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Things we hate

6 Jun 2023  #91


Nope, more like hornets - long and wasp-like, definitely not fluffy bumblebees... :( Are those hornets or is there something similar (but bigger)??

Mind you, most women would be better off avoiding shorts too.

Well, to be honest, I don't mind anyone wearing shorts - no matter whether those are men or women. Especially when it's as hot in the summer as in the region where I live... ☀️☀️☀️🥵

johnny reb
6 Jun 2023  #92

the world is full of men who are total slobs and have never owned a suit in their lives.

I am one of them and wouldn't be caught dead in a suit.
I hate suits,
Suits are for important people like Milo and Joker.

6 Jun 2023  #93

(but bigger)??

I just checked - hornets can grow to 45 mm long, so I guess those could be hornets... Oh dear... :/

The weather is getting warmer and they tend to fly into one of the rooms when I open the window to air it. I've noticed they seem to get attracted to a white modern ceiling lamp that hangs in this room - I think it's possible that it reminds them of hornet's nest lol :/

6 Jun 2023  #94

when I open the windows

Would you consider putting mosquito nets on the windows? You can make DIY ones quite cheaply. Double-sided sticky tape round the window frame, velcro on top and then stick the net to the velcro. You can have the window open all the time and get plenty of fresh air but it will keep the flies etc. at bay.

I don't mind anyone wearing shorts - no matter whether those are men or women.

I really detest mens' legs :)) and don't get me started on the ones who complete the look with white ankle socks and black trainers. I don't like seeing too much of other people's anatomies unless they're exceptionally beautiful which most people aren't. Standing in a queue for example and the woman in front is wearing some backless top or dress and has this horrible rough skin - yuk! And flabby upper arms with blotchy skin and bingo wings - no, no, no! Don't! Cover yourself up with a nice thin cotton blouse or something. You don't look nice!

6 Jun 2023  #95


I was stung by one once in my sleep. On my face. Nasty.

I loathe all mosquitos. They're pernicious and will even look for holes in mosquito nets.

johnny reb
6 Jun 2023  #96

Would you consider putting mosquito nets on the windows?

Are you serious ?
People in Poland haven't been introduced to window screens yet ?

6 Jun 2023  #97

They aren't generally needed in Poland.

6 Jun 2023  #98

you are strange

I'm not in the least bit strange. I just like long, floaty dresses.

Legs are the best thing a woman has

Some women are very stocky and don't have nice legs. Even slim women who go to the gym often end up with very muscular calves. I noticed that the feet of many Polish women are very broad and flat and don't look the prettiest in summer sandals. I call them Shrek feet.

I don't think that women should go around like some old frump in a shapeless sack, but they should dress to make the best of their good points whatever those are, and keep a bit of themselves in reserve rather than displaying everything to all and sundry.

Not so keen on the flowers but the style of the dress is really nice in my opinion.

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6 Jun 2023  #99

You can make DIY ones quite cheaply.

Yes, I used them before during summer, you can buy them with self-adhesive Velcro fasteners and I'd put them on that smaller part of the window, so it would be possible to open it in the evening in the summer (mosquitoes were a real pain). They worked great, but in the last two or three years it was so dry in my city that mosquitoes ceased to be a problem and I stopped using them... I guess I'll see what this summer is like. For the time being I think I'll be opening the window in this room only early in the morning, because those flying mutants seem to become active a bit later when it gets warmer and there's more sun... 🤔

I really detest mens' legs :))

I figured that's probably the reason :)) I don't mind them though and there are men who have good-looking legs lol

I personally don't care what random people look like and what they wear... Sure, plenty of people don't look perfect, but it doesn't bother me... I usually just mind my own business and I don't stare at people anyway, so...

People in Poland haven't been introduced to window screens yet ?

They have been :):


But it says here that they're "year-round". What does that mean? (I've never used one)

6 Jun 2023  #100

I don't stare at people anyway,

Neither do I :) but I can't help noticing things. I wonder if it's because of going to art college and being trained to look and evaluate. Also, I have to say my mother was always commenting on people's appearance, not to their faces I hasten to add!

'God almighty, the size of the legs on your woman, she's an awful heifer' or ' a big heap' was another term she used to describe overweight women. Unsatisfactory legs were one of her obsessions lol! Scrawny, bandy, knock-kneed, bow-legged, shapeless, too straight, too curved .......

On the other hand she sang the praises of women with what she described as 'beautiful limbs' ie. both the arms and legs were slender and lovely. So I suppose it's a learned behaviour from my mother.

6 Jun 2023  #101

Scrawny, bandy, knock-kneed, bow-legged, shapeless, too straight, too curved .......

1) Overly-muscular calves (some girls have the misfortune to be born this way, others do this to themselves with sports).

2) Overly-muscular thighs (same story)

3) Tree-trunks (from ankle to hip, it's just one even-diameter cylinder)

4) Fat ankles, with no "bone"

5) That thing that fancy shoes do, where your big toe is facing the opposite direction of the rest of your toes

6) "Square" knees

7) Short legs (long torso - strange)

So people don't think I'm a monster that studies women like objects, I've dated people that exhibited every single one of these "defects".

Meanwhile, my legs are beautiful. I would compare them to the legs of Rafa Nadal or Michelle Obama.

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6 Jun 2023  #102

Michelle Obama

If you're a man, you shouldn't have legs like Michelle Obama

6 Jun 2023  #103

Which one would you want to argue with, Bobko?

Meanwhile, my legs are beautiful.

After those tea posts, now I really worry about you...

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6 Jun 2023  #104

If you're a man, you shouldn't have legs like Michelle Obama

Rather presumptuous thing to say. Let's agree to disagree.

Which one would you want to argue with, Bobko?

Ehmmm... neither?

6 Jun 2023  #105

Maybe he meant the Orthodox Jew?

6 Jun 2023  #106

After those tea posts, now I really worry about you...

Tea I can understand, but why is it gay to say I have exquisite, chiseled, and perfectly proportioned legs? Maybe I have a face like a bulldog, and the legs are the only thing I can count on?

This all started when Atch said men wearing shorts induces vomit.

6 Jun 2023  #107

but why is it gay to say I have exquisite, chiseled,

That line is an equivalent of those overbotoxed stupid broads lovingly gazing into their smartphones while taking selfies.

6 Jun 2023  #108

men wearing shorts induces vomit.

They invariably look bad. Especially those three-quarter length trousers or shorts that people were wearing a few years ago. There should be a law passed saying that nobody over about 24 should be allowed to buy them

Maybe I have a face like a bulldog, and the legs are the only thing I can count on?

Well, you remember the classic song:


6 Jun 2023  #109

That line is an equivalent of those overbotoxed stupid broads lovingly gazing into their smartphones while taking selfies.

So is that a good thing, or a bad thing?

6 Jun 2023  #110

Especially those three-quarter length trousers or shorts that people were wearing a few years ag

It's amazing how those shorts instantly look great the moment the shorts wearer gets out of his Bentley. Instant improvement...

So is that a good thing, or a bad thing?

That depends on how you earn your paychecks. As an escort or a lawyer...Some claim it's almost the same...

6 Jun 2023  #111

I have to say my mother was always commenting on people's appearance, not to their faces I hasten to add!

Oh God, I hate such behaviour... My mother and her sister is like that... They are more into commenting on what people are wearing and about other stuff rather than their bodies, but they do that within earshot which is really embarrassing for me and my cousins when we are accompanying them ;/

Unsatisfactory legs were one of her obsessions lol!

Maybe this is why you don't like showing your legs?

They invariably look bad.

I disagree - they can look good :):


Especially if nice legs are wearing them ;) 😁

I never knew people can be so against men wearing shorts :) That's pretty weird for me...

Besides, this is the only way for a woman to see what the guy's legs look like, so... I'm on Team Male Shorts! ;D

johnny reb
6 Jun 2023  #112

But it says here that they're "year-round". What does that mean? (I've never used one)

They are built to fit right into the window jam, some on the inside of the window and some for the out side when the window is opened or closed depending what kind of window you have.

You leave them in year around.
They pop out very easily so you can wash them.
If you have a casement window that opens out, the screen would be on the inside of the window jam, if you have a sash window that goes up and down, the screen would be on the outside of the window jam.

I am surprised on this subject as every house in America has year around screens that are removable if desired in the winter months when it is to cold to open your windows.

They aren't generally needed in Poland.

So Poland doesn't have mosquito's, bats, birds, bees, bugs, squirrels, and other creatures that Paulina would not to share her house with ?

6 Jun 2023  #113

In several decades in PL, I've only once had a bird fly in the house. Never a bat or a squirrel (though there are plenty of both where I live) and bees are very welcome. There are far fewer issues with mosquitoes in Poland than perhaps you are used to.

Hence fly screens not being much of a thing.

6 Jun 2023  #114

Maybe I have a face like a bulldog, and the legs are the only thing I can count on?

I'm slowly figuring out what you look like. Bulldog on thin legs. 🤔

6 Jun 2023  #115

I never knew people can be so against men wearing shorts :) That's pretty weird for me.

What's with these anti-shorts chicks? C'mon sisters, join Paulina on Team Shorts.

What is it? You want us men to suffer in the stew of sweat to the point our fellows become matza balls? Have you no compassion?

Shorts are liberation from the stifling oppression of a Summer day-like today. As I speak, my legs are rejoicing in the freedom of exposure to the natural world. Viva shorts!

johnny reb
6 Jun 2023  #116

I've only once had a bird fly in the house.

SEE ! if you would have had a screen it couldn't have flown in.

bees are very welcome. There are far fewer issues with mosquitoes

Paulina and I don't care for bees in our houses so jolly for you.

Hence fly screens not being much of a thing.

Most people don't care for flies in their house, especially in the kitchen area.
So even though mosquitoes are an issue they are far fewer ?
See with screens joun, there would be NO issue at all as mosquitoes carry Lyme decease, Covid and other deceases that can be potentially very dangerous.

So while you may enjoy taking such unnecessary risk, most people don't by simply installing a screen in their window.
Thank you for your silly argumentative opinion though.

6 Jun 2023  #117

Besides, this is the only way for a woman to see what the guy's legs look like


6 Jun 2023  #118

You leave them in year around.

I see... I don't need them all year round though, just in the summer.


Oh come on, you know what I mean :) If you're not intimate with the guy or at places like a beach or swimming pool then that's the only way.

6 Jun 2023  #119

SEE ! if you would have had a screen it couldn't have flown in.

It was welcome to. We have very high ceilings and it flew around for a bit then left.

Most people don't care for flies in their house, especially in the kitchen area.
So even though mosquitoes are an issue they are far fewer ?

We don't have much of either.

Fly screens aren't much of a thing in Poland.


The wearer almost invariably looks bad.

johnny reb
6 Jun 2023  #120

I see... I don't need them all year round though, just in the summer.

Then they are easily taken out and stored until next spring.
I do that to let more light in during the winter.

We don't have much of either.

Why have any at all unless you just want to argue the point.

Fly screens aren't much of a thing in Poland.

Not yet but once Paulina and I set up our screen company they will catch on just like sliced bread did.
Thank you for your on going argumentative silly opinion though.

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Off-Topic / Things we hatetop