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USA News and Poland - part 12

29 Oct 2024  #31

About those Nazis...

Godwin's Law says...Paraphrasing:

The longer an online conversation, the higher the chance of Hitler being mentioned.

My version: When out of arguments, call him Hitler.

Or racist...

Or xenophobe...

Or homophobe...

johnny reb
29 Oct 2024  #32

How about Trump's insurrectionists?

That's on Pelosi's head, Dummy.
Trump told Pelosi to call the National Guard in to avoid it BUT NOOOoooo, she wanted it to happen and it did.
So quit blowing smoke Lyzko and man up to your failures.

side note: (Novi, Joker, and I have begged Lyzko to sit in on one of his classes to debate his propaganda in front of his students but Lyzko declined to be chewed up and spit out with extreme embarrassment.)

29 Oct 2024  #33

(Novi, Joker, and I have begged Lyzko to sit in on one of his classes to debate his propaganda

I need a minute per subject to make it a check-mate win and only because the sob will filibuster with verbal salad...

Debating a leftist is like armwrestling a toddler...

Trump told Pelosi to call the National Guard

If he did it, they would now be saying that he sent his Brown Shirts to disband Congress and become Hitler 2.0.

30 Oct 2024  #34

This sums it up accurately....

  • 464905237_1088810663.jpg

30 Oct 2024  #35

This sums it up accurately....

Great post...And timely ...

I am going to read that table to my next weekly group of leftists...

cms neuf
30 Oct 2024  #36

Abortion for Aryans was severely punished in fascist Germany

Still you are right about one thing - a lot of similarities between Nazism and communism which is why they invaded Poland together with their North Nogerian allies

30 Oct 2024  #37

The suggestion that Nazi were in any sense Socialist is ridiculous; they were helped into power by capitalist business owners and they persecuted trade unionists and other Socialists.

30 Oct 2024  #38

they were helped into power by capitalist business owners and they persecuted trade unionists and other Socialists.

To be fair the same applies to the Bolsheviks as well. Lenin literally rocked up with gold supplied from the german elite.

30 Oct 2024  #39

True however their motivation was about winning WW1, which of course they didn't.

Bratwurst Boy
30 Oct 2024  #40

The suggestion that Nazi were in any sense Socialist is ridiculous

Hmmm....I'm not so sure....it wasn't for nothing "National SOCIALISM"!

The 25-Punkte-Programm of the NSDAP has some points which today totally look socialist (and even communist)!
(you need Google translate)

Especially points 7, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 21.


I think Socialism was the next big thing back then....in most countries....so the german Nazis used and even meant that in the beginning!

Bratwurst Boy
30 Oct 2024  #41

Okay....I asked google myself:

7. We demand that the state undertakes to ensure, first and foremost, the citizens' ability to work and live.

11. Abolition of labor and effortless income.

13. We demand the nationalization of all (so far) already socialized (trust) companies

14. We demand profit sharing with large companies.

15. We demand a generous expansion of old-age pensions.

16. We demand the creation of a healthy middle class and its preservation, immediate municipalization of large department stores...

17. We demand a land reform adapted to our national needs and the creation of a law for the free expropriation of land for charitable purposes. Abolition of land rent and prevention of all land speculation.

21. The state must ensure the improvement of public health and by protecting the mother and child, by prohibiting youth work....

Frankly....alot of new and upcoming western parties have similiar points as the Nazis back then (without the after WW1-especially german tone) and become similiar successful!

30 Oct 2024  #42


Obviously some people failed their history lessons. To be a Nazi is to be a Socialist, is to be a modern Democrat.

To be a true fighter for "democracy" means the elimination from government in an individuals life, or the strict limits it has. The US is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. The States legally have the power, but somewhere along the way, the leadership of the States has caved in and given the Federal Government a level of control that is not legally theirs.

Abortion for instance is a State's right to determine the legality or illegality of. Drivers licenses, and other licenses are also within the States control, not the Federal Government. There no such license for a Doctor that covers them from State to State or under a federal jurisdiction, they are licensed by the State. Other States can choose to honor that license or not. This is what all the far left idiots dont understand. The Federal government in the US was intended to be small, and the greedy DC fvcks have made it huge. Kumala is just another DC fvcktard on the take.

cms neuf
30 Oct 2024  #43

Of course there is a huge overlap between heavy socialism and fascism. Plenty of fascists started on the left - 30 percent of the SA were ex communists and lots of examples outside Germany like Oswald Moseley, Mussolini

30 Oct 2024  #44

.it wasn't for nothing "National SOCIALISM"!

And North Korea is the 'People's Democratic Republic'. It's not democratic and it's not the people's. Or even a republic.

I think Socialism was the next big thing back then....in most countries.

It still is; a society where people aren't exploited by the rich should be the goal of us all. One where the person actually doing a job gets the most benefit from their labour rather than scummy investors sat on their fat arses. Fascists are abusers; they stole the word because it is an appealing one.

socialism and fascism.

I'd not say huge, however chancers like Moseley and cĂșnts like Le Pen or Farage grab the headlines and appeal to the lowest common denominator. You don't hear so much of those who roll their sleeves up and work to make things better. They/we are faceless bureacrats and dowdy party workers. I bet you can name twennty sports players and pop singers. Can you name twenty famous nurses or twenty famous trade union officials?

30 Oct 2024  #45

This sums it up accurately....

Accurately? From the top:
Socialism: buy a dictionary and look up the word.
Censorship: it's not the Dems who are calling for broadcasting licences to be taken away from certain channels, it's the orange moron.
Gun control: the Nazis actually hugely loosened the gun control laws they inherited. They deregulated the buying and selling of rifles, shotguns and ammunition and made it legal for anyone who had a hunting licence to carry a pistol at any time (not only when hunting).
I can't be bothered to go through the rest of the list.

30 Oct 2024  #46

One where the person actually doing a job gets the most benefit from their labour rather than scummy investors sat on their fat arses.

So the guy who starts his company with his idea and no big time investors is suppossed to take less than those he employs when without him they wouldnt have a job? You realize that the backbone of the US economy is small business, not corporations? For instance, I hae a friend who's father invented some special process for automotive hoses in the 40's. He patented it, and started his own factory and grew it into a business making hundreds of millions, employing thousands of people. No outside investment at all. He was supposed to give over everything to the masses? Thats not even rational.

30 Oct 2024  #47

So the guy who starts his company with his idea and no big time investors is suppossed to take less than those he employs

Less than an individual gets from their work, of course. Isn't that enough?

A company with 5000 people? Should the investor get 5000% more than a worker? Isn't 5000 wages per year enough for him?

Who should cover the employer's business expenses? The worker or the employer?

30 Oct 2024  #48

Donald J. Trump is nothing other than a cancer, a carbuncle on the American politic and
belongs in jail.

Once again, he simply missed his calling as a borscht belt insult comic a la Jackie Mason.
Plenty of gentiles could do that jobLOL

johnny reb
30 Oct 2024  #49

Gee Lyzko, you are sounding awful bitter and Trump hasn't even officially won yet. lol
The big betting money bookies are giving Trump a 67% odds of winning.
I hope the Enemy doesn't try to steal the election again.

cms neuf
30 Oct 2024  #50

Not sure the betting markets mean much - online gambling is a young lower education male pastime and that's a demographic that supports Trump heavily.

johnny reb
30 Oct 2024  #51

Who told you that the big money bookies are younger lower educated ?
Or is that just one of your uneducated bias opinions ?

30 Oct 2024  #52

Not sure the betting markets mean much

They mean there's a very good investment opportunity. From what I can see, the US presidential election is very close to a coin toss. Harris has a lead of 1.4% in the 538 poll of polls, but that's well within the margin of error. But right now, 100zl bet with STS pays out 220zl after tax, that's 6 to 5 for an even-money bet!

But to understand why that's happening you need to understand how betting works, and obviously beyond the likes of those who are so financially illiterate that they think CHF is a stock ticker and so innumerate that they can't convert CHF 100 into US dollars. Yes, that is a reference to the poster who recently lost his very favourite photo! Hoot!

johnny reb
30 Oct 2024  #53

Not sure the betting markets mean much

Trump's chances of winning the election rose today after biden's 'Garbage' remarks.
I don't think biden wants Kackala to win after she threw him under the bus by putting him out to pasture.
Did you happen to catch the news snippet of Kackala and Michigan's governor Whitless sitting at a bar in Michigan sucking beer by an unbeknown hot mike ?
Kackala ask them to please edit their F words. Hoot !

30 Oct 2024  #54

The Federal government in the US was intended to be small,

...and do this:

1. Defend the US
2. Resolve disputes between the States
3. Contol who crosses the border

I hope the Enemy doesn't try to steal the election again.

The enemy will not have to.

They have enough idiots aka women to get what they want - a moron that will giggle every time she will be told to "sign here".

johnny reb
30 Oct 2024  #55

They have enough idiots aka women to get what they want - a moron that will giggle

Giggle until they see men competing against their daughters in sports, men using their shower rooms, illegals raping their daughters, and their sons dying from o.d.ing on fentanyl.
I can't be bothered to go through the rest of the list that the Enemy is responsible for.

30 Oct 2024  #56

Giggle until they see men competing against their daughters in sports,

My conclusion is that all evil starts with "nice people" who are unable to say no.

I hate "nice people". These idiots will tolerate anything and everything for a ticket to High Moral Ground.

30 Oct 2024  #57

If the worker receives a fair wage he should be grateful that he has a job. Without the employer the worker has nothing. The employers expenses are covered by the operation of the business that he created, by the jobs he created for without him there is nothing. Your way of thinking is nothing more than Soviet thinking. That turned out great didnt it?

This concept that everyone is equal or should be treated equally is hilarious.

30 Oct 2024  #58

If the worker receives a fair wage he should be grateful that he has a job

Or the capitalist who is buying the workers' time and/or skills should be perhaps grateful that she or he has a worker at all.

the business that he created, by the jobs he created

She or he wouldn't have a business without the workers.

Would you let business people do pretty well what they want?

30 Oct 2024  #59

This concept that everyone is equal or should be treated equally is hilarious.

There is a simple test I just made up...

The mayor of Shltville has an hour to see a blood-sucking capitalist who wants to build a factory or a worker who wants a job. Whom will he see first?

30 Oct 2024  #60

Paying for time and paying for skills are two completely different things. A doctor gets paid for his skills, a janitor gets paid for his time. Every person has a role to play in society, but not everyones role is equal. A plumber is a critical person and they rightly make great money. Electricians are in the same category. A window washer is not critical and is not deserving of pay equal to a plumber or electrician. A window washer gets paid for his time and there are millions that can do his job. Plumbers and electricians get paid for their skill and there are never enough of them.

Your idea that there is no business without workers does not hold water. There are plenty of business operations that do not need workers. Workers need business, because workers are almost always less skilled, less intelligent, or some combination of both. Business is created by intelligent people with ideas that solve problems.

Would I let business do what ever they want? If its legal under the law, and ethical, it is up to society to make that judgement. If I want to drill for oil in my backyard, my neighbor shouldnt get any say in it unless it is somehow going to directly effect him. If my neighbor wants to raise pigs in his backyard and its legal, I can either move or get used to smelling pig sh1t. Life was never intended to be fair, and it never should be.

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