Not sure about Russia. Although samovars are beautiful there's a bit too much brewing and stewing
Based on what you are writing here (and Jon as well) - it is you that doesn't know how to drink tea.
What the hell does it mean: "as warm as you like it", or dumping a whole half-a-cup's worth of water into a cup "to refresh it". Tea must be scalding hot, and impenetrably dark (like the cup on the far left, below) or alternatively... a ruby red. You must be able to smell your tea from another room.
Also, why not add a teaspoon of raspberry or blackcurrant preserves, and some lemon? Milk just cools your tea down excessively.
When I have to travel around the US, I carry a little tin of tea and my own boiler (the type that causes fires and electrocutions). Everybody laughs, but as for me - I can't imagine how to get through the day without at least 2 or 3 good tea sessions. To Americans this seems to signal some homosexuality on my part.
Also: people mentioned the Chinese and Indians, but no one mentioned the Turks or Central Asians.



