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Things we hate

4 Jun 2023  #31

Of course it's useful if you're drinking some vile, cheap stuff that I'm sure abounds in Russian villages

Never has anyone written anything on PF, that cut me so deep.

4 Jun 2023  #32

Hey, Bobko, when you post something like that you are not supposed to giggle.

4 Jun 2023  #33

Men don't giggle. What are you trying to say about Bobko?

4 Jun 2023  #34


Where did you learn English?

4 Jun 2023  #35

Men don't giggle. Giggling is the preserve of children and teenage girls. Men may snigger however - but a guffaw is better. A man's laughter should always be hearty. Women of course should never laugh.

4 Jun 2023  #36

Women of course should never laugh.

This leads straight to depression.

Cargo pants
4 Jun 2023  #37

I also hate 80 y olds frail seniors with walkers posting here,they should be rat poisoned or shot with there own gun if they own one lol:))

4 Jun 2023  #38

Women of course should never laugh.

Because women have no sense of humor. Too damn serious and that's why they like weddings and wakes so much. Plus, black makes them look less fat.

There is nothing more disgusting than wailing women. They don't even know how to cry. Instead, they sob and moan - whatever the fu*ck that is - and never stop talking in that high-pitched voice.

Guys, when we tear up, we stop, regain our composure in silence, and resume.

Women don't know how to even spell self-deprecation - forget about actually doing it.

4 Jun 2023  #39

Windows that don't open

4 Jun 2023  #40

Do you mean windows or computer programs?

4 Jun 2023  #41


5 Jun 2023  #42

Because women have no sense of humor. T

And Amercians have no sense of irony while Poles take everything literally. My comment was facetious.

5 Jun 2023  #43

Windows that don't open

The same. When they're painted shut or just don't open.

Dripping taps drive me nuts as well.

And the operating system too.

johnny reb
5 Jun 2023  #44

And Amercians have no sense of irony while Poles take everything literally.

Poles are generally no nonsense people.
Americans and Brits can seem very flippant to Poles.

5 Jun 2023  #45

Poles take everything literally

People in PL can come across as over-solemn at times. There are very few buskers on the metro, there's no humour in the advertising and the passengers always, but always, look glum.

johnny reb
5 Jun 2023  #46

the passengers always, but always, look glum.

Even the buildings and flats look glum and depressing in Poland.
Why is grey paint so popular ?
Maybe that is why Polish people are so depressing.
Well except Wroclaw that is painted up like something out of a fairytale book.

5 Jun 2023  #47

Why is grey paint so popular ?

It was briefly compulsory and the habit stuck.

About bright or pastel painted buildings in historic areas, this is a tradition and not unique at all to Wroclaw. Some more modern areas are doing it too and some of the old 60s estates that' are modernised do it too.

5 Jun 2023  #48

On a summer theme, some of my hates:

Very hot weather.
Direct sunlight.
Men wearing shorts.

5 Jun 2023  #49

Very hot weather.
Direct sunlight.

And big mutant wasp-like flying monsters (I don't even know what those are) ;/

Men wearing shorts.


5 Jun 2023  #50

big mutant wasp-like flying monsters


Men wearing shorts.


5 Jun 2023  #51

They don't usually sting so there's no need to be afraid of them. Just ignore them.


Mind you, most women would be better off avoiding shorts too.

johnny reb
5 Jun 2023  #52

Mind you, most women would be better off avoiding shorts too.

Daylight Savings Time - when you turn your clocks ahead one hour in the spring of the year and it doesn't get dark until 10 o'clock at night in the summer.

The kids are still out playing, people are still mowing their lawns, and I want to go to sleep.

5 Jun 2023  #53

Mind you, most women would be better off avoiding shorts too.

It's not the shorts. It's the dental floss pretending to be beachwear.

5 Jun 2023  #54

Hey, hey, hey! Careful! I actually like those.

5 Jun 2023  #55

Imo they look good on only certain type of figure. On most they actually make the bum look worse

5 Jun 2023  #56

A year ago, when I was at Indiana Dunes beach I asked four 20-something guys what they thought about overbutting America. The unanimous answer was: Leave something to the imagination...

How about your sisters wearing this stuff? NO WAY!!!

5 Jun 2023  #57

dental floss pretending to be beachwear.

And then being upset because men are looking at them, the 'I'm being harrassed' nonsense. Cover your arse if you don't want attention from men.

5 Jun 2023  #58

An equivalent of telling a cop I was raped and smiling. Or calling the sob a gentleman. No, I am not making it up. People actually do this...

Did I mention I hate polite people?

5 Jun 2023  #59

How about your sisters wearing this stuff?

I only have a brother. My cousins are free to do what they want.

Imo they look good on only certain type of figure

Yes, and the sky is blue. I didn't mean I like seeing beached walruses. I will go further, and say that not only one's weight, but also their age is important. No one past 30 should be wearing dental floss.

Cover your arse if you don't want attention from men.

God, maybe I'm too young for this forum. Me and Kashub should go start our own forum.

5 Jun 2023  #60

I will go further, and say that not only one's weight

I didn't say a word about a weight. I meant shape. For example my sister and mom both are slim with tiny waist. But that results in long bum. In that style they look hideous. There is many bigger women that would look better then them.

Age is very relative in terms of figures this days.

the 'I'm being harrassed' nonsense

Well, I was always of opinion that women have the right not to be harrased no matter what they wear.

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