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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 13

22 Jul 2024  #61

22-year-old Polish special forces soldier Tomasz Sekala was killed in Ukraine near Kupyansk.

But how is this even possible. Is that the reason Polish mass media indoctrinate young Poles with hate on Russia. Slavic world is on Kosovo endangered by Muslim mujaheedines and sufi Islamists, while moron Duda sending Polish army against Russia.

Poles should come here and join Serbian army so we together repel the Islamic invasion.

22 Jul 2024  #62

how is this even possible

Brate, you said it yourself - the penis of the Vatican is deep in their assh*les.

I now use your terminology when describing developments in Europe - condomization.

22 Jul 2024  #63


To keep other morons away and save lives.
22-year-old Polish special forces soldier Tomasz Sekala was killed in Ukraine

One moron less...Good.
Your difficulties in fully articulating your hatred for Russia could of course be the result of certain cognitive deficiencies...

Short version: He is a moron.

I am amazed at how useful the word "moron" is here. Even more so than "azhole"...

I love Russia, admire Putin, and hate NATO. There...the secret is out...

22 Jul 2024  #64

Brate, you said it yourself - the penis of the Vatican is deep in their assh*les.

I know but are they so stupid. Its like they live in ``eternal communism brainwashing era``. I mean, we all thought that communism was only brainwashing possible but we truly now see that papal EU methods overcome even communist methods. Love Pope and you are happy in EUnion where you globalize quite nicely and live to die for the Pope. You only think you are yourself but in fact you tend to negate yourself. By the Svetovid and Christ, what they did to them.


How properly, see.

Bratwurst Boy
22 Jul 2024  #65

He's not a 'mercenary'. He's a nurse.

The latest info:

BERLIN taz | A German citizen has been sentenced to death in Belarus. The Minsk Foreign Ministry confirmed the sentence at the weekend. They are in contact with the German side through diplomatic channels. In response to a query from the German Press Agency, the Foreign Office said that the case was known. "The Foreign Office and the embassy in Minsk are providing consular support to the person concerned and are working hard on his behalf with the Belarusian authorities. The death penalty is a cruel and inhumane form of punishment that Germany rejects under all circumstances."

The convicted person is 29-year-old Rico Krieger. The former rescue worker for the German Red Cross was charged with mercenary activity, espionage, terrorism, founding an extremist organization , destruction of a traffic object and illegal handling of weapons, explosives and ammunition.

The Belarusian human rights organization Vjasna first reported on the case last week. According to the organization, Krieger had been in custody since November 2023 and the verdict was handed down in June of this year - after a trial largely behind closed doors.

According to Vjasna, Krieger's conviction could also be related to his alleged involvement in the Kastus Kalinouski Regiment - a group of Belarusians fighting alongside Kyiv in Ukraine against the Russian occupiers....


There will be surely some kind of a deal....

22 Jul 2024  #66

now I just want to help Ukraine kill orks


I suspect you missed my yesterday's post in the 12th part of this thread (which is now lost somewhere in the depths of polanda.com) about the modern incarnation of OUN and Poles digging their own grave by commemorating Volyn Genocide victims.

Poles should come here and join Serbian army so we together repel the Islamic invasion.

I would much rather do that than go to Ukrainian front. The problem is that, because of all the Korvinuses of this world, guys like Gruni or I, who - admittedly - have Vatican's penis stuck firmly in our arses but are also faithful sons of Slavia (can you have Vatican's dick in your arse and still be a faithful son of Slavia? you bet your novosadian arse you can; ask Slovaks, Slovenes, Croats of even some Czechs!), will have to fight in this idiotic war too.

I hate Russia with the fiery passion of an exploding supernova (...) with the intensity of a supermassive black whole devouring entire galaxies (...) with the relentless fury of a gamma-ray burst tearing through the cosmos

You're missing the point. It is not the magnitude of hatred that's difficult to express. Poles are good poets after all. It's the reason for the hatred that causes most confusion in Korvinus's ilk. So, at the risk of stirring some sh*t - @Korvinus WHY do you hate Russia?

This is going to be interesting...

22 Jul 2024  #67

can you have Vatican's dick in your arse and still be a faithful son of Slavia?

Of course that you can. We Slavs are fed well with all kind of dic*s but one would expect that decent people already developed kind of immunity to dicki*g. Take us Serbs. We received from Patriarch of Constantinople and now he became receiver and we are givers. You Poles should do that to the Pope. We help you pump Pope, sure.

22 Jul 2024  #68

he became receiver and we are givers. You Poles should do that to the Pope.

Yeah, well the problem with giving dick to Roman-Catholic hierarchical church is that a large percentage of them will actually enjoy it. *rolls eyes*

But what can we do? It is the only True Church, their teaching is overwhelmingly sound, and it's our 1000-year-old tradition. Ehh... life.

22 Jul 2024  #69

Its all nice. Brate we are not heretics, to put cross on myself.

Let us leave Church aside. Pope is in the focus. He penetrate Church itself, both of us, I mean Poles and Serbs, and the rest of the world. So, its only proper that we give him, too.

22 Jul 2024  #70

Pope? The good old Comrade Bergoglio? Come on - he's the most pro-Russian Pope ever - you should love him.

22 Jul 2024  #71

We Slavs are fed well with all kind of dic*s

Unfortunately true. Taste of penis rarely leaves the mouth.

but one would expect that decent people already developed kind of immunity to dicki*g

There is zero immunity! Slavs are number one loser ethnic group in the world!

22 Jul 2024  #72

Slavs are number one loser ethnic group in the world!

Considering that they occupy half of Europe and half of Asia, this cannot be true.

22 Jul 2024  #73

by commemorating Volyn Genocide victims

We will talk about that when they will wave UPA flags in Poland.
Now, when I think about it, I wonder what would Bandera think about the situation in Ukraine right now.
Ukrainian males dying in droves, demography crumbling, the women who fled to abroad sleeping with Poles, that he used to exterminate...

22 Jul 2024  #74

they occupy half of Europe and half of Asia

They? The proper pronoun is 'we', Alien. You spent too much time in Germany.

Anyways, do we have wealth and political influence proportionate to our area and population or are we - to remain in Crow's poetics - sucking dicks? The sad reality is that Russia is slurping on yellow penises and islamizing quickly, Poland cannot decide if it is German or American dick that tastes better, and the smaller Slavic countries just join in the fun.

Iran is probably the country that shows the most immunity to foreign dicking, for which they face ostracism and sanctions. What sad times we leave in.

We will talk about that when they will wave UPA flags in Poland.

But they have been waving them. In Przemyśl, Wrocław and Kraków (to name just a couple of places)...



... since at least 2015. How did you miss that, Korvinus? Do you live in Poland?

So, WHY do you hate Russia?

22 Jul 2024  #75

So, WHY do you hate Russia?

Good question, T.

Go ahead, K, tell us what happened in your life...Did some bad Russian take your pacifier from you?

I can easily justify every one of my feelings using math and numbers...

22 Jul 2024  #76

Go ahead, K, tell us what happened in your life

It doesn't even have to be a personal experience.

I just want to know what justifies such a galactic-scale hatred, especially when there is no similar intensity of feelings towards Ukraine, Germany or... I don't know... Turkey/Sweden.

22 Jul 2024  #77

proper pronoun is 'we'

When describing all Slavs "neutrally", the pronoun they should be used.

Bratwurst Boy
22 Jul 2024  #78

Oh gawd....one of those Wokists....*shudders*

22 Jul 2024  #79

Where? *looks around*

Bratwurst Boy
22 Jul 2024  #80

Alien....now that explains why he accuses me of anti-semitism....

22 Jul 2024  #81

When describing all Slavs "neutrally"

Why on earth would you describe Slavs neutrally?


He's confusing his pronouns but does it automatically make him a wokist? :)

he accuses me of anti-semitism...

Don't worry. I have been called a Jew and an anti-semite (sometimes both in the same thread) on PF on many occasions. It's just the climate of this place.

Bratwurst Boy
22 Jul 2024  #82

It's just the climate of this place.

...yeah...sometimes it's a mud-throwing contest! :)

22 Jul 2024  #83

do we have wealth and political influence proportionate to our area and population


It is why I didn't say Kurds are the number one losers, despite them not even being able to secure for themselves a state.

We are losers, because having so much, we still suffer from a deep seated inferiority complex and often behave like slaves.

22 Jul 2024  #84


Internal divisions. A house divided cannot stand.

For Slavic unity and independence of foreign influence I would be willing to accept a lot, even substantial decrease of standard of living.

Unfortunately, panslavists are a dying breed these days.

Bratwurst Boy
22 Jul 2024  #85

A house divided cannot stand.

I wonder.....the western civilization is mainly germanic....there were never a more infighting house than the many germanic tribes...a history of brutal wars against each other, and still...look what they achieved historically!

22 Jul 2024  #86

western civilization is mainly germanic

Ancient Greece and ancient Rome weren't Germanic and they are the roots of Western civilisation. France, Italy and Spain are an important part of the West. Neither of them Germanic. One could argue that Central Europe (mainly Western Slavic, plus Balts, Hungarians and Romanians) is also a part of the West.

As for Germanics... Austria is a tiny country now and Germany - admittedly an economic powerhouse - is a shadow of its former self.

The successful Germanics that you are probably thinking about are Anglo-Saxons and they are by and large united. They are all in the same defence organisation (plus AUKUS now), trade extensively and are intertwined in hundreds of different ways. Yes, Anglo-Saxons are successful because they have been - for the large part of their history - united and allied.

As for Slavs...

22 Jul 2024  #87

to remain in Crow's poetics - sucking dicks?

Crow's? Why me? Put the di*k away from me.

Unfortunately true. Taste of penis rarely leaves the mouth.

Why we talk like this, people? I was only figurative and you took the penis and wave with it like with propeller

There is zero immunity! Slavs are number one loser ethnic group in the world!

In a new architecture of the world, Russia, Poland and Serbia will be only bigger. If we are wise we talk and make some mutual deal.

22 Jul 2024  #88

Put the di*k away from me.

*putting the dick away*

Why we talk like this, people?

You started!

If we are wise we talk and make some mutual deal.

Without mentioning genitals. :)

Bratwurst Boy
22 Jul 2024  #89

France, Italy and Spain are an important part of the West. Neither of them Germanic.

...not wanting a big discussion here, Torqi....but there were many more tribes than only the Angles and the Saxons....the Franks in France, the Goths in Italy, the Vandals in Spain and many more....just think about the Carolingian Empire!

Without all them there would be no modern western civilization.

And this unitiy between western Europe, the Brits, the US is a rather new thing too....only a huge war behind us!

22 Jul 2024  #90

Without mentioning genitals. :)

Of course. Are you all drank?

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