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USA News and Poland - part 12

27 Oct 2024  #1

If you think that trumpet is a "successful businessman" please explain what happened to his casinos, his airline, his "university"....

28 Oct 2024  #2

The American justice system I am proud of...

johnny reb
28 Oct 2024  #3

NOT GUILTY do to justifiable insanity !

28 Oct 2024  #4

I would rather wear a pair of fake tits than pink shorts and sandals...

28 Oct 2024  #5

Trumpet apparently dubbed Puerto Rico "a floating garbage island" at his
rally in New York the other day.

And this is the filth bucket we want for the highest elected office on earth??
Such beggars this man's imagination.

johnny reb
28 Oct 2024  #6

dubbed Puerto Rico "a floating garbage island"

It is, crime and American welfare
we want for the highest elected office on earth??

Absolutely, he calls it like it is with the facts and not emotions like you pansy asses do
Such beggars this man's imagination.

You will really be having nightmares when he wins

28 Oct 2024  #7

You will really be having nightmares when he wins

I don't know who "you" is...Memo to "you": Please die...

28 Oct 2024  #8

Trumpet apparently dubbed Puerto Rico "a floating garbage island"

No he didn't, that was a "Comedian" called Tony Hinchcliffe who Trumps people have since distanced themselves from.

And JR Jim, you need to do the same as Trump's team...... Trump needs the Hispanic vote to win.

28 Oct 2024  #9

No he didn't

He very probably said much worse when he didn't have a mic in front of him. Just look at his "grab them by the pussy" comments and so on.

people have since distanced themselves from.

It's only human to distance oneself from a f*ck up of biblical proportions. Some people even try it with their own f*ck ups. For example look at Jimmy Poorhouse trying to put distance between himself and his former favourite photo. For years Jimmy has been jacking off to that photo believing that it shows me and the ex-wife of mine who has never existed in his imagination. Now he's realised that nobody in the photo is me and his friend was only ever allowed into the FB group to give him that photo, he's trying to pretend it was never his most prized possession! Although given that Jimmy doesn't even own a pot to p!ss in, "most prized possession" for him is a lot lower of a bar than for normal people.

28 Oct 2024  #10

Jimmy doesn't even own a pot to p!ss in,

That is the overriding truth.Jim is a pauper in Michigan with delusions of grandeur that make him feel good........sad..... very sad......

johnny reb
29 Oct 2024  #11

I don't know who "you" is...Memo to "you": Please die...

Oh that's right, you have the Turd's blocked on your ignore list too.

29 Oct 2024  #12

Jim is a pauper in Michigan with delusions of grandeur that make him feel good.

Well, Jimmy Poorhouse used to be a pauper in Michigan with spankbank photos he thought were of me and so made him feel good. Now he's been exposed as a delusional pauper in Michigan who has only photos that I'm not in! LOL! Hoot!

29 Oct 2024  #13

Just look at his "grab them by the pussy" comments and so on.

Do you have one or are you one?

My problem with kunts who have pussies is that the one who let 10 millions useless human garbage aka refugees into the US is very likely to be pres...and, for the first time in history of mankind, fvck 300 million Americans with more of the same shlt the kunt did in the last four years.

That's the pussy we dread...

29 Oct 2024  #14

Iran executes California man Jamshid Sharmahd after abducting him during international flight layover, convicting him of terror charges

Memo to morons who came to the US as refugees: Enjoy life, STFU, and never go back to the shlthole you escaped from.

If you decide to ignore this advice, you are on your own...FU...

29 Oct 2024  #15

Proof that women are mental or from another planet...

and this:

A guy would call the number first ... not a woman. Throwing a fit is so much fun...

29 Oct 2024  #16

A man and LGBT freak...

29 Oct 2024  #17

Puerto Rico "a floating garbage island"

Hopefully the Puerto Ricans in swing states will all come out and vote.

29 Oct 2024  #18

Yep, make America great again, flush trumpet down the toilet

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johnny reb
29 Oct 2024  #19

Do you have one or are you one?

You are a genius, Novi.
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

29 Oct 2024  #20

The difference between stupidity

Lazhole is getting on my nerves...

johnny reb
29 Oct 2024  #21

That's what the Ignore Function is for, Novi.
Add him to your list of British trolls.
They should not even be allowed in OUR thread.

29 Oct 2024  #22

@Johnny, if that's calling things as he sees them, he and the rest of his
cult followers should get glasses or refill their prescription, 'cuz they's blind
as a bat and can't see for squat!!

Then again, ya cain't correct a prescription for a blind man; he can't see anyhow.

No, we're not amscraying to Canada or having nightmares. The nightmares are
being saved for his foolish supporters who voted for him in the first place.

As the first time round, we Americans will simply have to rely more on bribery
and deception than under Biden to get what we want, need, and ultimately deserve.

johnny reb
29 Oct 2024  #23

'cuz they's blind as a bat and can't see for squat!!

We have seen enough of high gas prices, high food prices, high rent, and biden/Harris destroying our economy with open borders.
And it is a sure bet that if that airhead gets elected that She Will Get Us In A War.
Why are you so hell bent on another four years of failures and being a slave to their administration ?
Are you blind ?
Those people literally have blood on their hands.

29 Oct 2024  #24

Add him to your list of British trolls.

I have to keep some here as targets and a reason to use "azhole" and "moron".
They should not even be allowed in OUR thread.

I am 100% US-centric. Becauxe of that, I would be very happy to have our own thread with a promise to never comment about any other country.

This list is what keeps me awake way too often...

Woke mobs

...the four lethal pills that will kill us...Trump is our last chance...

29 Oct 2024  #25

The difference between stupidity and genius

The answer is very simple: stupidity thinks other stupidity is genius and genius thinks other stupidity is stupidity. 🙂

29 Oct 2024  #26

Alien, this is pure philosophy. Like Kant`s. While Novi`s a kunt. This means you are treating a kunt with Kant. hahahaha

29 Oct 2024  #27

A psychopath is merely a crazy, potentially violent or dangerous individual who automatically
inspires fear or disquiet upon first encounter. A sociopath, Ted Bundy, the Uncle Charlie character
from Hitchcock's "Shadow of a Doubt", Gregory from "Gaslight", for example, appear as infinitely calm
controlled, ever so charming, erudite, most attractive folks...only, cross them even once, reject their theories
or sexual advances and they become frightening monsters!!

29 Oct 2024  #28

Morons like this stupid woman are allowed to vote...We are fvcked biggly...

29 Oct 2024  #29

How about Trump's insurrectionists? Were they paragons of mental or social health??

29 Oct 2024  #30

How about Trump's insurrectionists?

You mean those old grannies that were put in jail for simply walking through?

You seem to be getting nervous , Lyzko! LOL

She is going making a teleprompter speech soon, is it Nazi night again? Or will she finally disclose some of her policies????

  • theliberalplaybook.jpg

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