17 Jul 2024 #1
@TheOther I am in independent voter. A free thinker. I vote for who has the best policies. Biden is an embarassment who will get the world into WW3. Trump will end the Ukraine war and will stop the absolute insanity of the leftist movements. I am a person who believes in free market economies, low taxes, small government, and stron families. That was the platform that got Bill Clinton elected, and he also ran on stopping illegal immigration. But the leftists of today forget those facts. All they want is a free ride, transfer of wealth, and twisted views on what humans are. Anyone supporting the left today is in fact closer to Nazi's than anything Trump has done or said. People lost their jobs during covid because of Biden and the orders that they could not work if they didnt get the jab. People lost their loved ones because they couldnt get operations without the jab. People couldnt travel. The jab was nothing better than a modern day version of an arm band with the star of David on it. And now all the drug companies are admitting there are problems with the jab, and conspiracy theories are being confirmed. But the left doesnt want to talk about that. They want you to keep getting unproven jabs with absolutely zero testing for safety.
Decent conversation? The left is incapable of conversation without lies. Every LSG wants to try to convince people that science does not matter, except when it comes to the jab. That math is somehow racist, that men can have babies, that a child with a heart beat and its own DNA is part of a womans body, and that people who create wealth are somehow responsible for other peoples poor choices in life and they must pay for them. They try to defend illegal acts by illegal immigrants. People on the left are the problem, not the solution. Biden is the example of this. The US is in such worse shape in his term, and the world is in such worse shape that he should not just lose the election, he should be removed from office.