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USA News and Poland - part 12

31 Oct 2024  #91

There speaks libertarianism.

No, its not!

Yes it is. Your definition looks lkike one from an American website. That definition is Communism.

I lived through it, remember? ;)

You lived through Communism.

You see more Socialism nowadays than then.

Bratwurst Boy
31 Oct 2024  #92

Communism is and always was some socialist paradise...a nirvana....where everything is done and ready....the end goal for really true socialist. For that to work the world had to become already fully socialist, to be able to use all resources for all people...no chance with only a few still fighting the fight.
(The "Red Khmer" and similiar nutters don't count)

Jon....just accept it....maybe you should look for a new definition, one which doesn't awakes so many bad feelings, memories and fears in so many people as does socialism...

Why not re-use the word "ordo liberalism"? :)

31 Oct 2024  #93

You're still mixing two very different things; in a sort of absolutist European way.

One thing is the abolition of private property. You're mixing it with the public's control of the means of production.

one which doesn't awakes so many bad feelings

It doesn't for us!

Bratwurst Boy
31 Oct 2024  #94


*takes helmet*

Bratwurst Boy
31 Oct 2024  #95

Wow....*looks around*....did I somehow end this thread???

PS: Who else plays dead when the Halloween-children storm the door because no sweets in the house? Heh:)

cms neuf
31 Oct 2024  #96

No BB - I just think that everyone on the planet just wants to get to the other side of this election. i don't think America's image in the world has ever been lower.

Would be nice for Kamala to win and I stick with my prediction that she wins by 7m votes and takes one extra state - North Carolina.

If Trump wins then lets look at that as America's problem to deal with.

Bratwurst Boy
31 Oct 2024  #97

In "Random" maybe? Didn't really fit to the thread topic....

31 Oct 2024  #98

Trans woman sues Hooters after they 'refused to hire her'
They didn't hire you because we go to Hooters to look and eat, not eat and throw up.

Ask Joker...

Memo to trans freaks: Trans women are not women - or they would be exempt from draft and the Selective Service registration requirements.

31 Oct 2024  #99

we go to Hooters

Stop lying. You don`t go anywhere at all. Your wife doesn`t let you out in fear you might suffer a dementia bout and get lost.

31 Oct 2024  #100

They didn't hire you because we go to Hooters to look and eat, not eat and throw up.

That Hooters in Schaumburg has pretty good looking ones. Nobody would go there if they had woke trannies... Go woke, Go broke!

I love how biden keeps sabotaging Harris` campaign...lol

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31 Oct 2024  #101

Hey, azhole, drop that NAZI-in-America accent

This thread has turned into the Eurotard lounge again. They fail to grasp Americans dont give a rats ass about foreigners political opinions. They cant vote, its just a bunch of noise.

Kumala is only about demonizing Trump and hasn't explained any of her policies. When asked any question its the same canned pattern, " I was brought up in the middle class" word salad,bla,bla and bla. She hasn't given one substantive answer or held a new conferences.

What happen to the Joyful warriors??? Its all hate and calling the other side nazis and garbage now.

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31 Oct 2024  #102

This thread has turned into the Eurotard lounge again.

These mother fvckers are enjoying the lowest in US politics: A retard replacing a fossil...with their fake concern...

How did we get to this point ...

31 Oct 2024  #103

A retard replacing a fossil

Who is the retard?

1 Nov 2024  #104

Who else plays dead when the Halloween-children storm the door because no sweets in the house?

Or soap the screens on their doors and windows, shaving cream is used a lot as well.

Who is the retard?

Harris of course.

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1 Nov 2024  #105

I still can't decide who to hate more...RINOs, Bolsheviks, terrorists, or woke LGBT morons ...

I lean toward woke LBGT morons. It's possible to negotiate with the first three...Not with woke LGBT morons...

cms neuf
1 Nov 2024  #106

The WP didn't endorses Dukakis in 1988.

Rest of the time they have simply gone with the majority vote - except 2004 which is the last time the republicans won the popular vote, maybe the last time ever.

1 Nov 2024  #107

Fake photos of Kumala, fake news about Trump, and Biden calls American people "Garbage" for voting for Trump. And Trump is called the devisive one? Trump talks policy, while Harris talks feelings. Vance talks policy, while Walz talks in circles. Anyone voting for Harris is really a fvcking idiot, and if she wins, the country is doomed. I already have my realtor ready to put for sale signs up if Harris wins.

@cms neuf
When the WP fails to endorse a Democrat, there is a real problem with the democratic candidate. Forget the fact that this democratic candidate did not receive a single primary vote in the primary process. There is no policy discussion and no substance to any of her word salads. She is an embarassment.

cms neuf
1 Nov 2024  #108

I din't know how many votes she got in the primary - she will get 85 million on Tuesday, and that's more than Trump will get.

Mr Grunwald
1 Nov 2024  #109

It doesn't for us!

If I was a horrible person wishing equality of all the worst that happened to humanity, I would have pushed for socialism in the U.K. Maybe it will become a reality sooner then you realise!

Same goes for U.S and Kamala Harrison winning. Just so you know

1 Nov 2024  #110

@cms neuf
She got zero votes. And it was a coup on Biden orchestrated by Pelosi and her gang. That is the exact oposite of democracy.

1 Nov 2024  #111

would have pushed for socialism in the U.K

We've got a socialist government (the fifth so far) so you're a bit late. An excellent budget; the newspapers read by wealthy people near London are screaming because a couple of their loopholes they used to avoid Capital Gains Tax on extremely large assets have been closed however there are no i co e tax rises, even for high earners.

Anyway, your own country is famous for social capital and strong publicly funded infrastructure. So Socialism..

she will get 85 million on Tuesday, and that's more than Trump will get

Hopefully she'll win and hopefully trumpets people won't be able to do any anti-democratic jiggery pokery with the electoral colleges.

A retard replacing a fossil

trumpet didn't replace bush, though, did he...

Mr Grunwald
1 Nov 2024  #112

Anyway, your own country is famous

Spending money wisely and investing in your own population is a good decision regardless of ideology.

Nice try, but it's nothing sosialistic about it.

Your focus however just reveals the future of the U.K, I feel sorry for it. When I was talking about socialism, I wasn't thinking about government mainly or only (it's irrelevant unless you have a very centralised system in place)

I was thinking about all the «happy and smiling» faces while they clap with hands, give each other hugs and talk about how it all is very Nice while country is drowning in debt, becomes less powerful, more poor, brain drain and no motivator what so ever to change anything and voices of criticism are muted , isolated or Even killed in quiet.

THAT's U.K's future and of any country aiming for socialism. Downfall, increased spending to counter the growing hunger until the population can't keep up with all the greed that is only growing. In your eyes, bellies and groin while pointing at the richest, thinking you are immune to it yourself. Blindly ruining your own country

1 Nov 2024  #113

is a good decision regardless of ideology.

It is the ideology. Anything other than Socialism in its various forms, they take the money off you.

Mr Grunwald
1 Nov 2024  #114

All governments takes money off of you, legally or illegally. Some give it back in one form or the other, purposely choosing the worst methods (socialism) will always boggle my mind.

The promises of socialism no matter how high or wonderful comes at a cost, that my family knows all too well. Trick somebody else, cause I was robbed off my future cause of your ilk and of those with similar mindset, while they thought themselves right and justified. It is sickness you want, spread and will have.

1 Nov 2024  #115

@Mr Grunwald
Socialism is simply the most impossible idealist way of forming a government. It is designed to fail because human nature will never allow it to succeed. I just read an incredible story about life in Poland during communism/socialism. Everyone was equal unless you werent. All the bribery, and scamming just to have food. The socialists are usually also student activists or those that grew into adults thinking that everyone is equal, when everyone isnt.

1 Nov 2024  #116

She is an embarassment.

The system that allowed this farse is an embarrassment.

That's why I vote only in single-issue referenda.

Who farts in Springfield or DC means shlt to me. When they will be under a legally-binding contract to vote how they promised, I will vote.

Today, these scumbags can lie all they want and, once in office, vote the exact opposite. Thanks, no...

thinking that everyone is equal, ...

...and everything in free...

10 grand a month salary for going to the beach and writing poetry...or painting if one is illiterate.

johnny reb
1 Nov 2024  #117

Hunters sentencing date is December 16th.
Do you think his father joe (the Big Man) will pardon him before he leaves office in January so the biden crime family can keep the $ Millions $ that Ukraine and China and Russia gave them illegally to avoid his Dad joe biden from being charged with treason ?
Trump is the only one that can stop this insanity to a degree.

1 Nov 2024  #118

Blindly ruining your own country

A frog in boiling water...As long as it's slow, sheep adapt or don't notice...Then it's too late...

Western states would be inching toward a revolution if penis owners were men. They are not.

That's why the ruling gangs pussified real men into agreeable slime like Barney, PF assfucker, and pawian...

A male with fake tits, lipstick, and a wig is not likely to buy an AR-15 and be a threat to the system.

johnny reb
1 Nov 2024  #119

You don't mince any words do you Novi.
Spot on my friend.

1 Nov 2024  #120

Jerry Seinfeld slams his children's $65,000-per-year private school for bizarre election move
Hey, Jerry, save the money. I went to zero-cost commie schools and have more brains than your kids, you, and the entire Hollywood leftist scum combined...

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