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Things we hate

6 Jun 2023  #121

In several decades in PL, I've only once had a bird fly in the house. Never a bat or a squirrel

Yeah, we only had a bird fly once, maybe twice into our flat when I was a kid and that's it.

mosquito's, bats, birds, bees, bugs, squirrels, and other creatures that Paulina would not to share her house with ?

I actually wouldn't mind if squirrels or birds would drop by for a visit, but all I get are big ass flies, hornets, spiders, mutant moths that crap on my light-coloured curtains 😭 and sometimes a mosquito or other uindentified bug *sigh*



The wearer almost invariably looks bad.

Well, maybe for you. But clearly not for everyone :)
Team Shorts! :D ❤️

Cargo pants
6 Jun 2023  #122

People in Poland haven't been introduced to window screens yet ?

Not really,very hard to find them.They rather close the glass door than let the air flow.We are looking for a house in Poland and everytime during a viewing When I mention a screen door they look at me like..what....the fu.ck,for crying out loud Poland has lots of mosquitoes.Patio doors with screen doors are hard to find also as in the US we have them included as a must.

6 Jun 2023  #123

Why have any at all unless

Flies or mosquitos? Either you live somewhere that they're a problem, or you don't. In most of Poland, they aren't prolific.


Or factual. They're available in PL however very few people would need them.

6 Jun 2023  #124

I never knew people can be so against men wearing shorts

Still under impression from this thread, this morning I put on short, salmon-colored shorts (ending well above my knees), some leather loafers, and an Oxford shirt. Then I had some delicious "Russian Caravan" tea. Now I am sitting at work and studying the legs of women passing by below.

Life is good.

6 Jun 2023  #125

I'm on Team Male Shorts! ;D

Me too. I'm always on the team matter over form.

6 Jun 2023  #126

salmon-colored shorts (ending well above my knees), some leather loafers, and an Oxford shirt.

A Russian preppy!

You need to get the hell out of the city before it ruins you for good. Get your arse to the middle of America where we'll teach you how to properly dress for the summer: kahki cargo shorts, a tee shirt (preferably with a rock band, beer, or tractor logo), and sandals or canvas casuals.

Leather loafers and an oxford? Seriously, Bobkovich...seriously?

6 Jun 2023  #127

Leather loafers and an oxford? Seriously, Bobkovich...seriously?

It's Columbia that makes people dress this way. But it's quite comfortable, I assure you.

Loafers without socks, of course.

A braided belt.

I'm an American!

johnny reb
6 Jun 2023  #128

Not really, very hard to find them.

There is our new business Cargo, a screen manufacturing company in Poland.

t all I get are big ass flies, hornets, spiders, mutant moths that crap on my light-coloured curtains 😭 and sometimes a mosquito or other uindentified bug

Do your windows open out or go up and down ?

In most of Poland, they aren't prolific.

Why would they have to be 'prolific' to be a nuisance ?
Thank you for your silly argumentative opinion though.

6 Jun 2023  #129

Shorts always look best with sandals!.

Shirt or t-shiirt, both are fine.

I must say I pay much more attention as to wether the style suits the person then to whether I like it.

I have a friend with quite... specific face. When she was getting married and described the dress ( short in front long in the back) and other details I though 'Oh my, sounds like a disaster'. Then the day came and she was the prettiest bride I've seen in real life life. Because all was so...her. It matched her style, her personality, her body and face.

She had long dreadlocks at the time and instead of standard vail she kind of made knot of dreadlocks and veil material...

6 Jun 2023  #130

Shorts always look best with sandals!.

Though never sandals with socks. There's a good reason to protect your feet from the sun if you're from a cold country and they aren't used to it, however socks and sandals never look good. In sub-Saharan Africa I occasionally did if I was just nipping to the shop but generally kept sandals for cloudy days or the evening. Sunburnt feet are painful.

]Why would they have to be 'prolific' to be a nuisance ?

A silly question.

6 Jun 2023  #131

It's Columbia that makes people dress this way. But it's quite comfortable, I assure you

Damn Ivy League. When it comes to men, the Ivies exist for one reason and one reason only: to castrate.

I'm 100% behind the pursuit of comfort, but let's not neuter ourselves in the process.

Loafers without socks, of course

You're on the right track regarding sans socks. It's the loafers. We need a substitute; and, the proper sub is sandals (preferably leather) or canvas casual slip ons.

A braided belt

If it wasn't for me having a braided belt skeleton in my closet, I'd go ape **** over this...but, I do, so I'll let it slide.

I'm an American

A Northeastern American...where men go to replace their nads with raisins. You, my friend, are much better than this. You have the heart if a Midwesterner where men wake up each morning for the pure joy of kicking the sh!t out of the day.

6 Jun 2023  #132

Shirt or t-shiirt, both are fine.

That's one thing I don't wear - t-shirts.

Even on hunting trips, overnight camping, or being drenched in fish guts - I am always in a shirt.

It's more comfortable. I can roll up my sleeves, or roll them down. My torso breathes more. I have a huge neck, so no t-shirt - even if v-necked - doesn't feel like it's suffocating me.

Plus, I prefer the good material of the shirts I had made for me, to the store bought cotton/polyester mix.

T-shirts are for peasants.

6 Jun 2023  #133

T-shirts are for peasants.


*steadying myself from the blunt body shot of such a blasphemy

6 Jun 2023  #134

T-shirts are for peasants

Absolutely. Like baseball caps.

I own a couple of v-necked ones though, for slumming it. I'd not wear one to go out in public.

6 Jun 2023  #135

steadying myself from the blunt body shot of such a blasphemy

You are forgiven, barbarian from Kentucky that you are.

I own a couple of v-necked ones though, for slumming it. I'd not wear one to go out in public

At home, I might wear it, when I'm sick and bedridden.

6 Jun 2023  #136

I love T shirts on man.

That's one thing I don't wear - t-shirts.

You remind me of my friend, he always wore shirts. In his case it was always black corduroy trousers, black t-shirt and a shirt on top, usually in light blue. For the first 5 years of our acquaintancethat was the outfit he always wore.

6 Jun 2023  #137

I love T shirts on man

Are you flirting with me, Lenka? Haha

barbarian from Kentucky that you are.

I practice my barbarism in the North, although I am very fond of the beautiful rolling hills of the Bluegrass State.

6 Jun 2023  #138

Are you flirting with me, Lenka? Haha

Always :)

Tbh as I said, with me it mostly depends on the match between clothes and personality.

johnny reb
6 Jun 2023  #139

Though never sandals with socks.

So they claim except I see an awful lot of people wearing socks with sandals in cooler climates.

A silly question.

There are no silly questions, only silly answers to avoid answering a question.

6 Jun 2023  #140

black t-shirt and a shirt on top

Is this the 1950s when I have to wear a wife-beater underneath? No.

Am I a Mexican cholo - "orale holmes!"?

I wear my typical Oxford on naked body.

Wearing a T-shirt, plus an Oxford, that's how you signal you belong to the proletariat.

6 Jun 2023  #141

Socks with sandals are a faux pas.

They never look good. Like baseball hats, polyester shirts, visible vests and wearing grey shirts with grey trousers.

6 Jun 2023  #142

They never look good. Like baseball hats, polyester shirts, visible vests and wearing grey shirts with grey trousers.

Basically - don't dress like an American.

Unless it's in 1920s prep style. This never goes out of fashion.

6 Jun 2023  #143

Basically - don't dress like an American.

In a word, yes.

I did buy a nice looking shirt there at a place called Century 21, very cheap. It fell apart though after a few washes. Tom Ford designs some decent clothes however they're mostly sold elsewhere.

6 Jun 2023  #144

that's how you signal you belong to the proletariat.

He was intelligentsia:)

Like baseball hats,

Baseball hats are almost the only hat that looks good in casual wear!!!

johnny reb
6 Jun 2023  #145

Damn boys and girls, ain't nothin' better than a good fittin' pair of leather boots, pair of worn in Levi jeans and a plaid red huntin' shirt with a bottle of Jack Danials.

Thats the real man look.
Not some femmy salmon colored spandex body shirt with black leather jacket and a pair of pink leotards and long pointed leather shoes. YUK !
Who wants to look like some damn freak show from the far East.

6 Jun 2023  #146

kahki cargo shorts, a tee shirt (preferably with a rock band, beer, or tractor logo), and sandals or canvas casuals.

Yeah, I like that look too. Although I prefer to see some more interesting stuff on T-shirts than beer and tractor logos :)


Also, as for casual wear, I have a soft spot for men wearing gray hoodies for some reason (preferably with no or very discreet logo). ❤️

I love T shirts on man.

Me too, especially those well fitted ones ;))

T-shirts are for peasants.

Absolutely. Like baseball caps.

OMG, you two are such snobs! LOL 🤦

6 Jun 2023  #147

Always :)


Unless it's in 1920s prep style

I prefer the 40's and 50's American style. I'd hate to wear a suit and tie everyday, but there was a certain elegance about the way American's dressed back then. As much as I like wearing jeans/shorts and tees, they can easily go the way of slobdom. Going to grocery anymore is to have one's aesthetic sense assaulted by the grotesque and tasteless.

I also like the classic Mediterranean style. I tell my wife I'm going to adopt that style. She just laughs.

6 Jun 2023  #148

Although I prefer to see some more interesting stuff on T-shirts than beer and tractor logos :)

Any woman that is into "logos on T-shirts", is still sadly in the infantile stage of her development.

P.S. - I've only been tearing into men's fashion. I'm not sure Atch, Paulina, and Lenka will be happy when I begin with women.

6 Jun 2023  #149

Baseball hats are almost the only hat that looks good in casual wear!

I can't see us agreeing on that. To me, they're anathema.

OMG, you two are such snobs! LOL

Absolutely, where clothes are concerned. Whether they're cheap or expensive, there are lines never to be crossed.

6 Jun 2023  #150

Absolutely, where clothes are concerned. Whether they're cheap or expensive, there are lines never to be crossed.

You've seen enough Bobko. There's not much I take seriously. The exceptions are:

1) Ukraine
2) Tea
3) Clothes
4) Alcohol

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Off-Topic / Things we hatetop