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Things we hate

5 Jun 2023  #61

are slim with tiny waist. But that results in long bum.

Damn, you're good with words. I immediately imagined what their asses must look like. I agree. In this instance the "dental floss" would look like the crack down the middle of a medieval diptych reliquary.

Age is very relative in terms of figures this days

Once again, I agree. At my gym, some of the 45 year old trainers have better bodies than my 28 y.o. girlfriend. But still, come on, it's not serious to walk around with a pencil in your butt at 45.

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5 Jun 2023  #62

women have the right not to be harrased no matter what they wear.

Girls need to have common sense. If you have your arse and your tits hanging out, men will stare at you. It's ridiculous to expect men, especially young ones with raging hormones to not look at you if you're half naked.

maybe I'm too young for this forum.

Well, I never wore shorts when I was a teenager or in my twenties. At most I'd wear a backless halter neck top and jeans or a long skirt. Bare arms, bare back but never cleavage, arse or thighs on display.

5 Jun 2023  #63

Well, I never wore shorts when I was a teenager

Yeah but you are strange, went to some
Catholic concentration camp, and draw Erté-like sketches. I don't think anyone thought you wore shorts as a teenager.

Legs are the best thing a woman has, IMHO. It's a crime to hide them. This is why I could never live under the Taliban.

bare back

Well, at least something. Hmph...

If you have your arse and your tits hanging out, men will stare at you

Depends how repressed the local fellas are. In England, and the US - I'm sure they would stare. In France, no one would bat an eye.

5 Jun 2023  #64

It's ridiculous to expect men, especially young ones with raging hormones to not look

Somehow my friends managed to act civilised when we wore minis, low cut tops and bikinis. I think it's easy to distinguish between looking and being an as*.

I don't see that much difference between normal bikini and string one.

There is recently this fashion for very tiny front crotch in bikinis and I hate those. Not because indecency or anything but because it looks ugly imo.

5 Jun 2023  #65

The look-at-me perversion hasn't reached its endpoint yet. It will come when the A-list females will show up stark naked at the Oscars.
Then, to be noticed, a woman will actually put her bra on and the rest.

To appreciate how men got pussified ... just look at these morons going along with their women looking like cheap wh*ores - which is an insult to the wh*res - with the nipples an inch away from "an accidental wardrobe malfunction" and pretending it's OK with them.

I guess they deserve each other.

5 Jun 2023  #66

just look at these morons going along with their women looking like cheap wh*ores

Well... yes. Maybe I wouldn't want my girlfriend to wear a string, but tbh I wouldn't put too much of a fuss up about it. It does represent a minor hassle, to swat the other guys away like a Rottweiler.

Before I met her, my gf would frequent nude beaches. Then she convinced me to go once. I sat to the side, fully clothed, and intently focused on my book. I'm not as libertine as I may seem) Also, all the people on the nude beach were fuc*ing old and disgusting.

5 Jun 2023  #67

I have very...neutral attitude toward nakedness so exposure doesn'tbother me one bit.

What I find funny is when poor girls try to be sexy by showing off in the wrong way (for example girls with big breasts have to be very particular with cleavage- too small and you look huge, too big and you look cheap.

Quite often it can be seen at galas when suddenly some women will show up in modest dress and looks sexy as hell

5 Jun 2023  #68

Quite often it can be seen at galas when suddenly some women will show up in modest dress and looks sexy as hell

Explain. Please.

5 Jun 2023  #69

Also, all the people on the nude beach were fuc*ing old and disgusting.

I know this without going there.
What we wear has two purposes. The one you just mentioned and to protect us from catching a stone in our rectal openings. What do you do when that happens? Try to dig it out right there in front of your loved ones and strangers or walk to the nearest restroom while pretending that everything is just fine.

some women will show up in modest dress and looks sexy as hell

...and almost as voluptuous as some transgender women. Sorry...I meant guys pretending to be women.

5 Jun 2023  #70

I know this without going there.

It was not the nude beach I imagined as a horny 16 year old - that's for sure. Sometimes our childhood dreams are dashed in the most brutal of ways.

5 Jun 2023  #71

That's why we have an ON-OFF switch in most rooms.

5 Jun 2023  #72


The average age at this beach in NJ, was probably 60+. Can you explain to me why people in your demographic cohort feel it is important to tan their taint? Who do they demonstrate it to? Is it simply about Vitamin D?

Other than my hippy girlfriend, my generation seems a lot more conservative than yours.

5 Jun 2023  #73

You know on big galas half of the women are half naked? And then comes around a classy women in a dress that covers her almost top to bottom but shows off her body in a way that makes her look like a million dollar bill?

There is art in undressing and it's not the point to show you tips or bum. It's how much and when.

There was this story that Kalina Jedrusik had problems due to wearing tops showing off cleavage so next time she showed up buttoned up all the way up but with the back missing all the way to her bum :) Big scandal.

5 Jun 2023  #74

And then comes around a classy women in a dress that covers her almost top to bottom but shows off her body in a way that makes her look like a million dollar bill?


Women that qualify under this category:

1) Cate Blanchett
2) Monica Bellucci
3) Marion Cottilard

In general, as I get older, the "classiness" does become much more sexy to me, than the "in your face" sex. This even spreads to sports. After being a skier in my childhood, I have been snowboarding for 20 years. All the girls I wanted to chase were snowboarding "bunnies". With their baggy clothes, and unkempt hair. Now, I look at them like peasants. Only skiing girls for me now, with their well-fitted costumes, and perfectly tied buns of hair. Yes, they are more difficult to talk to, but so much more interesting. Also, it makes one so much more curious re: what might be under that skiing costume.


It sounds like you Irish are the same prudes as Americans and English. Miserable, boring folk - infected to the core by Puritanism and Catholic stricture. Russia may be Orthodox, but at least our men don't have panic attacks around women.

5 Jun 2023  #75

Miserable, boring folk

You need to get out of the city more often. We're not all boring and miserable. :)

infected to the core by Puritanism and Catholic stricture

You must ask why is there a stricture (which I think is the wrong word in the case of the Catholic milieu--I'd prefer the word "proposal" or something along that line). From the Catholic POV, the chick advertising her tits and ass as if they were commodities in a display case is selling herself short, as are the prospective "buyers" of her commodities selling her and themselves short. She and those panting over her stuff relegate her to a body, a mere animal--a beast to be feasted on. It dismisses the reality of who she really is--a person that is both body and spirit. A person who possesses an intellect and will that is meant for the good, true, and beautiful. From the Catholic POV (which is to say from the POV of reality), we kick it up a notch and realize that person is made in the image and likeness of God--goodness, truth, and beauty Itself.

The Catholic view of the body and sex--properly understood--is anything but miserable and boring...it's the very opposite of prudish. They are beautiful, fulfilling, and joyful. And, unlike, the sexual encounters of animals (whether they are human or non-human animals), the Catholic POV allows for an enduring unity of two persons.

The Puritans ( and I'm not strictly speaking about the Christian sect, but those who look upon the body and sex as objectively something less than good--including some Catholics) miss this and therefore create a certain kind of conflict within themselves.

5 Jun 2023  #76


As always, you offer some of the more enlightening perspectives.

The Catholic view of the body and sex--properly understood--is anything but miserable and boring...it's the very opposite of prudish

This doesn't mesh well with reality, or my dating experience. Granted, most of those girls graduated from Catholic day schools and boarding schools. They were the most frigid girls I met... except when they weren't.

I'm not purporting to be some sexual monster from the East, but I think it's totally non-controversial to say that Americans and the English have very peculiar attitudes toward sex.

5 Jun 2023  #77

Americans and the English have very peculiar attitudes toward sex.

I would tend agree.

With their baggy clothes, and unkempt hair

I was always partial to certain type of casual wear. When it comes with that ease of movement/pose of a sports person (basketball, volleyball, athletics not, God forbid football or weight lifting)

5 Jun 2023  #78

This doesn't mesh well with reality, or my dating experience

But, it does mesh well, Bobko Bobkovich!

Their frigidity, except when they weren't, does not mesh with the proper Catholic understanding of the body and sex. They were not presenting themselves as God designed. They presented themselves as a commodity--just a conflicted one.

In simple terms: we are an embodied gift. The intimacy of the sex act when shared by "gift-bearers", not two rabid animals, is unitive. The substance, if you will of the sex act is procreative--I mean even if two beasts are going at it, you don't clock out until the work is done--and the work is done by the production of a very specific substance that has a very particular function...know what I mean? [ I apologize for the loosely veiled language, but I'm afraid that Strzelec may be watching the board and anything graphic may lead to him having an onanistic episode...I don't want that on my conscience :) ]

totally non-controversial to say that Americans and the English have very peculiar attitudes toward sex.

I agree.

5 Jun 2023  #79

I don't want that on my conscience

Oh man, I had a laughing episode that hurt my ribs. I'm sitting in airport, and had a few, perhaps that's why.

5 Jun 2023  #80

I'm sitting in airport, and had a few, perhaps that's why.

1) I envy you for being able to have a few and fly. It about kills me. Talk about things I hate: drinking and flying. I must have a delicate constitution. :)

2) It's not because you've had a few, it's because I'm just so damn funny. A true comedic talent...just call me the American Norm MacDonald....OK, maybe that's taking it a little too far.

If you want to read some excellent stuff on the Catholic POV of the stuff mentioned above: Karol Wojtyła Love and Responsibility and John Paul II Theology of the Body.

5 Jun 2023  #81

Norm MacDonald

Wait just a second...

Did I mention Norm before, or was this unprompted?

5 Jun 2023  #82

It about kills me

I never even tried. It just doesn't appeal to me. Not to mention that once I start drinking I have to keep drinking till I go to sleep. Having a drink at branch and then carrying on with my day? I would end up tired with a head ache.

Catholic POV

I always found it interesting that while going against beastly sex (e.g. we shouldn't be like animals) they reduce sex to very animalistic principles (reproduction)

5 Jun 2023  #83

Did I mention Norm before, or was this unprompted?

The only thing that prompted his name was me using the word "comedian", hence dropping the name of one of the three greatest comedians of all time.

I remember the first time I saw him doing the Weiner Dog bit. I nearly wet myself. He was a comedy genius.

You know he loved Russian literature?

going against beastly sex (e.g. we shouldn't be like animals) they reduce sex to very animalistic principles (reproduction)

You are only plugging in one variable to the equation. The other variable is equally important: unitive. To not include the unitive in the equation is like saying 1=2--it's incomplete.

5 Jun 2023  #84

You know he loved Russian literature?

I worship at the altar of Norm. I challenge you to find a single instance of him on air, which I am not aware about. I mourned his death as though someone passed in my family.

Towards the end of his life, he produced a show on YouTube, titled "Norm McDonald Live". Let me tell you - Norm McDonald Live was a whole lot better than Norm McDonald Dead.

5 Jun 2023  #85

Norm McDonald Live was a whole lot better than Norm McDonald Dead.

True that, brother!

That first episode of Norm MacDonald Live with Super Dave Osborn is still something I go back and watch every now and again. Super Dave was great in his own right. Now, both Norm and Super Dave are gone from the Earth.

See what we're doing here, Bobko Bobkovich? We're turning this thread into Things We Love.

5 Jun 2023  #86

Even the buildings and flats look glum and depressing in Poland.
Why is grey paint so popular ?

Hey Jim! Why don't you actually visit the country and find out, instead of relying on the internet and Google Maps?
Or can't you afford to?

5 Jun 2023  #87

The difference between men and women is that men project class when they go where looking classy is expected. Today, they look today the way they did a hundred years ago: suits, ties, white shirts, and black shoes. Simple.

Today, their wives and daughters look slutty - at the Oscars or at the beach.

There is not a single father who wouldn't cringe seeing this:

  • longjump.jpg

5 Jun 2023  #88

The difference between men and women is that men project class when they go where looking classy is expected

Today, their wives and daughters look slutty


Tell your wife that,I bet she will give you a mouthful!!!

5 Jun 2023  #89

I did. She knows it doesn't apply to her or anyone in my family.

Women have this thing about their butts and think that it is every men's dream to catch at least a glimpse. Oh, look, she has a butt! Wow!

I see this mental disorder at the gym in one form or another.

6 Jun 2023  #90

It sounds like you Irish are the same prudes as Americans and English. Miserable, boring folk - infected to the core by Puritanism and Catholic stricture.

We're not remotely puritanical and we're not prudish either. We know how to have fun. You should visit Ireland. You'll have a great time.



And here are some young Irish people for you:


Miserable and boring we're certainly not.

that men project class when they go where looking classy is expected.

Come off it Novi, the world is full of men who are total slobs and have never owned a suit in their lives.

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