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USA News and Poland - part 10

johnny reb
20 Jul 2024  #91

Wanna be Trumps assassin's last search on the internet was for p0rn.

johnny reb
20 Jul 2024  #92

Female agents were literally at the frontline when Trump was being pushed into the car:

No, they were second line by the car and too short to protect Trump from catching another round.
Seems they would have a shield of some kind to block the view of a second shooter while being forced into the car.
"Was it staged?",

No, people died
Female agents were literally at the frontline

Which was a HUGE mistake by a feminist lesbo boss.
Answer me this Paulina, who do you think would give better protection to the President, Six chubby bull dykes that couldn't even holster her weapon (in the video) or Navy Seal Team Six ?
You can bet that Trump will be picking and hiring his own Secret Service from here on out.
And bet me that there WILL NOT be a single female on the team in the field.

20 Jul 2024  #93

And bet me that there WILL NOT be a single female on the team in the field.

To meet the DEI reqs, the SS guys can self-identify as trans women.

Problem solved. Genius again...I just can't help it...

20 Jul 2024  #94


Let me first say, I appreciate that you are taking the time to respond in detail. We have different views on many things obviously, but you seem to be one of the very few right-wingers here who at least tries to have a decent conversation.

The Republican presidents you've mentioned gave us (amongst others) the Gulf War, the Iraq war, the war in Afghanistan, the Subprime mortgage crisis, high unemployment, and recession after recession. Their only solution: trickle-down economics ... or in other words tax cuts for the rich, increasing our national debt significantly in the process (Mr. Trump). Much has been written about this, so I won't repeat it.

And now please tell me how Obama and Biden have made the US a better place for all American CITIZENS!

Just to name a few:
Obama got us out of the recession that Bush had caused, and prevented a potential depression in 2009. He introduced the Affordable Care Act and gave millions of Americans some affordable health insurance (without the pre-existing condition clauses for example). Within the first two years of the ACA's expansion of Medicaid, medical debt sent to collection agencies dropped by $3.4 billion, and there were 50,000 fewer medical bankruptcies. The funny thing is that it was Newt Gingrich, one of the most conservative speakers of the House, who laid out the blueprint for the Affordable Care Act as early as 1993.

I don't know if I should really list Biden's successes here, because I know your response already. How about a strong economy, got us through the COVID pandemic, and record low unemployment for a start? The one thing where he really screwed up is the border security, but Trump didn't do much about it either even though he controlled the WH and Congress.

johnny reb
20 Jul 2024  #95

How about a strong economy,

How about a fake economy.
Inflation is at a 40 year high, just go to the grocery store or gas station.
got us through the COVID pandemic

By mandating wearing useless masks and giving money away like a drunken sailor to organizations that stole it as it was never spent on anything that helped protect me against Covid.
The big pharmaceuticals made out with BILLIONS !
Much of that Covid assistance (BILLIONS) was spend on new cars, vacations, yachts, private leer jets, resort homes, and stashed cash.
Nobody even knows where a big portion of that money went or where it is.
biden screwed that up too
and record low unemployment for a start?

On no, many of those jobs were lost permanently along with many private businesses.
The statistic were padded by the millions of illegals taking minimum wages jobs.
You listen to CNN to much.
Give Dan Bongino a try and listen to him for a week or two.
He will straighten your head out of the bias garbage the Liberal news media's have instilled in your head real quick.

20 Jul 2024  #96

Very low and very high unemployment rates is proof of bad economy,

In a good economy, the man earns enough to support his family of four. In a bad economy, all four have to work. It's that simple.

That's why government parasites aka employees love to cite household income and hate inflation-adjusted hourly wages - the true measure of the economy.

Think Beverly Hills and Monte Carlo. Do wives and kids have to work there?

20 Jul 2024  #97

How about a fake economy. Inflation is at a 40 year high

We have the strongest economy of the developed world by far. Inflation is relatively high everywhere, not only in the US. If you complain about gas prices, go and talk to Trump's chums, the oil and gas industry. They are manipulating the prices.

The statistic were padded by the millions of illegals taking minimum wages jobs.

First, prove it. Second: show me the millions of American citizens who would've theoretically taken these jobs? Yeah, thought not... .

Who does all the work in construction, production and farming for a handful of dollars just to keep industry profits up and consumer prices low so that people like you don't have to whine about high costs at the grocery store? Ever thought about that? Has Mexico paid for the wall yet? No? Now you know why.

never spent on anything that helped protect me against Covid.

When the next pandemic comes, just refuse any treatment. Evolution at work...

20 Jul 2024  #98

In the last 18 years, the inflation-adjusted hourly wages needle didn't move one damn bit.

That American dream seems like a nightmare for many...


johnny reb
20 Jul 2024  #99

We have the strongest economy of the developed world by far.

That says nothing.
You just don't get it do you.......😴
How did your 401k do this week ? Ha ha ha
Down 13% the first two years biden took office.
The reason no one debates you civilly is because you are so thick.
No matter how it is put to you, you still will not get it.
I stand for everything that you are against.
You have your mind made up and so do I so lets not waste each other's time anymore and just cancel each other's vote.

20 Jul 2024  #100

@johnny reb

I just read your post and it said and meant.......nothing,,,,,,If you are going to make a post at least SAY something!

20 Jul 2024  #101

The reason no one debates you civilly is because you are so thick.

There are only three people who are not able to have a civil conversation with anyone on PF: you, Adolf and Prze-Whatever.

lets not waste each other's time anymore and just cancel each other's vote.

We are not living in the same state. Shi*t Electoral College ... as Mr. Trump would say.

20 Jul 2024  #102

There are only three people who are not able to have a civil conversation with anyone on PF


20 Jul 2024  #103

The reason no one debates you civilly is because you are so thick.

...and because leftist scum never debates.

They evade, avoid, wiggle. weasel out, play stupid, and lie but won't answer the simplest of questions.

How many fagots are too many for a country to be sustainable? 3%, 30%, 90%?

How many abortions should be allowed? 10% or 100%?

Just as an example...

20 Jul 2024  #104

...never debates.

I heard that some wusses on PF are blocking other members because they are afraid to debate. Is that true, Chicken Little? Ha ha ha.

21 Jul 2024  #105

THE gunman who shot at Donald Trump during a rally last week reportedly flew a drone over the grounds just hours before the former president's speech.
So the pimply kid had a drone to help him kill Trump.
The US SS didn't have a drone to spot and kill the pimply kid.

I am not sure if I should laugh or cry...

21 Jul 2024  #106

The US SS didn't have a drone to spot and kill the pimply kid. I am not sure if I should laugh or cry...

Remember when the pimply kids on TikTok reserved tickets for a Trump rally in Tulsa and no one showed up?

21 Jul 2024  #107

I am not right wing. I did not vote for Trump in either election. I am in the center. I agree, all the Republican presidents had problems, in particular GWB. I believe his problems were rooted in trusting the CIA too much. Just the same he takes the blame. RR spent too much on the military, and his tax cuts, though well intended benefited the wealthy more than middle class. The point is RR tried, and his economic theory was not completely correct.

As for Obama and Biden. They have spent a lot of money on programs that already cost too much. They have driven insurance costs up with the ACA.

Biden has done nothing good. He is simply the worst president in history. The job creation he claims is nothing more than people going back to work after COVID. Inflation is out of control. The people he vowed to help cannot afford to buy a home today, and half of them cannot afford to eat. Ukraine is not a security interest for the US, but it is for the Bidens.

The US was strong for more than 200 years, because it was feared not only for its military, but for its economy and innovation. The US needs to return the money back to its own people, and focus on itself. Period. Without this approach, Rome will fall a second time.

21 Jul 2024  #108

The US needs to return the money back to its own people, and focus on itself.

Doesn't love Europe!!!!!!

21 Jul 2024  #109

Female agents were literally at the frontline when Trump was being pushed into the car

They were physically present but not willing and able to do their job.

The women were literally floundering behind the men who were the ones doing all the work to get Trump into the waiting vehicle.

Look at the expression on the women's faces: confused and scared with resentment too for not being able to run away and regretting they didn't call off sick that morning (very likely they exhausted all their paid time off for the year and had no choice but to work that day).

The women were visibly traumatized and froze and flopped when duty called. This is abundantly clear from the photos you posted.

It's also obvious from the photos you posted that is was only the men who were prepared to fight.

But the female agents are no different than their female boss, USSS "director" Kimberly Cheatle, when reacting with fear to a challenging situation.

Cheatle runs and hides; terrified of being held to account (just like all women).

Secret Service boss Kimberly Cheatle hides behind her own agents as furious US senators chase her down at RNC over Trump shooting

The chase continued down a corridor and up a flight of stairs before finally ending when Cheatle darted into a bathroom and her security service detail barred her pursuers from entering.


johnny reb
21 Jul 2024  #110

As for Obama and Biden.

PolAm, you have been making some great credible posts here the last few weeks.
You are spot on with the FACTS of your posts which leaves your opposition speechless.
Keep up the good work my friend.

(side note) The Secret Service was very much understaffed to begin to secure the president properly.
They need MEN like teams like Seal Team Six for such jobs

21 Jul 2024  #111

They were physically present but not willing and able to do their job.

Worse than that!
They were not just useless...They aided the shooter by being disoriented, short, fat, and weak, and by replacing men!

Women are not capable of shame, either. This chief broad should have resigned ten minutes after the fireman died.

21 Jul 2024  #112

This chief broad should have resigned ten minutes after the fireman died.

She will never resign of her own volition.

Deep down she doesn't care about men being shot at, being critically wounded or dying as a direct result of her own negligence.

She also doesn't care if qualified men are denied job opportunities for the sake of satisfying an HR metric by hiring unqualified women instead.

It's what is sometimes called female solipsism.

Women are so focused on their own wants and needs that they don't think about what happens to men.

21 Jul 2024  #113

Women are so focused on their own wants

Inside every woman there is a greedy, immoral, selfish bit*ch ready to kill her kids, husband, or another woman if that's what it takes to make her feel good at least for a moment.
The smarter ones will manipulate trusting morons to do the dirty work for them.
Frankly, I never thought that men will one day be more moral than women. See p0rn, sugar daddies, career "dates", ... the list is long... Then they wonder why at 35 they are still not married.

21 Jul 2024  #114

You shouldn't judge all the women by your wife and daughters

21 Jul 2024  #115

Fvck off. I didn't comment about you or your daughters.
My references are the crimes women commit, what they say on YouTube, what they wear, and the headcount they brag about. You know, "it's my body" thing on steroids...

Other men see it, too. That's why they don't propose. Why marry a greedy immoral bit*ch only to be taken to the cleaners because the bit*ch got bored...

That me-too and women-must-be-trusted bs isn't as much fun...is it?

21 Jul 2024  #116

I didn't comment about you or your daughters

You do. You talk about all women. So **** off and say that stuff to the women in your life.

21 Jul 2024  #117

say that stuff to the women in your life.

He would never dare to do that.

21 Jul 2024  #118

You are correct. I shouldn't have said "every". My bad...
I will be more specific in the future..,

Inside every woman there is a greedy, immoral, selfish bit*ch

More correctly...

Inside every woman featured in crime shows like [b]Snapped and Killer Couples was a greedy, immoral, selfish bit*ch...[/b]

Better now?

21 Jul 2024  #119

Apparently Joe Biden has just withdrawn from the presidential elections.

21 Jul 2024  #120

LMMFAO this is just perfect. This fvcking loser is getting out before getting his a$$ kicked so that some other fvcking socialist can get their a$$ kicked. I love it.

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