Anyway, your own country is famous
Spending money wisely and investing in your own population is a good decision regardless of ideology.
Nice try, but it's nothing sosialistic about it.
Your focus however just reveals the future of the U.K, I feel sorry for it. When I was talking about socialism, I wasn't thinking about government mainly or only (it's irrelevant unless you have a very centralised system in place)
I was thinking about all the «happy and smiling» faces while they clap with hands, give each other hugs and talk about how it all is very Nice while country is drowning in debt, becomes less powerful, more poor, brain drain and no motivator what so ever to change anything and voices of criticism are muted , isolated or Even killed in quiet.
THAT's U.K's future and of any country aiming for socialism. Downfall, increased spending to counter the growing hunger until the population can't keep up with all the greed that is only growing. In your eyes, bellies and groin while pointing at the richest, thinking you are immune to it yourself. Blindly ruining your own country