they occupy half of Europe and half of Asia
They? The proper pronoun is '
we', Alien. You spent too much time in Germany.
Anyways, do we have wealth and political influence proportionate to our area and population or are we - to remain in Crow's poetics - sucking dicks? The sad reality is that Russia is slurping on yellow penises and islamizing quickly, Poland cannot decide if it is German or American dick that tastes better, and the smaller Slavic countries just join in the fun.
Iran is probably the country that shows the most immunity to foreign dicking, for which they face ostracism and sanctions. What sad times we leave in.
We will talk about that when they will wave UPA flags in Poland.
But they have been waving them. In Przemyśl, Wrocław and Kraków (to name just a couple of places)...
... since at least 2015. How did you miss that, Korvinus? Do you live in Poland?
WHY do you hate Russia?