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johnny reb
9 Aug 2024  #1021

he keeps posting a picture of a recently deceased friend

LMAO - from a British Ambassador that was going to arrest me to recently deceased friend who is going to sue the P.F.. Hahahahaha
Your threatening guilt trips are a joke Har. Hoot !
DO IT big mouth.
How would you like me to post your pleasingly plump Ukranian wife's picture. 🤣
Keep your attacks up and I will.
You bring it on yourself you dumb ass. Boo !

9 Aug 2024  #1022

Hey, LAZ, are you a leftist?

9 Aug 2024  #1023


9 Aug 2024  #1024

Mind is a terrible thing to waste...

Stopping Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher from fantasizing about raping teenagers most certainly isn't a waste of time. Unfortunately he's not locked up at the moment (only a couple of weeks this year, unlike his five month stint last year), so there's at least a theoretical chance he might try to put his plans into practice. But while he's spewing venom at the screen here and typing as fast as his arthritic fingers can manage, he's not fantasizing about raping anybody.

johnny reb
9 Aug 2024  #1025

Stopping Jim from fantasizing about raping teenagers most certainly isn't a waste of time.

And just how do you plan on stopping anyone from fantasizing about anything you twat. 😂
Unfortunately he's not locked up at the moment (only a couple of weeks this year, unlike his five month stint last year),

You still hold the record for being locked up for 18 months at one time last year and the year before.
And that wasn't just for fantasizing about raping your underaged stepdaughter, you actually got caught with your red nose in it.
Now that was totally disgusting.
And your excuse for being drunk at the time was golden.
Now your best buddy jon has been missing for the last month and according to your theory he must be in prison. 😳
You are a pathetic pathological LIAR !
he's not fantasizing about raping anybody.

But you seem to be with mentioning rape, rapist and raping over a100 times in the last year here.
If anyone is fantasizing about rape it is you
Should I post that video again of you rolling around on the floor with those pubescent little boys.
That was totally disgusting, and you could still be charged with that one if that video fell into your probation officers hands along with some of your filthy posts here about degrading women and being a self-confessed bio sexual.
It must suck to live the miserable life that you do to let me live in your head rent free to torment you daily. 🤣

9 Aug 2024  #1026


And Jim the self-confessed rapist and nun-puncher is so stupid he still hasn't twigged! Just a few words about him raping teenagers and punching nuns and flies into such a fury that he can't think about anything apart from how much he hates me, so he completely stops fantasizing about raping teenagers and spits fury at the screen! Hoot!

9 Aug 2024  #1027

Curious I find that for all the talk on the Right about "lefty radicals", no one
as yet has raised the double standard of all those "righty radicals", namely,
Trump and his followers.

9 Aug 2024  #1028

Hey, stupid lefty, compare what "left radicals' and "right radicals" want to see who is a scum vs a patriot.

johnny reb
9 Aug 2024  #1029

how much he hates me,

Not true, I don't hate you, I pity you to have to live in your alcoholic misery every day.
No wonder you are so depressed and keep repeating yourself.
Your fanatical lies show just how much you hate me.
I have your old posts to verify your sexual fantasies and post them here for everyone to see that you are a sex maniac.
Like this one:
And remember to flash your tits only if they have both the colour and firmness of fresh milk.

You on the other hand can't find any of my old posts to verify where I ever raped anyone.
And as far as your Nun fantasy it has already been explain to you six times now that I was 12 years old and getting physically abused by this nun so I warned her to keep her hands and sticks off me or I was going to bloody her nose.
So when she hit me again, I hit her back.
It went to juvenile court and the judge ruled self-defense in my favor, that was that.
Did ya get that that time Christopher ?
Now if you can't show us a post where I said I raped a girl then you are a LIAR.
What you are is jealous because you never had sex in college with a hot tuned pussy.
In fact, you posted just the opposite.
Personally I've been here for 14 years and although I've slept with a lot fewer women than you claim to, none of them have been shite.

So see, you are jealous that you never had the great sex that I have had in college.
So suck on that while you pull another one-off fantasizing Christopher ole boy. Hoot ! 🤠

9 Aug 2024  #1030

@johnny reb

You are either a very stupid person or a complete liar.I can't make up my mind which you are, because, clearly, you are both!!!

Jon is not and never has owned PF.I spent a large part of last week negotiating with the actual owner about buying PF, and it was not Jon......and not your pet hate, a Brit either!

I mean just look at this pathetic pig.

A disgusting comment.....

I was at that man's funeral last Thursday.

I think that I know who your friend was, who the idiot JR Jim claims is you....... he is so wrong about everything.....

Don't worry, I won't reveal his name, but did he write travel guides for Warsaw?

9 Aug 2024  #1031

Unfortunately he's not locked up at the moment (only a couple of weeks this year, unlike his five month stint last year)

He needs to get a long sentence for his crimes.......

Christopher ?

Wrong again Jim!You really don't know what is going on, do you?

What you are is jealous because you never had sex in college with a hot tuned pussy.

Ha! who is the pervert here...........

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