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USA News and Poland - Part 6

johnny reb
8 Feb 2023  #3421

I have already purchased my tickets for this year,

So post a picture of them and if you can't you are lying.

If you're so rich

Why do you keep projecting that I am rich when you have no idea my worth ?

How is that zolty treating you,

Always about money with you isn't it.
That shows us that you have none.

Amazing materialists you are,


And hes the one that spits on ppl in the name of decency.

He is too frail of a man child sissy type to spit on anyone without getting his ass kicked.
Have Novi send you his picture and you will see what I mean.
I even have one with him wearing shorts with suspenders that make him look like Peter Pan.
All the shlt that we have taken from this little creep has come to an end for us.
The playing field just got leveled because he can no longer hide behind the Mods.

8 Feb 2023  #3422

So post a picture of them and if you can't you are lying.

Ill never share my itinerary again on PF are you kidding me. I know you wouldnt. When I get there Ill post many pics. Why are you afraid to post one?

That shows us that you have none.

LOL... Didnt you read what Manchile said.

child sissy type to spit on anyone without getting his ass kicked.

Its his "go too" statement. I dont believe a word of it, hes a leftard snowflake. Have you noticed how he has become much nastier lately and is getting more obnoxious day? by day.

He has been on the forum a long time and use to be friendly.

I think he lost it after Trump was elected.. A severe case of TDS!

This is how he wants the world to look like.....

  • liberalsareinsane2.jpg

8 Feb 2023  #3423

If that photo is real, and this was in a public place, that purple POS should be re-educated as to what is acceptable and decent. The left has gone way too far.

8 Feb 2023  #3424

@PolAmKrakow, apparently this is a scene from Madrid:


It is disturbing, if real.

that purple POS should be re-educated as to what is acceptable and decent.

Not only him, but the mother of those girls too... WTF...

johnny reb
8 Feb 2023  #3425

Great job joe to cover your buddies spying.
Why not a laser beam instead ?

biden bows to China one week after China invades the U.S.A.


johnny reb
8 Feb 2023  #3426

The American people were not fooled by bidens State of the Union Address.
He ranged across a world of issues without substantively addressing the biggest ones - crime, the border crisis, China, the nation's looming economic woes - because his record is so weak on all of them.

joe, step down, pleeez !


8 Feb 2023  #3427

Great job joe to cover your buddies spying.

Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.


Hes like the Inspector Clouseau of politicians, a bumbling idiot.

The American people were not fooled by bidens State of the Union Address.

It was all lies and anger.

  • biden.jpg

8 Feb 2023  #3428

Biden has been wrong

Jesteś psycholem jeśli tak twierdzisz. Zapomniałeś zażyć leki jakie zapisał Ci lekarz???

bidens State of the Union Address.

The greatest address ever made to the American nation. Only Martin Luther King`s was more appealing.

8 Feb 2023  #3429

Jesteś psycholem. Zażyj leki.

Wrong language for this thread and yet another example of you going over the edge.
If anyone needs any medication,it is you.
Calm down!

8 Feb 2023  #3430

Wrong language for this thread

Its a violation of the forum rules.

The greatest address ever made to the American nation

Better than Reagan? You're a clueless moron and only trolling bc you don't have any friends in real life.

Did you stay up until 2am to watch it loser? You worry more about the USA than your own county. Sad commie bastard.

  • th2.jpeg

9 Feb 2023  #3431

2am to

Are you keeping tabs on me, like the classic Cargo says about you????? :):):) Don`t you have a life other than this forum coz you are counting the time people spend???? You remind me of that psycho from Hitchock`s film Psycho . AmaSSing......

  • Psycho.original.jpg

9 Feb 2023  #3432

Lets revisit a few of Bidens lies....



Don`t you have a life other than this forum

Im not the one posting at 1am on Thursday.

9 Feb 2023  #3433

Im not the one posting at 1am on Thursday

Still kiping taps and caps on piple?? hahaha Psycho civil war ciler!

9 Feb 2023  #3434

What is this gibberish, drinking again or over medicated tonight?

Don`t you have a life other than this forum c

Prznajmniej nie spedzam tyle czasu na forum. Dorosnij!

johnny reb
9 Feb 2023  #3435

It was all lies and anger.

Even the Leftist Wokies were upset with him
I haven't seen the Liberals so upset since the White Supremacists freed the Slaves.
I wonder why he dodged the Spanish invasion crisis ?

9 Feb 2023  #3436

Spain is definitely over the top when it comes to tolerance. I really dont GAF if anyone is gay or care about what they do in their own home. But this kind of thing is simply indecent and immoral. Imagine someone trying this in Poland? lol They could disappear.

Your comments show just how out of touch you are with the United States. Biden is an idiot and not suitable to lead. You have to go back to Clinton and Reagan to find the last two great Presidents.

"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

9 Feb 2023  #3437

Spain is definitely over the top when it comes to tolerance.

They kinda fluctuate between socialist and general franco..

9 Feb 2023  #3438

"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Might have been true in reagans time but the world has changed, to compete with china, a more interventionist government is necessary and good. only the gov can dictate that our medicines, steel and security cameras are made in our own countries, and not in china. def not the 'free market' and corporations. Laissez-faire capitalism/fundamentalist globalism is over. we will not allow china to prove lenins words true, we will hang the western capitalists by their own rope.

9 Feb 2023  #3439

Laissez-faire capitalism/fundamentalist globalism is over.

If only this were true. While I am a proponent of free markets, that only concerns trade and other business related activity. Reagan, and I didnt appreciate him enough when I was young, was a brilliant man. He put US interests firsts, but never ignored international affairs, all while being the first in office to recognize the US drug problem. The republican/Reagan version of government help, is simply less government which is really whats needed. Rules and laws can be enacted to control things without interfering with peoples lives. Reagan would have never locked down the country in COVID, and there is no way all the crazy left wing bull$hit would be in schools or anywhere else. DeSantis could tap into some Reagan reasoning and really pull away from Trump quickly.

I love going to Spain for the food, weather, and relaxed atmosphere, but sometimes it goes too far. Acceptance is one thing, but that is another. Standards of decency never go out of style. Its not like we have straight people walking around wearing tshirts that proclaim they like certain body parts. The level of outward projection of the far left is simply not even reasonable.

9 Feb 2023  #3440

You are a proponent of free markets except when you are not!!

Reagan not only grew US bureaucracy he was involved in supressing free speech and illegally invading other countries while propping up racist dictatorships.
Reagan also armed American enemies which would make him the second (at least) Republican Pres to be guilty of treason.

Yeah Reagan was a poster boy for liberty

9 Feb 2023  #3441

Free speech such as? Please provide an example. Illegally invading? Please show me a president who has not done this in one way or another including Clinton, Obama, both Bussh's and everyone else. Yes, yes, I know, Iran Contra. Bla bla bla Propping up racists? Example please.

Without Regan, Poland is likely still part of the USSR, and Germany is likely still divided. That Barney is called delivering liberty.

Free markets concerning business, and I do not GAF about your left wing bleeding heart views. The two are not interconnected in any way other than in leftist sick minds.

9 Feb 2023  #3442

left wing bleeding heart views

I'm not a pacifist but dont feel the need to pretend to be the hardest man on the internet.

Your argument seems to be that US presidents can do what they like including treason. My point is that right wing presidents (Carter, Clinton, Obama and Biden) are lambasted by the unhinged far right who are incapable of removing the log from their own eyes. If any of the above named presidents had been recorded comitting treason as both Nixon and Reagan were you would never hear the end of it. Reagan had nothing to do with the collapse of the soviet union that was Stalin.

Poland was never a part of the USSR.

9 Feb 2023  #3443

Yeah, you have no clue. Carter, Obama, Clinton and Biden are as left wing as they get. Reagan and PJP II were instrumental in getting Gorbachev to perestroika and glasnost. Have you even read a history book. Poland was a puppet state of the USSR if not for the Solidarity movement, that was supported by Ronald Reagan.

US President Ronald Reagan declared 30 January 1982 to be Solidarity Day. This was both a gesture of support for the citizens of the People's Republic of Poland and one of opposition to martial law in Poland. Eight years later, and a lot of untraceable US money flowing into Poland to support the union, and Poland had its first elections.

Stalin was long dead and had nothing to do with the collapse of the USSR.

9 Feb 2023  #3444


I dont remember any US president calling for the proletariat to seize the means of production perhaps you could provide the quotes demonstrating their supposed radical far left leaning.

Its not a significant sign of progress that Reagan supported workers organisations and opposed military governance in other countries but not his own.

The Soviet Union collapsed because of Stalinist economic policies nothing to do with either JP11 or the US.

I've read many histories and they all agree that an a la carte approach to any subject is self defeating.

9 Feb 2023  #3445

Reagan and PJP II were instrumental in getting Gorbachev to perestroika and glasnost

Total rubbish. Gorbachev was a idealistic law onto himself, thinking he was the next lenin, thinking new world socialism with free thinking, and curbs on alcohol would bring about utopia. his big mistake was, like a true communist, withdrawing support to eastern europe, in the hope they would follow the socialist path. like many others a weak ideologue. the ussr did not collapse because of economics due to the Afghani war or any other factors, LOL yeah reagan and his star wars that what dit it. well dat wat i was taught i school right? it was the reagan star wars program dat brought down the reds?!

he was just another dreamer enabled by his cabinet, which the new left can be accused of today. without Gorby the soviet union could have kept going for decades. always that multi-trillion jew money to borrow and keep financing and going strong

9 Feb 2023  #3446

LOL so you dont like Reagan. Yes, he supported the Solidarity movement because it would bring about democracy, and low and behold he was right. Every leader uses people and movements to achieve their own goals. Reagan was far far right, but compared to what Poland had, he was Uncle Fvcking Sam.

No my friend. We were not taught that star wars brought about the end of communism. Of course Gorbt thought he could carry on by making changes, and he didnt expect, what we knew would happen, the collapse of the USSR because people wanted freedom. In the end, this is the exact same thing that will bring down Putin today. Marshal law and a tight fist never work for long. Putin admittedly has been masterful at manipulating the people. But it wont last much longer.

9 Feb 2023  #3447

Biden is an idiot and not suitable to lead.

You say so coz you are biased. Simple.
Besides, you contradict yourself with such statements coz in other threads you praised Biden.
Can you decide on one point of view at last???

johnny reb
9 Feb 2023  #3448

That is a fact. Biden has done nothing to limit their ability to drill.


because the ones he has issued are not profitable for the oil companies because of the cost of recovery in those areas.

Sure biden says they can drill all they want only not in areas that are profitable.
They call that limiting the oil companies abilities.
The biden administration has proposed or finalized regulations that restrict nearly every aspect of the oil industry: financing and private-sector investment, exploration and production, pipeline construction and operation, and consumer use.

Better you stick to your war stories.

10 Feb 2023  #3449

Free markets concerning business, and I do not GAF about your left wing bleeding heart views.

Yes, and in result you get flipping burger economy in the US coz corporations prefer to move their production to cheaper countries in order to maximize their profits. Novi mentioned it many times.

Biden is changing it at last. He is doing the same thing that Roosevelt did - proposing New Deal which worked very well coz it made America great again. Can you deny it???

All in all, it is you who is out of touch with American reality. Ha! Biden is one of the greatest presidents on the USA>

10 Feb 2023  #3450

Giving Biden credit for listening to his advisers concerning Ukraine is simply recognizing a fact. It is not praising him for anything other than paying attention to experts. Like all politicians should.

You know where all the job growth came from with last job report? They came from refilling jobs that were lost to COVID shutdowns, and not the creation of new jobs. There is not infrastructure deal in place. You really know nothing.

@johnny reb
Please show me a fact based article on how Biden has limited the drilling. Then I will should you how the oil industry produced record profits this year because they gouged the American people.

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