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USA News and Poland - part 10

11 Sep 2024  #1231

I can read on the Polish net that Mrs Harris ploughed through Mr Trump like butter.

I hadn`t had time to read your comments here before the debate. Had any of our American rightists aka cons predict that Mr Trump would win????
I mean the following posters:
Ant something

Did I miss anybody?? Sorry.

Did any of them claim that Mr Trump would crush Mrs Harris who, according to rightists aka cons, was unable to take part in an intelligent discourse ?? How does such a poster feel now???

11 Sep 2024  #1232

Trump did not perform well. He missed a bunch of opportunities to knock her out. I wasn't surprised by such, as I've never thought much of Trump as a debater. If DeSantis, Youngkin, or Rubio were debating her, she'd been a lifeless political corpse at the end, but it was Trump on the stage...so she lives to fight another day.

Harris didn't perform particularly well either. She still has yet to define who she is other than someone who gives hugs.

I disagree with the Polish net, Harris didn't plow through Trump. The race is still tight. Pre-debate Trump had the momentum. I have a feeling the debate won't have much an effect-we'll have to wait and see.

11 Sep 2024  #1233


This (in)famous IF................................ :):):)

An old proverb of Polish bees says: If an auntie had balls, she would be an uncle.

11 Sep 2024  #1234

Right...-and that's my point.

11 Sep 2024  #1235

Trump did not perform well.

He did not.

Harris didn't perform particularly well either.


Trump's lunatic assertion that people in Springfield are eating dogs and cats did not help...... proof checking showed that was a blatant lie.

Harris didn't plow through Trump. The race is still tight.


11 Sep 2024  #1236

That debate was not supposed to be close.

Trump, with his record as president, and hers as a lunatic leftist who kept the border open and her mouth shut about it, should have ripped her to shreds in the first ten minutes.

He hasn't and that made him a loser.

11 Sep 2024  #1237

He did not.

It was 3 against one. Totally bias moderators. What else did you expect from fake news ABC an extension of the Democratic Party.

  • doyoustillneedme.jpg

11 Sep 2024  #1238

It was 3 against one.

Trump also claimed it to excuse his defeat. Nothing new. :):):)

11 Sep 2024  #1239

Trump's lunatic assertion that people in Springfield are eating dogs and cats did not help

It was stupid, but not because it was a lie-there are people in springfield who say it is true. It was stupid because he had better ammo from Springfield to use.

He should have used the testimony an old woman gave to the Springfield Commission. She said "immigrants are yelling at me in a different language and throwing mattresses on my property, I am 95 pounds and my husband is elderly, these immigrants have protected status but who is protecting us?"

That would have been much more powerful. But, Trump is not a skilled debater, so he went with the cat dinner.

11 Sep 2024  #1240

How Biden's migrant money turned Aurora, Colorado, into a crime playground for Venezuelan gangsters
I love it. Suffer, Colorado Biden admirers...Did you azholes hear this POS say that America is a nation of immigrants?

Of course, you did, but you voted for this traitor anyway. Right?

She said "immigrants are yelling at me in a different language

That's your advice how Trump should argue against the illegal foreign garbage invading the US - with no end in sight?

How about an obligatory 10-year-old girl - with her name and town for all to know - who was raped and murdered by a some POS from Venezuela?

Too upsetting or too politically incorrect even for Trump because he wants Latino votes?

cms neuf
11 Sep 2024  #1241

A week ago it was suggested that Harris would crumble in the debate, that she had none of her own opinions.

But she did Ok - way more coherent and better prepared than Trump.

So now the complaint is that the moderators were biased, basically for correcting obvious lies ?

11 Sep 2024  #1242

so he went with the cat dinner.

He said it to win the support of childless cat ladies who fear their pets might be eaten. hahahaha buhahahaha Ale witz!

11 Sep 2024  #1243

But, Trump is not a skilled debater, so he went with the cat dinner.

Spot on!

A week ago it was suggested that Harris would crumble in the debate, that she had none of her own opinions.

She did crumble and she does not have any of her own opinions.She just blows whichever way the wind seems to be blowing.....It was Trump that shot himself in the foot and made himself look like a complete moron.
Sadly, I think that we are dealing with two complete morons here and given the choice, I'd go with the Trump moron!

11 Sep 2024  #1244

it was a lie-there are people in springfield who say it is true.

Not according to the Springfield Police.

11 Sep 2024  #1245


How did Poles respond to last night's debate?

Curious how Poland would feel when Kamala becomes president?

11 Sep 2024  #1246

Curious how Poland would feel when Kamala becomes president?

You are way ahead of yourself here!I think the election will be a close run thing.

Why not ask Poles how they would feel with Trump as president, which is just as likely?

11 Sep 2024  #1247

A quote from Polish media:

In the debate between the candidates for president of the United States, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, a Polish motive appeared. Most likely, it was just an element of the election campaign, but that does not change the fact that those Polish politicians who support Trump are showing extreme irresponsibility.

11 Sep 2024  #1248

but that does not change the fact that those Polish politicians who support Trump are showing extreme irresponsibility.

What the £uck does that mean?

11 Sep 2024  #1249

It means that Trump, due to his maniacal unpredictability, might be extremely dangerous to the world`s order as we know it.

11 Sep 2024  #1250

He said it to win the support of childless cat ladies

Mission Impossible, as usual.

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11 Sep 2024  #1251

It means that Trump might be extremely dangerous to the world`s order as we know it.

And you think Kamala Harris will be less so?

HaHaHaHaHa...... they are both bloody dangerous......

11 Sep 2024  #1252

Go to Australia to live with Aborigines far from the world`s politics if you consider all of it so dangerous. hahahaha buhahaha Ale witz!

12 Sep 2024  #1253

ABC accomplished the impossible...There scumbags made CNN and MSNBC look good.

12 Sep 2024  #1254

That's your advice how Trump should argue against the illegal foreign garbage invading the US - with no end in sight?

That's how he should've framed the Springfield OH situation, instead of using the they are eating the pets argument.

12 Sep 2024  #1255

"They are rapists and murders" is also a stupid argument.

10 million immigrants is 10 million too many no matter what they are.

12 Sep 2024  #1256

@cms neuf
I think the main complaint is not pure bias, but that questions were framed to evoke answers from Trump to defend his statements, while Harris was not asked for any substance concerning her policies. Trump was given fastballs, and Harris was given softballs. The manipulation of Trump and getting him to go off script was done with obvious intent, and it worked.

I just finished reading Harris stated policies. Lots of ideas, and very little substance. The statements read more like a resume', and how that resume will impact what she would like to do. The 25K to first time home buyers is a disastrous idea that will escalate home costs. Whats about everyone who is underwater on their mortgage now? What about people who struggled to buy a home without the 25K? The 6K credit to new parents is great, but its only for one year. The cost of daycare is way more than 6K, and what about the families who had a child this year or last?

Harris border solution is a fvcking joke. Hire 1500 more border agents. Another government welfare employment project. The border needs to be closed, not policed and processed better. Her drug problem solution is no solution, only more spending. Closing the border is the only solution.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense cannot vote for her or these policies. There are no details, just ideas. Only an absolute idiot would think these ideas will solve the problems.

Mr Grunwald
12 Sep 2024  #1257

Curious how Poland would feel when Kamala becomes president?

Not much - the pro American segment of society is heavily anchored in PiS who is in opposition and was disliked and feared for their authoritarian tendencies and now a more Pro-EU and pro-German (at cost of pro-American politics)

So most are fairly neutral and disinterested I would think

johnny reb
12 Sep 2024  #1258

Anyone with an ounce of common sense cannot vote for her or these policies.

That moment when someone says,
"I can't believe you're voting for Trump".
I simply reply, "I'm NOT voting for Trump."

I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech. I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.
I'm voting for secure borders and LEGAL immigration. I am voting for election integrity to include mandatory voter ID. (Why would anyone vote against this?)
I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.
I'm voting for the police to be respected once again.
I am voting for law & order and an end to allowing protesters to trespass and burn our cities, destroying innocent small business. (Tim Walz)
I am voting for personal responsibility and the end of the revolving door where criminals are being put back on the street. (Kamala Harris)
I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I am voting for everything Harris stands against to take our Country back from these Marxists.

12 Sep 2024  #1259

Only an absolute idiot would think these ideas will solve the problems.

Yes, but only an absolute idiot would use forged signatures to apply for a credit card in his employer's name. Such people walk among us and they have the vote.

BTW, how's your digging going? Found any of my deep dark secrets yet? Can you now prove that from time to time I drink Breakfast Blend tea after lunch?!

12 Sep 2024  #1260

@johnny reb
Well said. I have already called my realtor up there for an updated appraisal just in case. If knob gobbler does win though, which will she pass first? The 25K for first time buyers, or the 44% capital gains tax? I hope its the 25K so I can raise the for sale price 25K above appraisal.

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