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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 13

26 Aug 2024  #1051

Russia was in a prime position to win both WW1 and WW2.

We sometimes forget how much aid they had from the free world, especially the Murmansk convoys.

That's an incredibly.... stupid idea. That might sound a bit harsh but it's the word that fits.

Unfortunatly that's the r*SSian mentality; zero sum games and everyoen against them.

but the prevailing and overriding identity in most of pre-war Poland

Not until midway through the second republic, as direct testimony of people who were adults before 1920 shows.. It was largely the urban residents and people who considered themselves to be former 'szlachta' who were the gatekeepers of a Polish identity. This isn't something that people should try to ignore; if anything it's an achievement to build a nation from ruins.


Hysterical terms like "anti-cultural leftist agenda" are certainly that.

26 Aug 2024  #1052

Not until midway through the second republic

Nope. The identity was always there, throughout the partitions and right after regaining our independence, and it's a huge achievement taking into account that the Second Republic consisted in nearly 70% of Russian partition lands (19% Austrian and 11% Prussian), and 75% of all people lived in the countryside. The Polish-Soviet war, for example, is a lasting testimony to the strength of the idea of Polishness.

That's what foreigners - even those who spent decades in Poland - very often fail to understand. Poles survived as a nation because of this "straszna duchowa siła", as Rymkiewicz calls it, which caused ethnic Lithuanians, Russians, Belarussians, Germans, Tatars and even many Jews to identify as first and foremost Polish. The strength of this identification was such that they often sacrificed their very lives for Poland's independence. It survived the fall of the First Republic precisely because it didn't have its source in material advantage or belonging to a great and powerful state (otherwise Polishness would easily melt into the partitioning superpowers) but in the ideal of Polish republican freedom. People "infected" with Polishness, regardless of their ethnicity, simply never fitted into despotic Byzantine/Turanian Russia and Prussia. With Austria it was a bit different, but it's a topic for a different discussion.

Would Russianness survive the fall and partition of Russia for over a century, like Polishness survived the fall and partition of Poland for similar period? I am not so sure, and this is where another difference between Russians and Poles might lay.

anti-cultural leftist agenda

A deplorable and very real phenomenon. Luckily, Poles will never fall for it; it's incompatible with our soul.

26 Aug 2024  #1053

The identity was always there

For some. I doubt the enslaved serfs would share your optimism. The 'szlachta' (not that there was anything szlachetny about most of them) may have approved of your words to a point, however there'll little evidence of how they regarded enslaved serfs.

A deplorable and very real phenomenon.

It isn't. Try to be objective not emotional; leave that to the dying r*SSians.

our soul.

38 million are not only of the same opinion but also elected you their spokesperson then?

26 Aug 2024  #1054

I doubt the enslaved serfs would share your optimism.

Actually, even the serfs began at some point to identify as Szlachta - just like peasant Japanese soldiers in WW2 identified as descendants of the Samurai. A strange phenomenon indeed but that's what happened.

not that there was anything szlachetny about most of them

Szlachta wasn't too bad. Magnateria were a bunch of c*nts generally but an ordinary szlachcic was in most cases a decent fellow. Polishness survived because of them and they even "infected" the peasants with it! :)

38 million are not only of the same opinion but also elected you their spokesperson then?

Yes. I am Poland personified. There are Polish-origin posters here who achieved various degrees of Polishness. Some are midgets, some are only Polish-speaking, some are duplicitous barbarians but when you talk to me, you talk to Poland herself. I am Poland.

You have been on this board long enough to realise it by now.

26 Aug 2024  #1055

Actually, even the

Long after emancipatio.

As I've said, nation building should be a source of pride.

Yes. I am Poland personified

You do it quite well actually, despite being on one side of the Polish-Polish War

26 Aug 2024  #1056

You do it quite well actually

Thank you, noble son of Albion.

26 Aug 2024  #1057

Another post in Tatyana Montyan channel (ukrainiam blogger and lawyer (in exile))...

These human rights defenders are very selective human rights defenders

The arrest of Pavel Durov in France has received quite a wide public response: a lot of people have spoken about the incident in a very sharply negative way. Ilon Musk predicted that "in 2030 in Europe you will be executed for liking a meme", Tucker Carson wrote that "darkness is rapidly descending on the previously free world", Kim Schmitz, creator of Megaupload and Mega filesharing sites, said that "the assault on free speech is escalating", Edward Snowden, a former US intelligence officer, said that "Macron has stooped to the level of taking hostages as a means of gaining access to private communications" - the list goes on and on.

However, what is more interesting here is not who commented on what happened, even though they could not have commented, but how those who are supposed to comment on such things keep quiet. Take for example the famous human rights organization Human Rights Watch. At one time, this organization was very worried about Durov's harassment in Russia: we are talking about the story of 2014, when the FSB demanded that Durov hand over contacts of the organizers of Euromaidan communities. "Russia should stop trying to stifle free speech on the Internet and stop putting pressure on social networks and independent websites," Human Rights Watch was outraged at the time. Now the same Durov is sitting in a French prison for essentially the same thing for a minute, but Human Rights Watch isn't letting any steam out of his nose about it.

Reporters Without Borders, Freedom House, Amnesty International and others are solemnly silent - all these organizations, I remind you, were terribly indignant at the attempts of the Russian authorities to restrict the work of Telegram in Russia, but that's #that's_different!

In short, your global human rights community has finally torn, carry the next one.

Or don't, because whatever you bring, it all turns out to be bull$hit.

26 Aug 2024  #1058

Reporters Without Borders, Freedom House, Amnesty International and others are solemnly silent

Globalist garbage...

Just like women's organizations are solemnly silent about the scam known as "transgender women" - with dicks and hairy balls.

26 Aug 2024  #1059

Yes. I am Poland personified.

I think speaking a Slavic language, makes one a much better writer in English. I don't have proof for this, per se, just suspicions at this point.

Well... one piece of evidence might be Vladimir Nabokov. His English prose is on a level few native English have managed. Not just because of exceptional mastery of the language, but also because the psychological depth he brought to it - which was characteristically Russian while being English.

Kania is another piece of proof. Polish being so rich in idioms, I think is what makes his English so pleasant to read.

26 Aug 2024  #1060

Amnesty International

This is a well-known and brave organization that will tell you the truth. It is such an Alien.... 😃

26 Aug 2024  #1061

Russia making some quick advances on Pokrovsk. They are evacuating the whole city now. This is no small city either.

26 Aug 2024  #1062

Nice to see that although r*SSia tried to advance in 7 places, they have been repelled with heavy loss of orc 'life' in all 7.

Pretty good too to see the damage in Saratov.

What's worrying is that r*SSia flew a drone into Polish sovereign airspace.

26 Aug 2024  #1063

This is no small city either.

Among other things, it contains two coal mines. These extract extremely high quality coking coal, necessary for the metallurgical industry. They extract more of it than any other place in Ukraine, and as far as I know there's only one other mine in Europe which extracts more.

These two mines extract more than 6 million tons of coking coal annually. For context, the entire United States produces 55 million tons of coking coal a year. So this one little city, represents 10% of what all of America does.

There's other important industry there, too.

It's a strategic rail and road hub.

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26 Aug 2024  #1064

Polish being so rich in idioms,

Often, those and other forms of Polish poetry make comprehension difficult.
Speaking in codes is so Polish and I hate it. I like direct and blunt because life is direct and blunt.

When the priest asks if you want to marry this woman, he wants to hear "I do", not a multi-paragraph essay.

When you propose, you expect "Yes!!!", not "Basically yes, however,..."

26 Aug 2024  #1065

"We want to block NATO expansion" - NATO expands more.
"We want to secure Donbas and Luhansk people" - they get bombed more and die in the tens of thousands
"We want to demilitarize Ukraine" - Ukraine is being armed to the teeth
"We want to denazify Ukraine" - Azov popularity and recruitment rises
Russian capital and media receeding, young Russians leaving the country, foreign investment leaving the country, "russian" becomes a slur in many social circles, where's the gains? Nui Iork village?
There simply isn't enough land to win in Ukraine to pay for all this sh*it. It was a blunder. It was supposed to be a quick in&out, we kick the door and the building collapses, we hold a parade and we add Ukraine as a pippet. If Putin knew it would be an attrition war, he wouldn't have stated it. It can't possibly ever be worth it.

Novichoks of various ilk are the least people to realize this, pro-government Russians and the Russian government themselves are already aware of it.

26 Aug 2024  #1066

Basically yes, however,..."

Yes..., actually, no. 😀

26 Aug 2024  #1067

Novichoks of various ilk are the least people to realize this

Actually, Novichok called this war in the first months. Before anyone else understood what this is - he did. He may deliver the message crudely, and without too much effort to make it accessible to others - but otherwise he has been absolutely spot on.

Rich read it perfectly, and nothing has changed since then.

cms neuf
26 Aug 2024  #1068

I think his take was that Ukraine should surrender in March 22 because they were hopelessly outgunned by the well trained and well equipped North Nigerian army (elite drunks) navy (remember them ?) and air force (stuck in their hangars)

26 Aug 2024  #1069

I think his take was

His take was that no matter how much Ukraine would like to p*ss against the wind, sooner or later it would have to give Putin approximately what he always said he wanted.

It's been three years, and it doesn't seem like Ukraine is any closer to preventing that.

Not to worry, however, because if you are suddenly feeling uncomfortable or even sad you can always remind yourself - "THEY WANTED KIEV IN THREE DAYS!!!"

Repeat this phrase to yourself as many times, as you need to restore a healthy emotional balance.

If even such a powerful remedy does not yield results, you can always assure yourself that you are superior to 100% of the Russian population - every single one of which is a drunkard and a rapist.

I'm always here to support you, your favorite Orc. Whatever may come your way, we'll get through it TOGETHER.

26 Aug 2024  #1070

your favorite Orc

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cms neuf
26 Aug 2024  #1071

Putler always intended to annex Ukraine. That has been stated in his monologues and his weird 3 hour rants. And that will never happen.

Do you think the war is basically going to plan ? Was it his expectation that his armed forces would perform so poorly ?

26 Aug 2024  #1072

perform so poorly

Soon we will have a chance to see how it will work on territory, that was not poured with concrete for 8+ yrs...

26 Aug 2024  #1073

His take was that no matter how much Ukraine would like to p*ss against the wind, sooner or later it would have to give Putin approximately what he always said he wanted.

If that's your way of assessing reality, you're gonna love Taliban emirate of Afghanistan.
After 2 and a half years of special military operations, did Putler archive any stated objectives? NATO expanded, the NATO eastern flank is more militarized than ever, and he can't even make its CSTO allies recognize Dongabe, Luganda, and Crimea as Russian and could only make Ukraine do so if fully occupying the entirety of Ukraine, which would be extremely expensive for Russia even if Ukraine army evaporates by magic. Sure, he will keep terrorizing Ukrainian civilians in an attempt to make them submit but will only make Ukrainians hate Russia much more, essentially making what he calls "bandera ideology" a much bigger problem for Russia.

Be real; this invasion is a tragedy for Russia. Even people who fought for Russia, like Strelkov and Prigozhin, recognize that.

But since this two guys don't keep predicting a complete Ukrainian collapse every single minute, you and your don't take them seriously.
Soon we will have a chance to see how it will work on territory,

How many weeks till Ukraine accepts the insane RU demands? One week? Two? A month?

cms neuf
26 Aug 2024  #1074

You already have that chance - in Kursk - where your army performs like usual, a chaotic drunk retreat with no air cover

26 Aug 2024  #1075

would have to give Putin approximately what he always said he wanted

attacking children? that seems to be something russians don't care about (I guess if you don't value human life at all then children are no different from senior citizens)...


26 Aug 2024  #1076

Soon we will have a chance to see how it will work on territory, that was not poured with concrete for 8+ yrs..

You Russians have some really ridiculous, stupid and ignorant opinions.Russia will not win this war in any sense that will be regarded as a victory for ordinary Russians.
What you are doing, is that even amongst the "Loyal Submissive" Russian population you are building a growing hatred of the Russian state....... revolution is coming my friend and that is one thing Russians are good at.......Beware the silent majority.....

27 Aug 2024  #1077

revolution is coming my friend

Listen, Lenin, we just had the last one 30 years ago - can we get a break?

You Russians have some really ridiculous, stupid and ignorant opinions

Have you people in the civilized West ever heard of such a thing as free speech? It's my human right to think whatever stupid thing I want, and to be as ignorant and as dumb as a rock - if I wish to be so.

Russia is the homeland of elephants - learn to live with this.

27 Aug 2024  #1078

West ever heard of such a thing as free speech?

Ministry of Truth forbid!

27 Aug 2024  #1079

They are learning from Ukraine.

Recently, Kania posted about the "Ukrainization of Poland". I think there is also, an ongoing Ukrainization of the wider West.

Putin help them!

27 Aug 2024  #1080

ever heard of such a thing as free speech?

why don't russians have it?

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