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USA News and Poland - part 10

17 Jul 2024  #1

@TheOther I am in independent voter. A free thinker. I vote for who has the best policies. Biden is an embarassment who will get the world into WW3. Trump will end the Ukraine war and will stop the absolute insanity of the leftist movements. I am a person who believes in free market economies, low taxes, small government, and stron families. That was the platform that got Bill Clinton elected, and he also ran on stopping illegal immigration. But the leftists of today forget those facts. All they want is a free ride, transfer of wealth, and twisted views on what humans are. Anyone supporting the left today is in fact closer to Nazi's than anything Trump has done or said. People lost their jobs during covid because of Biden and the orders that they could not work if they didnt get the jab. People lost their loved ones because they couldnt get operations without the jab. People couldnt travel. The jab was nothing better than a modern day version of an arm band with the star of David on it. And now all the drug companies are admitting there are problems with the jab, and conspiracy theories are being confirmed. But the left doesnt want to talk about that. They want you to keep getting unproven jabs with absolutely zero testing for safety.

Decent conversation? The left is incapable of conversation without lies. Every LSG wants to try to convince people that science does not matter, except when it comes to the jab. That math is somehow racist, that men can have babies, that a child with a heart beat and its own DNA is part of a womans body, and that people who create wealth are somehow responsible for other peoples poor choices in life and they must pay for them. They try to defend illegal acts by illegal immigrants. People on the left are the problem, not the solution. Biden is the example of this. The US is in such worse shape in his term, and the world is in such worse shape that he should not just lose the election, he should be removed from office.

17 Jul 2024  #2

Quoting an English professor who is learning English from a Polish immigrant:

A "foiled" attempt is necessarily a "failed " attempt as the attempt didn't succeed, dumbell![/b\]

Pay attention, dumbass...[b]Foiling
and failing are two different actions leading to the same outcome.

Just because they lead to the same outcome does not mean that foiling and failing mean the same thing.

For example:

The Secret Service FAILED to FOIL an attempt at Trump's life.

Dealing with morons is tedious. Dealing with stubborn morons is painful. BTW, that was bait. Let's see if it will work as the past ones.

17 Jul 2024  #3

Trump will end the Ukraine war

On the day he is sworn in, Trump will call Putin and Zhole and say...Quoting:

Guys, this bullshit stops now! I want to see you both in Minsk tomorrow at 9.
Vlad, bring the best vodka you have to celebrate the end of this stupid war.

17 Jul 2024  #4

I forgot this...

Vlad, you keep CDL and we will help you remove the UA from Russia. In return, you will assist me in getting rid of migrants. How about it?

17 Jul 2024  #5

Sinner becomes saints and devils become martyrs.

17 Jul 2024  #6

Move that ass where it belongs...

17 Jul 2024  #7


17 Jul 2024  #8

Next time try:

Sinners become saints and devils become martyrs.

Put that bottle away...It's too early.

How many Devils are there? As many as genders?

17 Jul 2024  #9

DEI hire... Trump should create his own protection force.

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17 Jul 2024  #10

DEI hire

Yep, notice how the bimbo squad was hiding by the SUV looking worried and wondering who will save them during the PA rally...

And how men were then used in a show of force at the WI convention...

17 Jul 2024  #11


Great post mate!

17 Jul 2024  #12

DEI hire... Trump should create his own protection force.

A woman in distress calls 911. Two chick cops arrive. The woman goes: I call 911 and that's what I get??? I want men, not girls!

17 Jul 2024  #13

Trump should create his own protection force.

They used to call them Saal-Schutz and Schutzstaffel a few decades ago...

Decent conversation? The left is incapable of conversation without lies.

Strange, the left says exactly the same about the right-wingers...

People on the left are the problem, not the solution.

They are still Americans, aren't they? They just happen to have a different view than you, and they believe that you guys are actually the problem. What to do, what to do? I'm sure that certain folks on the (far) right have a Final Solution for that. :(

Anyone supporting the left today is in fact closer to Nazi's than anything Trump has done or said.

What left? Far left? Liberals? Democrats in general? If you really believe that, you'll need to read a history book or two.

18 Jul 2024  #14

My prediction that Trump will not be president still stands.

My bet is that attempt two is being prepared as we wonder about the criminal level of incompetence on the part of the Secret Service.

My best guess is that they are all in Ukraine protecting Zhole.

johnny reb
18 Jul 2024  #15

My prediction that Trump will not be president still stands.

How many times have I posted that "no way in hell will they allow Trump to be re - elected."
My bet is that attempt two is being prepared as we wonder about the criminal level of incompetence on the part of the Secret Service.

I concur 100 %
When you have people yelling at the Secret. Service that there is a man with a gun and they refuse to respond until AFTER he fires his weapon at Trump......well, you do the math. OF COURSE TRUMP WAS SET UP TO BE ASSANINATED by the Swamp !
Color America stupid otherwise.

18 Jul 2024  #16

My bet is that attempt two is being prepared

Who would do this and why? Just asking?

18 Jul 2024  #17

Color America stupid otherwise.

The SS is either criminally evil or criminally stupid.
Lacking the evidence, I vote for criminally stupid.

18 Jul 2024  #18

Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle's bizarre statement that her agency didn't properly secure a building used by a would-be assassin to shoot at Donald Trump because of a sloped roof is falling flat with a former top FBI official.

This BS line about the roof validates two of my opinions:

1. Women are genetically unable to take responsibility for anything.
2. If you are looking for the moron of the day, it's a woman.

18 Jul 2024  #19

The Secret service wouoldnt directly plan this, but the CIA would. Trump wants to do away with the CIA, and a whole bunch of other government offices. The CIA and MIC are big money partners, and ending the war in Ukraine or anywhere else for that matter is not in their best interests.

Of course JFK was killed by a lone shooter in a building that was said to be cleared too, then the shooter was found in a movie theater and somehow another lone gunman got in to kill him before he could talk. But of course the full documents of that event are still not released. Oh yeah, this happening right after JFK makes moves to shut down the CIA and publicly calls them out for their endless wars.

XX and XY determine the only two forms of human beings or any other animal on the planet. That is science. The left doesnt trust the science. Yet the left trusts the science of covid masking, social distancing, and vaccinations that have been proven to be unsafe. Global warming is going to put countries under water in the next ten years, yet Obama just bought a beachfront mansion.

Not telling parents about thier school age children having questions about thier sexuality, and then encouraging them to change their pronouns, among other things is completely over stepping a teachers role. Any education or indoctrination in public schools, should be voted on by the tax payers for those schools. End of story. And this issue is just another example why school of choice is a great idea. Bad teachers should be able to be fired.

It makes more sense to spend hundreds of billions on Ukraine instead of fixing roads, closing the border, and solving the homelss problem in the US. This is the absolute backward and destructive thinking of the left. The left being Democrats, socialists, globalists, and liberals. The left being those that mandated vaccinations that were unsafe and unproven. The left that has allowed US citizens to be killed by illegals. The left that has destroyed American cities with illegals and their policies. The left that is the so called "intellectual" party, that nominated Kamala Harris as a VP who cant string together on intelligent sentence. 3 years, and the US has gone from great to, a country I no longer recognize.

18 Jul 2024  #20

The Secret Service wouldn't directly plan this, but the CIA would.

The question still is how to make the SS act like total morons without including them in the plan.

A moron (def.) - a SS agent who knows about a threat to Trump but lets him walk on the stage anyway.

Bratwurst Boy
18 Jul 2024  #21

The question still is how to make the SS....

...I still have to look twice every time you use the moniker "SS" for that security service....

18 Jul 2024  #22

My reaction exactly to ruSSia...

Because you are on my good list I will from now on refer to these incompetent morons as the Secret Service, or USSS, for short.

BTW, I have no doubt the real SS would be a lot more effective in protecting Trump. First, they would shoot and disable the POS, take him inside that building, and make him sing like an opera soprano. Then they would shoot to kill. My kind of guys...

Bratwurst Boy
18 Jul 2024  #23

I understand why you are doing that, this was never the problem....

.... incompetent morons as the Secret Service, or USSS, for short

...thanks, that's a much better payback!

BTW, I have no doubt the real SS would be a lot more effective in protecting Trump.


Hitler was the most hated person for many years but at the End he had to do it himself....so his SS Bodyguard must have been something!

18 Jul 2024  #24

so his SS Bodyguard must have been something!

I am proud of any pro who knows his shlt.

Bratwurst Boy
18 Jul 2024  #25

It seems you are not the only one, heh:)


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johnny reb
18 Jul 2024  #26

The SS is either criminally evil or criminally stupid.

A whole lot of shed came out today as someone is lying big time.
a SS agent who knows about a threat to Trump but lets him walk on the stage anyway.

And did you notice that there was NO LADDAR for the shooter to get up on the roof ?
(Key evidence)
This is getting better and better of just WHO was behind this plot to let it happen.
My personal guess is the C.I.A. even though Crooked Hillary was seen standing in the door saying, "You mean they missed" !

18 Jul 2024  #27

This is getting better and better of just WHO was behind this plot to let it happen.

Here is my version...

By slow-walking enhancing security, without any conspiracies, they created an oppo for sickos. Like a trap for wild animals...

Sure enough, it worked. Using the principle of not shooting unless shot upon first, they waited hoping that the pimply azhole would be successful.

Successful or not, he was dead before pulling the trigger. Oh, fvck...he missed...Maybe next time...

Now the question: Who is "they"? The answer is simple. Any apparatchik up the chain who refused to order a kill shot by the SS snipers - including the DEI bit*ch.

Under US laws, failure to act is not a crime so the decision to do nothing was easy to make and let the events unfold naturally without any risks to the SS participants.

18 Jul 2024  #28

It makes more sense to spend hundreds of billions on Afghanistan and Iraq instead of fixing roads, closing the border, and solving the homeless problem in the US. Tell me, what have the last four or five Republican administrations done to solve any of these problems? Nothing, nada, zilch.

18 Jul 2024  #29

Tennis legend Martina Navratilova hits out at Donald Trump and labels former president's ear bandage a 'PR stunt'
My opinion that women are super morons stays unchallenged. Men are just simply trusting idiots.
If anybody here can prove me wrong, please step forward...

Hey, Martina, when you get breast or cervical cancer, I will say that it's a PR stunt. OK?

18 Jul 2024  #30

ear bandage a 'PR stunt'

Maybe he should bandage his entire head.

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