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Polish forum members die

Cargo pants
3 Dec 2023  #331

Adrians funeral on youtube by the funeral home

15 Jul 2024  #332

Thank you. Thank you for kind words especially on this day. 🖤

17 Jul 2024  #333

Remembering Adrian and his family as his anniversary approaches.

  • candlelight.jpg

17 Jul 2024  #334

Was that really a year ago?......unbelievable how time flies....... he was a bit of a crazy MF but nobody deserves to die so young.

17 Jul 2024  #335

Yes. The time has passed quickly.

Too young to die.

18 Jul 2024  #336

Too young to die

So many young people are dying now, even though their time has not yet come.

19 Jul 2024  #337

So many young people are dying now

Kinda scary to be completely honest. There's tons of articles on the subject too.

Doctors report the highest ever rates of cancers in young people. Like twenty years earlier than before!

It's crazy sad to see 20 something's, and 30 something's wither away and die.

The only logical explanation, to me, is that this is the first generation that was raised completely on super processed food, sugar overloads, and the pollution of the environment.

I'm very grateful that I spent most of my childhood with my grandma eating home cooked food from our property.

You are what you eat!

19 Jul 2024  #338

eating home cooked food from our property.

Covid was the reason why we stopped eating out as much. Inflation and the ridiculous prices kept this change in place.
Personally, a long time ago, we dropped sugar, alcohol, cigarettes, and everything with multi-syllable ingredients you need a degree in chemistry to know what they are.

23 Jul 2024  #339

sugar, alcohol, cigarettes

Nice, what about red wine?

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