation of the donbas/luhansk should have been implemented first?

sons are simply listed as missing, to save on these costs

don't fool yourself fool. whatever the russians do, the ukranians do as well. admittedly they have a bit more western smalec to go around, but yeah like they say in cambodia same same but..

There was no pressing need for Russia to invade Ukraine in 2014, nor in 2022

there was, if you ever read Zbigniew Brezinskis magnum opus The Grand Chessboard.

28 Dec 2024  #1085


Ready to delve into the weeds of which paragraph regarding federalisation of the donbas/luhansk should have been implemented first?

Dont forget the issue of holding of fair and free elections in those territories. Which does not mean the farce that Russia conducted in Crimea.

Merkel spent hours arguing with Putin about this issue to no avail.

28 Dec 2024  #1086

Dont forget the issue of holding of fair and free elections in those territories

which was preceded by granting amnesty to the pro russian militia/independence fighters in the dombass/luhansk. as well as recognising that these provinces have a federalised ie more autonomous status. conditions that the kiev junta in 2014-2016, under pressure from the ultra nationalists and washington would never accept.

Merkel and Germany? like Sikorski and Poland during that time, always a bit player.

28 Dec 2024  #1087


if you ever read Zbigniew Brezinskis magnum opus The Grand Chessboard.

Please elaborate. If possible without using the long outdated "heartland theory" that subscribes vital importance to a sparesely populated area with little industry in the context of the 21 th century.

as well as recognising that these provinces have a federalised ie more autonomous statuy

After holding fair and free elections in those provinces.

Kiev honoring the agreement was never the issue. Ukraine had been a reliable partner that adhered to international agreements, unlike Russia.

Kiev junta

Oh boy....

28 Dec 2024  #1088

o.k to put it simply because if it's vast resources, who controles EuroAsia controls the world. And without Ukraine, Russia is no longer a superpower or wannabe superpower.
Ukraine had been a reliable partner that adhered to international agreements,

Lolzo do you know how Minsk I broke down? because the ukris attacked, and it turned out distastrously for them, whilst they're getting slaughtered up jumps merkel and the frog with Minsk II..

it's just like the war in georgia over abhakazia or wahtever it's called, those two autonomous republics, stupid mainstream media suckers like fagticus just think it was russian aggression invasion, when in fact it was the georgians sashkawili that attacked, and got their ass kicked.

28 Dec 2024  #1089

Russia is no longer a superpower or wannabe superpower.

Let's define "superpower" before we decide which country is or is not.

Is the "superpower" that lost in Vietnam a superpower or or just a normal power?

Is France a superpower?

28 Dec 2024  #1090

Is the "superpower" that lost in Vietnam

yep, still a superpower.

btw when crow talks about the NATO illegal bombing of Serbia, bombing the electricity and water plants. he's hundred percent right .

28 Dec 2024  #1091

Is France a superpower?

28 Dec 2024  #1092


Russia is no longer a superpower or wannabe superpower.

Russia would not be a superpower even if they controlled Ukraine. Having a smaller GDP than Italy does that to a country. Which really just goes to show how irrational Putin's obsession with Ukraine is even from a geopolitical view point.

And the reality of no longer being a superpower is no excuse for invading another country 20 years after granting it independence.

Never mind that this war is just eroding Russia's remaining status as a Great power.

it's just like the war in georgia over

Responsibility for the Russo-Georgian War


Just another example of Russian disinfo. One which they have admittedly been spreading very effektively. But now the truth is slowly being made known in the West.

28 Dec 2024  #1093


28 Dec 2024  #1094

yep, still a superpower.
So North Vietnam is a super superpower because it defeated a superpower and the wh*ores that joined that superpower?

Never mind that this war is just eroding Russia's remaining status as a Great power.

Then you should be cheering Russia on and pray for the war to continue until you are out of Ukrainians.

TacituSS, I am so proud of your flawless logic...Here is your chance to finish the job your relatives were unable...Damn...Let's try one more time...

28 Dec 2024  #1095

So North Vietnam is a super superpower

Vietnam became america's bi*ch during clintons time when it joined the WTO and promised the pay the debt to america for being bombed. literally they're paying back every bomb and every agent orange back to your lovely country.

can't blame them, their economy and tourism is doing great, lots of aussie and chinese and russian tourists. skyscrapers where before there was shanty towns.

28 Dec 2024  #1096

Not true. Again, I suggest you read up on Russia's conduct during and after the negotiations.

Yes, I find it utterly amaSSing how PAK is lying in favour of Russia. Did they buy him or is it in the polluted water he drinks in that Cracow of his???

28 Dec 2024  #1097

can't blame them,

Don't deflect.

Was North Vietnam a super superpower or not? They beat the US, the world's most superior superpower...

28 Dec 2024  #1098

Don't deflect.

Pot kettle syndrome. Feniks and Atch pointed to your deflections dozens of times.

28 Dec 2024  #1099

yep pawain is right, stop asking gotcha deflecting zero sum questions before you get your ass smacked right back into your wheelchair,

28 Dec 2024  #1100

So what about those superpowers...

Is France a superpower?

28 Dec 2024  #1101

Elon Musk's net worth is twice that of Ukraine's GDP was before the full-scale invasion in 2022. The idea that the controle of Ukraine was crucial for being a superpower may have had some merit when agriculture was essential (so basically already outdated in the early 20th century) but in the 21 century? Utterly ridiculous.

28 Dec 2024  #1102

for being a superpower may have had some merit when agriculture was essential

just lolzo mate youtube.com/watch?v=npDqU47qZ7s

unless you haven't had a high school education, news flash it's not about freedom and democracy.

28 Dec 2024  #1103

Hey, TacituSS, Russia is trying to liberate Donbass be chasing your ex-allies out. Duh!

28 Dec 2024  #1104

liberate Donbass

But Ukraine never conquered it before. :):):)

28 Dec 2024  #1105


Donbass be chasing your ex-allies out

The Soviet Union was allied to Nazi Germany.


just lolzo mate

That argument is even worse. Russia has more ressources than any other country. What limited the extraction was the lack of money and lack of expertise. So Russia has now embarked on a very expensive war to end up with more land but even less money to develop it.

28 Dec 2024  #1106

well worth repeating odysee.com/@JonahInTheHeartOfNineveh:2/WAZ-and-the-'Magic-Circle':e
That argument is even worse.

Is it? the goal of the usa is to split russia into 15 russastans to get the resources.

cms neuf
28 Dec 2024  #1107

I don't think France is a superpower, but I also don't think they claim to be

In any case they are more powerful than North Nigeria

- richer
- better army
- cultural leader
- better food
- influential peaceful democracy

28 Dec 2024  #1108

France is a failed di*k.

28 Dec 2024  #1109

France is failed di*k.

Muzzie country.

cms neuf
28 Dec 2024  #1110

Yes I didn't think that would take long - there are indeed Muslims in France, like M'bappe.

USA News and Poland - part 12 [1213]

Off-Topic / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 17top