Ukraine is the poster child for "fake it till you make it".
One day they decided they are not Russian - now they have convinced everyone else that they are not.
They define their whole way of life around being "independent from Russia", yet this does not prevent them from blaming all of their problems on Russia. Another impressive victory in mental gymnastics.
They've convinced everyone that their culture is richer and older than Russia's - at the same time there is no proof that there ever was such a thing as a Ukrainian culture.
For years they engaged in theft of Russian state funds from companies like Gazprom and Transneft, but they managed to convince the West that this was Russia shoving money down their throats to foster corruption and dependence. You have to admit - this is pretty impressive.
Ukraine showed the West that "up" can be "down", and "black" can be "white".
The West, deeply impressed by these abilities, has begun to learn and copy from Ukraine. Now a woman can be a man, if she simply believes it earnestly enough, war can be peace, lies can be truth.
In general, Ukrainization is synonymous with retardization.