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USA News and Poland - part 12
25 Dec 2024 #1172
Constant yawning indicates a lack of original thought and oxygen depravity; please call for an oxygen tank with a sufficient pump. Hurry, miserable ape will expire
without immediate help. Yawn alert!, I hope we are not too late; the pulse is detectable but weak; oh sh*t, no post in a half-hour; he is a goner. May he rest in peace.
You will be missed, pencil neck, with pronounced Pinocchio nose.
25 Dec 2024 #1173
miserable ape
Yes, I am coz I have to deal with such specimens as you or Iron. :):):)
25 Dec 2024 #1174
That is the result of your dishonesty; ask others for proof, but never provide one yourself.
That was a good post, Ptak. No, I am not patronizing.
Nest time add a couple of the FCC unapproved words and I will really be impressed
25 Dec 2024 #1175
That was a good post, Ptak
Too late. You didn`t want to talk to Ptak earlier on, before Christmas, when he needed a friend, even an online one, to cheer him up.
Now you do but the topic which eventually connects you is this horrible pawian.
Spending Christmas discussing pawian. hahaha buhahahaha
Guys, do you realise how pathetic you are???
Or not so pathetic but simply lost in life???? We would like to pity you but you successfully prevent it.
25 Dec 2024 #1176
to cheer him up.
Hey, azhole, worry about yourself.
If Ptak needed cheering up, he would keep his P open.
25 Dec 2024 #1177
he would keep his P open.
Excuses, excuses..... :_:_:_
Go back to Ptak and cheer him up discussing pawian. Better late than never. hahahaha
25 Dec 2024 #1178
There is a pile of shlt in the park across the street. I would rather discuss that than a gender-confused clown.
cms neuf
25 Dec 2024 #1179
We'll go and move it if it bothers you
What do you expect to happen on Christmas Day - the government to move it ?
Get a shovel, drive over there in your fake ass " Lexus" and start digging
25 Dec 2024 #1180
@ pawian
Post real Christmas wishes, and I assure you,I will notice. Something unique, uplifting with a spark of imagination, exclusively Christmassy, not a boring scrambled eggs and bacon breakfast served every morning.
.Yeah, it is that time of the year, a time of wonder, mistletoe, hugs, and kisses.Time to Remember travels into the happiness of childhood
Hunting for the perfect Christmas tree in the forest, with the snow above your waist.The sweet sound of jingle bells.Hundreds of horse-driven sleds carrying simple peasants
to the church's doors, thousands and thousands of believers, deeply believing that Christ the Savior was reborn the very night, And the church shaking in its foundations to the holly song: Bog sie Rodzi..... Merry Christmas to all.
26 Dec 2024 #1181
Something unique, uplifting with a spark of imagination, exclusively Christmassy,
BS. No wishes are unique after the holiday taking place annually for centuries, even millenia.
and I assure you,I will notice.
I prefer you won`t coz you always spoil the atmosphere. You can`t resist. Like you did yesterday, fraternising with Kremlin Stooge against patriotic Poles and Poland. Shame on you.
But I forgive you coz you don`t know what you are doing.
thousands of believers.
You don`t believe so your wishes aren`t unique coz you don`t really feel the part of the community which celebrates .
Bog sie Rodzi.
Hollow words in your mouth.
26 Dec 2024 #1182
Hollow words in your mouth.
You reached very uplifting and civilized conclusions, which are fitting for a holy season. But then, I don't expect anything more from you.
Best Hollyday wishes for you too.
26 Dec 2024 #1185
My GFY to him was more sincere
Exactly!! :):):):
Ptak, Novi saw through you perfectly. So we can`t treat such "wishes" seriously.
26 Dec 2024 #1186
Are there such things as twisted eyeglasses? Seriously, prescription or department store.Sh*t you don't treat the future of your country seriously. Forget the Christmas messages.
26 Dec 2024 #1187
Forget the Christmas messages.
Now you are more honest than before. :)):) I appreciate it.
26 Dec 2024 #1188
Less than 3 weeks and the leftards are out!😆
I might have to buy a 6 pack on Jan 20th to celebrate
26 Dec 2024 #1189
Less than 3 weeks and the leftards are out!😆
...after they vandalize the offices, burn evidence, clean hard drives, erase fingerprints, and sprinkle some white powdery shlt to make things unusable...
Then they will blame Trump and Russians...collusion!!!
26 Dec 2024 #1190
Then they will blame Trump and Russians...collusion!!!
Not to mention about 10,000 pardons for anyone he can possibly think of thats worried about the crimes they committed while working for biden.
26 Dec 2024 #1191
Not to mention about 10,000 pardons
I have an idea for Biden since he is still the president...
Hey, Joe, pardon all the scum that wants to crawl under the fence and all the Democrats for all the crimes from today till the end of their kids not yet born...
Also ...Any criminal who votes Demo should be pardoned in advance of whatever crime he wants to commit in the future...
Also ...let's raise the shoplifting limit from 900 to 1 million to make stealing houses and Bentleys legal...
26 Dec 2024 #1192
I have an idea for Biden since he is still the president...
He just took off again on another vacation, this time its the Virgin Islands. This clown has seen more sand than David Hasselhoff during his presidency! Who is running the country? Its not him or Kameltoe thats for sure.... Its the last of the woke puppet masters trying to do as much damage before Trump takes office.
26 Dec 2024 #1193
The US Virgin Islands (USVI) has a high murder rate, and the islands have not always fully reported the data to the FBI:
2020: The firearm homicide rate was 50 per 100,000, which is 8.5 times higher than the rate in the 50 states.
Those damn Norwegians...with bones through the nose...
Hey, guys, as patriots, here is your oppo to prove it...
27 Dec 2024 #1194
Donald Trump announces bold target to end 'transgender lunacy' in women's sports on return as President
Simple. No new fed law needed.
Any "trans woman" who decided to compete in any women's sports should be arrested and forcibly altered to be a complete "trans woman" and "her" dick and balls sold in China.
This lunacy would stop in less than an hour.
27 Dec 2024 #1195
Speaking at the AmericaFest in Arizona, Trump said: 'With a stroke of my pen on Day 1, we're going to stop the transgender lunacy.
'And I will sign executive orders to end child mutilation, get transgender out of the military and out of our elementary schools and middle schools and high schools.
'And we will keep men out of women's sports. And that will, likewise, be done on Day 1. Should I do Day 1, Day 2 or Day 3? How about Day 1?
God Loves America Again...
Memo to LGBTs: Die, azholes...
27 Dec 2024 #1196
Donald Trump announces bold target
Bald target??? No more orange wig???? Amasing.
27 Dec 2024 #1197
Donald Trump announces bold target to end 'transgender lunacy' in women's sports on return as President
I posted as above.
So what does a Polish moron+clown notice? Not the essence of the sentence, but "bold".
Like a typical Polish moron who wants to be a clown, he replaced one letter and went off with the new word - smiling, stupid and happy...
I hope you will get cancer soon and die in pain.
27 Dec 2024 #1198
Not the essence of the sentence, but "bold".
Oops!! Did you write bold??? Sorry, I read it as bald!! Now I see a fly had crapped a little spot onto the screen and it deformed your word.
I am so sorry!!! I am cleaning it off right now!!!
I hope you don`t mind. :):):)
I hope you will get cancer soon and die in pain.
Thanks! I hope I won`t die but recover like you did some time ago. Your noble example will give me strength to fight it. :):):)
who wants to be a clown
I can`t help it. :):):) It is my life........
28 Dec 2024 #1199
This is why women should not vote...
Women more than men agree that "trans women" are women...10 to 1...That's how stupid women are...
28 Dec 2024 #1200
This is why women should not vote
Do you mean Poland made a mistake when she gave women ballot rights in 1918???