26 Aug 2024 #1051
Russia was in a prime position to win both WW1 and WW2.
We sometimes forget how much aid they had from the free world, especially the Murmansk convoys.
That's an incredibly.... stupid idea. That might sound a bit harsh but it's the word that fits.
Unfortunatly that's the r*SSian mentality; zero sum games and everyoen against them.
but the prevailing and overriding identity in most of pre-war Poland
Not until midway through the second republic, as direct testimony of people who were adults before 1920 shows.. It was largely the urban residents and people who considered themselves to be former 'szlachta' who were the gatekeepers of a Polish identity. This isn't something that people should try to ignore; if anything it's an achievement to build a nation from ruins.
Hysterical terms like "anti-cultural leftist agenda" are certainly that.