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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 13

21 Jul 2024  #1

You know the saying: "Better safe than sorry!"...

1. Get armed
2. Don't rely on others
3. Don't pizz off potential enemies
4. Keep trading with the enemy

I don't need to be an expert. Common sense is enough. I am not an expert in nuclear anything but I know that switching from nuclear to coal is stupid.

Who and how sold you that crap that Russia was about to invade Germany? Your best trading partner happily selling you all the fuel you need...

Bratwurst Boy
21 Jul 2024  #2

Interesting points you make, Germany thinks the same....

The Giant Awakens:

German rearmament after Ukraine

But one major shift in security and defence policy concerning Germany is probably attracting the most observers' attention: the decision of increasing the military expenditure by 100 billion euros (just for 2022) announced by president Scholz the 27th of February. The main power in continental Europe is thus coming back on the scene as the dominant military actor. .....


German weapons exports on course to hit new record

Russia's war in Ukraine and increased sales to Saudi Arabia helped German arms exports to reach €7.48 billion in the first half of the year. ....


....even the re-start of the conscription has become a topic now. It's all underway, but has barely begun and needs its time....there is no way knowing where it will end, if it will end anytime soon at all.

I wonder if Putin sometimes wonders if it was it really worth it....even when he can officially slobber up some kilometres new territory in the end...

21 Jul 2024  #3

Interesting points you make, Germany thinks the same....

...for very selfish reasons...A strong and independent Germany is necessary to convince the US to get out of Europe and start minding its own damn business. And God knows we have plenty of business to take care of...

If the US collapses financially - an outcome that is assured if we continue accumulating the debt we cannot possibly repay - the world will be one sordid mess.

The same applies to Russia. Russia and the US should be friends. We have no conflicts beyond bs wars like the one in U. Most Americans don't give a damn about Z, U, or anything else involving ex-Soviet republics.

No, I didn't interview 200,000,000 Americans...Just a guess...

Bratwurst Boy
21 Jul 2024  #4

Russia and the US should be friends.

Well...they weren't enemies till Putin invaded Ukraine! I don't remember big tensions....nothing like now....quite the contrary.

Putin didn't like it somehow...why else did he decide to destroy all these good relationships!

Mr Grunwald
21 Jul 2024  #5

Welcome to the neutral's camp Torq!

21 Jul 2024  #6

why else did he decide to destroy all these good relationships!

He clearly thought he could radically increase his invasion of Ukraine and Germany would dither and make excuses for him and cooperate in mild sanctions.... (like 2014 when the invasion began)

He also apparently thought that most Ukrainians would welcome the russian army (which is one reason they didn't have supplies he thought local people would be happy to give the russian army anything it needed....

He's really very stupid and, like other dictators, lives in an information bubble and his little idea of what's going on.

21 Jul 2024  #7

Well...they weren't enemies till Putin invaded Ukraine

What would the US do if the USSR decided to become buddies with Cuba?

Welcome them? Good to see you, guys?

21 Jul 2024  #8

part 13?

Do we finally coming to the part of purgatory?

21 Jul 2024  #9

Welcome to the neutral's camp Torq!

Thanks, Gruni! *high five*

21 Jul 2024  #10

Welcome to the neutral's camp

Mr Grunwald, you are now neutral?

But you was once papal fanatic. Years ago you said you are first Catholic and then Polish?

You changed your mind?

21 Jul 2024  #11

What would the US do if the USSR decided to become buddies with Cuba?

Cuba was a Soviet ally since the sixties.

And yes, US stopped Russia from installing missiles there. But then, US had no plans to put missiles in Ukraine. Just like it did not place missiles in Poland (NATO member since 1999) or in Estonia (member since 2004) from where it's really the fastest way to Petersburg

Mr Grunwald
21 Jul 2024  #12

Pope is neutral in this conflict. But you are biased

21 Jul 2024  #13

If Pope is neutral in this conflict he would come to Jasenovac, fall on his knees and beg Serbians to forgive to Rome and Vatican.

That for starter.

Mr Grunwald
21 Jul 2024  #14

He would do that if he wished to surrender to Serbian nationalism and not chose Christ first... You are out of your mind. Christians are not supposed to sublimt to earth but to God

21 Jul 2024  #15

So, how you see things, Serbians were nationalists and Pope unleashed ustashe nazis on them in WW2 to kill more then 1 mil of Serbian man, woman and children in a most bestial way imaginable and, to forcefully convert at least 25.000 Serbian small children (which parents were firstly killed) in Catholic families, and 300.000 Serbs escaped in other regions of former Yugoslavia and at least 200.000 Serbs were forcibly converted to Catholicism.

That you say?

Christians are not supposed to sublimt to earth but to God

What God wanted this genocide on St. Sava Orthodox Serbians in WW2?

The same God that wanted genocide at Arkona?

You are out of your mind.

No. You are. And you are not neutral.

You still don`t understand.

We Serbians managed to forgive to Catholicism. Solely because of Poles and other Catholic Slavs. To avert our look from our loses. But, we never forgave and never will forgive to the institution of the papacy. Its now pure antagonism. But, what you doing is proving that its Catholicism in itself that is the problem because puts false conception of the God above the human life, above the people. It doing same what Judaism doing. And Islam. It globalize. It turning religion into ethnicity. Christ never wanted that. Christ wanted people to respect each others and tolerate. Christ offered love not killing in his name.

But same is with the Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople. He also serve globalists. It was always order of things. Only venerable Veliki Zupani Nemanjicki, to say, Great Kings of the Nemanjic Imperial dynasty (bdw, ancestral house of Polish Jadwiga) recognized threat for the soul of Serbs and Slavs and they offered concept of St. Sava Orthodoxy.

That is why we Serbians are still humans and Slavs ie Sarmatians.

Even Russians fell with their desire to be third Rome. How abominable. The killing machine or Rome. Same as Constantinople. All killers. Savage and greedy killers. We are what we are. We are Slavs ie Sarmatians and God accepts as just like that, not as servants to others and to Earthly Gods.

21 Jul 2024  #16

BDW, Croat nazi ustashe were in official alliance with Ukrainian banderists during WW2. Even methods of killing were the same or quite similar, ustashe being still more brutal. And, core of ustashe killers were prior to WW2 trained in Italy in Rome and hidden in Vatican, while waited for start of WW2 and then were transferred to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. This is no secret. Vatican even don`t try to hide this.

Now think. If ustashe were in alliance with the bandersists, it means that all was approved by the Vatican. It was then Vatican who committed genocide on Poles in Ukraine, in Volhynia during WW2. Just to sate spreading Germanization among mad Ukrainian nazis and deluded populace.

Primary target of the Rome and Constantinople were always Slavs ie Sarmats.

Nothing new. This is old war.

Mr Grunwald
21 Jul 2024  #17

I am not going to go into your petty natio squabbles, I could as well say Orthodox are invalid cause of Rasputin. Have I however? No

Your Croats drawing in Natio talk is heresy in my eyes, as it prioritises earthly matters over heavenly matters.

You do the same right now, tomatoe tomato.
You won't convince me about this. You are just wasting my time

21 Jul 2024  #18

*high five*

Brate admit. You are different then Mr Grunwald. He is fanatic behind repair.

If they put you on the grill, and you have to choose to stay alive, would you chose to die as ethnic Polish or live as ethnic Catholic.

21 Jul 2024  #19

I'm very curious what Biden will do until January, vis a vis my beloved Ukraine.

Will he try to pass some kind of additional enormous aid package, that would "Trump-proof" Ukraine's war efforts?

Will he work with the Europeans, to get them organized to continue helping Ukraine after he is gone?

.... or will he just stop giving a sh*t about Ukraine, and go into full campaign mode behind his endorsed candidate?

21 Jul 2024  #20

How things stand, many in Europe, not just in Ukraine, will be killed, until January.

21 Jul 2024  #21

And yes, US stopped Russia from installing missiles there

They did not simply "stop" us. They removed their Pershing missiles from Turkey, which sat right on our border. To make things easy for Kennedy, this wasn't really given much attention, until after the Cold War. But in effect, it was a quid pro quo.

Kruschev showed some sage wisdom by allowing Kennedy the "win" in the eyes of the public.

No missiles in Turkey, no missiles in Cuba. That's what actually happened.

Just like it did not place missiles in Poland (NATO member since 1999) or in Estonia (member since 2004)

Because it was not allowed to do so, under agreements which are now unfortunately worthless. Specifically, the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.

Further, Estonia and Poland should never have even been allowed into NATO, according to express promises from America's leaders.

You may one day soon finally see missiles being based in Estonia and Poland, because Russia has pulled out of this treaty. But don't be too happy, because we'll place missiles on your border too.

In the end, everyone loses - except the military corporations.

21 Jul 2024  #22

As for nukes, if you would wipe out Moscow and Peter, Russia as we know it is done for, France has enough nuclear deterrent already, all EU should do is to collectively finance maintenance and expansion of French nuclear arsenal in exchange for USA nuclear sharing program equivalent, but with missiles of 1000km range, instead of gravity bombs and everyone in EU would laugh at monthly Russian nukes threats.

At this point I really wish Trump would told Eurocrats , something like "we are leaving Europe by 2030, you have 5 years to prepare for dealing with Russia alone and we can eventually assist you in the future to an extend China would assist Russia".
There is nothing that could increase security of Europe more in the long term. Unfortunately I'm 90% sure it's all just empty election promises and he will forget it once elected in office and nothing will change.

21 Jul 2024  #23

everyone in EU would laugh at monthly Russian nukes threats.

I suggest you stop laughing. Few more mistakes of governments and nukes will fly then you (personally) think where you are on receiving end of hell.

Then you won`t think of Peter and Moscow, when at least half of Russia`s arsenal fall on NATO countries. That is about 4000 ICBM`s.

No. People, who survive, will only think how to survive. In literal sense. Them and their children.

21 Jul 2024  #24


Just because it was only France that nuked us, doesn't mean the UK, Germany, and the United States won't get their fair portions.

If Russia is being erased - by France of all people - it's only logical to take all the others with us too.

This is... something that's been the "game plan" since... 1965?

So you can stop counting which one of your overlords has sufficient nukes to erase Moscow and St. Petersburg, because it doesn't matter. Everyone in the Northern Hemisphere will die if Moscow and St. Petersburg are attacked with nuclear weapons. Even Greenlanders, and the residents of the Azores.

21 Jul 2024  #25

Russian propagandist is steemed that Americans sometimes see clips from his shows because these clips reveal too much about russia..... he wants English speakers to get info on russia only through RT....


21 Jul 2024  #26

We should just bite the bullet and nuke Russia. We have put off destroying this cesspool for far too long. There is no other way. Cohabitation with a hostile power is unacceptable. Everyone says "waaahh nuclear power, fallout, planet dies". Bullshit. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. It's worth it though if it means a world without Russia.

Bratwurst Boy
21 Jul 2024  #27

It's worth it though if it means a world without Russia.


Just because we have a problem with the leadership doesn't make one country with more luck better than the other....not to forget that no people suffered historically worse under their bad leadership than the Russians themselves.

The US might need that patience in the future too! Not foreigners who say the world would be better off without it!

21 Jul 2024  #28

Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. It's worth it though if it means a world without Russia.

They should print out your retarded post, and glue it to the wall of the US Secretary of State's office. This way, they can always be reminded why they should completely ignore anything emerging from Warsaw, Vilnius, Talinn, and Riga.

I'm sure, to the people of Alabama and Oklahoma, it is also crystal clear that it is better to be dead than exist in the same world as Russia.

21 Jul 2024  #29

We should just bite the bullet and nuke Russia.

Who's we?

I don't think this plan has been thought through.

Vesko Vukovic
21 Jul 2024  #30

👍 great news

Former Ukrainian MP Iryna Farion dies in Lviv after assassination attempt-UPDATED


Former Ukrainian lawmaker and linguist Iryna Farion died in Lviv on July 19, hours after being attacked, Lviv Oblast Governor Maksym Kozytskyi, APA reports citing Kyiv Independent.

An unidentified man opened fire on Farion, 60, in the street in the city of Lviv at around 7:30 p.m. earlier the same day and fled. Law enforcement officers are seeking to identify and detain the attacker.

President Volodymyr Zelensky was briefed about the assassination attempt and said that "anyone responsible for this attack must be held fully accountable."



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