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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 13

Bratwurst Boy
27 Aug 2024  #1081

I think there is also, an ongoing Ukrainization of the wider West.

How so? How does that look like? What is to expect?

.....can't be worse than our actual "speech"....

Vesko Vukovic
27 Aug 2024  #1082

Ex-British soldier confirmed dead in Donbass attack - media

Ryan Evans, who worked as a security adviser for Reuters, was reportedly killed in a strike on a hotel in the city of Kramatorsk


27 Aug 2024  #1083

Ex-British soldier confirmed dead

We know; it's extensively covered in the media in the free world.

The only question is why you mention it here and mention his nationality so prominently.

Incidentally, he was a civilian safety expert protecting Reuters staff.


You mean Donbas.

Mr Grunwald
27 Aug 2024  #1084

sooner or later it would

If the million of Russian young men, were armed and ready to take the West as hostage by infiltrating instead of escaping conscription of the Russian armed forces. I would have believed the sooner rather then the later. After Kursk I am swaying more towards not in this decade rarher then just «later». Am I alone in this? If not, how many Russians inside Russia starts to think this? What way is this heading? For how long? Russians are not stupid, we both know that right?

Poland does not need Serbia, Russia, Croatia, Slovakia or Czech Republic to be taken out or infiltrated one by one. Cause then Poland is alone among slavs. That is not wished to be repeated, question is. Does Russia want that? Why?

Vesko Vukovic
27 Aug 2024  #1085

An American leftist homosexual attacks India over its stance on Russia

27 Aug 2024  #1086

ussians are not stupid, we both know that right?

It's a elephant in the room that the best of the military specialists, especially the technical ones, in the Soviet Red Army were mostly Ukrainian and are now (as well as a younger generation of experts) defending their country from r*SSia.

And doing it rather well...

Mr Grunwald
27 Aug 2024  #1087

True, but I think that combined with the gap between the youngest (especially brightest) Russians and the Kremlin. Has lead to a situation of apathy towards Russia in general since Russia is more closely linked to Putin's regime then Russia of the past or of the future for that matter.

27 Aug 2024  #1088

How so? How does that look like? What is to expect?

How: Ukraine is very popular with Western audiences. This surge in popularity is leading to people learning more about their way of life and culture.

27 Aug 2024  #1089

Ukraine is the poster child for "fake it till you make it".

One day they decided they are not Russian - now they have convinced everyone else that they are not.

They define their whole way of life around being "independent from Russia", yet this does not prevent them from blaming all of their problems on Russia. Another impressive victory in mental gymnastics.

They've convinced everyone that their culture is richer and older than Russia's - at the same time there is no proof that there ever was such a thing as a Ukrainian culture.

For years they engaged in theft of Russian state funds from companies like Gazprom and Transneft, but they managed to convince the West that this was Russia shoving money down their throats to foster corruption and dependence. You have to admit - this is pretty impressive.

Ukraine showed the West that "up" can be "down", and "black" can be "white".

The West, deeply impressed by these abilities, has begun to learn and copy from Ukraine. Now a woman can be a man, if she simply believes it earnestly enough, war can be peace, lies can be truth.

In general, Ukrainization is synonymous with retardization.

27 Aug 2024  #1090

their culture is richer and older than

It is.

In general, Ukrainization is synonymous with retardization.

In which case your orcs should have been in Kyiv 2 years ago.

Sour grapes and wound-licking from someone who knows his side can never win.

27 Aug 2024  #1091

they are not Russian

Ukrainians want certain types of freedom which russians don't understand.

Why doesn't russia have freedom of speech?

Bratwurst Boy
27 Aug 2024  #1092

now they have convinced everyone else that they are not.

.....now why reminds me that about Austria! :)

Okay....maybe that is a little bit more complex....

27 Aug 2024  #1093

Why doesn't russia have freedom of speech?

Of course we have freedom of speech in Russia!

You're free to say whatever you want - just make sure no one important overhears you.

For example I can sit down with the homeless man on the corner, and plan with him an entire coup against the Kremlin - and nobody will arrest me.

The things I say at home... you would not dare to think even in your sleep!

27 Aug 2024  #1094

The things I say at home

The walls have ears....and eyes.

27 Aug 2024  #1095

Are you talking about Europe?

27 Aug 2024  #1096

just make sure no one important overhears you.

so, not freedom of speech, just freedom of impotent musings....

Like the old joke:

American rando: We have freedom of speech in the USA! I can march up to the steps of the US Capital and say "Joe Biden is a senile old fool who shouldn't be in office!"

bobko: As a russian I have the same right. I can go to the middle of red square and say "Joe Biden is a senile old fool who shouldn't be in office!"

27 Aug 2024  #1097

Joe Biden is a senile old fool who shouldn't be in office

Old joke.

I can also tell Putin that they mistreat blacks in America, and complain to him that affordable medical treatment remains out of reach for most Americans.

I might even be invited onto television to expand on my message.

27 Aug 2024  #1098

so, not freedom of speech, just freedom of impotent musings....

I would gladly give up the First for closed borders, safer and bum-free streets, no debt, no LGBT garbage in schools, a clean subway where people are not pushed onto the tracks, and an all-white America where cops arrest looters instead of protecting them from the store owners.

27 Aug 2024  #1099

As a credit to Velund who wouldn't buy our freedom of speech a while back:

If you can't throw them in prison the UK-style, privatize the First Amendment, and tell Jewberg to shut them up...

Now, children, you know the meaning of "delegating".

Random Chat 9 [1110]USA News and Poland - part 10 [1269]

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