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USA News and Poland - part 12

2 Nov 2024  #121

@johnny reb
I think the new president regardless of party pardons him as a guesture of goodwill.

Its down to just a few days.

johnny reb
2 Nov 2024  #122

as a guesture of goodwill.

What about the enemies Trump slogan of: "Nobody is above the law" or are we back to: "Just - Us".

2 Nov 2024  #123

Trump packed the Supreme Court with his cronies, among them that Coney Barrett, along with Brett Cavanaugh, and the sane-thinking public
wonders why this filth bucket is allowed to get away with all infractions, save murder??!

2 Nov 2024  #124

Trump packed the Supreme Cour

More propaganda. There are the same amount of justices ( 9) as there always has been. Kameltoe is the commie talking about expanding the court to further her leftist crimes upon America.

The garbage voter ( who biden calls us) will take her and Tampon Tim out come this Tuesday :)

Trump will exact revenge upon Dems after 4 years of terror and insanity.... Get the popcorn out 😆 I hope you meltdown like a crayon in the sun!😂😂😂😂

2 Nov 2024  #125

I hope you meltdown like a crayon in the sun

Don`t be so sure coz you may lose and Lyzko will push those silly words back into your trap so you will choke on them. Ha!!!

2 Nov 2024  #126

@johnny reb
I think Trump knows a good PR move when he see's it.

The beauty of Trump winning would be that he cant run again and would owe nothing to no one. No fvcks given is exactly what it will take to bring the country back to greatness. Elon running efficiency programs, RFK cleaning out all the garbage from health and medical programs, and absolute dismantling of the IRS while beefing up border security. When a man has nothing to gain, he also has nothing to lose.

cms neuf
2 Nov 2024  #127

Musk will last less than 6 months working for someone else. After that Trump will say Musk is a loser, over-rated etc.

As for RFK running health, well that will be worth watching just for the comedy value

2 Nov 2024  #128

@cms neuf
Why so negative about the government waste being removed? RFK is a smart guy. I dont agree with all his positions, but getting all the dyes out of cereals for children, and all the chemicals out of food that are illegal in Europe is a great place to start. I would say anyone against any of those is not American.

2 Nov 2024  #129

Why so negative about the government waste being removed?

The azhole is just yanking your chain. Nobody is really that stupid...
I would say anyone against any of those is not American.

...just a PF troll...

2 Nov 2024  #130



2 Nov 2024  #131

Why so negative about the government waste being removed?

He is negative about anything positive for America... The same goes fo the rest of these leftist foreigners that only want to see the USA go down.

...just a PF troll...

Hes spent almost a decade trashing Trump on PF.. This kraut cant vote and his opinion means nothing at all. TDS controls him..lol

Its all gloom and doom if Trump wins...Hahaha.... Actually, its the exact opposite.

Musk will last less than 6 months working for someone else.

Can you define what a woman is?

johnny reb
2 Nov 2024  #132

but getting all the dyes out of cereals for children, and all the chemicals out of food that are illegal in Europe is a great place to start.

Do you actually expect a response to your brilliance PolAm ?
Or for that matter any response to our facts concerning our enemies failures to destroy America that we Patriots point out to them.
The Liberals can not debate the facts so they start name calling (like Lyzko's above post) to vent their denial frustrations.
They are in a heap of shlt and they know it.
The only way they can win is cheat again.

2 Nov 2024  #133

The recent "garbage" or "BJ" comments dominating mass media highlight just how far society has fallen. It's all about feelings and emotions. Logic, facts? Who cares. It's all one big Jerry Springer Show. No adult in the room. You reap what you sow.

2 Nov 2024  #134

Do you actually expect a response

The silence is a screaming response JR. Better than the screaming rainbow hair fvcktards on every street corner at every stupid leftist rally. The silence when it comes to real issues is deafening.

2 Nov 2024  #135

No adult in the room. You reap what you sow.

That's why I left the room after 1980 elections and never came back.

2 Nov 2024  #136

how far society has fallen.

Yes, far rightists praising Trump for his unpredictability. Amasing!!!! RR is turning in his grave like a shark biting its prey.

2 Nov 2024  #137

I'd vote for Kennedy if he was on the ballot. Regarding Trump vs Harris - I'd vote for Trump, but only because of Vance.

2 Nov 2024  #138

The silence when it comes to real issues is deafening.

When the swmp speaks through ABC and NBC wh*res for hire it's even worse.
They don't even try to "report". The evening news is just another infomercial for the leftists. A reporter has no business adding adjectives to tell me how the bi*ch feels.

Like: Trump falsely said that...They do it every single day...Never about Kamala.

I'd vote for Trump, but only because of Vance.

Spot on,T. The wrong guy is running for president.

Since you are in Poland, I will do it for you. I was planning to stay away from this bs...

This reminds me..."Moj prezydent swiadczy o mnie".

johnny reb
2 Nov 2024  #139

You reap what you sow.

Spot on again.
Just look at California, all of America's big cities, our failing schools, no morals, no respect, as they speak for themselves of one big failure.
Yet the Swamp denies trying to destroy America and its values in the name of greed and meism.

2 Nov 2024  #140

no morals, no respect,

Johhny, you can`t blame them. They only follow yours and other rightists` character and attitude. Simple.

2 Nov 2024  #141

and meism.

...that "me-too" crap backfired spectacularly into the screaming broads' stupid faces...

Men and companies don't want to be anywhere near them...One accusation and your career, freedom, and marriage are over...That's why under no circumstances would I go on a business trip with a "menstruating person"...I am not that stupid...

Get a cat, morons...

2 Nov 2024  #142

go on a business trip with a "menstruating person"

Nobody would accuse you coz you have been a certified impotent for decades. hahahaha

2 Nov 2024  #143

This video explains why we need 1 trillion a year to stay safe but China only 250M.

The last guy who tried to charge Chinese army $100,000 for a soap dispenser is now in form of spare body parts after a ten-mimute trial and five-minute execution.

The guy who did it here was promoted to a VP at Boeing.

2 Nov 2024  #144

but China only 250M

Darling, that is why when China attacks Taiwan and the US engages, the Chinese fleet and air force and all their garbage military stuff will colonise the bottom of the ocean near the island quite soon.

2 Nov 2024  #145

Why modern and independent women are useless as wives...

2 Nov 2024  #146


While you are still mercilessly exploiting your wife coz she brings you meals to the door of your bedroom every day.

johnny reb
2 Nov 2024  #147

They will get more of what they voted for last time in which they deserve.
Their kids can't afford houses, most are still living at home with Mommy, they can't find a job to support themselves, they have no future, the government controls them with welfare so the dumb M.F.ers deserve what they are voting for again.
I can't understand how they can be so damn stupid doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Kinda like being stuck on stupid.

2 Nov 2024  #148

I think Biden has a secret plan to foil the Cacklers plan. Just like a scene out of Batman.

Hes like the gift that just keeps on giving! loll

  • toneitdown.jpg

2 Nov 2024  #149

Kinda like being stuck on stupid.

That's what happens when they are scared to be expelled from the group and shunned. Many commit suicide when this happens.
Dr. Novichok.

Joker, I would rather be a NAZI than assfucker or non-binary moron....

johnny reb
3 Nov 2024  #150

That's what happens when they are scared

So far the Enemy Democrats have spent over $4.5 BILLION on ads and such for this election.
Anyone want to guess how many hundreds of millions George Soros has donated to the Democratic party for this election ?
The globalists swamp will not let Trump destroy their plan and will do anything necessary to stop him.

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Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 12top