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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12

cms neuf
8 Jun 2024  #1

Putler humiliated Macron who was the last person to try and talk some sense into him in Feb 22.

It took Macron some time but he is now crystal clear that North Nigeria must be stopped.

France's defence industry is also a huge beneficiary of the war - the good performance of their kit means they will take lots of orders from countries that are suddenly looking for the receipts for all the old Soviet **** they were bribed to buy.

8 Jun 2024  #2

Pretty impressive.

What? His talk? Talk is cheap!
If that is your criterion then Kaczynski should be your man, he gave Ukraine enough tanks to forum two panzer divisions. all that while Biden was looking for nappies, the German government sent secondhand helmets.

Wait till he is going to send those planes to Ukraine. Knowing Froggies they will ask Poland to pay for it first.

8 Jun 2024  #3

Pretty impressive. Macron is the only real statesman Europe currently has.
@ Tacitus

Is that the one with the pedophile wife? The same micro dick who can not control his own country , where churches get burnt , cars blown up, workers rights trampled, riots on the streets everywhere, women raped and harrassed by immigrans from Middle East and Africa, ppl not bothering to walk streets after dark and ******** themselves when passing through some streets during daylight hahaha,

The same Microbitch who took all the credit for Poland helping Ukraine?

8 Jun 2024  #4

Putler humiliated Macron who was the last person to try and talk some sense into him

That's hysterical...so funny...A cheese factory that folded like a cheap umbrella in 1940, drowning in migrant garbage, giving advice to a great nation that lost 25 million of its citizens and still won WW2...It's so funny, it hurts...

The same micro dick who can not control his own country

I knew from your first post we would be friends. Great post...

8 Jun 2024  #5


he gave Ukraine enough tanks to forum two panzer divisions.

Yeah, old Soviet ones for which he could claim reimbursement from the EU. He was not nearly as generous with the more modern one, and sadly neither have been his successors. If anything, Polish contributions have been disappointing in the last year or so. The war in Ukraine is not a 100m race but a long marathon. Being satisfied with what you did in the first few rounds is not gonna cut it.

Poland started strong and then fell behind, while France started weak and is now trying to make up for it. With increasing success. Poland could do a lot of good with e.g. donating a single of its' Patriot systems, or pay for the production of 200 or so of its' new K2. That would help its' defense industry and Ukraine.

Bratwurst Boy
8 Jun 2024  #6

....but us sending helmets will follow us for awhile...

8 Jun 2024  #7

Polish contributions have been disappointing in the last year or so.

What a moron...Do it yourself ...You were within spitting distance of Moscow a while back. Wanna try again?

8 Jun 2024  #8

@Bratwurst Boy

but us sending helmets will follow us for awhile

True and Scholz communication is making sure that this image will stick for some time. But there'll be a time when this war is over and a more objective assessment will start.

Bratwurst Boy
8 Jun 2024  #9

and a more objective assessment will start.

....and hopefully we can iron out that helmet-thing with some better stuff till then!

Mr Grunwald
8 Jun 2024  #10

@Bratwurst Boy
Well, it's neither in Germany's or Russias interest for Germany to switch to a war economy. Both know it as well. It would be too costly for both, and potentially risk a lot of losses. Unless just a statement would guarantee peace talks as a bluff both sides could see through but wouldn't mind playing it out

Bratwurst Boy
8 Jun 2024  #11

It would be too costly for both,

....just to be mean, the war industry seems at last to be working in Germany....

8 Jun 2024  #12

@Bratwurst Boy

and hopefully we can iron out that helmet-thing with some better stuff till then!

I am particulary curious about the performance of the RCH 155 and the Skynex systems.

Though sometimes "boring" systems can be just as important. Look at the bridge-laying tank Biber. About to be phased out by the BW, yet it was recently used by the Ukrainians for a counter-attack at Vovchank and survived a direct hit by a drone.

@Mr Grunwald

Germany to switch to a war economy

The beauty is, the West has such an economic edge over Russia that we do not need such drastic measures to outperform it. If every country does its' part, we'll be able to support with more and more weapons.

It also means that while each country contributes, the Ukrainians use all thise weapons together to a tremendous effect.

Poland gave Ukraine 400 tanks and helped them to stay in the fight. The Ukrainians have since then destroyed at least 3100 Russian tanks. Due to this Poland is now in a better position than it would have been if it kept the tanks and Ukraine had fallen within days or weeks.

Bratwurst Boy
8 Jun 2024  #13

I am particulary curious

...and I wonder why we don't hear from the Leopards anymore! I read the Ukrainians "modified" them to work better against the Russians????

8 Jun 2024  #14

I have seen videos according to which the Ukrainians put extra drone equipment into Leopard 1 which have extra room.

They seem to be using them mostly as artillery. For what its' worth, they liked them more than the Abrams because the latter seem to be bad at demolishing enemy fortifications with their gun.

Things might be different if they had more anti-air tanks like the Gepard or Skyranger.

Bratwurst Boy
8 Jun 2024  #15

True....and maybe Rheinmetall need to adapt their products abit too...

8 Jun 2024  #16

Well, the Leopard 2A6 is not the Leopard 2A8... .

8 Jun 2024  #17

micro dick

You can talk to Novichok about D he likes that subject too.

old Soviet ones for which he could claim reimbursement from the EU

Wow, I must have hit the spot seeing your reaction.
Let's be factual here, shall we? Tanks from our army, ready to use right away! On top of everything else Poland sends Ukrinaie way including food.

I don't know if we have been reimbursed by the EU for that - I hope so but I doubt it.

Polish contributions have been disappointing in the last year or so.

disappinting to whom? We are a front-line country, we are in possible danger of Russian invasion, not Germany. U can take your sweet time, we need to arm our military first. What are you even talking about? You sell tanks to Hungary and elsewhere first before sending anything to Ukraine and Poland that doesn't produce tanks supposed to step up. Are you insane or just butthurt?

In the last years, Poland spent 18 billion on Ukrainian refugees in Poland. No help from the EU, more Frecne and Germant want to send us their guest from Africa. See what is going to happen if you push that agenda.

8 Jun 2024  #18

You can talk to Novichok about D he likes that subject too.

But only bronze dicks, you are excluded from my dick club, iron is not bio , besides you look like my grandma's vagina so no way. Fak off bich

8 Jun 2024  #19

Russia would`t respect any deal (had they ever respected any?), even if Ukraine gives everything that RU wants and sadly the unique choices left for Ukraine are either resisting and hoping for a RU collapse or being absorbed by Russia. Every single demand from RU was to make UA as easy to be invaded as possible.

Baltics where neutral and trusted Russia in 40s. Result? They were absorbed. People deported to Siberia slave labor camps and they where subjected to a regime worse than slavery for 5 decades and Estonia which was wealthier than Finland had like 7% of its GDP per capita after Bolshevik occupation. Afghanistan resisted Russia occupation with everything. Result? Russia collapsed and not only they become free from Russia. They gave the opportunity of Baltics, Poland and other countries to get free from Russia.

8 Jun 2024  #20


Tanks from our army, ready to use right away!

Yeah, but again just the outdated ones. There was no real expense to Poland since those tanks would have had to replaced anyway in a few years. In fact Poland received some nice reimbursement which they used to buy K2 tanks for themselves. It was a nice deal which benefited both Ukraine and Poland which is great. But that some Poles seem to believe that this was sacrifice enough on their part is laughable considering the scale of this war.

Support for Ukraine generally went through 3 stages. 1. Scrap together what you can spare from your army stocks and send it to Ukraine. 2. Look for old equipment that is in need of repair but could be potentially useful. Repair it and send it to Ukraine. 3. Start producing new weapons and send them to Ukraine. Poland has done well on the first stage and passable in the second and is now failing the third. Which is a Problem because this one just grows in importance.

before sending anything to Ukraine and Poland

I mentioned tanks specifically because I thought Poland wanted to build up its' own tank production line? A big contract like this would surely help with this and the K2 might get some advertisement in the war. As it stands the Koreans are falling behind because unlike the Koreans they can not capitalize on the experience from the Ukrainian battlefield.

And in case you are aware, the German arms industry is in fact producing systems which the Bundeswehr does not yet have. Iris-T, Skynex, RCH 155, Drones just to name a few.

We are a front-line country, we are in possible danger of Russian invasion, not Germany.

That should motivate even more to keep Ukraine in the fight. Nobody says you shouldn't rearm, on the contrary.

Each day the Ukrainians stay in the fight not only buys Poland time. It also weakens Russia and makes them less of a threat. Poland spends 33bn on defence, why not spend an additional 10% on weapons for Ukraine per year? That could boost your defence industry, add to your security since Ukrainians would make good use of those weapons and make the burden sharing easier for the future, especially in case of a second Trump presidency.

8 Jun 2024  #21

It also weakens Russia and makes them less of a threat.

Just the opposite. Russia is now keenly aware of what being unarmed would mean to it. Their war economy is in full swing and the best minds design the best weapons ever.

What they can't make quickly they buy.

Before you celebrate Russia's demise, enjoy this:

I never expected that representing Russia here would be so much fun...

  • flag.jpg

  • swat.jpg

Bratwurst Boy
8 Jun 2024  #22

You know Novi...don't get me wrong....funny coincidence, but invading a neighbour with a doped up army to "liberate" ethnic Volk and regain former "stolen" territory was exactly the thing Hitler did in the beginning...

Promising to rescue oppressed Volk from foreign yoke got him lotsa sympathy at home...if not into power itself....I guess it's similiar with Putin.

Posting that Swastika somehow fits, but surely not in the way you intend it to.

There was a reason Hitler and Stalin were so close buddies at first....but both lacked the brains to look over their own horizons (world communism for the one, ethnic nationalism for the other). Luckily for the world though....

cms neuf
8 Jun 2024  #23

The best minds might design the best weapons

Unfortunately the actual production is done by poorly paid alcoholics and their managers who rather hide defects than get sent to Siberia

What they can't make quickly they buy from starving Koreans and Muslim fundamentalists

8 Jun 2024  #24

As a reminder...Hitler was smart to want Russia for its resources. He just underestimated how distasteful that idea would look to Stalin and other Soviets.

The result: To resolve this conflict, the USSR sent a million-men-plus delegation to Berlin in May of 1945 to discuss the matter with Hitler and German women.

Today, NATO wants to do to Russia what Hitler failed. All that oil and the land Western corporations would love to own...Plundering Russia would be so much fun...

Again, Putin didn't see things the same way - hence a pre-emptive, Israeli-style, Special Operation.

Now, how do I know that NATO is out to get Russia? Actually, it's very simple...

You see, morons, Russia never had any intentions to invade the West. It would be like me relocating to a public outhouse with a family of six migrants inside. All Russia wanted was to live in peace and make its citizens more prosperous.

This is why one day Putin asked the US if the US would consider Russia's application to join NATO. A no-brainer if the US wanted peace and perpetual tranquility in Europe.

We used to be friends when Russia was a "communist evil empire" so no problem with Russia whose president goes to church and allows less happy Russians to leave the country - including Navalny. Right?

Wrong, The US wants to justify all things military, the MICC, NATO, and occasional wars. No wars, no profits from wars. So the US promptly told Putin to get lost. Just as Z was told to ignore Putin and have 600,000 men killed.

At that moment Putin knew that NATO was not a cuddly and peaceful organization. It was Operation Barbarossa all over again - admittedly a lighter and slower version...

cms neuf
8 Jun 2024  #25

Pre emptive Israeli style operation just with crap weapons, no ammo, no GPS and no fuel.

Apart from that it went well

8 Jun 2024  #26

We live in truly interesting times.

starving Koreans and Muslim fundamentalists

Koreans starving because the USA and western Europe patronized them for centuries, and Muslim fundamentalists are often USA product.

Why is so hard to tell the truth?

8 Jun 2024  #27

morons r*SSia never had any intentions to invade the West

They did precisely that in Feb 2022.

I guess it's similiar with Putin

His idol.

8 Jun 2024  #28

Pre emptive Israeli style operation just with crap weapons, no ammo, no GPS and no fuel.

The first proof one is dealing with a moron: Morons argue against themselves! hahahahahahahaha...Polish morons are even better at it...

They did precisely that in Feb 2022.

Hey, stupid, look at a map and see where U is. It ain't in the West.

Besides, CDL is now Russia. Russia cannot invade itself - just as the US cannot invade Texas. That job Biden farmed out to Venezuelans and other human garbage.

8 Jun 2024  #29

Before you celebrate Russia's demise, enjoy this:

No more pot for you this month. Or ever.

8 Jun 2024  #30

It ain't in the West

It is. It's very much part of the global west.

And don't forget, they tried and failed to invade the rest of the country, including Kyiv.

CDL is now Russia

It isn't.

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